Ekta Kapoor and Anurag Kashyap, who have earlier jointly-produced path-breaking films namely, Udta Punjab and Lootera, have reunited for their new project, titled Dobaaraa. The movie stars Taapsee Pannu in the lead role and Anurag will be directing the new age thriller! The makers today released...
Kangana Ranaut is currently making headlines for lashing out at the film industry for ganging up on her and star kids being a threat to the outsiders. The actress has named several celebrities and her team is in the war of words on Twitter with people who have been calling her out. In the...
Kangana Ranaut is currently making headlines for lashing out at the film industry for ganging up on her and star kids being a threat to the outsiders. The actress has named several celebrities and her team is in the war of words on Twitter with people who have been calling her out. In the...
Anurag Kashyap recently got candid about Sushant Singh Rajput and his film choices in his conversation with a news portal. The actor has been in the news since his demise and there were a lot of controversies and speculations regarding his suicide. However, a lot of things have come to light...
Last year ahead of the release of Saand Ki Aankh directed by Tushar Hiranandani there was a debate on social media on age appropriate actors being cast. The film was based on the life of two elderly women- Chandro and Prakashi Tomar who become professional shooters in their 60s. Taapsee Pannu...
The recent statements of Kangana Ranaut on nepotism, existing camps in the Hindi film industry, has divided the people. Now, Ranvir Shorey has called independent filmmakers as Bollywood flunkies. This did not sit well with Anurag Kashyap which led to some war of words on Twitter.
Ranvir took...