Woke up around 7am today, ate healthily, went for a morning walk around 9am, got a crap load of work done, hit the gym for a good two hours, and yet upon my return, I relapsed from sissy hypno. For those of you who don't know what sissy hypno is [From urban dictionary]: "Sissy hypno is a sub-genre of porn where images of hot women are utilised to turn on the target audience (mainly beta submissive males) and then quickly after a frame or two is shown of an erect cock usually cumming as well as words flashing up on the screen saying "Suck cock" "Eating cum is groovy" "Wear panties" "You need to get on your knees for a man" and phrases that serve to temporarily alter the viewer's sexual tastes (this practice is known as rewiring however it is fully reversible once the viewer lays off fapping and watching this type of porn) and make them think they are actually female in a male body."
You're probably thinking "WTF? That shit is weird man", and that's exactly what I thought when I first found out what it was, it weirded me the fuck out. Yet as vanilla porn became bland, I moved onto more obscure things, a tale many of you will be familiar with, and this led me to sissy hypno. It's reached the point where I'm sticking things in my ass while masturbating, and the second I orgasm I always feel this wave of disgust and embarrassment. Yet, even if I have a great day like I did today (until 10 minutes ago), the thoughts just take me over at random times, It's like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. Additional bit of information, I've always identified as heterosexual, even when watching the hypno videos I often find myself attracted to the women, I've never been sexually attracted to a man in my life, which makes this even more confusing.
Anyone out there with similar experiences?
You're probably thinking "WTF? That shit is weird man", and that's exactly what I thought when I first found out what it was, it weirded me the fuck out. Yet as vanilla porn became bland, I moved onto more obscure things, a tale many of you will be familiar with, and this led me to sissy hypno. It's reached the point where I'm sticking things in my ass while masturbating, and the second I orgasm I always feel this wave of disgust and embarrassment. Yet, even if I have a great day like I did today (until 10 minutes ago), the thoughts just take me over at random times, It's like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. Additional bit of information, I've always identified as heterosexual, even when watching the hypno videos I often find myself attracted to the women, I've never been sexually attracted to a man in my life, which makes this even more confusing.
Anyone out there with similar experiences?