Entertainment Terminator: 10 Best Fights In The Movies, Ranked | CBR

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The Terminator hit theaters in 1984, changing the landscape for science fiction action movies forever. The movie was such a success that it spawned five sequels, including T2: Judgement Day and T3: Rise of the Machines. T2 is considered one of the greatest action movies of all time and the greatest movie sequel ever made. The other sequels never quite lived up to the first two films, though they still had some intense action scenes and produced entertaining stories.

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The Terminator franchise created some of the greatest action sequences in movie history, including thrilling fights and wild car chase scenes. Whether it was early on in the franchise or just the past few years with Genisys and Dark Fate, Terminator movies usually have some wild rumbles between at least two of the main characters. There have been plenty of great fights to choose from, although some stand out more than others.

10 Terminator Genisys — Pops (T-800) Vs. John Connor At The End Of The Film​


Terminator Genisys may be the least popular film of the whole franchise, yet it still offered some hilarious moments and some thrilling action. The last scene has Arnold's T-800, aka "Pops," battle the evil John Connor Terminator at a Cyberdyne complex.

While Sarah and Kyle plant bombs to destroy the complex, Pops traps John in the magnetic field of a prototypical time machine. Kyle and Sarah safely make it to the bunker below while the explosions destroy Pops and the evil John. However, Pops' remains land in a giant vat of poly-alloy, which brings him back to life and upgrades his powers to that of a T-1000. He then saves Kyle and Sarah from the Bunker and ends up surviving, making this the only Terminator film in which Arnold's character isn't destroyed.

9 T3: Rise Of The Machines — T-800 Vs. T-X In The Bunker​


If Genisys is the worst movie in the franchise, T3: Rise of the Machines is considered the second-worst. However, T3 had an unattainable goal of living up to the first two amazing films. While it starts off a little slow, the movie picks up about halfway through and features an emotional and action-packed ending. As Kate and John escape to a bunker, the T-X follows them in a helicopter but her attempt at killing them is thwarted by Arnold's T-800.

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The T-800 squashes the T-X with his own helicopter, cutting off its legs and leaves it dragging itself to Kate and John. However, the T-800 holds the bunker door open long enough to let them escape and then blows himself and the T-X up by swallowing his hydrogen cells. Kate and John realize that Judgement Day is upon them and hold hands in one of the most emotional moments in the franchise.

8 Terminator: Dark Fate — Grace (With Sarah's Help) Vs. The Rev-9 On The Highway​


The latest entry in the franchise, Terminator: Dark Fate, received mixed reviews and flopped at the box office but is also considered the best installment since T2. Grace, a cybernetically engineered soldier, is sent back to protect Dani Ramos from the evil Rev-9 Terminator. After disguising itself as Dani's father, the Rev-9 chases down Grace, Dani, and her brother, Diego.

The Rev-9 splits into two separate entities and is able to kill Diego, but Grace and Dani are saved by Sarah Connor. Sarah, whose son John was killed by a T-800 in the first scene, receives texts from an anonymous cell phone. These texts tell Sarah where and when the evil Terminators show up, which allows her to temporarily stop the Rev-9 with some explosives.

7 Terminator: Dark Fate — Sarah, Carl (T-800), Dani, And Grace Vs. The Rev-9 In The Final Fight​


The action in the middle of Dark Fate was pretty intense but it wasn't until the final fight scene where things picked up in a big way. Sarah's aforementioned anonymous texts were from Carl, the T-800 who killed John but was humanized by a woman and her child, who both loved him. While Carl, Sarah, Grace, and Dani are on a stolen plane, the Rev-9 tracks it down and temporarily takes down Carl, which forces the three women to parachute into a river near an electric plant.

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Carl and Grace nearly destroy the Rev-9 but an explosion knocks both machines down and kills Grace. Sarah is stopped by the Rev-9, leaving Dani to fight for herself. Carl turns back on and holds the Rev-9 down while Dani stabs it with Grace's power source. Carl is able to drag himself and the Rev-9 over a ledge, destroying both of them and saving Dani and Sarah.

6 T2: Judgement Day — T-800 Intimidates The Police At Cyberdyne​


Arnold Schwarzenegger was a great villain in the first movie but he was even better as the hero in T2: Judgement Day. Technically, the T-800 shooting at the police isn't a fight but it's just an amazing action sequence and features a lot of explosions.

While Sarah, John, and Miles Dyson destroy all of the work going on at Cyberdyne, the T-800 has to buy them time and can only do it with giant guns. The police respond to an alarm going off after the group breaks into Cyberdyne but the T-800 shoots out a window and unleashes a minigun on all of the cop cars. He keeps his earlier promise to John and does not kill one person, however, he buys John and Sarah enough time to grab all of Dyson's work.

5 Terminator Salvation — John & Marcus Vs. The T-800 In The Skynet Lab​


Terminator Salvation was the fourth entry in the franchise and takes place in the future after the events of Judgement day wiped out a lot of the human population. Sam Worthington played Marcus, a human who was in prison and on death row but donates his body to Cyberdyne. He wakes up in the desolate future after Judgement Day and ends up as a prisoner in John Connor's resistance camp. At first, John doesn't trust him but Marcus promises he can get the resistance into the Skynet headquarters.

While searching for a young Kyle Reese and his friend Star, John finds himself face to face with a T-800. Marcus appears and helps John fight off the big machine, allowing Kyle and Star to escape and John set the explosives to destroy the headquarters. The T-800 stabs John in the heart before Marcus rips its head off, but Marcus sacrifices his heart to save John.

4 T2: Judgement Day — T-1000 Chases Down The T-800 & John After Mall Attack​


In one of the biggest face turns in movie history, Arnold's T-800 shows up in T2 and saves John Connor from the evil T-1000. The T-1000, played by Robert Patrick, searches for John at a local mall but his attempt to kill him is stopped by Arnold's T-800. Arnold shoots the T-1000 multiple times, which slices him in half but he is made out of liquid metal and reforms his body quickly.

The T-800 grabs John Connor and the two speed away on a motorcycle as the T-1000 follows in a large truck. The chase is one of the most thrilling action sequences in modern movie history and ends with Arnold and John riding away from the T-1000.

3 The Terminator — Kyle Reese Vs. The T-800 At The Nightclub​


The Terminator started the franchise off in 1984 and changed the way science fiction action movies were made. After multiple women named Sarah Connor are killed, young waitress Sarah Connor hides out in a nightclub and waits for the police to pick her up. Sarah believes a man, Kyle Reese, is following her and wants to kill her.

Little does she know that Reese was sent back in time to save her from a giant machine, who does attempt to kill her in a classic 80s nightclub. The giant machine, a T-800 played by Arnold Schwarzenegger, aims a laser rifle at her head but is shot down by Kyle Reese. Earlier, Kyle made a sawed-off shotgun and hid it under his jacket before blowing back the T-800, saving Sarah Connor, and changing her life forever.

2 The Terminator — The T-800 Chases Down Kyle & Sarah, Ending In The Factory​


Sarah started off The Terminator as an innocent young woman but toughens up when a giant T-800 Terminator comes back in time to kill her. Future soldier Kyle Reese came back to protect her and the two ended up falling in love, even conceiving their son John on the one night they were together. John Connor was the future leader of the human resistance, making Kyle even more important than originally thought.

In the final chase scene, the T-800 drives a mac truck down the highway and knocks Kyle and Sarah's truck off the road. Kyle drops a bomb into the exhaust pipe of the T-800's truck and blows it up. Unfortunately, the T-800 survives and chases them into a local factory. Kyle ends up dying from his injuries but Sarah manages to crush the Terminator, leaving his metal arm hanging on a piece of metal and allowing Sarah to escape.

1 T2: Judgement Day — T-1000 Vs. The T-800 & Sarah In The Molten Steel Factory​


The final factory fight in T2 shows the murderous T-1000 hunting down Sarah, John, and their protector, the T-800. After a back and forth fight, the T-1000 gains the upper hand and terminates the T-800. The T-1000 then mimics Sarah's body and tricks John into coming closer to him. However, the real Sarah shows up and starts blasting shotgun shells into the T-1000, which temporarily dismantles him but his liquid metal allows him to fully reform.

Arnold's T-800 ends up turning back on and shoots a grenade launcher into the T-1000, which blows him up and knocks him into the molten steel. The T-800 then asks Sarah to lower him into the steel, ensuring her and John's safety and leaving adult men weeping at a machine sacrificing himself.

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