You: hi
Stranger: ola.. wats ur name?
You: mayuri
You: and u
Stranger: john
Stranger: u from?
You: hi jon
You: india
Stranger: hi mayuri!!
You: what do u do jon
Stranger: u got sexy figure...!!!
You: thanx
You: u have a cute face
Stranger: u married?
You: yes
You: in november
Stranger: thnx... dats a 3 yrs older snap of mine
Stranger: tell me wat u luking for in this chat?
You: ah nice
You: anything
You: not specific
You: i like to share things n be open coz we r strangers
Stranger: be specific... i like straight fwd people..
You: its easy to share
Stranger: olrite
Stranger: good
Stranger: hmmm.. absolutly
Stranger: hws married life going?
You: not happy with my married life
Stranger: and why is so?
You: i was forced into marring someone i dont even know
Stranger: so wats the problem nnow?
You: u may not know but in india it happens
You: arranged marrige
Stranger: ok.... tell me wats the problem u facing nw?
You: i did not get married to some one i loved
Stranger: ya... bt u got to love whom u r married to
Stranger: nw u got to move on...
You: and my husband is not abled to satisfy me
Stranger: c.. love is smthng u have to create...
Stranger: satisfy in what way?
You: sexually
Stranger: hmmmm.... did u tell him?
You: i hope u dont mind talkin about sex as i asume u r above 18
You: and ok with it
Stranger: ya i'm 24..
You: k
Stranger: absolutly
You: no i cant tell him that we just got married that will ruin my marrige if i tell him that
Stranger: tell me mayuri... do u have a yahoo ID?
You: no
Stranger: ok..
Stranger: msn?
You: cant give out details
Stranger: ya ... bt i want to chat with u again... dats y i m asking ...
You: we chat here
Stranger: bt how... hw will i find u again?
You: i will give u
You: later
Stranger: ya ok...
Stranger: tell me what problem are you having about sex?
You: mmmm
You: i think u will think i am crazy
You: coz
Stranger: no i wont.. tell me..
You: well he is 37 and is not able to satisfy me
Stranger: how old r u?
You: 26
Stranger: omg... where do u live in india?
You: why omg
You: do u think i am too old 4 u
Stranger: no... i mean the dif. b/w u two is too much
You: oh ok
Stranger: tell me whr u live in india?
You: nanded
Stranger: hmmm... ok...
You: dont get me wrong
Stranger: can u pls tell me ur yahoo ID... coz i need to go nw....
Stranger: no i didnt
Stranger: bt i really need to go... my mom is calling
You: becauze some times sex is impotant in marij life
You: ok bye
Stranger: pls give me ur othr ID
Stranger: ya it's very imp.
Stranger: ok.. bye... i thnk u r nt telling me ur ID... take care..