
  1. Crystal

    Entertainment AndhaDhun action director Parvez Khan passes away at 55 after a heart attack

    Action director Parvez Khan, known for his work in films like AndhaDhun and Badlapur, passed away on July 27 morning at the age of 55. He was rushed to the hospital after a major heart attack. As per his friend and long-time associate Nishant Khan, that he did not have any prior condition and...
  2. Crystal

    News Coronavirus: What is the R number and how is it calculated?

    The number at the heart of the decision whether to lift lockdown. Continue reading...
  3. Crystal

    News Coronavirus doctor's diary: Is lockdown good for your heart?

    Why do fewer people seem to be having heart attacks and strokes? One theory is that the lockdown lifestyle is healthy. Continue reading...
  4. Crystal

    Health Gender differences in cardiovascular disease: Women are less likely to be prescribed certain heart medications

    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading killer of both women and men in the US. Despite the significant impact CVD has on women, awareness and education for women’s heart disease has historically been low. A recent study, based on data from over two million patients, suggests that women were...
  5. Shivam

    News Why Are People Rushing To Get This Stylish New SmartWatch? The Health Benefits Are Incredible.

    These days it is very common to find ourselves struggling to have a more organized and under control daily structure in our lives. Work, family responsibilities, taking care of ourselves by exercising and spending time with friends sometimes get complicated, making it impossible to manage our...