
  1. GURU✓

    Seeking Advice what is the right time to workout

  2. Crystal

    Health Express Abs Workout

    Give your abs a total workout in just 10 minutes. Log this workout in the MyFitnessPal app with a single tap.� Interested in more workouts like these? MyFitnessPal teamed up with SWEAT to provide you with an exclusive FREE trial. For more information about this offer, click here...
  3. Crystal

    Health Home Equipment Workout

    �This full body workout can be done using a heavy object you have at home. Log this workout in the MyFitnessPal app with a single tap. Interested in more workouts like these? MyFitnessPal teamed up with SWEAT to provide you with an exclusive FREE trial. For more information about...
  4. Shivam

    News Smart Workout Mat

    This is the Otari, an interactive workout mat that allows you to stream fitness and yoga classes from top instructors with AI that critiques your form. Using Otari’s Smart Camera Arm, it captures “key points” that represent the position of each joint location in real-time – regardless if you’re...