Fantasy Earth-41

Will Change With Time
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Well-known member
Third person P.O.V.

In a grand hospital, a boy was sleeping on a bed. He was in coma since yesterday. Suddenly, machines close to him reacted.

He woke up but his eyes were half closed. He was looking around him when he got a headache. He yelled due to pain and lose consciousness.

As he fainted, a nurse came in. Who saw machine's reading and went out to call the doctor.


First person P.O.V.

As I woke up again, I knew what was going on. My name is Kouki Lee Lima. Yes, I am half Brazilian/half Japanese.

I was born in a Japanese village, Ohira. My father has a coffee shop. His name is Ora Lima. He has a tanned muscular body.

I also inherited his tanned skin but I has a slim body. My mother's name is Ume Lee. She used to work in a farm before marrying my father.

Her parents were also farmers while my paternal grandparents were previous owners of the shop. My both grandparents died in a road accident.

I also like my father inherited the shop. I had no friends and girlfriend. In 2020, I died due to COVID-19. Yes, I have been self inserted into my 19 years old self.

But it's 2001 not 2016. In other words, I am in a parallel universe where I was comatose. Apparently, my other one died.

But I am in this body now. There are some changes too. Besides my and my parents' appearance and identities.

I was born in Ponta Grossa and I am heir of a 10 billion Coffee Company which was started by his grandfather. I had no other relatives.

My maternal grandparents are dead. My father built a house for us in Ohira. We go to there in our vacations sometimes.

But the biggest change is that I am in a marvel universe of some sort. Why? Well, last week fantastic four fought with Diablo.

They are from fantastic four: Earth's greatest heroes with appearances and some major events including villains.

Then, Hulk had a battle with Moonstone (Karla Sofen). Yeah, the green guy is from comics. My head is hurting by realising what kind of universe this is.


A blue hologram appeared before my eyes.


Welcome to Marvel: Earth-41!

Wait?! What? Since when there was an Earth-41. I don't remember any of this from Wikia. Wait?! It's an alternative universe!

That's why there is a mixture of comics, cartoon and MCU. Well, iron man 2 events happened last week. Yeah. So, this is some crazy universe.

Now, I need to know about my golden finger. I hope, this is good. I mentally click on the hologram.


Congratulations on receiving Gacha System!

Ok. This can both be good and bad. Let's figure it out. I clicked the hologram again.

Gacha system:

It will give more than gacha like gifts.




The gifts are divided into 2 parts.


These are as follows:


Host will learn the information like name, age, race, occupations, skills, powers and affiliations of the target individual or target individuals.

Ok. That's really helpful.


Host will have infinite space. All items will be categorised as blocks.

Another useful feature, I can hide dangerous things like infinity stones. So, no more snapping Thanos!

Mutant power:

Host will be given power manipulation. Host will be able to cancel, steal, copy, enhance, debuff, tinker and share powers with target. Host will be able to use this power upon members of same species like mutants and mutates. Host will be able to copy the power of other races by assimilation of characters. Gained powers will be assimilated instantaneously.

Now, this is OP!

Pseudo perfect body:

Host will be immune to all poisons and diseases. He can control his fertility. He can make his DNA untraceable. Will be granted today.

So, I can have quality time without any fear.

Pseudo perfect mind:

Immune to telepathy, mind controllers. Can't be tracked. His psyche can't be steal or absorbed and copied or traced. Omnilingual. Will be granted today.

OP! That's means, I am not just cerebro proof but also can't be tamed by purple bastard and white queen. Wait that's means even Selene and... ROGUE! YES!!!

Pseudo perfect soul:

Immune to curses, debuff spells. Resistant to Mele and range spells. His soul can't be divided or stolen and absorbed.

Magic immunity and resistance! Now we are talking. Besides there were some things like soul swapping here, right?

He can't be cloned because of these 3 gifts.

Hahahaha! I can't laugh but yeah! My biggest fear is gone.

Host is the only one who have this system in the omniverse, others are normal Characters.

Hahahaha! I don't know, who it is but I am really happy for not having evil me.


You will get these in his first 3 months.

Cosmic sense:

It's more like a hologram capable of searching the known people, places and things by their names including their status. You can also tag or mark them and watch and hear them. It also enables the host to use power manipulation on the targets, no matter where they are. Will be granted today.

Hahahaha! I am really blessed!

Cosmic travel:

Host can teleport or open portals like gate or mists individually or with a group to any known places visited or marked by his cosmic sense. Will be granted tomorrow.

Haaah~ I have no words.

Cosmic replication:

These can be created from the range of hundreds to hundreds thousands. All of their minds are connected like a hive Mind. All clones will possess 100% equal powers. But certain items given by system will not replicate. Will be granted to you a month later.

Thank you. I mean it. I think, I can take care of things for time being.


These will be divided into 3 types:

Character Cards:

Host will gain characters randomly. Host can either assimilate or summon these characters. Host can assimilate 3 Characters at a time. Characters can also be given 1 character to assimilate at a time. Normal Characters or Characters with technology will be assimilated after 14 hours. Characters with qi, aura, powers and magic will be assimilated after 41 hours. Characters with alien DNA, hybrids of different races, deities and cosmic beings will be assimilated after 68 hours. Characters will never betray the host. Same conditions will be applied to characters who will come with hosts. Upon deaths, characters will be changed into cards. They will be able to summon again after 5 hours with their memories intact.

DAMN! Hours not experience?!! And THIS IS RESURRECTION!!! That's means my summons will be with me forever?!!


Items will be gained randomly. Items gained by system will be indestructible. Their ammo and energy will be infinite. These can't be experimented by anyone including host. Host can lend these items to others as GIFTS. These will become useless upon attempt to be use against the host. Host can summon these from any corner of the universe after giving as gifts. These will be marked automatically by cosmic sense upon given as gifts. Same conditions will be applied to the items brought by the host from his travels.

I am speechless.

Vehicles and Bases will be gained randomly. Vehicles and Bases will be untraceable but could be damaged. These can regenerate with time. Upon their destruction will be changed to cards which will be able to summon again after 3 hours with all data storage in them. Same conditions will be applied to vehicles and Bases bring by the host from his travels.


Travel tickets:

Tickets will be given randomly. They will be belonged to hentai, movies and series. The stay will be ranged from weeks to months. But it will be 1 second in the Marvel.



Relationships are divided into 3 types:


Some of the characters like males or gays will have this relationship because host is straight. Relationships will start from 1 and end at 5.

Rating 1-2: Acquaintance

Rating 3-4: Friends

Rating 5: Best friends

System will ask the host to link his other acquaintances who have a possibility for such relationship to add in this IF he wants?

Isn't this forceful?


Most of the female characters will have this relationship.

Rating 1-2: Acquaintance

Rating 3-4: Crush

Rating 5: Love

System will ask the host to link his other acquaintances who have a possibility for such relationship to add in this IF he wants?


Master - Servants:

A.I.s, slaves and servants will have this relationship. There is only 1 rating.

Rating 1: Undying loyalty

Some of this relationship can have a side relationships like Grandfather figure, grandmother figure, uncle figure, aunt figure, father figure, mother figure, sister figure, brother figure and madly in love. System will ask the host to link his other subordinates who have a possibility for such relationship to add in this IF he wants?


After being in a relationship, they will never betray host. It might seems cruel but it's for host's safety. Besides wasn't host a lonely person without any relationship in his previous world before death.

Gasp! I was being watched?!!


Each month will give 9 draws at its 1st date. There will be 5 hidden draws like alter self power, power boost cards, weakness removal cards, background cards and monetary support. First is a one time draw while later are monthly one. Only IF chosen randomly.

Haah~ This is too op but considering what kind of A.U. I am in. This will be really helpful.


Pseudo perfect soul granting....

Time: 8 hours.

7: 57.... and it counting down. I think I have an idea about my future. So, let's sleep because I am kinda sleepy...


When I woke up again. I was feeling.... refreshed? I summon the system.

Pseudo perfect soul: Complete ✅

Pseudo perfect mind: 4:58

It was 6 pm now. I looked around and....


A doctor with my parents entered in the room. My mother has an athletic build. Seeing me awake, they ran towards me.

My mother almost threw herself upon me and was crying. My father was consoling her with tears in his eyes.

Doctor was checking the machine. Then, he came to me.

Mom" Sniff...Ka san is so glad that you wake up... sniff."

Father" It's alright now, hon. He will be okay, right doctor?"

He asked him, who was checking me.

Doctor" Well if his recovery keep on like this. We can discharge him tomorrow."

Mom" Really?!"

Father" See, hon! You can relax now. We will take him home tomorrow."

Mom" Yes, let's go make some welcome party preparations!"

Father" Sure!"

Kouki" Excuse me but how did I get in the hospital?"

Father" You don't remember."

Doctor" Well, it's not his fault. Many patients, who became comatose due to Thor battle with that ice elf malekith, didn't survive. He is one of the lucky ones."

Father" That we are."

He was happy.

Mom" It's all thier fault! Dragging the entire world in their other worldly matters!"

Kouki" World?!"

Doctor" Well, practically. Yesterday was a some sort of ice age for the planet until Thor fix it."

Kouki ' Damn! Thor is from comics with his timeline in advance stages! No doubt, my other self died.'

Mom" It's alright, Kou-kun. You are alive now."

Kouki" Thanks, Ka san."

That's true.... for now.

Then, they went out and I slept again.


1 February 2001

I woke up at 6am. I felt really energetic. I summoned the system.

Pseudo perfect soul: complete ✅

Pseudo perfect mind: complete ✅

Pseudo perfect body: complete ✅

Now, I had basic and special immunities.


Granting gifts!

It is suggested that host use inventory at his home. Draws can happen at that time too.

Okay. Reasonable. Seems like system has some preprogrammed tips. At that time, my parents came in with doctor.

He checked me and said that I can discharge now. My parents were really happy. My Ka san hugged me. Then, they took me home.

I changed before going out and currently, I was in our limousine. DAMN! I am rich. Now, we were going to our mansion.

We have a 1 Floor Mansion with 43 areas. It has 2 kitchens, 4 garages and a Living Room. It has 5 bathrooms, 10 bedrooms and a Storage.

It has a Gym, Library and 4 laundry rooms. It has an Indoor pool, 3 Guest rooms and a Home Office. It has 3 wine cellars - Basements, a Movie theatre and 4 secret rooms - Basements.

It has 18 Servants' rooms and a Helicopter pad. As for Servants: we have a Butler, 48 year old, is like a Father figure to me.

We have a Housekeeper Flavia, 23 year old, is a Sister figure to me. We have 2 Cooks: one is 41 years old and a Mother figure to me.

Pathy is 35 years old and an aunt figure to me. We have 2 Chefs: one is 31 years old and other is 49 years old. Both are my uncle figures.

We have 4 Drivers/Mechanics: one is 44 years old and an Uncle figure. Second is a 25 years old and Brother figure.

Tae is a 23 years old and Pam is a 25 years old, both are Sister figures to me. We have 1 Pilot/Mechanic: is 36 years old and Uncle figure.

We have 7 Maids: Flavina is a 35 years old and a Sister figure. There are 45 years old and 49 years old who are Aunt figures to me.

Geny is a 21 years old and Qualisha is a 29 years old, both are Sister figures to me. Dai is a 35 years old and an Aunt figure.

So is a 27 years old and is a Sister figure to me. They are all like a family to me. At 11 am, we reached our mansion. When I got out of car.

" Welcome home!"

All of them greeted me. Then, I went in with my parents. When we sat in living room.


Do you want to add your servants in master - servant relationship?"


Not now, I want to spend time with my parents again. That day, I spent with my

parents and family.

What!!! have I noted it correctly... two separate threads with similar name... even similar content...

I am sure that there is some kind of mistake...

anyways story is good... a Super Hero is coming up!!!
Well-known member
5 February 2001, Monday.
I went to Ohira for my parents' funeral in Japan. Flavia, Pathy, Tae and Flavina were coming with me. We went on a private jet.
During this, I checked the situation about Avengers event. Well, well.... Loki was here and Hawkeye was under mind control of Enchantress....Amora!!
Kouki " I am happy that I am immune."
Looked like Fury is gathering people.
6 February 2001, Tuesday
We reached my house in evening. Flavia and Flavina were cleaning the house. Tae was checking garage and Pathy went to kitchen.
I had decided that I would tell them about my powers as a mutation and my plans.
Next 7 days, I had my parents funeral in Japan. I know, this was marvel but I wanted to say a proper goodbye to them.
15 February 2001, Thursday.
I returned home. Now, I summoned all servants in the living room. I was going to reveal about my powers. When, everyone was gathered.
I had also used alt form card and two power boost cards on upgrade. Now, my form was blue colour with power to create machines like from that movie.
I used two weakness removal cards to become resistant to lightning and magnetic powers. I used 2 more weakness removal cards to become resistant to holy attribute and remove my Nova transformation.
Now, I had 3 weakness removal cards and 1 power boost cards.
Kouki " My family. Yes, after my parents, you are my family. I have something to tell you. I have awakened."
Flavia" Pardon?"
I turned my left arm into upgrade and make a weapon.
I turned my arm normal.
Kouki " As you can see, I have awakened a mutant power. But it's not the only one. My power allows me to connect with the omniverse from where I can get people to assimilate as powers like this or get items, bases or vehicles. It can also give me opportunity to travel to a random universe for weeks or months with only one second spend here..."
I changed into a swarm of bats and spread around. After some turns, I converged into myself.
Flavia " So, master wants to keep it a secret. We will keep it with our lives."
They all nodded.
Kouki" Actually, I am going to do something else or become someone else."
Flavia" Are you going to be a hero like those Americans?"
She was glaring at me.
Kouki" Not like them, they only focus on Manhattan. I will be on a global scale with prioritising Brazil and Japan first. As for Manhattan, I will only interfere when it's a major incident."
Flavia" I see."
She nodded.
Kouki" But until I need you all to balance my family business and heroic life. So, I will like if you decide it among you."
They turned to each other and talked in whispers. After half hour...
Flavia " We have decided. Pathy, Tae, Pam, Flavina, Geny, Qualisha, Dai, So and I will help you in your endeavours as a hero and others will take care of your business life."
Kouki" Thanks."
I bowed to them. Then, we had our dinner and I went to bed.
A nice story indeed!!!

Writer has grip over the subject... and is perhaps, himself, great admirer / fan of such type of stories...

Keep it up...
2nd February, Friday
After breakfast, I came in my room and rejected master - servant relationship again. Then, I locked my door.
Kouki " Let's test the inventory."
I had checked status before and everyone was a human. I used inventory on my bed and it vanished. That's it no special effects.
You can add effects according to your liking.
Nah. I am good. Now, give me my gifts.
Cosmic sense: granted!
Kouki " Let's check somethings. Savage land."
A hologram appeared and Earth was shown. Then, an area was marked with the name.
Kouki " It's real. Zoom in."
Then, I was shown a satellite view. I tried many views later and saw tribes and the barrier around it with spectral analysis.
Which is awesome. Then, I see Atlantis. Which was like comics divided into two kingdoms of many cities.
There's even one near Brazil. DAMN! Speaking of Brazil, Nova Roma is real. But only Selene has powers there.
Magma isn't awaken yet. Then, wakanda is comic version too. Santa Claus is a mutant....nah meta. That's better.
He is real too. Now, let's see. What is going on in the world. I searched for fantastic four and hologram show a Coliseum with Grandmaster!
DAMN! Haah~ An elder. Next, Hulk. I was brought to Earth. Looks like he was in Calcutta, India. Spiderman, he is from comics.
How about respective people enemies one by one. I was speechless. How far was thier timeline.
According to cosmic sense, each event/enemy appeared on a 10 day period. So, Spiderman is going to fight sinister six which is under formation.
Thor was in Asgard. Jane Foster, is from MCU? Let's check others. So, again. Elizabeth Ross was from comics.
Peter didn't met Mary Jane Watson and Gwen Stacy, both were comics version. Gwen, I will save her if I would around.
Ant-Man.....Huh! Hank Pym died?! Janet retired! Scott was new Ant-Man with his 15 years old daughter as stature.
Nadia van Dyne was Janet niece and become new wasp. Yellow jacket was Darren cross with egghead?! Tony stark was making his tower....
Hah.... Avengers.... black widow was doing some spy work...Nick Fury was dead?! Hmmm. So, it was Nick Fury Jr from MCU as grandson of Nick Fury from comics?
Dr. Strange from comics. There was no doctor Palmer...He was up against Kaecilius... X-Men....Professor X, Havok, cyclops, Jean Grey, Nightcrawler, Storm and Wolverine are from X-Men evolution.
Angel, beast and iceman are from comics. They were going to face brotherhood of evil mutants now. Magneto, twins and Mystique were from X-Men evolution.
Wanda was still in asylum... Daredevil was also from comics. He was up against Angar? Who was that? Looked like there were some underated characters too.
As for me, I only saw some cartoons and MCU. DAMN! Silver surfer became Galactus's Herald last week...
Captain America was from MCU and is working out.... Hawkeye was from comics with modern suit and keeping an eye on.... tesseract.
Mocking Bird was here and was Hawkeye's wife.
Kouki " Okay, I think that's enough. Otherwise, I will have headache..."
Host can't have a headache.
Haah... I rubbed my head. Next, gift.
Cosmic travel.
Let's check it in the room. Poof. I reappeared near bed.
Kouki " So, that's must effect."
I appeared back. Hmmmm, this was better for stealth. Now, gate. A black gate appeared. I went in and came out near the bed.
Kouki " Now, let's draw Gacha."
Speaking of gacha, this A.U. did not have anime and obviously hentai. There was no Disney, DreamWorks, cartoon network and Hannah Barbera.
Now, let's see our draw...
1: Weakness removal cards 2
2: Galatea (Claymore)
0_0... DAMN! I can have anime characters. Let's check everything.
3: Diablo (How to not summon a demon Lord)
Elemental Magic! Yeah!
4: Travel ticket 1 week - How to train your dragon
Yeah, I can tame dragons!
5: Upgrade (Ben 10)
I can have aliens like these!
6: Background cards 5
Hmmmm, will be helpful.
7: Omnidroids' blueprints (incredibles)
Massive robo guards!
8: Megas (Megas XLR)
YESSS! YESSS!!! I love the show especially it's weapons.
9: Turbo Kat (Swat Kats)
YEAAHHH!!! One of the best jets ever!!! I started jumping around with happiness.
Do you want to draw your 2nd gacha?
Kouki " Oh! I forgot. Yes!"
1: Alt form card
Hmmmm, what's that?.... wait, I can become characters themselves!!! Cool!
2: Kevin's car (Ben 10 Alien Force)
One of the most advanced and durable car ever!!!
3: Shego (Kim Possible)
0_0....ahem! One of my childhood crushes....I meant a useful summon.
4: power boost cards 3
Hmmmm, I will check these.
5: travel ticket 4 weeks - Flinstones
Hmmmm, maybe later.
6: Island (Absolute Duo)
Wait?! From the summer camp!!! That's means I have my own beach springs!!!
7: weakness removal cards 5
More... good.
8: Alucard (Hellsing)
DAMN! Now, we are talking people! I can literally have legion of evil souls.
9: Cathy Lockhart (Freezing)
Hmmmm, what should I do?! Summon her or use her. She had a good life. Now, who to assimilate... After some thinking, I decided my first 3 Characters.
Characters under assimilation:
1: Diablo (How to not summon a demon Lord) 2:19:57.
2: Upgrade (Ben 10) 2:19:57.
3: Alucard (Hellsing) 2:19:57.
It was 11:30 am when...
I opened the door and Flavia was there with a sad look.
Kouki " What's going on?"
Flavia " Master Kouki, I just had a call from someone from hospital. Master and mistress had been died in an accident."
Lub dhub!
Kouki" What...?!"
Flavia" It's true."
Mourning, concern.
Kouki" Can you leave me alone for some time?"
I was quivering. She nodded and left. I closed the door and cried. I threw myself upon my bed. I was crying because I thought I could live with my parents again.
But I was wrong. They died in this world.... world. I stopped crying. This was marvel. What if they were killed by some son of a bitch.
Kouki " Cosmic sense! Give me status of my parents!"
Dead by road accident.
Kouki" ARGH! Find their killer! I will devour the bastard!"
At this time, his eyes were turned red with slits and have long fangs.
Truck driver died from heart attack.
My eyes widened.
Kouki " I lost my parents in marvel in a genuine road accident. Here, I was thinking about changing things on big scales but small scales can also have bigger effects."
At that time....
I opened the door. Flavia was there.
Flavia " Master Kouki, master's lawyer has come. He is in living room."
Kouki" I am coming."
I went to bathroom and washed my face. Then, I went to living room. There was a short curly black hair curvy Japanese lady in an office dress sitting on the sofa.
Den Xu
41 years old
Mourning, friend of your parents
Seeing me, she was about to stand up.
Kouki " Please sit. It's alright."
She put her briefcase and took out some paperwork. When I sat down. Flavia brought juices and served us. After that she stood behind me.
Den" My name is Den Xu. I am your father's lawyer and friend. I know it's a hard time for you especially after coma. But some legal issues, should be cleared in time."
I nodded. Then, she told me how I am the current head of the coffee company and owner of the mansion and my house in Japan.
Den" As for the funeral if you wish, I can help with this."
Kouki" Can you make two urns with their combined ashes? I want to bury them together here and in Ohira."
Den" Hmmmm, I can do that. Then, the funeral here will be held in the next 2 days."
Kouki" Okay."
Den" You know, you are behaving much mature than I thought. Your parents will be proud of you."
Then, she left. I had my lunch and went in my room. I laid on my bed.
Master - servant relationship: Engaged!
Yes. I accepted it because I need undying loyalty for what I am going to do. Next 2 days, were spent me attending my parents funeral.
5 February 2001, Monday.
I went to Ohira for my parents' funeral in Japan. Flavia, Pathy, Tae and Flavina were coming with me. We went on a private jet.
During this, I checked the situation about Avengers event. Well, well.... Loki was here and Hawkeye was under mind control of Enchantress....Amora!!
Kouki " I am happy that I am immune."
Looked like Fury is gathering people.
6 February 2001, Tuesday
We reached my house in evening. Flavia and Flavina were cleaning the house. Tae was checking garage and Pathy went to kitchen.
I had decided that I would tell them about my powers as a mutation and my plans.
Next 7 days, I had my parents funeral in Japan. I know, this was marvel but I wanted to say a proper goodbye to them.
15 February 2001, Thursday.
I returned home. Now, I summoned all servants in the living room. I was going to reveal about my powers. When, everyone was gathered.
I had also used alt form card and two power boost cards on upgrade. Now, my form was blue colour with power to create machines like from that movie.
I used two weakness removal cards to become resistant to lightning and magnetic powers. I used 2 more weakness removal cards to become resistant to holy attribute and remove my Nova transformation.
Now, I had 3 weakness removal cards and 1 power boost cards.
Kouki " My family. Yes, after my parents, you are my family. I have something to tell you. I have awakened."
Flavia" Pardon?"
I turned my left arm into upgrade and make a weapon.
I turned my arm normal.
Kouki " As you can see, I have awakened a mutant power. But it's not the only one. My power allows me to connect with the omniverse from where I can get people to assimilate as powers like this or get items, bases or vehicles. It can also give me opportunity to travel to a random universe for weeks or months with only one second spend here..."
I changed into a swarm of bats and spread around. After some turns, I converged into myself.
Flavia " So, master wants to keep it a secret. We will keep it with our lives."
They all nodded.
Kouki" Actually, I am going to do something else or become someone else."
Flavia" Are you going to be a hero like those Americans?"
She was glaring at me.
Kouki" Not like them, they only focus on Manhattan. I will be on a global scale with prioritising Brazil and Japan first. As for Manhattan, I will only interfere when it's a major incident."
Flavia" I see."
She nodded.
Kouki" But until I need you all to balance my family business and heroic life. So, I will like if you decide it among you."
They turned to each other and talked in whispers. After half hour...
Flavia " We have decided. Pathy, Tae, Pam, Flavina, Geny, Qualisha, Dai, So and I will help you in your endeavours as a hero and others will take care of your business life."
Kouki" Thanks."
I bowed to them. Then, we had our dinner and I went to bed.
16 February 2001, Friday.
After breakfast, Flavia's group came with me to my room. According to system, island was a demi plane. Going into my room, I opened the portal to the island.
I went in with others behind me. We appeared near the building. Where the barbeque happened.
Flavia " Is this?"
Kouki " The Demi plane, I gained as a base.."
Flavia " I see. Pathy and Geny checked the building."
Kouki" I already did. We are the only humans here with infinite number of resources and self-sufficient power."
Tae" Really?"
Kouki" Yes."
Flavia" But we should familiarise ourselves."
Kouki " Hmm, about that."
I had already copied the powers of fantastic four, Jean, iceman, nightcrawler, storm, Logan, Magneto, Pietro, Wanda, Mystique and purple bastard.
I used telepathy to make them resistant to telepathy and gave them a mental map of the island.
All" ARGH!"
Kouki " Sorry but with this, you are immune to espers."
Pathy" There are others?"
Kouki" A lot."
They were surprised.
Kouki" Now time to bring my vehicles which I got from my power."
I took out Megas XLR, Turbo Kat and Kevin's car on suitable locations. Seeing a giant robot, jet and a green car materialised. They were surprised again.
Flavia ' Master Kouki's power is full of bullshit.'
Tae/Pam" A car?"
Kouki " Equipped with alien technology."
Tae" Really?!"
Pam" We should check IT."
Tae" Yeah!"
They both ran towards the car. Then, I turned towards others.
Kouki " I also have a power to transform into the people I get."
Then, I transformed into Diablo with his equipments.
Flavia " A demon?!"
Kouki " Meet the demon Lord, Diablo. He is a master of elemental Magic."
I used the explosion magic to destroy a wall.
Flavia " Master Kouki, you are destroying your base."
She was glaring at me again.
Kouki" Look!"
She looked again and saw it regenerating.
Geny" That's an interesting power."
Flavia " But you can't do that again."
Kouki " Don't worry, I was just checking my powers. I will test them somewhere else."
Flavia" Ok."
Then, I changed into Upgrade, Alucard and Cathy.
Flavia " You have assimilated a girl."
Kouki " Yes. Meet Cathy Lockhart, a Pandora."
Pathy " A what?"
I turned around and stored my clothes.
Tae, who was back with Pam.
Kouki" These are stigmatas which enables her to do many things like this. Volt texture."
I turned around and clothes formed on my body.
Pam" How many times did you transform into her?"
Kouki" This was my first time."
Geny" Good."
Kouki " Now, I am going to use my power to visit a mediaeval times world inhabited by dragons and Vikings."
Then, I stored Megas XLR, Turbo Kat and Kevin's car.
Flavia " Shall I or we come with you?"
Kouki " Even though I will spend a week there. I will be back in a second."
All" Take care."
Then, I use the travel ticket and vanished.
After a second, I was back. I had tested all my spells, powers and vehicles. Plus, I bring some dragons too.
During this, some changes happened to my body. Not very drastic but this was my appearance then. I had short wavy black hair and brown eyes.
I had hawk nose and eight pack. I kept my pubic hair trim and my penis is an erector. It's 9 inches long and 3 inches wide.
I also have a heart shaped birthmark on my right butt. Must be from my feminine side. Now, I have 23000 souls.
Flavia " You really take 1 second."
Pathy " But you seem different."
Kouki" I was training and my characters improved my physique after 3 weeks time."
Tae" Do you bring some souvenirs?"
Kouki" Actually, I bring some dragons."
Pam" Huh?!"
Kouki" Summon dragons!"
Do you want to use Background card?
Kouki " No."
Then, motes of lights converged into a Monstrous Nightmare couple. Yeah, I really like this species. I was able to bring this couple here.
Plus, I gave them powers too. They have human torch power, invisibility from Susan, thing's physique improved by me.
And in last, wolverine's smell and healing factor. They are resistant to telepathy also. So, yeah. Best build for a dragon, yet.
Qualisha " Dragons?!"
Kouki " Don't worry. They are tamed by me. Besides they eat seafood."
Flavina" That's a relief."
Kouki ' Protect them.'
Dragons ' Yes, master."
Dai" Do they have names?"
Kouki" Yes, red is Blaze. He is male and orange one is Ember. She is female."
So" Okay."
Kouki" Now, it's about time. I make my suit."
I turned in upgrade and took out meteor, I brought from there. I turned into a 3D printer. I engulfed a chunk of meteor.
Then, I made my suit. Unlike a spandex, I made a resilient suit with nanites. Those will repair it when something happens.
I made it from my inspiration of my hero academia. First, a t-shirt with white borders and green colour. Same for the pockets less pants.
White belt, shoes, gloves and half jacket with green borders. Yeah, I am making my suit to represent my both homelands.
After that I changed my hair into short curly brown with green eyes and upturned nose. I also slightly changed my face.
Yes, I am going without a mask. Let's see what you will do Fury. I turned towards them.
Kouki " So, what you think?"
Flavia " You are going without a mask with a different face."
Pathy" Plus, you are not wearing those spandex."
Tae" So, you are good."
Pam" But what will you call yourself?"
Kouki " Jinki."
Qualisha" Are you sure?"
Flavina " Why?"
Dai" It's means something bigger."
Geny" What?"
So" Hope."
Flavia" That's a dangerous name."
Kouki" I choose it because this world needs some hope."
Flavia" Ok. So, what's now?"
Kouki" I am going to summon people now."
Sorry, guys. I accidentally posted another thread. It was my first time here. Plus, name was typed wrong. It's junki meaning Hope.
I hope you like the story.
Before I summon anyone, I gave telepathy, telekinesis, wolverine's powers except claws and Pietro's power to my group.
I went in the office with Flavia. Pathy was making lunch. Tae and Pam were in garage and others were helping Pathy.
I sat on the chair with Flavia behind me.
Kouki " Summon Galatea and Shego."
Do you want to use Background cards? (5)
Kouki " Yes. Yes."
At that time, a hologram of a screen and keyboard appeared. First, I worked on Galatea. Hmm, her common name.
She was called sister latea In future but can I keep it if she wants it?
If the summon wants, it could be done later. Just write both as an option.
Can I do same with appearances? Same prompt appeared.
Kouki " Okay. That's convenient."
Flavia " Master Kouki? What's going on?"
I looked at her confused face.
Kouki" Let me guess, you can't see this."
Flavia " Is there something?"
Kouki" My power gives me option sometimes to create backgrounds for my summons. It appears as a hologram in front of me. I am working on that."
Flavia" Then, inform me before you are done. I will call Pathy to deliver the tea."
Kouki" Okay."
Now, Galatea seemed to be 21 years old with an athletic build. I can give her beauty mark and other things....nah.
I will keep her same. As background, she will be my orphaned paternal cousin. She also had an orphanage built for children with people....
Host will have to take care of people.
Then, a visual structure appeared like siege games. I make an European church like orphanage in suburbs of Ponta Grossa.
She also has some shares in my company. She has degree in commerce. She has a house too. She is multi lingual.
Which share holder, you want to replace?
Hmmmm, most corrupt. Let's see...
She has 20% shares in company now. DAMN and I have 50%. Next, Shego Ortiga. Hmmmm, I don't want her as a villain.
She lives in Ponta Grossa now. She has a night club and her own house with 2 million $ in her bank account. Again, a prompt appeared.
As for money, I was exchanging my meteors. She is 22 years old.
Kouki " Flavia. I am done."
Flavia " Alright. Please wait."
It's been 2 hours already?!! After 5 minutes, Geny came in. She put the tea tray on table and blurs out. Now, I summons them.
Like before, motes of lights converged into them. Galatea was in her uniform, was looking left and right.
Then, our eyes met. She was looking calm but was alert. As expected from God's eye. On other side, Shego was also in her suit and checking her surroundings.
She also looked at me and checked me from head to toe. Then, she smiled and walked towards me swaying her hips alluringly.
Flavia was alert. She sat on the table and started tending her nails.
Shego " So, you are the one, who summons me. I have to say, you are better looking than my last employer."
Flavia was frowning. Haah~ I don't have time for this. I picked her up with my telekinesis and make her sit on the chair.
Kouki " How about we talk first?"
She was looking at me with widened eyes.
Kouki " Please have a seat."
I gestured to Galatea to sit. She sat without a word.
Flavia " Will you like to have some tea?"
Galatea " Sure."
Shego" Okay."
Flavia start to make the tea.
Flavia " Sugar?"
Galatea " I spoon."
Shego " Same."
After that she put the cups in front of them and blurred behind me. They were surprised again.
Kouki " Don't worry, she is my housekeeper and sister figure. As for her power, is one of the common ones in my world."
They were holding their cups looking at me.
Kouki " Now, let me introduce myself. I am Kouki Lee Lima. I have the power to interact with the omniverse. Through this, I can randomly gain people, items, vehicles and Bases and sometimes, get a chance to travel other multiverse."
Galatea was sipping the tea. While Shego's lips were twitching.
Kouki " I can either assimilate or summon these people. I can also copy, tinker and share powers."
After some pause...
Shego" That's some bullshit power, you have."
She put the cup on the table.
Galatea" So, we are what your harem."
She put her cup with a smile. Haah~
Kouki" Believe me, I have already assimilated the best even a female. But yours abilities were not that game changing to be assimilated."
Now, they realised that I didn't called them for urgency.
Flavia ' Good job, master kouki.'
Kouki " But I still need people to help me in certain areas. That's why I called you. Now if you don't mind what were your last moments."
Wow... a super hero... who is immune from all kind of attacking weaponry including magic, spells ... even interestingly his mind cannot be intruded...
The story looks good with unique plot... I am sensing some sexier texts in the upcoming updates...

overall a good update... a buildup to a mega story... I hope...!!!
Sorry, guys. I accidentally posted another thread. It was my first time here. Plus, name was typed wrong. It's junki meaning Hope.
I hope you like the story. This is the real one. Please check the new update!
Galatea P.O.V.
I was walking away from the cathedral when I was sure that Clare was alive. But this experience, also gave me a wake-up call.
The organisation is dangerous. It can do anything to us. Plus, I think, it's about time. I part ways with it. But where can I go?
They will found me soon on this continent. At that time....
???" Do you want to live in better terms?"
I looked around quickly. There was no one. Neither I sensed something.
???" If you want, you can start a new life in another world. With few conditions! Plus, you will be able to learn the truth of your world!"
Now, that was tempting.
So, do you accept?"
Well, I can try. So, yes. Then, everything turned black. When I came to sense. I was in a room with modern architecture?
When, I looked around. I saw another woman. I looked ahead and saw a young man with a maid? Behind him. How do I know that?!
Then, the boy offered us seats and explained about him and his powers? So, it was his power which interacted with me.
Then, he asked about our last moments. So, I told him. He was surprised? Maybe he didn't know what his power can do.
Then, he asked miss flirty.
Kouki P.O.V.
DAMN! System both considerate and scary.
Kouki " Shego, what about you?"
Shego " It was pretty same to me. Unlike her, I wasn't walking around. I was in jail for a life sentence. So, when I thought my life was over. I heard your power's offer and accepted it."
Kouki" I see."
Well, that's Shego for you.
Kouki " Thanks for sharing this. Now, I called you here in this world to help me."
Galatea" For what?"
Shego" Is it world domination?"
Kouki" No."
Now, she was pouting.
Flavia ' Nice response.'
Kouki " My world is different from yours Galatea but modern as yours Shego. The only major difference is that in this world or multiverse, exist humans with powers, sorcerers, warlocks, aliens and pantheons of gods."
Shego laughed but seeing my serious face, she stopped. Galatea was now more attentive.
Flavia ' Master Kouki, is it true?'
Kouki ' Yes.'
Shego" Okay...your world is like of the dangerous world in the multiverse."
Galatea" I am more interested that there are actual gods here."
Kouki" Actually, my multiverse is one of the highest ranked in the omniverse. So, because of the multiple reasons, I want to save this world or universe."
Shego" You want to be a hero?!"
Galatea" Hero?"
Kouki" People who fought for others Well being."
Then, I stood up and opened a portal behind me.
Kouki " My power sometimes allows me to make backgrounds for my summon, by bending the reality."
They were surprised again.
Kouki" With this, I have created some things for you two."
Then, I went in with Flavia and those two behind me.
Shego P.O.V.
I am in a different multiverse. So, the nerds of my world were correct. Apparently, the boy who summoned me, has some bullshit power.
He himself didn't know, how it works. Not just that he is totally handsome, a billionaire and has unlimited potential.
But he wants to be a hero....ugh! Right now, we are going through Galatea's house. Who accepted to be named as Latea Lima, as his orphan cousin with 20% shares in his company.
As she accepted, her name changed on her id card. Again, his power is bullshit. Then, we went to her future orphanage building.
It was really big. After that we went to my house. Huh. It was beautiful and I also had a night club but we need people.
He said that he would sent his own people in the future. After that we came back and went out of the building.
Kouki " Now, I will like to test your skills against me."
Kouki P.O.V.
I was standing in the open. I was fighting against first Galatea or Latea now without a sword. Hmmmm, both Alucard and Cathy are good in CQC.
After she fell on the ground. Shego came to fight. Even though she had experience, I was winning.
Kouki " Not bad, you have peaked human attributes."
Then, she fell too. Then, I fought against both of them. Now, I was moving a lot but was still winning.
Latea" Okay, whose experiences are these."
She was holding her ribs.
Kouki" A true vampire and a military girl."
Shego " Wait?! How are you standing in the sunlight?!"
Kouki" A true vampire had no such weaknesses. I will tell you when we will talk about my world. Now, come with your weapons and powers."
Latea picked her sword and jumped towards me but I dodged her each strike in a hair distance. Then, I pushed her away.
Shego stroke from behind me with her hands on fire. I caught her hand with mine in a grasping motion. I already had copied her power.
Seeing what I did she panicked and tried to free her hand.
Kouki " It's ok. Here, look!"
I showed my other hand with same power. With widened eyes...
Shego " Did you copied my power?"
Kouki " Yes. It's an interesting power."
Then, I undo it and held incoming sword.
Latea" You are sharp."
Kouki " Now, let's give you two some gifts."
Shego smiled.
Kouki" I can share powers through touch or...."
I gave Latea four powers through cosmic sense. Unlike maids, she can have six powers. I gave her Jean's telepathy and wolverine's powers except claws.
Due to being similar to a defensive claymore's powers, these two have now become default powers. Interesting.
At that time, Latea's eyes widened. Then, I gave her Pietro's power and a physical appearance changing power.
Through this, one can change one's skin, hair and eyes colour. As for Shego, I can only give her 3 power excluding her own.
I gave her healing factor, strength and durability and appearance change powers. She was surprised too.
Kouki " And without touching. You can practice these later."
They were looking at their bodies. Now, another test... Hmmm.
Kouki " I can sometimes gains power to remove weaknesses."
Saying that, I healed her scar, removed her awakening feature and made her fertile again. Her eyes widened, she put her shaking hands on her belly.
Then, she ripped off her own shirt. Thud! Thud! Thud!
Those things fell on the ground. Well, I am glad that her breasts aren't visible.
Flavia ' Master Kouki?'
Kouki ' She had a scar.'
She was rubbing her belly. She had tears in her eyes.
Shego " What's going on?"
Kouki " You better asked her. It's something personal to her."
Shego: relationship 3: Crush!
Galatea: Relationship 5: True Love!
Huh?! She was looking at me with tears and a smile. She was even moving her hands sensually on her belly now.
Kouki " Now, let me teach you about my world."
I asked Geny to help Latea change. Then, I taught them about my, Yeah, this is my Earth now. Today was history lesson of our civilizations and world wars.
Then, we had our dinner and I brought them to my mansion. Where they were escorted to their respective rooms.
17 February 2001, Saturday.
I woke up in the morning and after some exercise, I went for breakfast. I saw there Galatea and a pouting Shego.
Flavia " Good morning, master Kouki."
Latea" Do have to call you that too?"
Sitting on the chair.
Kouki" No, you can call me anything."
Latea" Okay then Kouki."
Kouki" You okay?"
I turned to Shego. Eating a toast.
Shego" Your maid Geny, came to call me for breakfast. When I didn't get up, she shoved me into the bathroom with telekinesis and turned on the shower."
Latea smiled.
Kouki ' Damn!'
Kouki" Well, she is more than a maid, she is family. I hope you will be good with them in the future."
Shego kept eating. After breakfast, I gave them the tablets with information about superheroes and organisations in the world.
Only who appeared yet. Then, I changed into my suit and change my appearance with fair complexion. When they saw me.
Latea" Who are you?"
Kouki " It's me."
I became me again.
Shego" Why did you change your appearance?"
Kouki " To hide my identity."
Latea" Do we have to do that too?"
Kouki" No, you only need to use that hair, eyes, skin colour change power."
Shego" Then, why are you doing this?"
Kouki" To remind me that these powers doesn't belong to me."
Then, I went to make some Omnidroids.
Shego" Is it me or was he totally hot when he said that?"
Latea" I don't know the meaning of the term but I think he was attractive."
With blueprints, I got a perfect scan. Then, I made nanites enhanced Omnidroids of different types. First, tiny ones for gathering information.
They were added with multiple stealth plus information gathering technologies. Second, small ones for my help and maintenance of the area.
They were added with support and defensive technologies. Colossal one, added with defensive end offensive technologies.
Then, I asked Pathy to prepare food for a certain number of people. When she had done, I took them in my inventory and teleported to a certain sewer system.
Third Person P.O.V.
In a sewer system under New York, a small group of mutants lived. They were hunted by the extremists. The group was consists of Calisto.
A beautiful yellow skinned slim woman, had lost her right eye. She was a mutant with few enhancements which made her equal to a peaked human.
She is the leader of this group. Caliban, a grey skinned slim boy with horns on his eyebrows area. He has the power to track mutants and manipulate fears of others.
Masque, a skinny man with a disfigured face. He has the power to change physical appearance of others.
Beautiful Dreamer, a voluptuous silver blonde woman, with the power to alter memories through a fog. Erg, a slim man, who had lost his right eye.
He has minor electric power. Leech, a slim boy with a reptile like body. He has the power to cancel other powers in a close range.
Right now, a rebellion was happening. Masque had decided to be the new leader. He forced others by momentarily changing their appearance drastically.
Which made them, horrifying. Being afraid of their appearance, they kneeled before him. Then, he declared his challenge to Callisto.
Who, when answered his duel. Masque started changing her into a terrifying monster.
Callisto " You bastard! What are you doing?!!"
Masque " Making sure that you never take your place again. As soon as I am done with you. Beautiful dreamer will alter your memories as my loyal servant, who can fight for me until death!"
Callisto" NOOOO!!!"
At that time, her changing appearance stopped and started to reverse back to her normal appearance.
Masque " WHAT?!! What's going on?!"
He tried to use his power but it was ineffective.
Masque " Huh?!"
He turned and saw leech behind the group.
???" I am glad that I came here today."
He turned towards the voice and saw a fair Japanese man with curly brown hair with some white streaks on the front.
He was levitating in the air and came down to stand in front of Callisto.
???" Don't worry. I will handle him."
Kouki P.O.V.
I was happy that Masque made his rebellion now. I never liked the bastard.
Kouki " How about having a taste of your power yourself?"
I used his power on him and started turning him into a monstrosity.
Masque " UGH! Stop! Why are you doing this?!"
Junki" I am called Junki. As for you, you are paying for what you have done."
Masque" Please! I won't do it anymore!"
Junki" Then, will you trade your power for your normal appearance?"
Masque" I..."
Junki" See, you were lying."
I took out my staff and walked towards him. I was releasing bloodlust.
Junki " Even though you are a meta. You betray your own people. Now, it's time to pay for your sin."
Masque" No! Please don't kill me!"
Junki" I am not going to kill you..."
He became happy.
Junki" Rather than that I am going to seal you in a dimension of torture and darkness. Naraku!"
A black swirl appeared on my staff, which upon touching him, sucked him and vanished.
Masque " NOOOO!!!"
His voice echoed in the surrounding. Everyone was watching me anxiously. I stored my staff.
Junki " I know, you are afraid of me. This is obvious but know this, I come here to help you."
I looked around.
Junki" I am meta like you but with the knowledge of magic."
Leech" Magic?!"
I flew towards him and pat his head like that.
Junki " Yes, in this world, we aren't the only one, who are different."
He was surprised. I Pat his head.
Junki" But unlike others, we are hated, why? WHY?! ALL OF YOU AND MANY MORE ARE HUNTED BECAUSE YOU LOOKED DIFFERENT!!!"
My anger made them more attentive.
Junki" They called us mutant and...mutie..."
I showed utter disgust for those terms. Everyone was feeling my anger.
Junki " But we are Meta humans. Ones, who are born with powers! They don't know us! They are brainwashed by scums! Who are either jealous of our power or are afraid of losing their own power!"
Everyone was nodding.
Junki" For this, we have to unite but...metas like Masque doesn't want this to happen. They want to keep this continuing.... which will end up in a disaster."
Everyone was sad.
Junki" But I have enough! I have decided to not just protect the weak but also stood against our enemies! For me, you all are beautiful!"
I caressed Leach's cheek, who was happy to receive affection.
Junki " For me! You all are my family! IF anyone! Who dares to harm you and others! I WILL PAY THEM THOUSAND TIMES!!!"
I went towards shaking Callisto and offer my hand to stand up.
I turned around.
Junki" Because... I am here!"
Callisto P.O.V.
Once again in my life, I was betrayed by people, who were closed to me. If this wasn't him, I would be a mindless slave of... Masque.
Junki.... this was the name of our saviour. He just not only saved me but also clear misunderstandings amongst us.
The reason, I was betrayed was once again due to Masque use of power against them. They were forced and they apologized for that.
After that he helped us through bringing food, medicines, purifying our source of water and solving some technical issues.
He was both kind and humble to us. Unlike others, he was more acceptable. He did not want us to fight for him.
He was actually here to save us. For once, I think, we have hope. Hope which we really needed.
