That Novel Corner - Collections of Chinese,Japanese and Korean Light Novels




Hello again, Voxel here.

It’s finally time, the great linking of the pre and post Artificial Intelligence era. And by that I mean that it is now possible to read all the way from volume 6 to volume 20 in one go. I hope you enjoy!

Revisions of volumes 16–19 will be rolling out, adding some cleanup and style updates here and there, nothing major. Volume 20 in particular is only available as an unedited draft, but the team is working hard on a refined and edited version that will be coming in a few weeks, so you can look forward to that!

EPUB & PDF (Mirror) or Slime Reader.



Hey everyone, Voxel here for that update on the new Markdown system, as well as a surprise!

Let’s start with the surprise first: More colored editions! Some of you may recall the colored editions for volumes 11 and 12 made by Theri, and now we’re proud to expand that lineup. The first one being volume 13, colored by Cloudy. Check out @Cloudy for more awesome art!

Like the banner above? Grab the latest release of volume 13 in our Light Novel tab, Slime Reader has it too! And speaking of Slime Reader, it now has little color badges for volumes that offer colored illustrations.

[H3]The Markdown Pipeline and Easier Contributions[/H3]

As mentioned in the volume 20 announcement, we’re moving our workflow to Markdown files and automated exports. This will let us easily update volumes and support more ebook formats, such as .azw3 and .mobi.

What does this have to do with contributions? We now have the markdown files for volumes supporting the format available for all inside Slime Reader’s Github repository. If you want to suggest changes to the contents of a volume, just head there and edit the markdown files, then open a pull request on Github for review.

Making changes to Markdown files requires no special knowledge or programs, just open the text files and it will work. Our exact syntax is a little bit different from standard Markdown, so all you need to know is inside this Markdown tutorial.

As of writing, the following volumes support Markdown: 13, 14, 18, 19, 20. More to come. The system also fixes minor display issues currently affecting some volumes on Slime Reader, so please don’t mind them for the time being.

[H3]Addendum: Even More Colors![/H3]

Volume 14 now also has a colored edition featuring wonderful art by DØch, check out more art @Dochtempest!


Volume 15 now also features colored illustrations from Cloudy! Get your new epub, pdf, or check them out on Slime Reader, too!.
