Laal Singh Chaddha starring Aamir Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan has been pushed ahead since the film is yet to be completed and the shooting was halted in March. More importantly, the actor recently kick-started the Turkey schedule. Now, he will begin the next schedule in Mumbai on September 7...
Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan who recently completed 20 years in the industry weighed in on the ongoing debate on nepotism. Ever since the unfortunate demise of Sushant Singh Rajput, the debate on nepotism has been reignited and those from the film families have been on the receiving end...
Saif Ali Khan has revealed that he, along with Kareena Kapoor Khan and Taimur, will move to a bigger apartment once the renovation is complete. The actor revealed why he has been spotted a lot lately by the paparazzi. He said that though he stays at his residence, but sometimes goes out to check...