Adultery A Slut Life

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I was a limp doll... a limp fuck-doll... prone on the surface of the table, exhausted, used, and spent. I didn't move, wasn't sure I could move unless I just slid off the table if my legs collapsed. Instead, hands gathered me, supported me, and guided me to the couch where I was laid back, my legs splayed. I looked up at the four older men, each with satisfied looks on their faces. They had given me a truly spectacular fucking. My eyes dropped to each of their cocks, each limply hanging and each glistening with the juices of my pussy and cum. I smiled with a wicked thought and pushed my weary body to sit forward. I motioned them to me. One after the other I sucked and licked their messy cocks clean.
I was given a drink which I gulped down too fast. It went directly to my head. I was given a glass of water next which I also gulped. My body was recovering somewhat even if my head was swimming from the sudden intake of a double bourbon. I slid off the couch and had them cram onto it, their hips and thighs pressed tightly together in the process. Would they get hard, again? I was sure Harold would. He had recovered quickly before. The others?
From one to the next and next and next, I sucked and licked cock. I was rewarded eventually with four hard cock, again. I sat back to consider the results of my efforts and what to do next. One of my hands fondled a breast while the other casually stroked my pussy. Harold made the decision for us. He stood and took my hand, turned me to the short hallway leading to the bedrooms.
He announced, "We're moving this party to more practical accommodations." He nudged me ahead of him with a smack to my ass. I jumped ahead with a school girl giggle.
Harold climbed onto the bed and I followed with him. I crawled over his body, held his cock, and moved my body and it until it sank into my cum-filled hole. Another man knelt alongside us. As I bounced up and down on Harold, I leaned to the side to engulf the other man's cock into my mouth. I felt movement on the bed on the other side and groped my hand in that direction until I found his cock. As I stroked it, the last man appeared fondling my breasts.
When Harold came, they all shifted. The next man wanted me on my hands and knees. The third and fourth in the missionary position. Eight loads of cum. Multiple orgasms of my own. What more could a blossoming slut ask for?
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I was lounging on my balcony when my phone dinged signaling an alert. I reached blindly to the side, a little table containing my paperback, an empty wine glass, sunscreen, and my phone. I fumbled for the phone, content to be sprawled under the hot sun. When I held the phone up in front of me, before I woke the dark screen to life, I smiled at the image reflected on the dark surface. It has been weeks since that night with Harold and his friends and more weeks since the week of exploration at the resort island. Now, I lay brazenly naked on my small balcony. Being on the top floor held some advantage along with the walls separating the balconies for some modicum of privacy but I knew I frequently exposed myself to those below in the commons area and other apartments around the quad. I enjoyed the feeling of the sun on my bare body and I was intent of minimizing tan lines even though I didn't have the benefit of a nude beach. Mostly, though, I really enjoyed being exposed. It was a wonderfully erotic feeling.

I punched in my password as I squeezed my thighs together with a big smile. At the moment, I had a vibrating egg gently buzzing inside my cunt. Oh, yeah, these weeks have generated some other transitions, too. Harold. For an older guy, he's had a lot of ideas for me. I suspect he likes the physical 'thanks' I have generously provided. In the effort of continuing to move forward, he has encouraged me to include new terms. Referring to my pussy: Cunt. My breasts: Tits. I find when I am sexual these new terms are exciting, too.

I search for the source of the alert. I find it in an app that has laid dormant, the app for the resort used for communication of events, weather, and activities. It went dormant after I checked out and received the final summary of miscellaneous billing information. I tapped the icon and the familiar resort screen popped up. A message was waiting. I tapped on it expecting to find a promotional offer. It wasn't.

'You have a message from another guest. Press this link for options.'

I followed the link to learn when I registered my email address and phone number it included an option for contact between guests, if they approved the communication. I followed the link further to find a message pending from... Adam Jacobs. Adam Jacobs? Adam? My Adam? I never got his last name. It was a literal one-night-stand and, I thought, no chance of seeing him again. I clicked on the message.

'Teresa... I loved the way you pronounced it... ter-RAY-sah... with a bit of Latin accent... obviously, you left an impression on me. I am hoping your impression of me was also positive or I am going to appear quite the fool here. But I don't think I will be. I think that night was special for you, too. So, here's the deal... I want to see you, again. More, though, I've described you to my friends and they agree you'd be perfect for us. It's outrageous but I had the feeling you might be looking for outrageous. If you see this and you are curious, respond. Otherwise, I hope your life is good. Adam.'

Oh my, God... good impression? I'll say I have a good impression. That single night was amazing. And his cock... how I wished there had been more time. Now he's suggesting just that? What's this about his friends? He said I'd be 'perfect for us'; what's that about?

I pressed reply and a text field opened below his message. It was all within the resort app, not a direct email communication. For security purposes, I supposed.

'Adam, thanks for the message and thinking of me. That night was... wow, special for me. You were amazing and I have wished we could have spent more time together. YES... yes, I am curious what you have in mind. I am including an email address; it might be more direct communication for us. Excited, Teresa.'

* * * *

I can't really believe I am doing this. It started with simple messages through an app, then into emails to phone calls. Now, I am riding the escalator from the arrival gates to the baggage claim level. I am wearing black leggings, black high heels, a tight black t-shirt with 'IMAGINE' printed across my breasts, and large dark sunglasses. Behind me on the next tread is my carry-on case. I scanned the people below as soon as I began descending the escalator and I am again as more of the open space below comes into view. I feel the flush wash over me... anticipation, wonder at what I am doing, excitement of what is to come.

I see him standing calmly away from the crowd near the window. He puts up his hand and I wave back to him. I push through the crowd that seems to part before me. When he again comes into my line-of-sight, I quicken my pace to a jog with the case rolling behind me until I all but crash into him as I release the roller and wrap my arms around him.

I kissed him deeply, then, "Oh, Adam... I can't believe I'm holding you, again."

He sighed, "You wouldn't believe how much I've thought about you. I cursed myself for the bad timing of having to leave right after meeting you." He kissed me again while people flowed around us trying not to stare but wanting to peek at our display of urgency. "Are you sure about this? We can still call it off..."

I shook my head and looked into his eyes, a big smile forming as I pressed against his body. "I'm sure, Adam. I can't believe how excited I am about it. You're right, it is outrageous but outrageously exciting." I press into him and my face changes slightly and my voice lowers, "But I'm not the only one excited and that excites me, too." In the midst of all these strangers streaming for the exit doors, my voice lowers lustily. "Are you sure you can walk with that thing like that?" He blushes and says he'll manage.

He took my bag with one hand and my hand with the other and led me to the door and short-term parking. As we cross to the parking structure, it truly hits me. I only know this man from one night of sexual adventure... an amazing sexual experience, but still... I've travelled across states to be with him for a long weekend. But not only him. That was his outrageous proposal. He and his three friends. He was very explicit when he described the weekend he proposed: three days; the five of us at a very comfortable lake-side cabin located near a resort town; a consuming sexual experience; and, according to him, the other three were equally well-endowed. I wobbled slightly. Adam looked but probably thought it was my heels. Three days intent on fucking. Three days of four big cocks. Not for the first time since his proposal did my mind flash on how his magnificent cock felt and not for the first time did I wonder if that experience multiplied by others was rational. I giggled to myself at the wonder of it all. Move forward? Hell, this was like leaping forward!

In the car headed out of the city, he provided more details. He had provided plenty of details in his messages and phone calls, of course. How could I agree to something like this without the details? But the details he gave along the drive were more and I realized by my physical reaction that he was teasing me, enticing me, priming me, hoping what we thought was about to happen was really about to happen. He described the other men in more detail: Steve, Mark, and Brian. All white. All about the same age. All with athletic builds. All with big cocks. He said the cabin was really a lake-home they were renting. It was semi-private from other properties... but not completely. The lake would be crowded on the weekend with people escaping the city and the city heat.

He reached across the center console and ran his fingertips lightly over my thigh covered in the leggings. His touch, after his words, gave me a shiver. He smiled at that. Our heads turned at the same moment and our eyes connected. My breathing quickened and my heart began pounding. We were still on the Interstate through the city.

"Take off your leggings." Just like that? I looked at him. He had a slight smile on his face as he watched the traffic ahead and around us. Without looking at me, he added, "You said you wanted an outrageous experience." He paused, then, "Correction... what you said was you want your life filled with more outrageous experiences." His smile got bigger and my arousal spiked. "Take you leggings off. And your panties or thong, too."

I released the seatbelt and raised my butt off the seat and pushed the waist of the leggings over my hips, catching the thong with my thumbs as I did. I slipped out of the heels to remove those items and he asked me to put the heels back on. Obviously, more was in his mind. It was exciting. We had made it clear that I would always be in control. I could reject anything and they would honor it. I think, though, we both knew I wouldn't be incline to deny a request or suggestion. I wanted experiences and I was inclined to follow their lead.

I sat back and refastened the seatbelt as I sat naked from the waist down. I looked at him. He had a satisfied and confident smile. He flipped his head to my side. I looked out my side window to find us alongside a semi-truck. I looked up at the driver and blushed as he gave a thumbs-up sign. Adam sped up and passed him.

Shortly after, Adam signaled to exit the Interstate. He stopped at the stop sign at the top of the exit and turned to me in his seat. "Now, your top and bra." I hesitated and looked down the state road we were about to take. It wasn't like it was a rural country road. My heart was beating faster and I knew I wanted to, I wanted to experience what his (and his friends) might have in mind this weekend. I released the seatbelt, again, and pulled my top off, leaned forward and unhooked my bra. I toss all of it into the back seat and refastened the seat belt, the shoulder strap passing between my breasts and obviously aroused nipples. He reached over with his right hand and slid it over my bare thigh. He continued up and I found my thighs parting. His fingers slipped between my thighs to my pussy. His fingers moved over my lips, then up in front of me.

I looked at his fingers. It was unmistakable but he stated the obvious, anyway. "You're already wet." His smile was almost bigger than his face. His fingers came to my nipple. "Why am I not surprised..." I smiled back. It was crazy to travel by myself to meet with near strangers for a weekend. But, God, how I wanted this.

He pulled onto a smaller county road and several miles later slowed at an intersection where the lone building was a gas and small market. I looked at him with apprehension as I sat naked in his car. He stopped at one of the two pumps and fished his wallet out. The car faced the front of the store which was where my eyes were focused. Suddenly, his hand was in front of my face with a credit card held between two fingers.

"I need gas. Would you fill it up?"

My eyes flashed back to the front of the store. So, this is why he wanted me to put my shoes back on. I sighed, nervously looked at the store and around the outside of it, but I also recognized the excitement that was coursing through me at the same time. I took the card, opened the door, stepped outside, and walked around the back of the car to the pump. I opened the cover to the opening and turned to the pump, trying very hard to act normal like this was just one of hundreds of times I have filled a car with gas. It was anything but normal, though. I put the card in and out, made the selection, took the nozzle out and began fueling the car. I glanced at the front of the store, again. A man was slowing coming out to stand at the open door. Since there were no other cars visible, I took him to be the attendant. He was watching quite closely and I knew I was mostly visible to him. I smiled as a nasty thought came to me. I took the squeegee from the water container and moved to the driver's side of the windshield. I think I even shocked Adam as I began cleaning the glass, especially when I lean over the car and pressed my breast into the windshield. I casually walked to the other side to finish the job as I heard the nozzle shut off.

When I got back into the car, all Adam could say was, "I don't believe you did that... this is going to be a great weekend!" I couldn't believe I did that, either. It pointed to a weekend of great potential, though.

Adam was right, it was much more like a lake-house than a cabin. It might be constructed of logs but it was two-stories. The front, which faced the lake, had a wide porch that extended across the full front which rose five steps from the ground.

I also noted there were no other cars. I mentioned that to him as he slowed to park alongside the building. As he opened his door, he said the others were on their way but got a later start due to work commitments. I stepped out on my side, then opened the back door to retrieve the clothes I had discarded there. I stood naked but for the clothes clutched to my body as Adam opened the trunk and grabbed both of our bags.

I felt his eyes on my bare ass as I climbed the stairs to the porch, the heels causing my ass to provocatively tilt back and forth as I did. The luggage was dumped in the spacious living room which was walled by floor-to-ceiling windows facing the porch and lake. We then made a couple trips to bring the groceries he had in the trunk.

After putting the groceries away, I commented teasingly, "No alcohol."

"The other guys are bringing other stuff. Yes, including the alcohol." He patted my bare ass.

We took the luggage upstairs. He dropped his on the bed in a bedroom and put mine next to his. I smiled as if to communicate this was our bedroom. He smiled, too, apparently understanding my reaction. He told me this was not my bedroom. There were four bedroom and the four guys. And, I understood. I would be sharing the bed of one of them.

He led me back downstairs and out onto the massive porch. I gazed out at the lake, just a few boats cruising but understood that the weekend would bring many more. He came up from the back and took me in his arms, one hand immediately fondling a breast while the other smoothly moved down my stomach. I parted my legs welcoming his touch as it continued down to my mound. I couldn't believe how turned on I was. The anticipation of the weekend after our communications, the exhibitionism in the car and at the gas station had me in a state of high need. I could feel the wetness between my legs and now he could, too.

He placed his hands on my shoulders and applied gentle pressure down. It didn't require much pressure to be sure. I was eager. My fingers were already working the belt and zipper of his slacks by the time my knees hit the floor of the porch. His slacks fell down his thighs as my tongue and lips found his now exposed cock. I sighed deeply at the first touch, my mind flashing back to the feel of this monster cock at the resort. The long semi-hard member quickly became the 11" hard, rigid cock I remembered. I stretched my mouth wide to take the head and more into my mouth and only managing about half its length inside, the head entering my mouth but its size scaring me to go much further, though I continued to try.

I felt him pulling me up and I gasped in air as my mouth slid off his cock and flopped down, its size not able to stand upright like a smaller cock would. He turned me around to press me against the railing of the porch where I braced myself and spread my legs wide, my breasts and head hung over the railing, my ass slightly wiggling at him in a teasingly, inviting gesture.

When I felt the head at my pussy, I tilted my ass up and sucked in a deep breath of anticipation. Only hours after arriving to see a man I had only one encounter with months ago and I was eagerly presenting myself to being fucked by him, again. As his cock slowly parted my lips and entered me, that deep breath escaped my lungs with a long moan as the feeling of being filled completely returned to me. He pressed and pulled slowly and by inches slowly filled my pussy until I again felt his cock bumping into the top of my insides. By the time his hips smacked my ass, a steady stream of gasps, moans, and groans were flowing from my throat and mouth hanging open.

The sound of gravel being crunched under tires barely penetrated my consciousness but the bright flash of sun off the windshield did. I turned my head and peered to the side through eyes that were half shut. A sudden feeling of embarrassment shot through me as his three friends came out of their cars to see me being pummeled from behind, my head hanging with open mouth, my breasts bouncing and swaying beneath me, and the sounds of our fucking floating on the air. But somehow that all heightened my excitement and as the three stepped in front of me on the ground... I cried out in orgasm. The slutty words and sounds escaping from me flowed easily and naturally.

"OH FUCK... YESSSSSS... FUCK YOUR MONSTER INTO ME. OH GOD! YESSSSS... YES, YES, YES! I love your... fucking... cock... deep... filling me! FUCK YES!"

Adam's strokes became instantly urgent and powerful. He slammed into me and I felt his pulsing cock begin to spew cum into my pussy tightly wrapped around him.

I was gasping for air as he slowly pulled his cock from my pussy. I glanced underneath me and back to see a long string of cum dripping from my (I was sure) gaping hole. I softly muttered a 'yes' as I watched Adam's feet move away and someone else move up to my waiting ass. I sighed as another cock parted my gaping lips and entered my pussy. This one was big, too, and the feeling of being filled returned. My mind flashed on a thought of all four really were big like Adam and my arousal spiked at the thought of finding out in these minutes after arriving while hung over the railing of the porch facing the lake. In full view of the lake and anyone curious enough to notice, I'm being fucked by four men.

When the fourth and last of them pulled out after yet another orgasm for me and another load of cum dumped into my filled pussy, I was aided to one of the Adirondack chairs along the wall facing the lake. A cold, sweating bottle of beer magically appeared in my hand and I gulped half of it. Adam sat in a chair next to me while Steve, Mark, and Brian stood leaning against the railing in front of me. We were all now naked. Formal introductions were made which was weird having already been fucked by them. Being introduced to them each, though, gave me the opportunity to consider each of them in turn. My eyes seemed to fall to their flaccid cocks hanging in front of them. Even limp they were impressive and provided visual evidence of the physical I had only moments before experienced. But, if I was considering them, I noticed their eyes dropped down my body, too. I followed their gaze down to my parted legs and blushed but wickedly enjoyed the reality of what they saw: a small pool of cum was forming under my pussy on the painted wood of the chair.

As the afternoon and night progressed, the guys slipped on shorts but I was encouraged to remain naked. I could still feel their cum inside and outside my pussy as steaks were grilled and sides made and we ate. The conversation was easy and comfortable. My willingness to be fucked immediately on their arrival and to remain naked with them set the easy, relaxed tone. They casually touched me as we moved about and I returned the touches to them.

As darkness began settling in over the lake, the temperature dropped. We were either going to put more clothes on or go inside. We went inside. After bringing them refreshed drinks, I stood looking at the four of them sprawled on couches or chairs. An evening of being openly touched had me aroused. Looking at them in shorts, their hard, bare chests reminding me of what else there was, I knew what I wanted. Adam offered a weekend of hard cock excess and that was what I wanted. I truly did want cock. I began loosening shorts and pulling them off. As I made my way around the group, the exposed cocks began firming on their own but I wanted each one in my mouth.
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The trees surrounding the lake and cabin put the area in darkness while the sky to the west still showed dusky, color infused light. I knelt before the closest cock which happened to be Mark. I licked the underside of his cock to the head. It became almost instantly hard as I took in the taste and scent of our previous fucking, the taste and smell of multiple loads of cum and my own orgasmic secretions. I opened my mouth wide to take the head between my lips. I sucked on the bulbous head as my tongue stroke the underside. I heard him moan. I raised myself to push my mouth down over his rigid cock, taking more and more inside with each plunge down and sucking as I pulled back up. I took it into my throat, certainly not all of it but enough to give the head the sensation as my throat constricted around it. I massaged his balls and stroked the base of his cock as I sucked until I felt his cock pulse and swell. I pulled my mouth up to the head and stroked faster. When I felt his cock jerk and spasm, I sucked harder in anticipation. With the first spurt of cum, I sucked and swallowed, anticipating more. My gulp sounded obscene as I was only intent on not losing a drop of his climax as the thickness slid down my throat.
I pulled my mouth off and licked the head. Mark was sprawled back in the easy chair. "Damn, Teresa... you're a good cocksucker, too."
I smiled as I shuffled on my knees to the side. I stopped in front of Steve and immediately engulfed his hard cock. Four big cocks. I was sure to be better at taking them down my throat by the end of this weekend.
I moved from one to the next as the guys talked, joked, and watched. Usually, the only one not vocally involved was the one being sucked. He, I was pleased to realize, only added moans and grunts. After swallowing four loads of cum and now faced with four softened cocks, I replenished everyone's drinks and to a seat on Adam's lap. His free hand moved inside my thighs so I dropped one leg off his lap to give him the access he sought. As his fingers plied my pussy lips and clit, he asked, "Are you okay, Teresa? Is this what you wanted from the weekend?"
I kissed him, then looked each of the others in the face and smiled. "So far it is, yes. I am hoping there will be much more." They all laughed and assured me that was guaranteed. "That reminds me, since I don't have a bedroom of my own, what are the sleeping arrangements?"
Adam responded as his finger entered me and I sighed. I had fucked and sucked each of them and now he was openly fingering my messy pussy. It was exactly what I wanted. I wanted to be there willing slut, to do everything they desired, and to be used anyway they desired. "Random. You'll start out with someone, then move to another. You may not get much sleep."
"That sounds nasty. After fucking one of you, I move to the next and the next..."
Someone added, "Definitely wake us up, if necessary."
I shifted on Adam's lap so my back was now against his chest, my legs spread to the outside of his legs. Adam's fingers were clearly probing my pussy for the others to see. I loved being displayed like that. Brain asked, "What about your ass, Teresa? Do you do anal, too?"
"My pussy and mouth aren't enough?" I held a straight face.
He nervously responded, "No... no, your pussy and mouth are amazing." Hearing his own words got him more embarrassed.
I chuckled, "I'm teasing you." My own free fingers teased a nipple as Adam plunged two fingers into my spread pussy. "Just be easy with my ass... you guys are all so big. But I'm sure you'll open me up." I gave them a nasty smile. I was essentially offering up my ass to these big cocks. Damn, this was too exciting. I stood up from Adam's lap, his fingers pulled from my pussy as I did. "God, you guys... I need to be fucked. Who's first?"
That night was a wild experience. I started the night out with Steve who reacted the quickest to my question. He took me up to the bedroom he selected and we spent time in slow, cuddling love-making. It was quite a change from the other times so far. It was mutual and considerate. He was a good lover and spent a considerable amount of time eating my pussy before I rolled him over to assume a 69 position. The idea of eating spent cum from my pussy didn't seem to bother him in the least. At some point, with both of us highly aroused, he rolled us and moved between my legs, kissing my breasts and chest up to my lips. As he did that, his big cock poked at my pussy. I guided it into my ready hole and gasped at the immediate feeling of fullness as he pressed deeper and deeper into me. When we climaxed, I was riding him and aggressively pounding my body over his rigid cock.
We cuddled for a while longer before I slipped out of the bed and padded to the next bedroom, not at all sure who might be in it. The only bedroom I knew for sure was the one Adam was in and I determined to visit his last. Each time I was fucked. Some after waking them up by sucking their cocks to throbbing hardness before they awoke. Each time our fucking involved several position changes. Each time we both climaxed.
I woke the next morning in bed alone. I was disoriented for a moment before remembering the previous night. I heard voices from downstairs and leapt out of bed for the shower and bathroom. With wet hair and only a towel wrapped around me, I padded downstairs to find the four men in the kitchen with the remnants of breakfast on the table and the smell of rich coffee welcoming me. I smiled at them as I entered and they all stood. They were all wearing only boxers. The first, Brian, unknotted the towel as he kissed me welcomingly. Each, then, took me in their arms and I was happy and impressed to feel stirrings in their shorts as they pulled me into them tightly as we kissed.
I wondered if it would all start so quickly but I was moved to a chair and served coffee, juice, and a breakfast of eggs, sausage, and hash browns. It was wonderful and I shoveled it in as the they joined me with another cup of coffee and watched. They asked me about waterskiing, I said I didn't know how, and they said it was okay because they also had a wake board that I could kneel on. First, they had to get the boat ready, gassed, and more beer for the day. It sounded like we were spending a lot of time on the water.
I suppose I should have anticipated it. Adam held up a thin, very short, coverup as he pulled me toward the dock and the waiting boat. I was naked. Apparently, I was to remain naked, too. Whipping around the lake, it was interesting to me how quickly I relaxed about my nudity. I was sure other boaters could tell, especially when I got up to straighten the line when one of the guys fell. It soon came to be my turn and I was now more concerned. I was a good swimmer and was encouraged to only use a floatation belt like the guys had used. They had shorts on, though. I was determined not to deny myself experiences with these guys, though. I allowed Mark to fasten the belt around my waist and I slipped over the end of the boat. I climbed onto the board and held onto the line as the boat slowly drifted away until I was holding the handle which was threaded through a clip and leaned back as instructed to raise the front of the board. As the boat took off, I had no choice but hold on and go wherever they took me which turned out to be through some very crowded sections of the lake. Needless to say, I drew a lot of attention.
Back in the boat, Steve pulled me to him and we kissed with a renewed passion, largely due to my arousal at the exhibitionism. I stood, stripped his shorts down and backed onto his lap and sitting on his hard cock. Adam put the boat into gear and crashed through the wakes of other boats. The jolts were like abusive pounding into my pussy and totally what I needed at the moment. My cries of orgasmic thrill were drowned out by the roar of the engine. When Steve pumped his cum into me, I stood up, allowing his cum-coated cock to plop against his abdomen. I turned around to clean his cock and was penetrated by someone. At this point the boat had settled into a smooth cruising. When I took my mouth off Steve's cock, another appeared at my face which I greedily devoured into my mouth and throat.
It was awkward, even at a slow cruising speed because of the other boats and waves slamming into us. It didn't deter anyone, though. Or comments, yells, and shouts from passing boaters. Only when all four of the guys had been satisfied did we collapse onto seats and head back to the cabin.
I was fucked repeatedly during much of the day. When I wasn't actually being fucked in one position or another, I seemed to be casually relaxed with my head in someone's lap while sucking a cock. I had to admit to myself that I felt like I was in heaven, an obscene, slutty heaven, but still heaven.
That night I was allowed to put clothes on. They were taking me to a resort restaurant for dinner. Of course, dressed was a relative term. After spending the night and day naked and fucked, I was dressed in an ultra-short skirt that just covered my ass cheeks when I had it pushed way down. The blouse was a buttoned, very sheer material and sleeveless. And, no underwear. My nipples were clearly visible through the material and my breasts swayed and bounced freely. When I sat, my bare ass was on the seat and if my thigh weren't pressed tightly together my pussy was exposed.
The restaurant was also a club so after eating we moved next door where a so-so band was pounding out a beat that invited dancing. With four guys to satisfy, I was on the dance floor continuously with the only breaks to refresh by gulping a drink before being pulled back to the dance floor. The slam of alcohol had the probably desire effect of eliminating any remaining inhibitions. Before long, my blouse had been unbuttoned completely. As I twirled and shook side to side, my breasts became exposed. During slow numbers, my partner made a point of pulling up the back of the short skirt to show off my ass. For my part, I was grinding my pelvis into hard cock much of the night. When a manager finally told me to cover up or leave, I was frankly surprised it had taken so long. I didn't cover up, though. When we turned to leave, much of the crowd booed the management and cheered us.
I was breathless when we stepped out into the dark of the gravel parking lot. I was laughing from sheer enthusiasm of the experience. I realized I would likely do anything. The feeling was an aphrodisiac of sorts. The exhibitionism and blatant sexual energy put me on a high I wanted to experience more of. I didn't have to wait long for more to experience.
Not 10 feet from the door of the building I was stopped. One of the guys worked the clasp and short zipper of the skirt while another pulled my open blouse off. After excitedly stepping out of the skirt as a young couple exited behind us and smiled, I stepped up to each of the guys for a very hot and passionate kiss, all of them fondling my ass and breasts. I stepped back from them with an expectant look, my nipples erect and my pussy lubricated. The guys shared a look and pulled me to the car parked in the middle of the lot. I was pressed over the hood and fingered as I heard zippers lowering. One of them managed to cum inside me and another penetrate before someone opened the building door and threatened to call the cops. I turned around and flaunted our response before being pulled into the car, all of us laughing.
It was another night of changing beds and I didn't want to sleep. I wanted and did continue all night until the sun rose behind the cabin. I had fucked each of them twice during the night, waking them up by sucking cock until I could sit on a hard cock or have them awake enough to roll on top of me.
Despite the earlier talk of anal, it hadn't happened. Until that next day. I thought I had experience heaven before. Not even close.
There was little mystery to the weekend by this point. I was going to be fucked... well and truly fucked. The only mystery was how and under what circumstance. Would there be more exhibitionism? They seemed to take great pleasure in displaying me and I found I enjoyed it, too. But this day was going to be different and they indicated that by coming to me as a group with Adam holding a tube of lubricant in front of him. Anal. I gave them a wicked smile and reminded them to be gentle. They assured me they would... until I was opened up.
It was a bright sunny day as they led me out onto the porch, again. Again, I was facing the lake as I was bent over the railing, my feet spread wide, and my ass cheeks spread apart as a large dollop of lubricant was spread on and into my asshole. I knew they were already hard. They had probably been thinking about this since it was originally mentioned. Just like I had been thinking about it.
I looked over my shoulder when I felt a cock head sliding over my greased asshole. It was Adam. I smiled at him. I was glad it was him. I felt this first time with a massive cock would be gentler from him, not that I thought the others wouldn't have honored my request, but...
"DAMN!" I squeezed my eyes shut tight as he pressed harder against that opening that wasn't sure about opening. He pressed down on his cock as he pressed his hips toward me. "OH FUCK!" I wasn't sure about this now that it was beginning but I was determined. I wasn't going to deny myself of anything this weekend. It was a mantra now. This weekend was my discovery... discovery and proof of the slut I was. "Do it, Adam! Get that log inside me."
The noise from the lake disappeared, somehow buffered away by the intensity of the moment and it wasn't only me. The other three guys were silent, too. All were focused on Adam pressing his cock past my sphincter. It seemed all of us held our breath. Then, with a physical pop, if not an audible one, the cock head was inside and my moan was joined by the sighs of the others in releasing the built-up expectation. It felt impossibly big inside me. I pressed my hand back but Adam had already held his position, allowing my body to adjust. It was only moments, though, before I pulled my hand away and pressed my body back toward him, taking a few more inches of his cock into my ass. The grunts and groans and gasps were continuous in flowing from my mouth as he slowly and deliberately pulled back and pressed forward and penetrating more and more of his length into me. He was about half way in when it seemed impossibly full. The first time he fucked me it felt intense but nothing like this.
"OH FUCK... OH FUCK... YESSSSSSS!" I felt his hips finally press against me. I had all of him inside and it felt like the head might enter my throat from that direction. It was impossible to describe. It felt like he was fucking into my bowels.
I screamed my release. I read that anal might not produce an orgasm on its own but it did for me. I came so hard my legs wobbled and Adam pressed me harder against the railing as he pounded my asshole for his own release. When he came it felt like a hose had opened inside me. His cum seemed to spurt an endless stream. My head hung over as he slowly pulled his cock out of my ass and, once removed, I saw a string of cum hanging from my spread legs.
Without hesitation, though, the next guy came to my ass and penetrated deep into what had to be a gaping hole. I only saw two feet and I didn't care who it was, it didn't matter. One after the other, they stepped up to my gaping asshole to fuck it. I squeezed the muscles to assist them. These were easier after being opened. I orgasmed with each and it felt like my bowels were filled with cum. When I stood up after the last one, a steady stream of cum ran out of my asshole. How obscene... deliciously obscene.
The guys were stunned when I knelt down to suck and lick each of their cocks clean. Ass to mouth. Maybe it should have been gross, even disgusting, but it felt like a new discovery for me. I wanted everything.
I brought out beers for them, then we ran down to the end of the dock and jumped into the lake noisily. Five naked cavorting people not caring who might see and what they might think.
Later, I sucked them hard, again. I looked up from my knees with a wicked smile. "Now what? What are you guys going to do to me next?"
They seemed to know. They stood me up, told to jump into Adam's hands, and was lifted high enough to settle back down onto his cock. I sighed as I hung there with my arms around his neck, my legs around his waist and my pussy penetrated by his cock. He moved me up and down a few times, then stopped. Then I felt hands on my hips. I looked over my shoulder to find Brian aligning his cock to my ass. I turned back to Adam and smiled.
"Double penetration?" He smiled. "Oh God..." Anal was one thing, but both holes with cocks as big as these?
With Adam's cock in my pussy and now Brian pressing his big cock against my asshole, I was nervous. It wasn't the problem I was anticipating, though. My sphincter was tight with Adam's cock 'next door', but it had been loosened. I cried out when Brian passed his cock head up into my asshole and I clung to Adam tightly. Then, I realized his was in me and I relaxed. I had done it. Both of them. I leaned back and twisted my shoulders and head so my shoulders were sideways to both of them. I moved my right arm around Brian's neck and pulled his face into me for a passionate kiss. I moved my mouth back and forth between them as their hands jointly moved my body up and down on their cocks. I had felt full when being fucked in the pussy. I had felt full when being fucked anally. This... God!... this felt like my body was stuffed with cock.
I orgasmed quickly. They had just gotten started and my body was shaking and quivering. I wrapped both arms around Adam as my body reacted and their fucking continued. I filled the room with my cries and moans. Everything I had sexually experienced lately was eclipsed by this.
Brian climaxed in my ass. I was clamped around him so tightly I could feel his cock begin to swell and pulse. The first spurt of cum gave me another mini-orgasm. As he pulled his cock from my asshole, my head fell back and my mouth hung open at the feeling but the emptiness didn't last long. Another cock was plunged up into my asshole. I gasped and turned to find Steve. I kissed him deeply. I wanted to say something, encourage him, them... all I could manage was deep sighs and moans.
Adam came in my pussy and again I felt every change in his cock's response. I orgasmed, again. Steve held me from behind as Adam pulled out and Mark slammed his cock into my gaping pussy. It seemed like my body was in a constant series of orgasmic responses.
I found myself in bed... alone. I slipped my hand down my body to my pussy and asshole. How long had I been here? I smiled. Not long, I thought. Both holes were still loose and open. I swung my legs over the side of the bed. Not long but maybe long enough for them to have recovered. This time in bed. What a slut? Okay... I was okay with that.



What a life , Odin Chacha
This story is erotic and seductive....i lust it very much.
Waiting for another stories of this type.
