
  1. Crystal

    News U.S. Govt' Unveils Blueprint for Nationwide, ‘Unhackable’ Quantum Internet

    submitted by /u/FK_919 [visit reddit] [comments] Continue reading...
  2. Crystal

    News Indian Govt bans 47 Chinese apps mostly ones operating as 'clones' of earlier banned apps

    submitted by /u/dark_assassin09 [visit reddit] [comments] Continue reading...
  3. Crystal

    Health 0.35% of Covid patients on ventilators, says govt

    Only 0.35% of Covid-19 patients are on ventilators, less than 1.9% cases in ICUs and 2.8% cases on oxygen beds, while the actual case load in the country is over 3.4 lakh, the health ministry said on Friday. Continue reading...