Erotica An Overprotective Mom

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My name is Amy Watkins. I'm going to tell you a story that shows the bad things that can happen when a mom is too overprotective. Parents, take note!
My first year of college was tough. I felt kind of unprepared, so I just hit the books and had almost no social life. Also, I was stuck in a freshman dorm with a roommate I really didn't like very much, and that kind of soured my whole outlook on life. But at the beginning of sophomore year, I not only celebrated my nineteenth birthday but managed to get an apartment just a few blocks off campus. It was a pretty small place, with only a living room, galley kitchen, and a super-tiny bedroom that barely had enough space for a queen-size bed; but it was my own place, and I didn't have to let anybody in that I didn't want!
One person I did want in the place was Matt Kenney. He was my boyfriend.
At least, I thought of him like that, even though we hadn't done much yet. I'd met him the year before in a history class, and he struck me as fairly nice. Not exactly an Einstein in the brains department, but at least he wasn't an arrogant bastard like so many other guys around campus. In fact, he was really kind of sweet. I know some guys don't like to be called "sweet"--but it's a compliment, you nitwits!
Anyway, I'd decided that after a few weeks of "going out" in the casual way you do in college, it was time for--well, you know.
That's right, folks. I'm a virgin. But I didn't want to be for much longer.
During freshman year, I'd met a lot of girls who were "doing it" with various guys--it almost didn't seem to matter who they were. I mean, here we were, on our own and away from our parents for the first time, and you gotta have fun sometimes, don't you? So I heard all kinds of stories from my friends about how they'd spread their legs for anyone who was available--and there were plenty, believe me! Guys just looking to score at every possible moment. I got the impression that some of these encounters weren't exactly consensual from the girl's point of view, and I didn't want to go that route.
I wanted to control the situation as well as I could, and that meant getting Matt to my place and making sure my "first time" was a truly memorable event.
Well, it certainly was--but not quite in the way I expected.
I planned things for a Saturday night, so we wouldn't have to get up early and go to class the next day. I didn't think I'd have much difficulty persuading Matt to "go all the way." I had a feeling he was more than a little impatient to get things moving along that front, although I knew he was a gentleman and would never force the issue. So I wanted to put him out of his misery.
I'd given a lot of thought to what it would feel like. I mean, it's not the same for boys as it is for girls, is it? Some guys just don't get it. The girl is putting a part of someone else's body--a very important part, at least from the guy's point of view--into herself, and so there's always this sense of being, well, invaded.
Don't get the idea I'm one of these crazy feminists who think that every act of sex is somehow forced. That's nonsense. In this case, I really wanted it. But I just wished I knew what it felt like. When I asked some of my friends who'd "done" it, they just rolled their eyes and said, "Oh, Amy, there's no way I can describe it!" Thanks a lot! Not helpful at all. I suppose I could have stuck a dildo or a cucumber or something up myself--but for one thing, I didn't have a dildo, and for another thing I didn't want to waste a cucumber in that way. Also, I wanted to keep myself "intact" (if you catch my meaning) for Matt, even if he ended up freaking out over the blood and the mess and stuff. Maybe I'd freak out too, but it's all a rite of passage, isn't it?
So here we were, going back to my apartment after we'd wolfed down some pizza at a nearby Italian restaurant. I'm sure Matt knew what was in store, because he seemed a bit on the jumpy side. For my part, I didn't want him to lunge at me the moment we set foot in my place. I mean, you gotta work your way up to that, don't you? A little romance and cuddling might be nice to start with.
It was a warm day in early October, so we weren't exactly bundled up with a lot of heavy clothes. After I settled Matt down on my tiny couch (really a loveseat--appropriately enough!), I put on a CD of some nice romantic music--and then plopped myself on his lap! He wasn't expecting that, but he didn't make any objections.
I'm a little on the short side--five foot four--but I like to think I have the whole package. I know guys get fixated on boobs and butts and whatnot, but I feel I'm a nice little item from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. And Matt was nice too. He wasn't super-tall (five foot six, I'd say)--and I liked that. I'm so tired of having to crane my neck up to talk to some ridiculously tall guy. I always get the feeling he's looking down at me in every sense of the word. Most of the time, I could look Matt in the eye. And right now, Matt's face was right at the level of my tits!
No wonder he didn't complain.
I was wearing a thin tanktop, but even so I'd gotten a bit hot in it, so the top of my chest (including some hefty cleavage) had a sheen of sweat on it. I think Matt liked that, because he rested his head on my chest and inhaled deeply, as if taking in my body-scent. His body-scent was nice too. He was wearing only a T-shirt and shorts, and I longed to pull that shirt up and get a look at his own chest. There were little tufts of hair sticking up from the neckline, and I liked that. I don't like a lot of hair on a guy--makes him look like some kind of animal--but a little is just right.
Well, with the effect of the music and our close embrace, things were moving right along. From where I was sitting on his lap, I began to sense something growing down in the area of his groin. A good sign!
So that's when I said, "Why don't you take my blouse off?"
He looked wide-eyed at me. Was he a virgin too? From certain things he'd said I thought he wasn't, but who knows? Maybe he was just bragging about nothing. Anyway, he seemed pretty nervous when he tugged at my tanktop and lifted it up over my head.
I was wearing a white bra, and he gazed at it as if it was some kind of holy grail. I didn't want to fluster him by having him fumble with the clasps (guys are terrible at taking a bra off!), so I did it myself.
When he saw my tits, his face kind of crumpled up into a weird little grimace that was almost painful. He let out a whispered "Oh!" and placed a hand tenatively on one of my breasts. It's fairly large (32D), and it filled his hand right up. It was firm but also soft, and he bent his head forward and placed his lips on the nipple. He just placed them there, not sucking or licking or anything. I wish he had! My nipples are super-sensitive, and I always play with them (usually twirling them between my fingers) when I pleasure myself.
But there wasn't going to be any masturbation this time! If I came, it was going to be through Matt's efforts, not mine.
He now put his head between my breasts and pressed them against his cheeks. I wondered how he could breathe like that, but he seemed in seventh heaven. Well, this was all very nice for him, but I wanted to move on to the main event. So I pulled his head away, got up from his lap, and, looking straight at him, pulled my skirt (and my panties along with them) off of me.
So now I was naked--the first time in a man's presence! A little shiver went through me, but Matt's reaction was even more amazing. I thought he was going to faint. Guys, I'm not that beautiful! But he seemed to think he was looking at the Venus de Milo. Very flattering, but I wanted him to do more than look.
I went up to him, pulled his T-shirt off the top of his head, and had him stand up. He seemed a little shaky on his knees. Then I knelt down and, in a single motion, whipped his shorts and underwear off. I did it so fast that his cock--which was already pretty hard, as I suspected it would be--sprung up like a jack-in-the-box and almost hit me in the face. That was pretty funny!
But when I saw the thing, I wasn't in much of a mood for laughing. It was, if I may be blunt, huge.
Well, maybe not huge. I didn't have a ruler right on the spot, but I'd have to say it was about eight inches. Somehow I wasn't expecting that: I figured that, with him not being super-tall, his thing wouldn't be so big either. Mistake! I did wonder how--or even whether--I could get it in me, but of course I'd gone too far to back out now.
While I was there on my knees in front of him, I thought I might as well put that thing of his in my mouth. So I did.
What a strange feeling! I won't say it had any sort of taste (but it did have a smell--a pretty strong smell, which I couldn't decide if I liked or not), but there was such a peculiar combination of hardness and softness (I'm referring to the soft skin all around the shaft) that I couldn't imagine any other part of a male or female body quite like it. No wonder everyone--both guys and gals--have a sort of obsession with a cock. It's a strange implement, all right!
I sucked on it a bit, and also tickled the balls with my fingers. I'd been told guys really like that. Matt sure seemed to: the moment I touched that little sac (which looked like it had two big marbles in it), my let out a soft moan of pleasure. I was actually afraid he might come in my mouth--which I emphatically did not want. Most of my girlfriends had said something like, "Ycch! I hate having come in my mouth!"--although there was one girl who said she loved drinking the stuff. No accounting for tastes. It's really salty, they say. Why the hell is it salty? I guess you need to be a biologist to know that.
Anyway, I got up and led him to my bedroom--by his cock. Yup, I took hold of his tool and guided him to my bed. He didn't seem to mind.
Once again I'd reached a crucial moment. I didn't want him to just plunge into me without so much as a by-your-leave. Where's the romance in that? This is a big moment for a girl--remember that, guys! As I said before, you have to work your way up to it.
I should have known Matt wouldn't ruin things. When I lay down on the bed, on my back with my legs spread, he got on top of me--but didn't go right in. Instead, he again made love to my breasts (he couldn't seem to get enough of them) and then, to my surprise and delight, he slid down so that his head was in front of my sex.
Omigod! Could it be that he was going to make me come before he came himself?
A lot of my friends had complained about how so many guys were just interested in their own pleasure. Some of them couldn't even be bothered to make a girl come at all, let alone making her come before they did. But Matt was a gentleman--didn't I tell you that? Grabbing my butt with both hands, he buried his head in my already damp pussy and began licking like there was no tomorrow. Of course, he started gently, but pretty soon he'd worked up a good rhythm where he was was both licking my labia and even nibbling a bit on my clitoris and, at times, sticking his tongue as far into my vagina as he could. That wasn't very far, and I don't know if he came in contact with my hymen--but I can assure you I was in ecstasy! I was clutching the sheets with my hands, tossing my head back and forth, and crying out like a banshee. A guy was actually making me come! Holy smokes, it was great!
And I did come--explosively. In fact, I think Matt got a little alarmed when I let out a kind of shriek or wail when my orgasm pulsed out of my sex and bathed my entire body in a delightful warmth. My vision got all blurry, and my tongue was sticking out of my mouth. I almost felt like I was choking. But it was all good, and Matt knew enough to keep on gently licking me until the last remnants of my climax finally washed over me.
At this point I became totally convinced he'd done this before. Licking pussy the way he did takes too much practice--no way this could be his first time at the job!
I now knew the moment of truth had come--for me.
He worked his way up my body, with my legs on either side of his hips. His cock was kind of knocking at the door of my pussy, if you get what I mean, but he hadn't gone in yet. He was looking down at me with a mixture of eagerness and hesitation. I guess he knew I was a virgin and was worried about hurting me.
He even asked, "May I go in now?"
I said, "Oh, God, yes! Please!"
So he went in.
Or he tried to. His cock met that silly barrier all too quickly, and I guess he was being so careful not to cause me pain that he couldn't get past it. I almost wanted to shout at him, "Guy, you gotta go for broke! Just use your thing as a battering ram!" But he figured out all on his own that that's what he had to--and he did.
So what's it like to have your hymen punctured? Well, let's just say it's more than the jab of a needle in your arm--a lot more! I cried out in pain, and I think even a tear or two leaked out of my eyes. I saw that Matt had this look of sorrow, even grief, that he was hurting me. I wanted to tell him, "Guy, it's just what a girl has to go through--don't take it personally." But I could hardly speak. Anyway, now that his cock was going farther and farther into me, it felt kind of like a little mole tunneling through my body. But I liked it! Sure, I felt stetched, as the walls of my vagina had to accommodate this strange new toy for the first time; but you just feel so filled when a guy goes into you. There's such an incredible sense of connection with your man: I felt a surge of affection for him that almost overwhelmed me.
Almost immediately I raised my legs and bent my knees, hooking my legs over his thighs. That made it easier for Matt--better angle, you know. I didn't know that would happen, but my body did: it seemed to react instinctively. The things you learn on your first time!
By now Matt was plowing into me with enthusiasm. He was also squeezing my breasts and my butt with greedy hands. He just wanted to touch me all over! How sweet of him. He was also plastering kisses on my face and neck and shoulders. I could tell he was getting really worked up--his face was all red, and he was huffing and puffing with effort. Guys really do most of the work during sex, don't they? Well, most of the time they do. We women just take what they dish out.
And then a look of surprise came over Matt's face--and he spurted into me.
Now it seemed like he was gagging or choking. He buried his face in the side of my neck as he pumped me full of his stuff. I could feel it pouring out of him and landing in my vagina--and then I felt even more connected to him than before. That stuff of his was really a kind of glue that cemented our relationship. God only knows how long my relationship with him will last. I mean, I really don't think he'll be the only guy I'll ever take to bed. But at this moment, he was the only man in the world for me.
Don't worry, girls, about his coming in me. I'm not stupid: I waited till I'd just finished my period, so I wouldn't be fertile for a few weeks. So during that time he can fill me up to his (and my) heart's content!
He pulled out and heaved himself off of me, landing hard on his back next to me on the bed. His chest was really going, up and down, up and down, as he gazed up at the ceiling. His face was covered with sweat--in fact, his whole body was, and I noticed that some of that sweat had gotten transferred to me, as my front was all wet. Maybe some of the sweat was mine. Copulation takes a lot of exertion, even for the girl. I mean, it's not as if I just lie there like a sex doll.
I could already feel his stuff leaking out of me--and then, of course, I noticed some other stuff oozing out.
Just in time I snatched some Kleenex and wiped myself up before the mix of semen and blood fell onto the sheets. It's probably a stain that's nearly impossible to get out in the wash! I also saw that Matt's cock had some streaks of blood on it. Like a good little mom I took some more Kleenex and mopped it all up.
He looked over to me and said, "You okay?"
"Sure," I said. "Just fine."
There was a bit of throbbing in my pussy, but otherwise I felt great. I was no longer a virgin! I suddenly felt that I belonged to a special sort of club--the club of women (and I really felt like a woman now, not a girl) who'd experienced the wonder of a cock up their twat. I really felt sorry for all the girls out there who hadn't had done this--it really is impossible to describe!
But right now, I just felt like cuddling my new lover, and so I draped my body against his side and snuggled up to him. He put his arm around me and gave me soft little kisses on my face and neck. At least he wasn't one of those thoughtless guys who just "roll over and fall asleep" after doing a girl. That would have been horrible!
I let my fingers trace little circles all over his chest, and then his stomach. I couldn't stop myself from going down farther and taking his soft cock in my hand. It felt like an inner tube with just a little air in it--so different from when it was hard as a pestle! But as I continued to play with it, rolling it around with my fingers, pressing it against his belly, and seeing one final drop of come ooze out of it, I noticed something I didn't expect.
It was getting hard again.
I was stunned. One of my girl friends had told me that guys couldn't do it a second time without a long period of rest--a few hours, or even a whole day--to recuperate. But here was Matt getting big almost as soon as he'd come out of me! Well, maybe it had been about fifteen minutes, but it was still incredible to me that this was happening. I became fixated on that thing of his, getting stiff and straight right in front of my eyes.
"Wh-what's happening?" I said nervously.
"What does it look like?" he said--a little smugly.
"You really want to do it again?"
"The thought did cross my mind."
"Oh, Matt, I'm pretty sore down there. I don't know if I could let you in me again so soon."
It seemed he was lost in thought, as if pondering some difficult problem in philosophy. At last he said, "We could do something else."
I wasn't sure I liked the sound of that. Was he going to suggest some perverted kind of activity that he'd seen in some porn film? I suddenly felt like a virgin again, facing a guy who was way more experienced than me.
"What?" I finally said.
I should have realized what he was going to say, because by now his arm had slid down my back and was squeezing my butt as if he couldn't get enough of it. I like to think I have a nice butt--you know, firm and round and cushiony--but I still didn't expect him to say: "I could go in here."
It took me a second or two to realize what he meant. Then I gasped.
"You--you want to do that?" I whispered.
"Have you done it before?"
"Well, no. But I've always wanted to try it. Would you like to?"
"I don't know. It seems yucky to me."
That's how one friend had described it. Apparently this procedure had become pretty popular--with the guys, anyway--on college campuses, and girls were now facing the prospect of having to do it with their boyfriends or else seeing those guys go wandering off to some more accommodating girl. One of my friends had scrunched up her face and said, "Omigod, it hurts like hell!" But another had said, "Oh, you can get used to it. It just takes some practice."
So this was my dilemma. Do I let Matt invade my butt or not? I didn't think he would be one of those guys who dumped a girl just because she wouldn't do that. But at the same time I didn't want to disappoint him. He'd been super-nice to me up to this point, and I'm sure he didn't want to hurt me if he could help it.
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So after a long silence I said, "Okay."
He didn't quite figure out what I meant, since he hadn't said anything to my "yucky" comment. But when he realized that I was agreeing to his plan, he almost leaped up from the bed and headed off to the bathroom.
"Where are you going?" I cried.
"We need some lube," he said over his shoulder.
He fished around in my medicine cabinet and came back holding a little blue jar in his hand.
"That's what you're gonna use for lube? My cold cream?" I said incredulously.
"Yeah. I heard it works pretty good."
I shrugged and rolled over onto my stomach. He seemed keen on doing the lubricating himself, as he was already opening the jar and scooping out a big wad of the white stuff onto his fingers. It felt cold and wet on my butt, and I giggled a little--and then gasped as he actually stuck two fingers into my anus and spread the cold cream all around.
After wiping his fingers with some Kleenex, he positioned himself on top of me. His entire body was now draped over mine, from head to toe, and I felt kind of smothered--but in a nice way. I could feel him taking his cock in his hand and trying to guide it into the right place--not an easy task! Once it went in just for a second, then slipped out. Even that caused me a little pain; and when he finally got several inches of his cock into the spot, I felt--well, it's really hard to describe.
It's totally unlike the other way. Why that is, I couldn't tell you. Maybe it's because a cock isn't really meant to go in there--nothing is. The anus is really, really right, even with the lube, and I could feel every fraction of an inch of his cock as it slowly slipped into me. Once again I was filled, but in a way that seemed--strange.
But Matt was clearly enjoying himself. That tight fit was just what his cock needed to get a second wind. As soon as he got into a good rhythm, he brought his hands around my body and grabbed my boobs. Man, I felt really and truly skewered! I couldn't move, I had a big cock up my butt, and I felt his hips grinding into me. I could even feel his balls slapping up against my labia.
Meanwhile, he was kissing and nuzzling me wherever he could. I'd turned my head toward my right side, just in order to breathe. Matt now started kissing and then licking my cheek in his passion--and then he became fixated on my ear, and he stuck his tongue into it as far as it would go. Well, of course it couldn't go very far, but just the feel of that thick, hot tongue in that place made me squirt a little bit. I think I had a mini-climax just then.
He was really pounding me now, but that was okay. There really wasn't any pain--or at least, I guess I was just getting used to it. My pussy was still throbbing, and now my anus was throbbing. I felt totally helpless and at his mercy--but somehow that was okay, because I knew he was doing this out of affection and not just crude desire.
I knew that because after a while he slid one of his hands down from my breasts to my pussy. And then he began playing with it.
His purpose was clear: he was wanting to give me a climax at the same time as his own. I won't say no to that! As his fingers worked that whole squishy area, I felt the beginnings of my orgasm coming on--and when, with a heavy groan, he started shooting his seed into my butt, I came too. Did I ever! I started shaking and trembling all over, so much that I almost dislodged him from my derrière. But he remained firmly embedded in me as he kept sending more of his stuff into me, and he kept on teasing my sex to make my own pleasure keep up with his.
It seemed to go on for minutes, but at last it was over. He didn't seem to want to come out, and for quite a while I didn't want him to come out either. We just lay there, his cock plugging up my butt and his hands fastened to my breasts and my pussy. At long last I began to feel uncomfortable, and so I said, "Matt, this was fabulous--but can you take your thing out of me now?"
He let out another groan as he slowly pulled out. When the knobby head of his cock popped out of me, I did feel a final little twinge of pain; but, after the incredible ecstasy of the whole experience, that was a small price to pay.
Let me announce to all the world that I'm a convert to anal sex!
On shaky legs, Matt got up from the bed and headed toward the bathroom again. I figured he wanted to clean up. Good for him! No way I was going to put that thing of his in my mouth after where it had been.
It was at this very moment that the front door of my apartment opened. It was my mom.
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Yes, Mom has a key to my place. I told you, she's way overprotective. While I was living in a dorm (it was an all-girls' freshman dorm--no men allowed at any time), she was not too freaked out at my being away from home for the first time. But when I insisted on getting my own apartment, she'd looked me up and down as if I'd planned on re-creating the orgies of Caligula or something. She lived about twenty miles away, but that was fatally close, and she had the bad habit of popping in unannounced at the worst possible moments.

And this was certainly one of them.

Matt, of course, wasn't expecting anyone else to show up. When he saw my mom, he actually leapt in the air and gave a little squawk of horror and embarrassment, and then rushed into the bathroom, slamming the door. But my mom had seen enough.

"What the--?" she cried. "Amy, who the hell is that boy? What's he doing here? Why is he naked?"

My first thought was: Mom, you're pretty slow on the uptake. But then I remembered that I'd never had a boyfriend before, and that Mom probably knew I was a virgin. But did she really expect me to stay one forever?

Here's what you need to know about my mother. Her name is Shirley, and she's actually pretty good-looking. I guess she's about forty-two by now, but she looks younger. She's actually quite short (five foot two--two inches shorter than me), but she's a really nice package. Nice, big boobs (probably a tad bigger than mine, although of course I've never seen them uncovered), a curvy ass, nice tapered legs, and so on and so forth. Everything a man would like. Her face would be nice too--if only she smiled more. And I guess that might be the fault of my dad.

You see, he left her about a year ago. I think he was waiting until I went off to college--didn't want to split while I was in the house. He's a darling of a man, but I guess he just got fed up with Mom's nagging and whining. She really had him pussy-whipped, until he couldn't take it anymore. And now Mom was pretty much furious at the world--and that made her even more protective of me.

I was the only thing she had left--you know what I mean? So she kept tabs on me in every way she could. I had a feeling she'd been trying to reach me on my smartphone all evening. I'd buried it away in my purse and turned the ringer off. So now, Mom had apparently decided that I'd been kidnapped by some white slaver and carted off to the Middle East or something, for the delectation of some lascivious sultan.

I crawled up out of bed and went into the living room. Mom theatrically clapped her hands over her eyes when she saw me--which I thought was kind of ridiculous. Okay, so I'd forgotten that I didn't have any clothes on; but gee whiz, she'd seen me naked lots of times, although not lately. But her reaction made me flustered too. I looked down at myself, let out a ltitle squeal, then went back into the bedroom and slipped a robe on over my nudity.

"Mom," I said, "what are you doing here?"

"Why didn't you answer your phone?" she snapped. See, I knew she'd been trying to call me! "You know I worry about you, especially on weekends when anything can happen."

"Mom, I'm fine."

"Fine? Then who's that--that person in the bathroom? He's naked, you know."

"Of course he is. What do you think we've been doing?"

I suppose that was a little blunt, but I was really getting fed up at Mom. I need to live my own life!

Mom's eyes got really big as she contemplated the horrible prospect. "You mean that--that boy--"

"Mom, he's not a boy. He's nineteen, just like me."

"--that he--" She still couldn't get the words out, so I did.

"Yup," I said with great self-satisfaction, "he deflowered me."

What a stupid word! It sounds like some guy plucking up a dandelion and tossing it contemptuously aside. That's not at all what Matt had done: he was just a sweetie-pie! (I'm sure he'd hate being called that.)

Mom was now fit to be tied. "Did he--force you?" she said in a sinister whisper, her eyes getting all squinty.

"Don't be ridiculous," I said with a snort. "If anything, I forced him! I was the one who lured him into this lair of mine. Then I said, 'Go to it, guy, destroy my hymen!'"

Mom pretended to ignore all that. Looking at me as if I was some pathetic waif, she said, "It must have hurt."

"Well, sure it hurt--but don't think I didn't enjoy myself too!"

Mom made a face, as if even talking about female orgasms--let alone having them--was somehow unladylike.

Now she turned her attention to Matt. Striding up to the door of the bathroom, she began pounding on it, shouting, "You--you predator! You come out here this minute!"

"Mom," I said with a sigh, "he's not a predator. He's my boyfriend. And he's naked in there. At least give him a chance to get some clothes on."

But Mom wasn't listening. "Come out of there! I want to give you a piece of my mind!"

I thought this stand-off would go on forever. I mean, a guy really doesn't want to exhibit his nudity to the mother of the woman whose virginity he's just taken, does he? But to my amazement the door opened slowly and Matt drifted out into the living room.

Yes, he was naked. I thought maybe he'd put a towel around himself, but I guess he was too shaken up for that. His thing was kind of wilting. What do you expect? He'd already come twice, and now he was being berated by this crazy middle-aged woman who'd barged unexpectedly into this place.

But even so, the size of his member caused Mom's eyes to widen and her jaw to drop. In disbelief she said, "You put that big thing into my daughter's little--"

"Mom, it's not that big." When Matt glared at me, I quickly added, "Okay, it's pretty big. But I managed. My coochie isn't all that small, you know. And neither am I. I'm taller than you, remember?"

But Mom didn't seem to be paying any attention to what I was saying. Her eyes were fixated on that male organ, and as Matt was slowly approaching her she started backing away as if she was a mouse about to be devoured by a python.

And, not entirely to my surprise, something was going on with Matt. He was getting hard yet again.

Well, why not? I have a feeling a lot of guys are exhibitionists--especially the guys whose cocks are of a reasonably impressive size. They just like to show it off, you know? Anyway, Mom was pretty good-looking, and the idea of displaying his wares to her seemed to appeal to him.

"Wh-what's happening to him?" Mom said to me in alarm.

I rolled my eyes at her. "What does it look like? Surely you know how those things work--but maybe it's been a while!" I cackled at my own joke.

I suppose I was being unkind. Mom probably hadn't had any action since Dad left. Even I, having just sampled the pleasures of sex a few minutes before, couldn't stand the thought of going without a man's cock in me for a whole year. The prospect was terrifying!

No wonder Mom was so crabby and irritable.

Matt kept coming toward Mom in a sort of dreamy slow-motion, and she kept backing up, until she finally ran into a wall and couldn't go any farther. "You tell him to keep away from me!" she shrieked.

"Oh, Mom, he's just trying to be friends," I said--although I really didn't know what Matt was trying to do.

"That's right, Ma'am," Matt said, speaking to her for the first time, "I'd just like to be friends."

Mom wasn't believing that for a minute (and neither, frankly, was I), but she was still fixated on that thing of his, now standing straight up from his groin. Matt came up to her as she cowered against the wall--and then, taking her face in both of his hands, he planted a long, tender kiss on her mouth.

Well, that was a surprise! I mean, my mom's pretty nice-looking, but she's not that hot. Or is she? Maybe Matt's nudity was making him think any woman within reach was a possible object of his affection.

Mom squirmed a bit, but she couldn't get out of his grasp. And I quickly saw that she didn't want to. Little moans were coming out of her mouth; and even though at first she tried to push Matt away, pretty soon she had encircled his neck with her arms. I guess it's pretty unusual for a woman who's fully clothed to be held by a man who's naked. Matt even pulled her away from the wall a bit, and his arms slid around to her back. While continuing to kiss her, he reached under her skirt and placed a hand on her underwear.

That made Mom groan--from pleasure and from outrage, it seemed. Her prim and proper side said, "This man, who just plowed into my virgin daughter, shouldn't be feeling me up!" But her innately feminine side said, "Omigod, this feels so good--and it's been so long!"

Matt sensed where this was going, and he whipped down her panties to her knees and, bringing his hand around to her front, began fondling her sex. I couldn't believe what I was seeing--and I was certain Mom wouldn't let this go on much longer. I had visions of her pulling away from my boyfriend, giving him a sharp slap on the face, and throwing him by main force out of my apartment, leaving him to shiver naked in the hallway.

But she didn't do any of those things. Instead, letting out a little whimper, she opened her legs a little further to allow him better access to her pussy, and she even pressed her bresats against his chest. I had a feeling she would have liked to be naked herself, so she could fully enjoy this impromptu session with her daughter's lover.

It didn't take very long for Matt to ring Mom's bell. A little gargle came out of her throat, her tongue stuck out of her mouth, her eyes rolled around in her head, and she began trembling from head to foot as if she was being electrocuted. Matt had to use his free hand to hold her up, otherwise she might have tumbled to the floor; but his other hand was still nursing that orgasm, giving her as much ecstasy as could be squeezed out of her.

She clung to him tightly, and a goofy expression spread over her face. Man, that must have been some climax! Probably the first time in a year she'd had one done to her by someone other than herself.

But now Matt needed some attention. He pulled her away from himself and, giving her a plaintive look, he gently pressed down on her shoulders. He wanted her to fall to her knees and suck his cock.

He got her down on her knees all right, but her natural prudishness came flooding back. As he pushed his cock against her cheeks, she moved her head back and forth, crying, "I am not putting that thing in my mouth!"

"Oh, Mom," I said, "it's the least you could do for what he did to you."

When his cock reached her lips, she instinctively opened them, and his thing went in pretty far. Too far, in fact: she gagged immediately, and he pulled out right away as a trickle of saliva slipped out of her mouth and dribbled down her chin. Now recognizing that there was no way she could avoid it, she took his cock in her hand and sucked it at her own pace. For a while it seemed like she was getting a sense of the heft and feel of it; then she started bobbing her head back and forth on it. She was really having fun!

Matt was gazing down at the incredible sight of this attractive older woman servicing him. I'm sure he was having the time of his life, but I also thought he had something else in mind. So, with a kind of nervous hesitation, he said, "Ma'am, would you like to--?"

Mom took his cock out of her mouth, looked up at him, and said suspiciously, "Like to what?"

"Mom," I said impatiently, "you know what he wants. He wants to fuck you."

Maybe I shouldn't have been so blunt. Mom actually shivered at the thought. Once again I figured she'd reached the limit of her endurance of this impromptu intimacy and that she'd just walk out of the place in a huff. But she didn't do that.

She pushed Matt back a little so she could stand up. Then, with as much dignity as she could manage, she marched slowly in the direction of my bedroom. As she did so, she began removing one piece of clothing after another.

I have to say, what she revealed was pretty stunning. From my perspective, she revealed her backside first; and when she got to the point of taking off her bra and slipping out of her panties, she showed a butt that was as luscious as any guy could want. It even had little dimples! How cute. Then, as she climbed into bed, I saw her front. Oh, baby! Those boobs really were bigger than mine, and I had a little spasm of envy. And they were firm and high too. Nothing worse than droopy breasts!

Matt was watching with fascination too, and his cock was actually quivering with anticipation. He strode over to the bedroom in unseemly haste and practically fell on Mom was she lay on her back on my bed. But, as with me, he first wanted to sample those incredible tits, and he licked and kissed and nuzzled them to his heart's content. He sucked the nipples hard, like some huge baby wanting to get milk from them. But then he couldn't wait anymore, and he slid up her body and in a single motion plunged his cock into her.

She let out a huge gasp. That long drought had made her almost forget what it's like to be speared by a man's implement! I also wondered, as I watched all this, whether Matt's tool was bigger than Dad's.

They got into it pretty fast, with Matt pounding her and Mom wrapping her legs around his hips like an old pro. It's funny how women automatically do that when a guy is in them, even if they aren't entirely willing partners in the proceedings. It's like your body just takes over regardless of what your conscious mind wants. But I could tell that this was actually what Mom wanted. She clutched tightly to Matt's neck and shoulders as he gored her like a bull; I could tell she was relishing every moment. Maybe she might even come again, although all my friends had said it's pretty unusual for a woman to have an orgasm just from intercourse.

But as Matt seemed to be getting ready to come, he stopped--or at least slowed down. By this time I had stumbled over to the bed myself, falling down on my knees next to it to get a better view of the action. Now Matt looked over to me and said: "I kinda want to go into her butt."

I was about to say, "Why are you asking me? Ask the lady you're pummeling." But Mom got in her two cents' worth before I did.

"You want to do what?" she said, furious. "There is no way you're going in back there, buster!"

Matt's face took on a crestfallen expression, even though he continued a soft in-and-out motion in Mom so as not to lose momentum.

I tried to rescue the situation. "You don't like it, Mom?" I said.

She was so angry that she couldn't say anything. But something in her expression made me think a bit.

"Are you telling me," I said, "you've never done it?"

"No, I've never done it!" she spat.

"Not even with Dad?"

"He wanted to, but I wouldn't let him."

I clucked my tongue. What a shame! I wondered if that had anything to do with-- Well, it's not very nice to think that a man left his wife because she wouldn't let him stuff his cock up her butt.

"But Mom," I said, "how do you know you don't like it if you've never done it?"

Once again, she had nothing to say to that.

"I just did it," I blurted out, "and I thought it was fine."

That sent Mom over the moon! Now she was spluttering with rage. "He did that to you just now? After he did you the normal way?"

"Yup. I guess I lost my virginity twice in the same night!" I chuckled at the thought.

You have to realize that Matt was still pumping Mom gently. He didn't want to get soft, but he also didn't want to shoot his wad in her pussy on the off chance he might still get a chance to forge into her posterior.

And I think Mom was giving the matter some thought too. My guess is that she was saying to herself: If my daughter, who just had her hymen shattered by this oversexed brute, can take it in her behind, so can I.

"All right," she said with dogged determination. "Let's do this thing."

"Yippee!" Matt cried enthusiastically.

He pulled out of Mom with such haste that it made a wet, popping sound. The jar of cold cream was still on the nightstand, where Matt had set it down after using it on me. He now grabbed it, whipped my mom over onto her stomach, and applied the stuff in record time. Mom writhed a bit when she felt his fingers in that sensitive spot, but otherwise she didn't make too much of a fuss. But when Matt draped himself over her and put his cock about an inch or two into her anus, all hell broke loose.

"Ow! Ow!" Mom screeched. "Omigod, that hurts! Ow!"

Matt looked over to me with a pathetic expression. He really didn't want to cause my mom pain, but didn't know what to do to relieve her anguish. He certainly wasn't going to withdraw, after all the effort it took to persuade Mom to let him have access to her bottom.

"Mom," I said, "you're all tense! You gotta loosen up!"

"I--I can't!" she exclaimed. "I can't figure out how!"

I could see that she had unconsciously tightened her sphincter--the very thing you shouldn't do during anal sex. It's a natural reaction, I suppose, but it wasn't helping.

"Mom," I said soothingly, "just relax, okay?"

I took hold of one of her butt cheeks and started massaging it, as a way of trying to get her to unclench her muscles. After a long while that dimple in the cheek finally went away, meaning that her brain had finally managed to send a message to her derrière to ease up.

All of a sudden, Matt went in quite a bit farther--and a surprised look of beatific bliss spread over Mom's face. She was liking it! Her tongue was sticking out of her mouth, a sure sign that she was starting to feel the onset of another orgasm. And, just as he'd done with me, Matt slipped a hand down her front and was working her sex diligently, getting his fingers all moist with her juices.

I should have mentioned that, quite a while before this, I had doffed my robe. I'd felt stupid having clothes on (well, one piece of clothing) while my two companions were naked. So I joined them in being bare-assed. Not only that: I began having some warm feelings down in the area of my delta too--and without thinking I jumped onto the bed and plopped my sex in front of Mom's face. Again relying on instinct, she began greedily lapping at my labia and clitoris. I had no idea whether she'd done this before, but she went at it like a pro. Who knew my mother was bisexual?

The end result was pretty amazing. Matt, who was now really forging his way into Mom's butt, screamed at the top of his lungs, "Omigod, I'm coming!" I shrieked too, as a sudden climax incited by the perversity of the whole scenario crashed over me. I believe Mom came too, but her cries were nearly muffled by a mouthful of pussy.

Eventually we all separated and collapsed onto the bed.

Mom, though, suddenly sprang up and quickly got dressed. She seemed mortified at what she'd allowed herself to do (and have done to her), and was eager to bolt from the scene.

I managed to crawl up and, not bothering to put anything on, approached her as she made for the front door.

"So, Mom," I said, "that was nice, wasn't it?"

She did her best to avoid looking at me as she said, "Yes, it was fine."

I thought it was a lot more than "fine," but I could see how embarrassed Mom was. "I guess you'd like to have Matt cuddle up with you again sometime?"

A crimson blush spread over her face. "If he wants to."

"You bet he wants to! You're quite a piece."

She frowned at that. "I'd prefer it if I was alone with him."

"I guess that could be arranged. But I wouldn't mind another threesome sometime. I'd really like to get a taste of your pussy."

She really frowned at that. "You're a very naughty girl."

"Yeah," I said with a grin as I slapped her on the fanny, "I guess I am."
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And with that, Mom left the place.

I went back to bed with Matt, nestling against his side. "That was quite a performance, my man."

"Yeah, I thought it was," he said with a smug smirk.

"Any chance you could go another round?"

He grabbed his own member as if it was aching--which it probably was. "Oh, God, no, Amy! Please!"

"All right, all right. I'm tired too. We should just get some sleep. But," I added with a wink, "you'd better get used to the fact that you now have a package deal--me and my mom!"

"I can deal with that," he said.

I saw that he could. Aching or not, his cock gave a little quiver at the thought of doing me, or Mom, or both of us, in the near future.

