Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan who recently completed 20 years in the industry weighed in on the ongoing debate on nepotism. Ever since the unfortunate demise of Sushant Singh Rajput, the debate on nepotism has been reignited and those from the film families have been on the receiving end...
Not long ago, the idea of shooting on an iPhone was considered inventive. With the world reeling under the ramifications of a global lockdown, it's become a great way for creative professionals, who have taken to shooting short films and shows as a way of expressing their creativity. Arati...
Ramayan actor Sunil Lahiri's son Krish Pathak who was seen in P.O.W- Bandhi Yuddh Ke has now made his music video debut. His new song Jiyun Kaise released on July 15th. Krish received a lot of praise for his performance from the audience. Krish shared his experience while working on the music...