Actor Ranvir Shorey has alleged that he was abused by the Bhatt family. The actor slammed a media house for stating that Pooja Bhatt was in an abusive relationship with him. He also stated that the old media reportage would confirm that he was the one who was targeted.
Reacting to the...
Actor Ranvir Shorey, who recently engaged in war of words with Anurag Kashyap after criticising independent filmmakers, has spoken about the ordeal he had to face in Bollywood.
A Twitter user asked him to take names who have done him wrong and get inspired by Kangana Ranaut. "I don’t take any...
The recent statements of Kangana Ranaut on nepotism, existing camps in the Hindi film industry, has divided the people. Now, Ranvir Shorey has called independent filmmakers as Bollywood flunkies. This did not sit well with Anurag Kashyap which led to some war of words on Twitter.
Ranvir took...