She trailed off, and there was a second where neither said anything, but then both moved in to hug. They were each now fully naked, so their tits and legs touched, sending electric sparks through their bodies. Identical breasts, erect nipples prodding into one another. Silky smooth legs, soft and strong gently touching, their arms wrapping around their bare hips and backs. As their hug broke, they didn't quite lose contact, and then Becky leaned in towards her sister. Kristen leaned into it too, and they diverted at the last second, kissing each other's cheeks in a sisterly way, but lingered there with their cheeks touching. Each was wishing the other would make a move of some sort, and then they both did, kissing on the lips. Kristen turned around, sitting down on the ground while Becky took the couch against the wall, and started watching the video they'd selected.
While Kristen was sitting down on the floor, Becky from behind noticed that Kristen had a habit of smelling, licking, and sucking on her vibrator after it had been in her pussy. It was as though she'd whip up herself, and then was experiencing what they were watching (about half the time it was a video featuring only women). The added senses heightened the act, and Becky found herself watching her sister anticipating the oral action, and was doing the same thing more herself.
"Can I ask you something?" Becky chimed in, a few minutes into their session.
"Of course, anything." Kristen replied, pausing to pull her vibrator out of her mouth, and turning to see her twin, legs spread while pumping a similar vibe in and out of her own pussy. Kristen always though her sis looked amazing, but this time she was especially struck with how vibrant and special she was. Soft skin, her toned body, and pink pussy lips wrapped tight around the toy she held in her dainty fingers. Both the girls were very athletic, and had slender waists to along with their full breasts, curvy hips and firms legs. Kristen knew she'd always been interested and attracted to the girls at school, the girls in these videos, the celebrities that were so fabulous, but it now struck her just how drawn she was to her mirror image of a twin sitting on their basement couch. Was this vanity or narcissism, like some version of wanting to love herself? Was it maybe again that naughty factor that she was forbidden fruit?
Becky was still playing with herself for a moment, before removing her vibrator from her crotch, and said, "Do you ever wonder what these other girls smell or taste like? I mean, you've only ever tried yourself, right?" She then herself brought the toy, covered in a glaze of pussy juice, up to her plump lips, before licking and sucking it like a blowjob.
Kristen's jaw was dropping at the sight of it all, but shook back into her place and time, and answered "Oh, umm, yea, sure I do. I guess when I'm licking my own vibrator I'm pretending to be in the film we're watching or in my own fantasy, but also then you kind of start to wonder like, do different people taste or smell different? Like, surly things like diet or nature plays a role in such things. But like, they look so amazing... I donno, ya know what I mean?" By now Kristen was spun 180 on the carpet floor to face her sister on the couch, toy back in it's place buzzing away at her clit and pussy lips.
Becky sat up a little more on her knees. "Yes, like what do they taste like compared to myself, since I've got the only pussy I've ever tasted, like, what's the variety of flavors and smells and do some get much more wet than others, and... like, I just want to try so many things!" She was smiling ear to ear, her attention turned now from the screen to Kristen who was looking back, deep into her own eyes. Kristen was biting her lower lip, head tilted down but eyes pointed up. They stared at each other, longingly, playing with their private parts, not a care for the fact that the video had at this moment come to an end.
Becky spoke first. "It looks like the video ended... Should we find another one maybe?" Kristen didn't move, instead just looked back at the beautiful teen girl before her, and both of them simultaneously aiming their vibrators for their most sensitive parts deep in their vaginas, intimately locked in a staring contest of sorts.
"No, let's wait a moment. Would you want to...." Kristen got nervous to continue with her question. Despite all the signs that they were on the same page, that they both would love this, there was something, an tinge that held her back. She'd said the first part without thinking, but now wavered.
"Yes?" Becky said, said, leaning forward, vagina right at eye level with her gorgeous twin seated below. She spoke in a hopeful way, hopeful that Kristen would start the thing she wasn't maybe brave enough to pursue alone.
"Well, it's nothing, just all this talk of... like, smells and stuff... has me wondering if we are.... well, you know, if everything about us is so, I guess, identical? Like, not that you are smelly or anything of course..." Kristen said, blushing and unsure of the words she wanted to choose. "But like, I guess do you wonder if we smell the same? Could we even tell such a thing?" She was now sitting up on her knees, to better be at level with Becky on the couch.
It was a warm night, and the girls were so worked up from the video clip and neither having showered after school yet, they were glowing with heat and sexual desire.
Becky looked as though a veil had been lifted, and she could now let loose her feelings a bit more. "oh my, yes, I've had the same thought, or wonder. Like, do I... smell... the same as you or are we different or what." Her grin was of joy and relief. "Here, come up here on the couch, I want to try something." The girls both twisted off their vibrators for a moment and set them down aside, and Kristen joined Becky on the couch to her right. She sat with her knees curled up by her hips, but trying to signal that she was ready to take Becky's direction and let her do what she wanted.
"Ok, hold your arm up like this" and Becky took her twin's arm, bent at the elbow, and flopped it over her head, fully putting her armpit on display and with full access to Becky. "Wait" Kristen giggled, "we worked out after class and didn't shower. If you're going to sniff me, be aware!" she laughed and smiled, giddy with the idea of what was unfolding.
"Ha, don't worry, I'm sure I can handle it" Becky said. Then Becky mimicked the same pose on with her own body, bend down to smell her self. After a second, she leaned in towards her sister, nose first, and got about a half inch away form the smooth, shaved armpit skin. Deodorant bothered the girls so they rarely used it, figuring that her natural scent was fine for most days.
The teen breathed in heavily, trying to get a whiff of her sister's body at this very intimate spot. She could get the hints of a natural odor that was present in probably every girl out there, but she also felt she noticed flowers and honey, like a sexual nectar that was intoxicating. She'd had sex before with boys, but this closeness, having her face so near to a loved one like this, it was instantly out of this world. Kristen was giggling away the sight in a way, trying not to move too much, trying not to get ticklish at having a nose in her pits, but also was in awe of someone being this drawn in to her body, her aura.
Becky crawled over the lap of her sis, to try the far armpit, which was offered up without any words spoken, but there was nothing but pure joy from either sister. Becky was on all fours, her nipples grazing the legs of her sibling, eyes closed, while she sampled Kristen for a second time. It was more of the same wonderful scent. Her hands walked there way back, brushing against Kristen's stomach and legs, and returning her to her original spot. Her grin was so broad, and she couldn't find words to describe how she felt. "I don't know, it's hard to say if there's much of a difference, but you smell amazing!"
Now Kristen leaned in to smell not only around Becky's armpits, but ribcage and torso as well. She explored the side of her sister, knowing full well that most strong smells would be in her pits, but taking her time to look up close at the body of this young woman. She too loved the entirety of it all, examining this teenage girl, but also using her nose to bring the rest of her body closer to explosion. "I guess I have to smell the other one to see how it compares too" Kristen said, while draping her body across Becky's legs, maybe dipping a little lower to make sure she too make some extra skin to skin contact with Becky's lower body.
Kristen crawled into sitting a straddle on Becky's lap, and for a bit both of them had an arm in the air, and were simultaneously were taking in each other's sweet sweat smells. Hands started to touch each other's hair and bodies, and Kristen sniffed up and down from hip to elbow, looking at every crevice. Nearly out of her control, after a moment of this Kristen stuck her tongue out, gave a gentle but meaningful lick of her sister's armpit. Her eyes widened when she realized what she'd done, but then Becky started to reciprocate, and each girl was soon lapping at the other's armpits, rib cages, and collar bones.
"Hmmm...... it's hard to say, but I think you smell kind of like me, but maybe better" Kristin said, pulling away for moment but remaining seated on her twin's lap. Each of their hands had now slipped down to resting on each other's thighs. They laughed and giggled a bit, awkwardly at the scene.
"Hey, I was going to say you smell better than me... Hard to say who tastes better, but your skin tasted amazing!" Becky responded, smiling in a devilishly inviting way. Now it was Becky biting her lip, making a coy face as the tension built. They stared for a second and then she asked "Do you think we shou..."
"YES!" Kristen said, in response to a question that hadn't yet been asked. This surprised both of them, but they smiled at each other and started to laugh.
"I was going to say, do you want to try and like... take a smell of.... like, you know, a few other parts of our bodies" She looked away, but Kristen had already given an answer and was starting to squirm around a bit, turning in place to be facing her directly, and ready to give or get. Tasting the sweat, the sexual pheromones of her twin told her what she needed to know in that moment, and she was more than willing to go with the flow.
Kristen leaned back, her vibrator in her hand but off to the side, and she opened her legs in an inviting way to Becky. She took the clue, and got on all fours, starting with her face up around Kristen's. She then moved downward, smelling her neck, then her firm, perky tits. Her nose at her sternum, Becky went for it and gave a slow, long lick up between her breasts, before repeating the motion several more times moving more to each side, and licking part of Kristen's boobs. She went on, smelling and licking her abs and bellybutton, then maneuvering her face to between Kristen's smooth, sexy legs.
While at this point she'd seen her sister's pubic hair a number of times during these masturbation sessions, she was getting this close up look at the landing strip of trim, blonde fuzz that lead towards her mound, clit, and slit. From here she could also see a tight her asshole, something she'd never seen from such a position. Kristen was dripping wet in anticipation, made more prominent by the still slick sex toy that was a foot away, hanging in the air and adding to the scene.
Becky closed her mouth and breathed in, deep, appreciating the raw emotion of this. She noticed her sister smelled like delicious food, like some combination of salt and meat that she loved so much herself. She smelled dirt and humidity and air like after a summer rain. She opened her mouth to get the full sense of it all, breathing in the air and letting it envelope her face. It was similar to the smell of her arm pits, the natural smell of sweat, but it was so much more complex. She thought she could taste it in the air, like a soft velvet on her own tongue, like a cream that was distinct from everything else and yet so like what she had tasted off her own vibrator before, what she had smelled in her own sheets. Her mind was lost in the moment, and her body had lost all control of what was going on.
It was all so close she could nearly taste what she smelled!
Then she snapped back to reality, and realized what was happening. She wasn't just feeling like it was a taste on her lips, she was actually lapping at her own sister's pussy.
Pubic hair was tickling her nose, mouth lips were touching pussy lips, and her tongue was licking back to front, up to her swollen clit. She didn't realize how close she'd gotten, or how wrapped up in the moment she'd been. Both of the girl thighs were touching the other girl's ears, and when Becky poked her head back up, she met her eyes, one pair asking "should I continue?" and the other asking "why did you stop?"
Becky knew what to do, and returned her mouth down to her sister's inviting and slick slit. Her hands were feeling Kristen's legs, hips, and now butt, while her tongue was trying to take in all that it could, now fully tasting the musky flavor she'd loved about her own self. Sliding in and out, along the sides of the soft vulva, Becky tried her best to do what she'd so often observed and wished others would do to her. After all this teasing and stimulation, this foreplay, it took seemingly no time at all before Kristen's hips were gyrating, and the twins got into an amazing dance of sorts. While Becky wanted to scope out the inner most depths of her sister's vagina, she knew that the way to really drive her nuts was by paying attention to her clit. She sucked on it, licked her hood, and soon had Kristen squeezing her thighs, unable to speak about what was about to happen.
With a rush of relief, Kristen came harder than she'd ever experienced in her life. "Oh my god, I'm cumming, I'm cumming" she squealed with an urgent delight. Becky just kept with her pace, and sucked on the delicate skin of her lovely sister, making sure to giver her twin the best orgasm she could!
Becky slowed down her licking and kissing, and Kristen's shaking hips and legs also slowed from flexing of all her muscles and bearing down, to a limp and relaxed loosening of her limbs. Becky was loving the taste, the smell, and the feeling of having her mouth glued to the genitals of this beautiful woman. It got ticklish for her to continue, so Kristen motioned for her to stop and they could catch their breath. She had only herself to compare it to, but the smells and taste did indeed seem to match what she'd so many times experienced from her own masturbating. But this time, this shared pleasure, was out of this world.
Becky hadn't really paid any attention to herself while eating out her sister, but now she was becoming aware of just how on wet her own erogenous zones had become. She started to rise up a little bit, still kissing her twin's body but moving up to her pubic hair, then hips and tummy. The feeling of her own mouth and tongue, was stimulating to both girls. Kristen, who's eyes had practically rolled back into her head during orgasm, was now regaining awareness, seeing Becky make eye contact while giving her a tongue bath, moving up her body. When they really saw each other, both moved together and in perfect sync brought their open mouths to each other. There wasn't a second of hesitation with just lips touching lips, one's tongue was quickly inside the other's mouth, and they very quickly abandoned any inhibitions.
Entangled, they continued to explore their oral abilities, and Kristen realized after a bit that she could taste her own pussy juices on Becky's lips, and this thought drove her in a rabid hunger, seeking out the flavor. After what seemed like forever they broke off, caught their breaths, and locked eyes in amazement of what had just happened. But before either could speak, Kristen was pushing Becky backwards on the couch, eager to return the favor.
Now it was Kristen's turn, mouth moving down the slim and firm body of the teen girl before her. Kissing along the way, she suckled at Becky's erect nipple and brought a couple of fingers to her clit, warming up the twin for what she was about to experience. Kristen continued going, kissing stomach, pubic area, and eventually the on fire pussy of her sister and best friend. She flicked her tongue around a firm and easy to find clit, and then darted in and out of her awaiting vagina. The aroma was intense, but invigorating. She tried to compare the scent and taste to what she'd so often had coming off her own used vibrator, but the entirety of it overpowering and she knew she just had to have more! It was driving her mad, and soon both girls were building towards their next orgasms.
"Ooooohhh OOOooohhhhh" moaned Becky. "Ohhh, don't stop, but I... OOOOooo.... feel like I.... have to pee!" She whimpered, barely able to speak between panting. Juices were flowing from her body, covering Kristen's tongue, lips, nose and chin. Trying to think what she'd like to have done to herself, Kristen then brought a finger to the opening of Becky's slippery pussy, and slowly drove it inside, seeking out the girl's g-spot. Making a curling, come hither motion with her fingers, while lapping at her hood and clit, this was what drover Becky over the edge and more!
"Ohhh my god, oh my god, oh my god" she moaned, and with a crash started coming harder than she ever had in her life. It was like a pulsating sense of pure pleasure, radiating out from her hips to her head, fingers, and toes. Kristen's free hand was working her own clit, and she was feeling her next orgasm coincide with the girl she was eating out. She did everything to could to concentrate on the event at hand.
Becky came! Her feet curled, and she clenched, riding the sensation, while Kristen held on, keeping a steady pace and not letting up until pulled away. The intensity of it, the unbelievable release of it all took over her body, and with it came a release of girl cum, squirting into her awaiting partner's mouth. Like a pressure valve turning open, something unleashed and Becky lost control over her functions, much to everyone's surprise. But Kristen accepted it all, drinking down the half mouthful of pussy juice, savoring the rich, tasty nectar.
When she finished, she signaled to Kristen to stop and drew her identical lovely face up to her own, and once again the girls embraced in a beautifully matched kiss. Loving, long, and deep motions had them both in such sync with each other's movements, with their bodies, that they didn't need to say a word for a time. Hands felt breasts, legs rubbed against legs, and their souls felt like shooting stars.
They broke off, both to catch their breath and admire the mutual sight before each other. They were smiling, wider than ever before, amazed as the new chapter this was about to open up for them and exploring their sexuality.
"Did that really just happen" Kristen said at last. She meant about the entire night really, but also the feeling knowing she'd done something so taboo with such instant success. "I mean, like..... wow, that was just amazing!"
Becky replied in turn. "Yeah, like.... I want to say this was a dream come true, but it's above and beyond even my wildest fantasies. I just..... I'm struck in amazement, but.... this has been the best night of my life sis!"
They hugged and kissed again. Becky said "did I like.... I felt like I had to pee or something, but nothing came out, right?" Slightly embarrassed to even ask it, but concerned even though her sister made no complaint.
"Ha, no, no pee came out, but you came so hard that I think there was like extra.... I don't know. I've only ever heard of girls squirting pussy juice, never done it myself, but I think that might have been what happened. Whatever it was, it was AMAZING! I've never felt so alive! I hope you could taste it on my mouth, but it probably doesn't compare to having it straight from the source like I just did."