Erotica Naked Legal

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My life was a mess. I had the world by the tail and I lost it... big time. My whole life had been geared to the point of realizing success just like I was achieving. From childhood, it was drilled into me endlessly. In athletics or school, there was no other option than to succeed and excel at the highest level. Of course, I knew it was all a farce, but I excelled even in living a farce.
At only 33-years-old, I was being described as 'genius', 'pit bull', and 'cut-throat' all in the same breath by those in my legal community. After graduating at the top of my class from one of the best law colleges in the country, I was aggressively recruited. I selected a top, prestigious firm as much as they selected me. I made waves in each case. If they weren't full-out wins, I negotiated around treacherous legal and social ground to minimize the damage to the client. In the process, the firm reaped rewards, many passing at some level back to me. I was not only on top of my game, but I was also on top of everyone's game. The word in the legal community and within the firm was that I was one of the top up-and-coming legal adversaries.
And, at 33 it was all gone. Lost, forever. As I sat in my nicely appointed apartment that I was going to have to seriously consider leaving, I relived it all for the umpteenth time. To satisfy my demanding parents, then demanding coaches, teachers, professors, and bosses, I maintained a tight grip on the mask I learned to live with from childhood. A mask can only be lived behind, though, for so long before the mask should be modified to incorporate the reality that is being hidden behind it, or... the mask begins to cover more than perceived deficiencies and becomes destructive.
Grace McBride, 33-years-old, 5'-6", 120 pounds on an athletic frame capped with long, wavy, dark brown hair. An attractive woman, a significant element of my success, too. Underneath that attractive charm was the woman I had been forged to become. Grace McBride was never really a hard-driving, dominant, and extroverted personality. That was me in my striving world where people watched me. I had always had quiet, alone times where I could relax, revert, and stop pretending. Everything became so different, so demanding at a level I never managed well. The workload, the always-on demand, the never-ending interactions, and commitments. As a result, my distractions became more intense, more perverse, and more extreme, but I needed something to yield in my life to slow the never-ending cycle.
So, when the wheels finally came off, it wasn't just a crash, it was a stellar obliteration of a stunning, short-lived glorified life. I could blame those demanding on me, the pushing, the driving, and committing, but... I couldn't really. Because I knew that mask was there, I also knew that all my success, everything I had achieved, was because of me using the mask. The same then had to be true about my crash. It was gloriously fatal in its finality to my career, my license, and any standing in the legal community. The question that remained was: was there any recovery? Was there anything a stellar attorney could do when she could no longer practice the law?
It had been a month since I stood in front of the Bar making arguments for the most important and desperate client I had represented... myself. It was all to no avail, of course. The only thing I had trained for, the only thing I had ever focused on, was the law. I was good at it. I was very good at it. But, I couldn't practice it, anymore. In a month, I hadn't moved past those thoughts. In a month, my associates, contacts, and networking went quiet. My searches left me befuddled and empty.
So, imagine the surprise when an unsolicited phone call came to me. The surprise wasn't close to the reaction when I discovered the caller was Andrew Franklin. The shock was a far more appropriate description. Andrew Franklin was known to anyone in the local legal community no matter what significance you were in the community.
"Do you know who I am, Miss McBride?" I assured him I did. People in the community were aware of me; how could anyone not be aware of one of the wiliest attorneys who was near royalty in the community. He had retired only two years ago from one of the highest regarded law firms as one of the senior partners after making his name and wealth. The stunning decision had been widely covered in newspapers, magazines, and online sources. He said he was interested in starting his own small firm where he could choose the clients and cases he felt were interesting or significant. Known as a workhorse for his clients, he had impeccable credentials with legendary success. His renowned legal tricks, maneuvers, and showmanship in the courtroom attracted young attorneys and were studied in classrooms. He was like a modern-day Perry Mason, though few young attorneys might even know what the reference meant.
"I do apologize, Miss McBride, for calling unannounced. I wasn't sure how else to contact you. I would very much like to have a conversation with you about your career."
I almost laughed out loud, "My career, sir? I don't have a career left and, if you know who I am, you would certainly know that, sir."
He did laugh, though. "Miss McBride, I very definitely know who and what you are. I have had my eye on you for quite some time. Since I left the partnership to start my own little enterprise, you have been on the top of my list of people I wanted to join me."
The sigh I released into my cell spoke the volumes I had no desire to actually verbalize. "I am sorry to have disappointed you then, sir. You're obviously too late so can I ask why you are calling?"
He laughed, again. "Because I want to talk to you about your career. You still have an influential and lucrative career in the right situation and I think I have that situation if you are interested in listening. It might not be the one you originally had planned for yourself, but as it turns out it might be exactly what you were meant for."
The thought crossed my mind that he might have discretely left his former firm because he was crazy. I shook my head but agreed to a meeting at his offices the next day. My apartment building (the one I thought I was going to have to leave) was on Parkway Avenue, one block removed from a large inner-city green space. As it turned out, his new offices were in the building across the street and his corner offices on the top floor overlooked that same park. He chuckled when describing where his office was, clearly aware of my location relative to him. It almost felt like fate... maybe to both of us.
From the corridor, the offices of Mr. Franklin's firm were difficult to gain any reading on. There was a heavy wood door on a blank wall missing any of the glass on either side of the door to provide a faint glimpse of the workings on the other side. An engraved sign on the door was almost subdued, Andrew Franklin, Attorney at Law. I knocked on the door and received no response. I tried the door handle and found it locked. I nervously considered I had somehow mixed up the time of day but "10:00 AM, tomorrow" is hard to mix up. My eyes on my hand on the door handle found a button next to the handle. With a deep breath, I pressed the button. I still couldn't tell if anything was happening and was about to search for a fourth option when the door abruptly opened.
"Miss McBride, I presume." I nodded and was let inside. I stepped into a small odd room that appeared like a reception room without a receptionist, just a space with three chairs, a low table with a few neatly arranged magazines, and the Wall Street Journal.
The woman introduced herself as Marjorie Gilbert, Mr. Franklin's Office Manager/Word processor. She was in her mid-40's, about my height, and ten pounds heavier. She explained she had been with Mr. Hansen for 15 years and, when he left the other firm, he asked her to join him. She thought it sounded adventurous and being single was enough for her. She asked me to take a chair and it should only be a moment. She disappeared through the other door. The reception area was modest, even plain, certainly not the finely appointed surroundings of most other law offices that seemed to want to reflect the high rates they would be charging.
I looked in the glass of a picture on the opposite wall and saw myself reflected. I considered the professional appearance and smiled. Yes, that's the person who can still pull something out of nothing. I wore one of my business suits: jacket, skirt, white blouse, and black heels. A few moments later, the other door opened and she was standing holding the door open for me. "Sorry, it took a few moments to gather everyone together, Miss McBride."
I looked at her puzzled, "Everyone? I thought I was meeting with Mr. Franklin."
She smiled disarmingly, "You are, but if you are added to our small team, it could be such a significant change that he wants all of us involved."
So, there really was a job involved in this meeting. I didn't even know what to expect from this meeting and it turns out it might be a job interview. And, on top of that, whatever the job was he had in mind for me could change the dynamics of the group enough that the entire team needed to be involved? I wondered what they really knew about my disbarment since there was no crime involved.
I stepped through the other door into an entirely different feeling environment. The center area was open with a large conference table. Filing cabinets, copiers, and heavy-duty printers were scattered around the outside. A table with a coffee-maker, small refrigerator, etc. was along another. Along the wall with the door I had just entered was a large flat-screen monitor facing the conference table. Along the sides of the open space were enclosed offices, four of them. I was being led to the corner office to the left and I could see the others were already gathered inside. It was the largest office. An office in the center back was glass-enclosed and appeared like it might have been used at one time as a library/conference area, but was now furnished as an office, but appeared to be empty of use. It was large enough to have visitor chairs at the desk, and a loveseat with a coffee table. The other three offices were typical sized but also very nicely furnished.
Marjorie showed me into the room. Mr. Franklin was behind the desk; two men were in front of it at the ends of a row of chairs facing Mr. Franklin. The two chairs in the center were empty and Marjorie and I took those. Mr. Franklin thanked me for coming and hoped it would be to the mutual benefit of me and them. He introduced the other three of his firm:
• Marjorie Gilbert had just introduced herself to me. He explained that he would never have started a venture like this one if she hadn't agreed to follow him. She had been the one he leaned on for scheduling and assistance for more than a decade. She added that after so long in the staid environment of a major law firm, this sounded like an adventure. I wasn't sure what that meant.
• Mark Williams was introduced as a researcher. He began law studies but also developed skills in computers and found more interest and excitement in searching the web. He was in his early 30's, about 5'8", skinny and soft, which fit the description of someone who likes computer life. His hair was over his ears in kind of a messy way. He chuckled at the description of his interest in 'searching the web'. Mr. Franklin added that his skills perhaps went further than legitimate google searches and he had discretely encouraged those skills on occasion.
• Jake Porter was identified as Investigative and security. He was 6'2" tall, 220 pounds, a strong-looking black man, who could have been a football player. His background, however, was in special ops in the army, then private security and investigative work. Mr. Franklin had used him on some special cases before and was now full-time.
I couldn't help but comment on the uniqueness of the group of people. He laughed and commented that they were no more unique than me. I was confused, again.
"Sir, I appreciate the meeting and introduction to your team, but I still don't understand what any of this has to do with me. You know I can't practice law, anymore."
He nodded, but the smile never left his face. He then went into a summary of my qualifications, accomplishments, and legal successes for the benefit of the others but I had the distinct feeling he was telling them nothing they didn't already know and, somehow, it was playing more to me. He settled back in his chair and looked at me after finishing.
"You are a firebrand, Miss McBride. You weren't only one of the sharpest legal minds we've had in our midst in a long time, you were intuitive, instinctive, and gutsy. You could find weaknesses in arguments and testimony and when you did you chewed them up and left them gasping."
I looked at his team, then him. "Nothing like you, though, sir. I used what I had, but I didn't have the courtroom skills to turn a room by standing up. I've seen you do it."
He had a look of humble, whether put on or real, it was there in his manner and I believed it. He was that kind of showman, though.
"You diverted my direction, Miss McBride." I heard chuckles from the two guys. Did they merely enjoy seeing the master diverted by someone or was there something more? "I described you the way the legal community saw you and believed what you were. It is the same image this group had of you when I suggested they take a look at you to join us." He held up his hand, "Don't say it, we all know you were disbarred. That doesn't mean you can't work here, though."
"A paralegal, you mean?"
"I wouldn't put a label on it since that might be limiting and that would not be the intention." He took a breath, "But, back to the point I was working to..." I blushed. He was trying to make a point and I was fixating on my problem. "Would you agree that the image you have purposefully given the world is a hard-driving, dominant, and extroverted personality always in control?" I nodded. I knew that was the image I created and cultivated. "That's not you, though, is it?" My eyes went wide. What did he mean by that? "Deep down you are none of those things, are you? I'll give you hard-driving, you definitely are that. But the rest? In reality, you definitely are not dominant or extroverted. Quite the opposite, actually."
He stopped and it was quiet. Was he waiting for me to deny it? Did he know something, somehow? How? How could someone on the periphery of my career have a better understanding of me than all those I had worked for and with?
As on cue, three laptops I hadn't noticed on the desk were opened. One in front of him and the other two to be shared. They were already up and primed.
"This is not to embarrass you, Miss McBride, but to drive a very important point. What I have in mind for you is very particular to you and will only work with complete honesty and understanding among all of us in this room." I shifted my eyes to the small group: computer research geek, assistant, and investigator. How do I fit in when I'm not a lawyer? "It is interesting when you think about it really. I was interested in you for a year, but we needed to do our due diligence and consider the effects of bringing an attorney like you in the group." He chuckled. "Honestly, that consideration was ruining my mood. A firebrand, win-at-all-costs attorney coming in would require many more cases. What would happen to our nice little group and goals? They'd get lost in another growing enterprise, is what." He smiled and keyed his computer and the others were keyed up, too.
A video. At first, it didn't make any sense. Why were they cuing up a video? I looked closer and felt Marjorie's eyes on me. I leaned forward and saw... it was porn... a gangbang...
Mr. Franklin's voice broke in, "Moral turpitude was what they called it. Unethical behavior. Detrimental to the integrity of the legal profession. Blah, blah, blah... Interesting, isn't it? The vast majority of the citizens don't believe the legal profession has the ethics or morality to be damaged." He looked up from the monitor, "Sorry, I do not intend to make light of your situation."
That was me? That must be me. I had never seen it but I heard about it at my disbarment hearing. How did they get a copy? It was supposed to be sealed if I didn't fight the action further.
"How... did you... get this...?" I turned to Mark Williams, the computer guy. He looked embarrassed, but it passed.
"Mark only did what I asked him to do. You see, Miss McBride, your downfall actually solved my problem in a way. If I could get you on board now, you could use all those skills of yours in support of me, because you couldn't run with the cases yourself. Your gutsy intuition and insight combined with my courtroom tact and intimidation. We all agreed, it would be lethal." I looked away from the scene where I was getting gangbanged. It was hard to look away, though, it looked as erotic as I remembered feeling it. I was air-tight here, completely dominated and used by these men I didn't even know.
"I don't understand."
"Let me lay out my thinking. It took the others a little longer to see it, but they eventually did. You undoubtedly thought you were in anonymous encounters by using strangers but we live in a world where nothing is anonymous. Everyone has a cellphone with photo and video capability. You couldn't have known, of course, you were rather occupied, but there is video over the internet. We found 11 different videos of you. The one you see in front of you got you disbarred. The others made me wonder, though. This wasn't a case of being drunk, wild, and careless." He leaned over the desk and looked at me. "This was a desperate cry from your soul. That's when I started seeing it. The Grace McBride everyone knew was a façade, a disguise you used to cover up what and who you were because that person could never begin to achieve what you had. That's a lot to live with, isn't it?"
I nodded, stunned that this man who never really knew me had cut away all my protection so easily.
"Without a felony conviction you can still work in the legal profession, just not representing yourself as an attorney and all your work must be under the direction of a licensed attorney. In this case, me." He smiled. "If we go there, that is."
I collapsed back in the chair. I was already spent and deflated. I came into this meeting to see what he had to offer and use my mask to impress him with that person. In moments, he had stripped that completely away and I was left with... nothing, actually. My mask was everything.
"Stand up." Mr. Franklin's voice was different. Gone was the welcoming and open voice of earlier, or even the more professional but still understanding voice of a minute ago. This was purely authoritarian. This was dominant.
For some reason, I stood up, my chair edging back a bit as my legs bumped it. I started to say something but he held up his hand. I stopped. My eyes kept falling to the video still running on the laptop. God, that's me. And I felt something new, something different. He knew. He knew what that act really signified, something I could never let come out except for times like those with strangers.
"Remove your jacket." My eyes raised up to meet his. My hands were already slipping the jacket from my shoulders and arms, though.
"Remove your blouse." My eyes flashed something but my fingers were working the buttons. As my blouse opened until I had to pull the tails from my skirt, I felt something new. The flash that my eyes showed wasn't fear or shame or anger. I felt none of that. I felt something entirely different.
I dropped the blouse on top of the jacket on his desk. I stood with only my lace, demi-bra covering my large breasts. He only smiled at me, his gaze not leaving mine.

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"Now your skirt." I did it. My fingers moved to the clasp and zipper at the back. I pushed it over my hips and let it drop to the floor. I stepped out of it and placed it on top of the rest. I stood before them in my underwear and I wasn't flinching. What was this feeling?
"Do you even know why you are standing among us in your underwear?" I shook my head. I didn't, but it didn't feel wrong, either. Somehow, strangely, it felt freeing. "You aren't dominant at all. You aren't even extroverted. You've been keeping up a disguise, a façade..."
"A mask." I blurted it out. "All this time I have thought of it as a mask, a mask I had to remain behind at all costs."
"But you couldn't at all times, could you? It was too exhausting to always be in control, to be someone you weren't. That's why you did these things, isn't it? You pretended you weren't sexual but you are very sexual. You pretended to be dominant in your life but you really just wanted someone to take charge of you, to be the dominant one." I nodded. Yes, it was true. All of it was true.
"Tell us how you feel right now... shame?" I shook my head. "Then, take off your bra and let us see your magnificent breasts."
My fingers were behind my back and unhooking the bra before any thought about it came to me. I slid the bra straps down my arms and dropped the bra on the desk.
"Now, how do you feel... shame?"
I shook my head, again. "No, sir. Not shame. Embarrassed, maybe." I glanced down at the others shyly. "But... also..."
He smiled and nodded his head. "Yes, say it."
I blushed deeply. I could feel the heat rushing through my body, my nipples becoming instantly erect... and... my pussy getting wet. My god! What was happening to me? I took a breath and answered him, "Excited."
He nodded. "Are you wet now, Grace?" He stopped saying Miss. I nodded. "How do you know, you haven't looked?"
I blushed more. "I can feel it, sir." God, I was always saying 'sir', now.
"Take them off."
I put my thumbs into the waist at the sides and pushed them down and put them on the desk.
He took them into his hands and daintily held them and smiled. "Not just wet, though... very wet." He unabashedly gazed at my nearly naked body in his office with the other team members sitting alongside me. "Now, I'll ask you again. You are standing here nearly naked; do you know why you are doing this?"
I shook my head, "I've never done anything like this before." He chuckled and pointed to the computer. "I mean besides that."
"You are what is called a submissive. The opposite of a dominant you wanted others to see you as. These times", he indicated the video that had stopped, "was your release to be who you really were. You chose a destructive way of doing it, though." He smiled, "Sit down, Grace." He looked at the others, "Is there agreement?" They were all nodding, smiles on their faces.
Marjorie put her hand on my arm, "We didn't believe it would happen." I asked what. "You're sitting with us naked. He was convinced." She stood up and the other two did at the same time. She bent down and kissed the top of my head, a very personal interaction considering the office. She patted my arm, "I hope you join us." I smiled but turned to Mr. Franklin with puzzlement as they exited the room but didn't close the door.
"I have to confess, sir, I don't believe what just happened." I looked down at my naked body. "Especially, this."
He chuckled, "Who knows what goes on inside ourselves, my dear." Miss McBride to Grace to my dear. He's moved from formal to personal to intimate. "I admit it was a test of sorts, a test of my interpretation and a test of your reaction to it. Simply put, I want to give you the chance to live in the way your being is most comfortable and natural. I suspect there are many forms and variants that could be considered, but I think the simplest and most appropriate for you is a simple role of 'serve and please'. You are obviously able to reverse the roles when in professional situations, but when you need to relax you move to your natural role, the one most comfortable for you. Your natural role, then, would seem to be to serve and please someone in control to release you from those concerns." He studied me, again. "Does that make sense?"
I considered what he said. I had never evaluated myself or categorized the conflict within me. I just fought the conflict. But, yes, it did make sense.
"That would explain my willingness to be sitting here nearly naked?" He nodded with a smile. I nodded, too. "When you told me to stand, it wasn't a request or a demand. There was something in your voice that made it sound like a statement of indisputable action. I was to stand. It was the same thing with each of the other statements until I found myself like this." I blushed, again. "It felt... I don't know... each time it was like more than my clothes were being shed, but the tension, anxiety, and fear of discovery were being stripped away. That's what you mean?" He nodded. I looked at him shyly, embarrassed at how easily he had taken control of me and how easily I had willingly given up control. "So, sir, you have me naked in your office, dare I ask what your proposal is for me?"
He laughed freely this time, "Not to worry, my dear. I propose that you serve as an attorney in this office but not as an attorney. I mean, of course, that you cannot represent yourself as an attorney but you would work as one through me. The idea of combining our skills and talents is exciting. Despite being disbarred, you will be able to perform your duties except for the courtroom where you will assist me at the table but not argue or question. You will do so at my direction when needed so you can focus entirely on the work and not on a disguise." I nodded, it was more than I had reason to hope for. "As to your being naked... that will be how you will be in the office." I looked back surprised. "You will serve and please all of us here in the office. It is what you have craved. It is what is represented by your actions resulting in the disciplinary charges against you. That would be your mantra with us, 'to serve and to please'." I felt my head nod before I even acknowledged to myself my acceptance.
He stood up from the desk and put his hand out to me and led me from the office. We stood in the open room from where the other offices and activities could be seen.
"You will respond immediately to what any of us wants, when we want it, how we want it, and where we want it." I looked to see them all standing in the doorways of their offices listening. "Your life has been a disguise, or mask as you thought of it, to professionally achieve what you thought you had to. That effort consumed your life and being at the cost of everything else. Your efforts to realize some moments of release were ruinous. You gave up control without giving that control to someone who would respect you and your needs. We'll give that respect to you and promise to satisfy your needs."
Nobody had yet physically touched me or hinted at doing so, but I felt my pussy filling with my juices in anticipation... in the desire for something to happen.
"That is, of course, if you accept the offer." He nodded to Marjorie and she brought a folder and followed us into the empty office with the glass wall and large windows to the outside. Marjorie put the folder on the coffee table near the couch and left. "This would be your office. The glass wall is for our enjoyment and your constant understanding of your role. The documents in the folder are my offer to you, the stipulations of your service to the firm, a non-disclosure of what occurs here, etc. I want you to take it and understand it. If you accept, I want to have you start immediately." He smiled. "The following morning of your decision will be fine. I think you will find you will be well compensated even if you were a full attorney. Everyone here is."
He walked me to the large windows and I stood before them in my nakedness. People went about their business below on the street. The large park spread out before me. It was a magnificent office view. "Thank you, Sir." This time, the 'sir' felt different. "I don't know what to say, but...", I looked at him shyly and wondered if this is what a submissive feels like when she is allowed to be one. "Sir, I am wondering if there... might be something... you might... need... from me."
He smiled and, for the first time, his hands went to my shoulders and slid down my arms and back up. On the way back up his hands shifted slightly to the front and grazed the sides of my breasts. His eyes watched me when I flinched at the touch, gasped, and sucked in air. My entire body shivered. He was smiling at my response.
He smiled. "You are very wet right now?" I nodded, almost desperate for something to happen. "Touch yourself and let me see." I parted my legs slightly and two fingers went to my pussy, parted the wet lips, and slipped inside. I brought them up between us and he took my hand gently in his. He brought the fingers to his lips, smelled deep, and licked the glistening fingers. A violent shiver went through me.
He walked out of the glass office and back to his. I followed, the folder in hand, still naked in stockings and heels as the others watched quietly. He seemed to use the last thread of willpower to resist physical action, but he did resist. My breath was ragged with desire and need as he indicated for me to dress.
As I put my hand on the doorknob to the little reception area, he called out to me. "Grace, you will not pleasure yourself unless you decide not to accept. If you accept, you will undress before entering this area. After this moment, you will not be dressed while in this area unless I direct it. Do you understand?"
I turned and smiled at the entire group. "Yes, Sir. I understand." I knew right then, I would go through the motions of reviewing the documents, but there was no way I wasn't accepting this opportunity.

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The next morning I stepped out of the shower, drying myself, and looked into the mirror after wiping a large circle of fog from the surface. I looked at my body critically as if I was evaluating the finishing touches of a completed outfit. I raised my eyes from the reflection of my body and giggled at the eyes staring back at me. Except for a few items, this was my outfit for the day.

I had done the due diligence as Mr. Franklin said. I reviewed all the documents closely, evaluating not only the general description from the phrases but the nuances of the specific words where subtle changes can be manifest. There were no surprises in the wording, everything was as verbally described to me during the meeting. I had heard the words, but seeing them in print within a legally binding contract I was to sign and have countersigned by Mr. Franklin gave me a shiver. There were no tricky words to obscure the intention. My work would be as needed by Mr. Franklin and the team without the limitation of a title either as an attorney or something less. It clearly spelled out the only limitation of arguing in court and representing myself with a client.

The shiver-producing words were an entire section under a descriptive heading, NAKED LEGAL: I was to remain naked, except for stocking, heels, and jewelry while in the offices; I was to be available for the sexual pleasure of all members of the team at any time and in any way; I was to be sexually available to any member of the team outside of work with the approval of Mr. Franklin; I was to be sexually submissive to the team and primarily to Mr. Franklin who would represent ultimate control; all males would be referred to as 'sir' or 'Mr. last name'; all females would be referred to as 'ma'am' or 'Mrs. or Miss last name'; and, as reinforcement, I agreed to respond at any time, anyhow, anywhere, and anyone, as directed.

Reading the documents and allowing my mind to wander in the possibilities kept me in a state of stimulation. My body was continually flushed with arousal and excitement, my nipples were hard to the point of awareness, my pussy was drooling so I took a hand towel to sit on. The frustration was not being able to relieve the tension building within me.

The benefits package was astounding. There had been no discussion of salary or benefits and I had assumed being given a position where I could spend my days 'acting' as an attorney might compensate for a greatly reduced salary of a paralegal. I was wrong. The salary offer was more than I had previously been making and I was sure that wasn't a random figure. I felt sure he had done his diligence in all aspects of my previous career, including my compensation. Additionally, I was included in an office bonus plan, expense account, and clothing allowance. The clothing allowance surprised me and I made a mental note to ask about that since I wouldn't be wearing many.

I chose a business suit dress with black lace matching underwear, sheer black thigh-high stockings with lace elastic top, black patent leather 4-inch heels, and a string of black pearls and earrings for my first day. I placed the folder with the documents inside a box of personal items for my new office and desk. I would bring more during subsequent days as I decided how I would decorate in keeping with the others.

"Grace! Let me help you with that." I was balancing the box and purse on a raised knee as I tried to press the buzzer with an elbow. I turned my head to find Mark, the research geek, jogging down the hallway. He used his keycard, propped the door open with his foot and took the box from my arms, then held the door for me to pass through. Inside the small reception area, he put the box down on the coffee table and dug into his backpack. "Here, I made a card for you last night. I'll take the box inside and put it on your desk." He had the next door propped open when he turned, "Welcome to the team, Grace. It's going to be awesome, everyone is excited."

I looked at him and blushed, "Thank you, sir. I bet you're excited."

He stammered and blushed himself. "Noooooo... okay, sure, but I meant excited about your legal mind combined with the boss and what we're working on. It's going to be really exciting to be a part of."

I thanked him and it occurred to me how little I really did know about what the small group was working on. I was so focused on the 'other' part of my responsibilities the legal side was barely discussed except for the potential.

I had placed my purse on top of the box Mark took but kept the folder. I placed it on the coffee table and the new key card on top of it. I located the small closet I had been instructed to use. I reached behind my back to lower the zipper as I moved to the closet. I lowered the dress and stepped out of it, opened the door, and found several padded hangers intended for women's clothing. I smiled at the thought of Marjorie thinking of such detail and wondered how she fit into this sexually. I was getting aroused thinking about an older woman. I hung up my dress and reached behind for the snaps to my bra and was in the process of slipping it down my arms when the outside door opened. I turned my head to glance at the door to find Jake standing in the open door. My arousal jacked up another couple of notches at the appearance of the handsome, athletically large black man ogling me. It was too late to cover my breasts as the bra strap dropped to my fingers. I discretely sucked in a breath as I hung the garment on the same hanger as the dress, then turned to face him and the open door. I nervously looked from him to the door. I didn't know when I might be exhibited to others but assumed Mr. Franklin would desire it to be intentional and not accidental. He seemed to recover seeing my darting eyes and stepped fully into the reception room to allow the door to close on its own.

"Sorry, Grace. I didn't mean to... expose you like... WOW! You're stunning."

I blushed (again!?!), "Thank you, sir." My eyes went wide as he strode directly up to me, placed an index finger under my chin, and raised my chin and face up. He lowered his face and gently kissed me on the lips. I felt like the city waterworks had suddenly sprung a leak inside my pussy.

He smiled and stepped to the other door, "Welcome to the team, Grace."

I quickly stepped to him and stopped him with a touch on his arm and I shivered at the feel of his muscled, bare forearm. "Jake, why was everyone so sure I would be here this morning to accept the position?"

"The boss. He showed us yesterday when you followed his direction to become naked in his office before you even had a contract or understanding of the position." He stepped away from the door and put his hands on my shoulders. He was not afraid to touch me. "Grace, I don't know if you have any latent concerns about this or not. It would be natural to have them, but the boss is who he appears to be. You're a brilliant woman and a very sexual woman, which is a stimulating combination released together. You can trust the boss when he says he will fulfill your need to be complete, both your talented legal mind and your very, very sexy body." He winked at me, used his keycard, and disappeared into the main offices.

I turned to the open closet. I closed my eyes and allowed a long moan to escape. I slid my panties down my legs and sought someplace to hang them so they could dry out. That was when I noticed the full-length mirror on the inside surface of the door. I wondered if this was here for me to gain another reminder of what I was doing before entering the office. If so, it worked. I walked to the coffee table, took a tissue, and dabbed at my wet pussy, discarding it in the wastebasket next to the door.

As I passed through the door, I found Marjorie stepping from her office. She stopped and smiled. I awkwardly fumbled with the keycard and folder. She came up to me, took the card from my fingers and slipped it into the elastic of my stockings, then patted it.

She looked me in the eyes and her hands rose to cup my bare breasts. "I've been dying to touch these since I saw them yesterday." She lowered her face and kissed each nipple. I gasped and allowed a moan. I couldn't believe it. It was Marjorie who was the first to touch me intimately. She raised her face to mine and softly kissed my lips and she whispered against them, "I'm lesbian, Grace, and I would love to introduce you to my partner if that's okay."

I shivered. I didn't know what to expect from her, but this level of intimacy was a surprise. "I would be honored. Ma'am." It was all I could think of to say.

She smiled and took my hand and we started for Mr. Franklin's office. "I know she'll be delighted. It has been too long since we had an enthusiastic three-some." I shivered. I thought I knew what I was getting into, but this was... much more.

"Grace, good morning. I see you have decided to join the team", he said as he stood up at his desk. A smile crossed his face as his eyes scanned my nearly naked body. He shifted his gaze to Marjorie, "Thanks, Marjorie." She nodded and left. He indicated one of the chairs on the opposite side and I settled into it. "So, you did what I asked of you?"

"Yes, Sir. I read the documents very carefully and I am ready to sign them."

"Any issues or questions?"

I smiled, "I'm sure questions will arise regarding my duties as we get into this, but... one, yes." I held my hands out to the side, "Given my assigned uniform, what was the comment about 'clothing allowance' about?"

He chuckled, visibly relaxing. "At least, I can envision you going through a lot of stockings on your knees." I chuckled and felt my pussy begin the waterworks action, again. "But, seriously, there may be times when we will want you dressed in... hmmmm... outfits for occasions that would not fall under the description of business attire."

I nodded as if that made some kind of sense, much less that it meant anything to me. What kind of outfits or what kind of occasions?

He watched me sign and date the documents and he counter-signed each after me including the non-disclosure and confidentiality.

"In case you're curious, everyone in the office has also signed the same non-disclosure and confidentiality documents just like you. What happens between us and how we take this beyond the office affects all of us equally." I had been curious about that but wasn't sure I was in a position to push the issue. It was nice to realize he and they were on the same page as me.

"I want you to spend time with everyone today. Mark will assist you in getting your office set up and brief you on some of his activities. I want you to have a feel of Jake's activities in the past and his unique skills. Then, see Marjorie and she will get you started on open cases and clients that may resurface." I nodded, got up, and moved to the doorway. Doors didn't appear to be closed inside the office area. "Oh, Grace..." I stopped and turned at the door, half in and half out. "Did you also do what I asked? Refrain from pleasuring yourself?"

"Yes, Sir."

He smiled, "I suspect you'll find relief soon."

I blushed. God, how can I be blushing while naked on my first day at work when I fully knew what was in store for me. Yet, I did and it was like a rush of arousal and anticipation. I poked my head back into his office.

"Sir... could I perhaps do something for you..."

He was quiet for a moment, looked at his desk phone, then back at me. "I have to make a phone call now that might take a while, but..." He smiled, "Maybe something I've never had the pleasure of, though." He pushed his chair back and looked under his desk.

I caught on immediately. I walked to his side of the desk and crawled into the space where his legs would be. He stood up and loosened his pants, pulled his soft cock from his pants and boxers, and sat back on the chair, scooting it forward. I settled into the small area and took his soft cock in my hand, bringing my mouth to the head. I licked the end, kissed it, and took the crown into my mouth with a gentle suck. I heard a soft 'mmmm' from above and I smiled. I could feel him reaching with his upper body and thought he was retrieving a contact from his computer, then the sound of buttons on the phone.

"Jack! Hey, thanks for agreeing to talk at this time. How are you doing? The firm doing well?" He listened for a while, laughed and, "Golf? Wow, well... maybe I should have stayed where I was. No time for golf lately for me." A lot of laughing. It was weird to be sucking the growing cock of a man on the phone with a business associate but that his cock was rapidly growing with the ministrations of my mouth was satisfying that even with the distraction I was being effective.

"Jack, before we get into that other thing, I want to say that I've hired a new associate. She just started today, but I can tell you she's already getting her hands around things in the office." A pause. "Oh, yes, she's someone I'll have assisting me frequently." I pulled my mouth off his cock. He was talking about me to someone about starting to work for him and I was naked under his desk and giving him a blowjob. "Just a minute, Jack."

He peeked under the desk with the phone pressed into his chest, "Weird, huh?" He scooted his chair back to me and I engulfed his cock to the back of my throat. "Ohhhh... what?.... No, nothing... that was her now. I couldn't feel better about a new hire than about her. I'll tell you, she's going to take a load off me very quickly." I gulped at the comment but didn't release his cock and pushed the head into my throat and swallowed, feeling my throat muscles milking his cock.

Over the next few minutes, his cock became rigid and pulsed. Despite the diversion of his phone call, he was quickly approaching a climax. Then, "Sorry, just a minute, sorry..." He pushed back into his chair and his hips tensed. I followed his slight movement and kept his cock well in my mouth, sucking and stroking it until he erupted in my mouth. He shot two thick ropes of cum to the back of my mouth. I then sucked him dry and licked any residual from the head of his cock.

He pushed his chair back and I crawled out. When he stood, I tucked his softening cock back into his boxers and closed his slacks, zipping him up, and buckling his belt. He put his hand over the mouthpiece and lean forward. I took his face in my hands and kissed him deeply.

Softly, he said, "My God, Grace. That was amazing."

I blew him another kiss as I walked to the door. I turned back to him and he covered the mouthpiece, again. "I see what you mean about needing lots of stockings." He suppressed a laugh.

I was walking toward my new office, a new swagger in my walk when Mark came up behind me.

"That must have been interesting." I looked at him puzzled. "I was looking for you and poked my head into the boss's office. He pointed under his desk." He was watching me closely. I laughed.

"Very interesting, indeed." I put my palm up in the air, "But, I made him cum." He laughed and gave me a high-five. It was almost shocking to me how comfortable I felt with all this. I was naked in the office, just gave my boss a blowjob, and was now walking to my office with another man who must be having similar thoughts.

In my office, I found my box of personal items on the credenza behind the desk. The difference in desks was immediate. Unlike the others, this desk was a glass top on legs... completely open from the sides and front and visible through the top. It appeared they set this office up with confidence they were getting me to occupy it.

Mark had me sit in the chair behind the desk and assisted me in locating all the electronics to the locations I found most convenient and comfortable. Then, he walked me through the computer applications with passwords, network, and directories for the case file, and the directory for my personal files. He did the same thing with the new business smartphone. He then walked me through identifying the various network printers and the personal printer in my office.

All the while he roamed from directly behind me to the other side of the desk depending on the need for privacy as when I established my passwords. At almost any time I glanced at him, though, his verbal attention in providing direction was on what we were doing, but his eyes were often on some part of my exposed body. I had never realized how often my legs naturally parted when I concentrated at my desk, but at this desk, I became very aware of my legs and lap being clearly in view from above. It seemed that I was forever being aroused by the constant reminder of my condition and, with it, the reminder of what I could expect. The anticipation of the next sexual activity I was promised had also done a tremendous job of keeping my body turned on and my pussy in a steady state of wetness.

When we had been through what he had set up for me, he stepped away from the desk and looked down at me, his eyes dropping frequently over my body. It was weird. In almost any other situation, to be so brazenly ogled by someone would have me feeling upset; suddenly, maybe because of the condition I had accepted, I only felt arousal by it. I wondered if I would ever become conditioned to it and it would only be as natural as being dressed. I hoped not; I hoped it would always remain arousing.

I considered Mark. I leaned back in my chair. My legs had crossed as a self-conscious reaction to the exposure. Mark was very much a geeky-type personality but he was not a nerd. He loved his gadgets and electronics and the pursuit of answers, but he was not awkward socially. But, he did appear to have a tendency toward introversion. I wanted him to be as comfortable with all of this as anyone else in the office. I smiled at the thought of what that meant to me.

I stood from the desk and approached him. His eyes wandered over my body as I approached, just like I anticipated. I stepped into his personal space and shyly looked from his chest to his face.

"Thank you, for all your assistance, Mark."

"Uhmmmm... it's what... what I do here. You're welcome."

I put my arms around his neck and pulled our bodies together and our faces inches from each other. "I want to thank you, Mark. You know what Mr. Franklin expects from me... for all of you." He nodded. I could see it in his eyes, he certainly knew but wasn't the aggressive type. "This is my first day." I acted shy, again. Finally, looking back into his eyes. "This is going to become more comfortable, but maybe we have to intentionally break the ice." He smiled and nodded. I felt the least intimidated by Mark and, as a result, I felt the most comfortable being forward with him. Mr. Franklin was... Mr. Franklin; Jake was intimidating in so many physical ways; and, Marjorie was someone I had never experienced or known, a comfortable and outgoing lesbian.

With my arms around his neck, I closed the inches separating us and kissed him. The first was tentative and testing. He responded with a kiss of his own. He took me in his arms with a more passionate kiss and his hands wandered over my bare skin to my butt cheeks. I pulled back and smiled at him. He watched me and any uncertainty previously reflected on his face had evaporated. I smiled at him and my fingers began unbuttoning his short-sleeved shirt. When my finger reached the bottom, they began working on his belt and pants, unzipping his fly, my fingers slipping inside to touch his semi-hard cock.

He was responding by prying his shoes off and pulling his unbuttoned shirt from his body. I sank to my knees as I pulled his loosened pants and undershorts down his thighs to expose a nice average-sized cock growing in hardness in my fingers. I felt it twitch with the first touch of my lips and tongue to it. I took it into my mouth, just the head, and felt it grow. My hands dropped to assist him in removing his feet from his pants. I sucked more intentionally, occasionally glancing up at him. In minutes, his cock was hard and I was feeling my juices running from my pussy. The frustration of following Mr. Franklin's edict to not pleasure myself, being naked, and sucking him while on his phone conversation all had me at a fever-pitch of need and arousal.
Active member
I stood up, his cock hard and rigid in my fingers, and moved around him, taking his hand and pulling him to the couch on the other side of the office. I wouldn't have clients I would be independently advising and handling. Having a large couch in my office could only have one intended purpose and I decided it was time to try it out.
As I led him by the hand to the couch, my eyes kept moving to the wall of glass and the exposure to the rest of the office was complete. But, I noticed Mark's furtive looks at the same thing even more nervous appearing than mine. The wall of glass was certainly intended to provide a constant sense of exposure for me, but it also created the same exposure for anyone in the office with me, especially when engaged in this form of activity.
I leaned back onto the couch and swung my left foot to the top of the couch back and my right foot on the floor. He stood next to the couch and gazed at my fully exposed body and a smile spread across his face as he knelt on the couch to lean forward and place a kiss on my wet pussy.
I put a hand on the side of his face, "I appreciate your intention, Mark, but right now I really just want to have you inside me. I really, really want to do this."
He gave my pussy another quick kiss and lick over the length of my slit before moving up my body to kiss me on my other lips. His body covered mine and his cock probed at my crotch as he moved his hips to press against me. I slipped a hand between us and moved it over my pussy, parting the lips and moving it down until it was at my opening. I heard him moan as I sucked in a breath, both of us reacting in imminent anticipation. I released my hold on his cock and wrapped my arm around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss. At the same time, or as a result of that action, his cock head penetrated my wet and ready pussy. He gasped into my mouth as his cock penetrated my hot and wet sleeve grasping and clenching around him.
He slowly pressed his cock fully into me and my legs moved to wrap around his waist, pulling him tighter against me and slightly deeper as I raised my hips into his next thrusts. I gasped and moaned uninhibitedly at the penetration, at the feeling, at finally being given the relief and pleasure my body has been desperate for since yesterday when I was first tempted by all of this. I pumped my hips up into each of his thrusts and I gripped my body to him as I cried out with joyous and thankful gratification in orgasm. I held him tightly as my body felt the waves of sensation wash and crash over and through my body.
When I was again feeling anything besides the amazing thrill of my body releasing, I was aware he had only slowed the thrusts of his cock into my drooling pussy. Without him even cuming, yet, I felt the juices flowing from my pussy down into the crack of my ass. I had felt release but it had not nearly sated the appetite that had built up inside me.
His thrusts renewed my response and my response signaled urgency in his efforts. The moans again escaping my throat were drowned out by the grunts and groans coming from him. I pressed up tightly against him, our pubic bones crashing into each other in our fucking, his pelvis crushing my clit with each energetic thrust. He was amazing. I loved his fucking and my response to him only redoubled his efforts. When he came, he grunted loudly as he thrust deeply into me, holding his cock inside as his body quaked and he gasped with each spurt of his cum into me. I held him tightly as another wonderful orgasm washed over me like a crashing wave in a storm.
I didn't release him for moments after we both had partially recovered. My legs and arms held him tightly as if I claimed him for my own, his spent cock slowly shriveling inside me until it finally slipped out of my messy hole. Only then did I release him. As he stood, I stopped him and pulled his slick cock into my mouth, which I used to clean him of our combined juices.
When I was done, I sank to my knees in front of him and kissed the head of his soft cock. "Thank you, sir."
He encouraged me up, "You forgot earlier."
I dropped my eyes, "I know that now, sir. I am sorry, sir. I am new at allowing myself to be the submissive I am. I will do better."
He laughed and hugged me to him. He said into my ear, "Your intention complied. That you forgot the verbal compliance is incidental, I think. But, I think the boss would say for your complete acceptance of that side of you will require your diligence in complying with it all." He smiled at me, "But, that's him..."
I watched him dress and he told me about the unisex bathroom at the front of the area that had a shower they sometimes used after long days. I thanked him, kicked off my heels and stripped down my stockings, then padded barefoot and completely naked through the office. I was surprised to see it was almost lunchtime. Certainly, this wasn't what every day would be like... could it?
When I came out of the bathroom, Marjorie was waiting with my shoes and stockings. She led me into the reception room and informed me she was taking me out to lunch. She wanted to talk about meeting her partner. If I thought she was teasing earlier, she wasn't.
After lunch, I did the undressing routine, again. As I entered the office area, Mr. Franklin pointed over to Jake's office. "I didn't realize this orientation was going to take all day."
Marjorie was in front of me and struck a stern pose right back at him, hands on her hips and a playful glare at him. I put my hand on her shoulder as I passed, "Yes, you did, Sir. And, on top of it, you're loving that I appear to be the slut you thought I would be."
He laughed and turned back into his office. I smiled back at Marjorie and she was beaming. "You remember that, girl. Slut or submissive notwithstanding. If you give them an inch..."
"Ma'am... if they give me an inch, I'll take whatever more they have to give."
She shook her head but was smiling broadly. "Welcome to the team, slut." I smiled as I turned for Jake's office.
I knocked on his door jam, "Sir? Would this be a good time for you to show me what you do here? You seem to be next in my orientation."
He stood and I was instantly reminded of the physical presence he projected. "Grace, you can grace my office anytime you want." He chuckled. He stood and gazed at my body. With Mark, the same action was his interest in seeing me naked and still not quite believing the luck he had fallen into. With Jake, it was more, much more. With Jake, it was as if he w as actually evaluating my body for what he might like to do with it. It was completely different and very animalistic.
He had me sit opposite him and he went through his background in the military and the private sector, as he called it. He was big into surveillance, investigation, and security. I didn't doubt any of it. Upon quizzing him on how his skills fit into the firm, he asked if I had ever seen the old Perry Mason shows. I admitted I had, though they seemed hokey by today's TV standards. He said that Perry Mason often resorted to a field investigator that sometimes got his hands dirty to dig out the evidence needed for a case. That was his role. The cases the firm would get involved with weren't necessarily going to be the 'white crime' type of thing the large firms handle. They were all rather excited about the idea.
After more than an hour of discussion, it seemed to have ended. With a slap on his knees, he rose from his chair and I did the same. If I thought the meeting was over, however, he made it clear I wasn't leaving his office right away. He came up to me very deliberately and crushed me with a kiss. I admit it, I've experienced enough of my shady encounters that it normally takes more to make me melt, but he did it. I damn near thought I swooned like a silly high school girl. I relaxed in his arms and was instantly ready to yield in any way to this man. And, I think once he felt that, he took complete charge. He lifted him in his arms and pressed me against the wall of his office. My legs went around his waist, my arms around his neck, and I tried to crawl into his mouth with my own but he was doing the same back to me.
I hadn't felt a kiss like that, a kiss with such animalistic energy and control, a kiss that told me I was about to be owned and consumed, a kiss that I would remember even while being kissed by someone else. I ground my pussy into his abdomen and wished I could blink my eyes and all his clothes would fall off and his cock would be inside me. He might have felt the same way.
He walked me to his desk and bent over as if I weighed nothing to him. I released him from the grip of my arms and legs and lay on this desk before him. I looked into his eyes as he pulled his shirt over his head and began working on his shoes, socks, and pants. I raised my legs into the air and spread them wide. I was showing him I was his, to take me, to devour me, to use me.
When his pants dropped, my eyes shifted to something I had never seen in all my gangbangs... a truly lovely and massive black cock. Porn is full of BBC, but it seems it is not a myth. I promised myself... someday... I was going to measure it. I had trouble taking my eyes off it, but the man it belonged to was just as impressive and the total package was far more than a cock. It was already hard, which pleased me. I had that effect on him. Me. The Naked Legal. The office slut.
He came up to me with a smile and appraised my pose. "God, Grace... I pray I never get used to what you are giving us." Me, too. He moved to my spread legs, his hard cock in his hand pressed down to lead his way. I felt this cock head touch my pussy and I gasped. He moved it over my already soaking lips until he was at my opening. I pleaded with my eyes for it to enter me, to thrust his cock deep into me in one massive thrust. My own hands were holding my legs wide open for him so he went to my breasts as his cock remained just at the entrance to my body.
"Please, Jake... sir. Please... just fuck me."
"You want it so badly, Grace?"
"Not badly, sir. I want it all, the whole thing, I want you to take me, use me, consume me with that cock of yours."
"Look right here." He pointed to his eyes. I gazed into them and they were like a deep pool of manliness, dark eyes to go with his dark body. As I gazed into them, he thrust forward. Half of his cock sank inside me in the first thrust. He pulled back an inch and thrust the rest of the way in, hitting me deeply. I cried out in ecstasy. I was full of cock and my pussy was already spasming around it.
He released my hands from holding my legs and told me to grip the edge of the desk. I did and prepared myself. My new grip held me in place on his desk or his strong fucking would have thrust me bit by bit across the desktop. I was groaning, moaning, gasping, and crying out at the fucking he gave me. I came with a piercing crying that could have been heard in the offices below us.
When my body stopped convulsing, he pulled me into his arms, my legs around his waist. I was still in the throes of orgasm, just past the most intense part, as he picked me up, his cock still buried inside me. He hefted me up and let me fall back down the length of his cock. Over and over, raised to the head inside and released to fall over the length of it. He walked me to the same wall and pressed me against it and began fucking me hard and furious. I came, again. God, where does this kind of stamina come from...
As my eyes cleared, I was still in his arms, his cock deep inside me. "So, you think your glass office is exposed?" I couldn't even nod. I knew it was. What could he mean by the question?
He gripped me and walked me out into the main room and lay me on the edge of the conference table. In moments, Mr. Franklin and the others were in their doorway, then moving to the conference table. I was in disbelief as each took a chair and sat down as Jake resumed fucking with the same energy and control. I turned my head to see each of the rest of the team watching as I received the fuck of my life. Each, though, had a pleasant smile.
I looked up at Jake leaning over me. "Cum in me, sir. God, Jake, cum inside me... seed me. I want to feel you."
As if that was all it took, he did. The first spurt of cum made my eyes open wide. I had never felt such cum and it was one spurt. There were two more to follow it and my poor pussy couldn't hold it. He continued to fuck me slowly as he spurt his cum into me. Then, he collapsed on top of me. I heard the others get up and leave us. I knew I was leaking cum onto the surface of the table. I knew I was a sweaty, ragged, and limp body. But, I also knew I had never been fucked like that ever before.
I cleaned Jake's cock of our combined juices and as I did it, I decided this was something I wanted to add to my duties. I enjoyed the act of giving my appreciation.
I took yet another shower before moving on to Marjorie's office. She was waiting for me with her blouse open, her bra pushed up, and her hand between her legs.
"I can't wait until later, how are you at muff-diving?"
I smiled as I knelt before her spread legs as she scooted to the edge of her chair. Her panties were on the floor. "I don't have much experience, Ma'am. But, I know what I like, and... I hope to get the chance to practice." She smiled and closed her eyes.
Active member

The times that followed proved to be both surprising and not surprising. I found it surprising how I could become engrossed in the details of a case or client information at my desk or even sometimes while in consultation with one of the other members of the team. But, it was also not surprising how a simple touch by one of them or catching one of them with a lingering gaze upon my exposed body would cause me to instantly become aroused. And, though I could frequently focus around that arousal, the evidence of it would be shown on my body through a flushed response in my skin, erect nipples, or a moist spot left on a chair when I got up to leave. The other indicators of my arousal were like a tease, but the damp marks left on chairs were like a neon flashing advertisement.

As time passed, my workload was increased very quickly from reviewing files and cases (current and past) to active involvement. As my workload increased, I found the sexual interruptions decreased... somewhat. The first couple of days it was like I was being ravaged by everyone. Mr. Franklin confided in me while I was again under his desk sucking his cock while he worked that my heavy use initially was to get everyone past the timid, awkward stage of the new arrangement. And, it had worked. Even if I wasn't constantly being ravaged all day, anymore, I was frequently touched intimately and open discussions were held about what necklaces set off my breasts best or if my pussy should be completely cleaned or a thin patch of trimmed hair might be left above it. They always liked for me to open my legs for that consideration, but they always ended up agreeing I should remain completely clean.

Recent discussions began revolving around possible piercings of my body, which resulted in the close handling of my nipples, clit hood, and pussy lips. Mr. Franklin assured me any body modifications like that would be entirely up to me. Of course, those assurances generally came while I was sucking his cock, too.

There would be several days in a row when I spent my sexual time sucking them while they worked and that included Marjorie, too. That allowed the office to be more effective while still receiving satisfaction. It took away from my effectiveness in the office, but that was dependent on the measurement used. My effectiveness at the office might be high in terms of pleasure provided or low in terms of work completed. The time I spent in the office slowly increased to compensate for the diversion of pleasing the office.

The days when I was relegated to providing oral pleasure left me unsatisfied, though. The combination of taking my office-mates to noisy orgasms, being naked, and being frequently touched and teased left me wanting for my own pleasure release. Several times, Mr. Franklin exerted his control onto me further by prohibiting me from pleasuring myself. The sexual tension within me would build up to a fever point until they would use me in a mini-gangbang at the end of the day, leaving me exhausted and limp, but finally content.

* * * * *

Jake invited me out for some clubbing. I had been with the firm for a couple months and everyone in the firm was very close, especially with me. I had been quietly away from the office with Marjorie, Mark, and Jake before, though, those times were generally for a dinner followed by some quiet one-to-one time together.

Sex was a big part of my relationship with all of them but I didn't regret that or blame them for sex eventually being a part of any time anyone got together with me. I had discovered just how big a part of my very being sex really was. Before, I had the feeling that sex was a perverted outlet for release from all the pretending I was doing in my life. I came to realized through the office that sex was not just a release, sex was a part of me that once revealed in all its glory openly was a big part of me, maybe even an equal part of me. Which wasn't to say I didn't take my legal duties seriously or work at the social connections to understand the others. I did all that with great relish and very possibly because I was being so fulfilled in this current life I was able to give back to them fully in every way.

In quiet alone times, I frequently tried to make sense out of what happened to me and how it all worked out to allow me to feel so worthwhile and fulfilled. Rationally, it didn't make a lot of sense that being given a choice of practicing law without a license if I embarrassed myself in the office with nudity and sexual availability should give me that feeling of contentment. Rationally, being able to practice law again by demeaning myself might give me some satisfaction but be accompanied by resentment that would continue to build within me. Or, if the resentment didn't build, it might take away my feeling of worth and personal value.

Those rational considerations, though, could only consider what someone else might feel, but certainly not me. My office life was not embarrassing, humiliating, or demeaning. Why wasn't it? Who could know? I might try to understand why it wasn't, but why bother when it was what made me content and happy and fulfilled. I would sit in my nice apartment across the street from the office and smile at the reflection of myself in the expansive windows in the darkness of night. I was often in nothing but an elegant, sheer negligee with a glass of wine lounging in a chair in the living room facing the windows. The apartment I didn't have to vacate, after all. Wearing a negligee I was told to expense because it might come in handy at some point, though it hadn't... not yet.

A smile would always grow on my face at some point in the musing, too. Every time. Because, inevitably, those musings would find the fingers of my free hand caressing a breast through the opening of the lovely gown. And, those same fingers would always find their way meandering down my body with my legs naturally uncrossing to explore my always wet pussy.

Jake's invitation was different. Jake didn't suggest a quiet one-on-one evening. He suggested something more noisy and active. He wanted to take me to his favorite club, live music, dancing, nightclub atmosphere. I admitted it sounded like fun and he guaranteed it. He said there was one problem with it, though, and that was he needed to meet with his associates, but if I was willing to take a cab to the club, he would take care of my every wish and need after I arrived. That was too enticing to pass up.

* * * * *

"Did you do it?" The meeting of associates was with the two men he had served with in the service and at the security company. They were now freelancing on their own and also on retainer to Jake and the firm.

"Yeah, man, like we said we would. It wasn't even that hard."

"Yeah, we thought we might be able to intimidate someone along the way, but no such luck."

They both laughed, "Who knew these gangbang parties would be so cooperative." Jake just gazed at them trying to remain patient to get the information. "Okay, so this organizer has a pretty cool system setup. He gets signatures of all participants to document age and consent while marking off identification in case of any kind of suit later on. He's especially careful of the women participants but does it for everyone."

Jake thought about it, "Was it his video that went to the disbarment hearing?"

"No, that was the deal. The organizer was kind of pissed because the woman didn't accept being filmed with her face showing. Someone screwed up on his end. When that happens, they normally give the participant something to cover the eyes to hide their face but allow for oral access. In this case, she rejected it, but nobody caught it at the time. So, his film hasn't been released, yet. He's forced to go frame by frame to blur her face wherever it appears."

"Yeah, he said he almost trashed the video but decided it was too good. You've seen it, right? She's really something."

Jake ignored that, "So, where did the video come from?"

"Well, that was the deal. We thought the leaked video came from the guy somehow, but it didn't. So, we pushed him. Who else was videoing, then?"

"He knew immediately and when he started talking we knew we had the guys. He remembered these three guys who didn't really fit with the crowd that usually signs up for these things. He described them as arrogant, self-important, yuppy types."

"Lawyers, right?"

"Yeah, who better to take video to get another lawyer in trouble than other lawyers."

"So, we pushed on those guys. Though this organizer was busy filming himself, he remembered those three have a great time between themselves, laughing and commenting on the woman. He said he saw them using a phone capturing the action several times, though it was not supposed to be allowed."

Jake asked, "Why didn't he take it away, then."

"Jake, the guy makes money organizing gangbangs and filming it for the internet. This isn't a place where high ethics is practiced."

"Bottom line..."

"We tracked them down by contacting some of the other participants. There were several who had good recollection and weren't happy about the vibe they gave off. You know... everyone was there to fuck a woman's brains out and these three were on some kind of a trip of their own. As you said, bottom line, we got their names and contact information from the organizer, tracked them down, located their offices, and photographed them. We'll have the final report in your email box tomorrow morning. Anything else you need?"

Jake was all smiles, "No. Thanks. This means a lot to me."

"We figured as much. How did this become personal, man?"

Jake didn't get the chance to answer that question directly.

* * * * *

I walked into the club and felt more than a little intimidated. It had been forever since I had ventured into any place like this. And, I was already attracting attention because of the way I was dressed.

I had asked Jake how I should dress for the evening. He put it off that this was after-hours, I could do what I wanted. I told him I wanted to make him happy at which he said I always did and we both laughed. But then he relented and suggested, only suggested, the shortest, full skirt I owned with a semi-sheer, form-fitting blouse. He got his wish exactly after I rushed out to buy just the outfit he described. With it, I added lace-trimmed thigh-highs combined with a matching lace thong and bra. The skirt barely covered the lace of the stockings when I stood.

I spotted Jake in a booth on the opposite side of the entrance near the empty dance floor. Either the band was on break or had not started for the evening. He hadn't noticed me so I walked toward him, noticing the two men sitting opposite him in the booth. Apparently, the meeting went long.

"Am I too early?" They must have been in a deep discussion because I was standing next to the table and took them all by surprise.

Jake recovered quickly, though. He slid out from the booth and took me around the shoulders with a feeling he was suddenly wanting to protect me. He introduced me to his two associates and explained how they knew each other. Tim and Blake. Just first names. They slid out of the booth, too. I shook hands with each of them and I could see by the looks between them that they were dying to say something, but were resisting.

"Okay, listen... you guys take a few minutes and finish up. I'll go in search of some wine." They thanked me and I wound my way through the milling crowd to the bar, half expecting to be felt up with each step.

* * * * *

After I had turned from the booth and stepped away, Jake's friends blurted it out, "She's the one! Jake, she's the one in the video. Damn, I think she's hotter in person."

"True, but she is also a new member of our office team and a brilliant legal mind. You might want to watch your lawyer jokes when she returns."

They looked at each other, then gave Jake knowing smiles. "That's why this is personal. You've gotten to know her and you like her. She might have done the things that got her into ethics or moral trouble, but it was those three who took advantage of it and reported it."

"Yes. Another little note is that where they all work is the same law office where she used to work and was the rising star in the firm."

"Wow... so office politics and jealousy rear their ugly heads." Shaking his head, Blake added, "How many times do we see people doing stupid things because of career greed and manipulation." They all nodded. "Lucky we have such simple aspirations, huh?" This time they laughed.

* * * * *

"Well, it looks like you got through the heavy stuff." Jim and Blake started to get up but I stopped them and suggested they join us for a bit longer. "Jake and I thought it would be nice to get to know each other a little better." I gave Jake a wicked smile and winked at the other two, "And, nobody can shine a light on someone like their friends." Jake appeared nervous and the other two laughed at that while promising to behave and not let out too many secrets.

Joining us for another drink turned into much more. The band started up and the dancers came out in force. Not that I was ever much of a dancer, but Jake had me out there with him in short order to a mix of fast, sexy, and slow numbers. The band was excellent at mixing the tempo and the energy. After a few tunes, Blake came out and cut-in, followed by Tim. After several rotations, I had to call a timeout to rest. Unlike them, I had been dancing non-stop.

We talked and shared. I learned, mostly through the teasing they gave each other, that this was a small group with more in common than being three large and strong black men.

The band started the next set with a slow number to get a few dancers out to the floor. Jake led me out with him. He was a pretty good dancer because I knew I wasn't but he had me looking adequate out there. I looked up at him, "They're more than friends and associates to you, aren't they?"

He pulled me in close to avoid my eyes. "What do you mean?"

"Big macho guys can't stand someone seeing that, huh?"

He sighed. I felt his chest deflate with the release of air from his lungs and his hands tensed just before they relaxed and slid over my body. "Pretty smart, aren't you?" I nodded. He turned us and I caught sight of the booth and the other two watching us and sharing something between them. "Yeah... it can happen if you are lucky enough, I guess. We served two combat tours together. We saved each other's butts just enough times to make it back home. We went into private security work together initially, then I moved on, but if any of us needed ANYTHING, the others would be there without question."

I looked back up at him, "Was that what this job was? Did you need something? You needed something you couldn't go out and get for some reason?"

He looked deeply into my penetrating eyes, then pulled me back into his chest. "Yes. I needed something. Very personal." I nodded. That was all there was going to be, so I nodded, not to my understanding but to my acceptance.

I spoke quietly into his chest, "Do you want to share me with them?"

He stopped us on the floor and held me a foot away, "I didn't invite you here to do that."

"I didn't and don't think that. But, I did think we would enjoy more of the evening after the club. I think you did, too. I was just thinking that we've been drinking, getting to know each other, and having fun. Now I understand how close you guys are so I just thought..."

He studied me. "Would you?"

I smiled coyly, "Only if you ask." I reached up and kissed him. "When you guys came back from a Special Operation, did you ever find a woman to share?" He shook his head, no. "Ever get drunk and talk about it?" He got a nervous, guilty look and gazed over my shoulder to the booth.

He nodded as the music shifted faster and louder and he nearly had to yell, "More than a few times."

I stopped us and pulled his head to mine, "Show them what's going to happen. Make my short skirt fly up. Show them and the club my bare butt and thong."

He did, too. He twirled me and swung me from side to side and my skirt was up as much as not. I was reveling in the feeling of exposure and pleasing him. The following dances with Tim and Blake were preceded by very brief comments between them and Jake. The dances themselves became much more intimate. Their hands found their way to my bare ass cheeks and a couple of blouse buttons were opened to expose more of my bra underneath.

Within an hour, my eyes and body were blazing with lust. In desperation, I told Jake we were leaving or I was going to grab the first three guys I could and take them back to my apartment. He laughed, then wondered given what he knew about me if I was really kidding. To his credit, though, he didn't wait to figure out the answer. He paid the bar tab and we were gone in separate vehicles but meeting at his place.

The others were right behind us all the way. At one point I took off my seatbelt and dipped my head into his lap.

"What are doing?"

I giggled, "Teasing them." He laughed.

We all pulled into the driveway at the same time. I was headed to the front door of his house when he stopped me on the front lawn. He pulled me into him and kissed me deeply, his hands cupping my ass cheeks and pulling me tightly into him. We kissed a long time, then he handed me to the closest man. I went from one to the other. Somewhere along the way, I felt fingers working the clasp and zipper of the skirt. When it dropped to the grass, I started to protest but my mouth was smothered by another set of lips.

Hands wound between our bodies and the buttons of my blouse were being undone. I moaned into the mouth I was kissing. They were stripping me on the front lawn. My bra followed and my thong quickly after that. They all stepped away from me and I was facing the quiet street. I looked in both directions and found nothing moving, only dark homes.

Jake came up behind me, his hands cupping my breasts, "I live in a quiet, peaceful neighborhood and it is way past their bedtimes. Exciting, though, isn't it."

I turned and face them. "Someone grab my clothes, I need to be fucked."

Jake moved fast to open the door before I got their and I trusted I wouldn't be searching the front yard for my clothes in the morning. Once inside, I kicked off my shoes and peeled the stocking down my legs. I was completely naked with three men scrambling to catch up to my state of dress.

Jake led us further into the house to his bedroom. The whole house had the feel of a man. A house that hadn't been subject to the tastes of a woman since perhaps the previous owner. The bedroom was almost spartan with few decorations but the bed was huge, certainly a king-size.

With three impressive naked men awkwardly standing around me, I couldn't help but make the same evaluation of them that at least Tim and Blake were making of me. I was already very familiar with Jake's strongly toned body and I found the other two were similarly shaped. Tim was slightly smaller, but only slightly. Both shared with Jake the kind of body composition that consisted of low body fat and muscles that gave the impression of large-sized, imposing men. My inflamed body and lusting eyes were greedily captivated by the sight that Jake wasn't the only one with impressive manhood.

I had them sit at the foot of the bed in a line. They instinctively opened their legs and the three cocks began rising in anticipation of what the rest of the night was going to have in store for them. I leaned into Jake and kissed him deeply and whispered into his ear.

"Thank you, Jake." He whispered back what happened to 'sir'. "We're not in the office." He said they should be thanking me and I assured him they would be. He chuckled, then I asked if he had any lubrication handy. He smiled and his smile grew wider.
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I dropped to my knees to stroke and lick his cock. I took it into my mouth and pressed my mouth against it, raised up, pressed down and up, over and over until I had nearly all of it inside. I lifted my mouth nearly off and took a better breath and swallowed the saliva already forming in my mouth. I pressed down slowly and firmly until his cock head entered my throat, then pressed down with control of my gag reflex until my nose was buried in his pelvis.
I heard the gasps from the men next to us mixing with the groans of Jake. I pulled back satisfied with the hardness of his cock. I moved to Tim and repeated everything but the whispering beforehand.
There was little discussion after that. Jake moved to the center of the bed on his back and indicated for the others to align themselves with him. I stood at the foot of the bed and watched as they lined up across the bed. Jake simply held his cock up in the air. I looked him in the eyes and found his twinkling with playfulness. I looked at the other two whose eyes reflected curious anticipation. I crawled onto the bed and over Jake's legs to his hips. I took his cock from his hand and moved my pussy over the head, smearing my plentiful juices over the head as I blindly located the opening. My eyes scanned from one guy to the next as I held my pussy opening on the head of the cock, a smile growing on my face.
As I slowly sank down the rigid pole, my eyes closed and a deep sigh escaped my lips. I smoothly sank down the entire length until my butt was on his thighs. I raised up slowly and sank back down, relishing the feel of his cock spreading my pussy as his cock pressed deeper inside and how the walls of my pussy seemed to cling to it as I pulled back up. I moaned an animalistic sound purr-growl mix at the image of what the three hard cocks might do to me. I almost came from the thought.
I reached out and grasped a hard cock on either side, stroking my hands up and down. In turn, they reached up and firmly grasped a breast each, not a gentle fondle but a needy and desperate hold.
After a couple minutes of fucking Jake, I internally did an eeny-meeny-miny-moe and moved to Tim on the left next. I went from one to the next while fucking each for a couple minutes. Then, Jake took the matter into his hands and rolled me over while inside me, which moved Blake over further. He began fucking me strongly and commandingly, my legs wrapping around his hips, my hips rising to meet his thrusts. I groaned and he grunted as his long, thick cock pounded into me as if he were punishing me but there could never be any punishment from a cock like his inside my pussy.
We came explosively together with the other two man-handling my breasts and nipples. My legs fell off his body as the last of his cum leaked into my saturated pussy. I was still gasping for control of my breath when Tim took Jake's place between my legs. My body was still a bit numb from the previous orgasm so when Tim climaxed inside me, I was just rising to my next orgasm but he pulled out before quite attaining it. Blake took care of that problem, though. The third fuck in a row was just as powerful and commanding as each of the previous two and I orgasmed first. My orgasm, though, my pussy clenching and spasming around the cock driving like a battering ram inside me stimulated his climax and the third large load of cum joined the other two.
I was spent. Completely spent. My legs fell to the bed as Blake pulled his softening cock from my gaping, leaking pussy. I didn't bother modestly closing my legs to cover the mess they had made of my pussy. I couldn't. I opened my eyes or focused them, whichever it was. I found the two sitting near my feet and Jake standing at the foot of the bed, a wide smile on his face.
I weakly smiled back, "God, you guys... that was amazing!" Tim and Blake both reached out and softly stroked the shin of a leg. I sighed deeply and flopped my arms to the side.
Jake disappeared and returned with four beers. I wasn't surprised he didn't have wine in the house, but I wondered how mixing beer with the wine I had previously would work.
After the beers were finished, I caught them glancing at each other and at my puffy and messy pussy. "What are you guys thinking? Why are you looking at me and those bottles?"
The other two looked at Jake as if there had been an actual discussion I hadn't heard. His smile was indeed devilish. "Trust me for something crazy?"
"Normally, yes, I would trust you completely. But something makes me wonder if I should right now."
He laughed. The other two quietly sat back and let it play out between us. "Have you ever seen any of those porn videos about extreme and weird insertions?"
Now I knew what they were up to. In fact, I had and, if I was honest, it was always a turn-on. So, here we were after drinking, dancing, and fucking up a storm, and the air still filled with a highly charged sexual energy.
I shook my head and their faces deflated, but my words changed that, "I can't believe I am doing this, but... okay. Just add this to the craziness of my life now."
We took the party, four more beers were joining us, back to the bedroom with the previous empties. I stood next to the bed and wasn't sure what they would want me to do for this. Jake took charge and directed me to the center of the bed. He went between my legs and Tim and Blake were at my sides. By Jake's instructions, they lifted my hips high into the air and all the pillows were stacked under my back, which Jake pressured into place with his knees and my butt against his chest. He lowered his face the few inches necessary and kissed my pussy, sliding his tongue along my slit. This surprised and impressed me immensely. For a big, macho guy he didn't seem to have a problem with touching cum with his lips and tongue, especially since much of it wasn't his own.
He picked up one of the empty bottles and slid the length of the bottle along my slit. He glanced down at me with a look that was everything like a boy given the chance to play doctor with a friend who had never, until that moment, been a girl. It was very erotic, another in a growing list, and I glanced up at the other two.
We all turned out eyes to Jake, the bottle in his hand, and my pussy as he turned it so the neck was now sliding along my pussy and between the lips. The end dipped into the hole and he glanced down at me, which wasn't really at me more than focusing past my pussy to my face. I was perversely excited, as they were now, so I nodded my encouragement. He refocused and slipped the neck into my hole. He held it in place, started twisting it to uniformly coat the surface with the goo inside me, and pressed down more. He pulled it out a little like a dildo, then pressed in further, back and forth. The difference with this dido, though, was the sudden increase in diameter once the neck was fully inserted.
We all watched as the neck disappeared into my pussy. My quieter sighs and moans gave way to louder ones when the body of the bottle began to open me wider and stretch me. I looked to the side and found a semi-hard cock pointed at my face. I pulled it toward me and engulfed it with my mouth as the bottle was pressed more firmly and twisted back and forth.
"Oooooggghhhh... ffffuuuuggggggkkkkkkk...", saying 'oh fuck' with a cock in my mouth.
Jake chuckled, "How lady-like..."
Once having the largest diameter of the bottle stretching my pussy, he pressed more of the bottle into me, pulled it out so the neck was inside, and pressed the bottle back in. His other hand found my exposed and swollen clit and pinched it between thumb and index finger as nearly all of the bottle sank inside me. His voice came to me through my own moaning with his fingers still working my clit.
"Look at what your greedy pussy can do."
I turned my head, letting the cock in my mouth slip out and slide along my cheek.
"Oh, God, Jake... it's all the way in."
With fingers on the very end, he twisted the bottle, "Just enough to still hold onto." He looked down at me. "I'm going to push it all the way inside and see if your pussy can close around it." I gasped at the obscenity of the statement. Before I could say anything one way or the other, though, he did and I felt the bottle jam against me deep inside. I cried out, gasping for control. The guys were pinching and twisting my nipples while Jake was doing the same to my clit. He released my clit and the blood rushed to the abused nub and I cried out, again.
He glanced at Tim, "Get me a phone." Oh, God, now what? He held his phone to my pussy and I heard it click as it recorded the scene. "Not quite closed. I can see the dark glass just inside. The office will like this shot..."
They already have a video of me being gangbanged and I walk around the office naked... what's a little more humiliation?
Then, he held up another empty bottle. He directed Blake to get the tube of lube in his bedside drawer and I closed my eyes and groaned. With a beer bottle deep in my pussy, he was going to open my ass now.
He spread the lubrication over the neck of the bottle and I took a bit of consolation at seeing that he only was doing it to the neck. He hefted my hips a bit more vertical and pressed the end of the neck at my asshole. He twisted it and pressed until I cried out with it passing my sphincter. He pressed a little more in but stopped.
He made eye contact with me over my abused holes, "Are you ready to be ravaged by cock?"
"Oh, Godddddd, yyyeeeeeessssssss! Pllleeeeeeesssssss... I neeeeeeed to cccccuuuuummmm!"
He pulled the bottle from my ass and told me to expel the bottle from my pussy. I focused my eyes and muscles and watched as the bottle obscenely appeared from my pussy. With enough to hold onto, again, Jake pulled it the remainder of the way out.
I was gasping for air with ragged breaths and in desperate need of an orgasm, my pussy experiencing an emptiness like never before.
He pulled the pillows away from behind me and held a bottle of beer toward me. I took it as I sat up and looked down at my gaping hole. I guzzled half the beer and looked at them with lusty need.
Jake encouraged me to stand on the bed and moved me to the edge. His cock was hard and ready and I was way past the ready stage. He brought me to his body and I knew instantly what he wanted. I crouched and spread my knees wide. He came in between my legs and leaned me against him as we worked together for the initial penetration. Once he was inside me, I felt his hands under my butt pulling me to him more and I gave a little jump into his arms and my legs around his waist. The jump drove his cock deep into me and bottomed out as he hefted me up to secure his hold of me. I groaned and gasped at the series of abrupt shifts in his grip on me, which had the effect of bouncing me on his cock.
I didn't notice it as I had my arms tightly wound around his neck and my body pressed hard into his as he raised me up and down on his cock, but he indicated for both men to lubricate their cocks and get ready.
My pussy was loose and still very creamy but his cock inside still felt marvelous to me. Part of that might have been the power and strength he exhibited by handling me as if I was weightless, but another part, and I knew it, was that it was Jake.
I was unaware of anything else about to happen, I was just enjoying the feeling of being manhandled and fucked so strongly. When Jake lifted me only halfway up his cock and held me there, I wondered why the hesitation until I felt something probing at my other hole. The cock back there pressed hard and pierce my loosened sphincter to enter me. With cocks in neighboring chambers, I was slowly lowered. I gasped and moaned as the feeling of being full washed over me. Now there were two pairs of hands on my body and they moved me up and down with smoother ease.
I cried out as an orgasm washed over me and my entire body convulsed as I hung onto Jake and my pussy and ass tightened around both cocks. Predictably, if I could have used my brain just then, the cock in my ass exploded. I was still being raised and lowered but the cock in my ass was shooting spurt after spurt of warm cum into my bowels as Jake's cock continued to pound my pussy.
The next cock took its place in my gaping and drooling ass and the fucking continued. When I felt Jake swell inside me and the cock in my ass jerk, I tilted my pelvis on the downward stroke to grind my clit into Jake's pelvic bone. A couple impacts and I was rising to another orgasm as both pussy and ass were again washed in cum.
When Jake lay me on his bed, I was limp and purring. At least, that was what he told me later. Much later, in fact. I woke in his bed to the aromatic smell of strong coffee fighting to overpower the still persistent hint of sex in the air of the bedroom.

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"What's going on in there?" I stopped at Marjorie's office to say good morning when I saw Jake and Mark together with Mr. Franklin in his office.

She came out to the door and joined me in a fruitless attempt to garner any information by staring at them through the open door. They were involved in some heavy discussion.

"I have no idea. They were in there when I arrived about 10 minutes ago. It looks serious, though." She turned from them to appraise my appearance. She stepped back and looked me up and down. "I like it."

"You think it'll be okay?" This morning I decided I would try something different from the norm for my undressing for the office. I had adhered to the written word of the contract section, NAKED LEGAL, which stated: I was to remain naked, except for stocking, heels, and jewelry while in the offices. I thought it might be fun to throw some variety into it. Today, aside from my leather briefcase, I included a sheer white baby doll negligee. The gown tied in front just below my ample breasts, which allowed the bodice to gap open as I moved and the rest of the gown opened to the bottom hem. The gap in front was about six inches at the bottom and the hem barely reached the bottom of my ass when I stood erect. Without the sheer panties, my pussy was clearly exposed, not that the sheer material did much to cover my breasts and nipples.

I did a poor pirouette by spinning slowly on one foot. She laughed, "I like the bare feet, too. It's wonderful, very playful, and still fulfilling the intention of being naked." She stepped up to me and I kissed her on the lips. The entire office had become very intimate beyond the overt sex play.

I had to admit being a bit nervous about making the change on my own and I was relieved that Marjorie like it. It was our norm to greet each other first thing in the morning and the last thing at night. I debated about interrupting whatever the guys were discussing as I approached Mr. Franklin's office on the way to my own. As I came to the doorway I could see inside clearly and they were in a concentrated discussion of some kind, but I decided to just stop and greet them.

I stuck my body into the doorway without entering, "Morning, guys. I don't want to interrupt, I'll catch up with you later." I turned, but Mr. Franklin's voice stopped me.

"Grace, wait... good morning, dear." The others gave me similar greetings and turned to make eye contact. It was Mr. Franklin who continued, "Sorry to push that case motion on you, but did you make progress on it last night?"

"Yes, Sir. I finished it. We can review it whenever you are free."

"Excellent! Sorry, again, for disrupting your evening."

"Not at all, Sir. Just part of the job."

He smiled. He had expressed concern several times about my hours, which were in no small part because of the sexual activities I would be asked to perform for any of them during the day. I saw his eyes, and those of Mark and Jake, travel up and down my body taking in my choice of outfit.

"I like your outfit, Grace. What do you guys think?" They agreed enthusiastically. "You're still visible and very much easily available to touch or more." I giggled. "Excellent. Just for the fun of it, let's sit down and figure out some revision to your contract." I giggled, again. The idea of a contract that restricted my clothing and stipulated my sexual services still seemed crazy. A craziness, though, that still turned my pussy into a glistening sexual organ anticipating use. I turned with a saucy sway to my hips in line with the door to tease them as I headed to my own office.

* * * * *

"Damn, I love that woman!" It was Jake's exclamation that caused Mr. Franklin to consider his rough and tumble associate. "Oh, you know what I mean... I think we all, including Marjorie, feel the same way." They all nodded.

Mark continued the expression of feeling, "Her every action with us is a representation of something that has fulfilled a dream for her. I mean, what she is expected to do here should be crazy... impossible... but she seems to revel in it."

"I agree," Mr. Franklin continued, "I had a feeling about her from the start, but she is all-in. She is as dedicated to the legal work as her reputation indicated."

"And, she genuinely is excited about the other stuff," Jake added.

Mark laughed, "Yeah... and she's sweet in the process."

Jake gazed through the door as the naked vision turned into the office, "Which is all the more reason I'd like to crucify those three on the front plaza of the courthouse."

Mr. Franklin chuckled, "No crucifying. If for no other reason, the courthouse would have cameras recording it all."

Mark looked at each and was instantly very serious, "What if I hacked into the CCTV system and created a loop..."

Mr. Franklin, sensing the conversation taking a dangerous turn, pulled them back to the task. "No crucifying. I have a better, more lasting idea." The other three waited. The meeting so far had been a summary of what Jake's guys had found about the men who had turned in the evidence for the disbarment charges. That they turned out to be attorneys from the same firm started Mr. Franklin thinking.

"Excellent work, Jake! So, we're agreed that the leaked video was edited and that alone is tampering with evidence. And, you two are convinced they would still have the original version?"

Jake laughed in a very nasty way, "They wouldn't be able to help themselves. They'd want to be able to go back and relive it, again and again. They'd want to see themselves doing it to her. Remember, she was the rising star, the presumed next Partner, and they were just attorneys meeting expectations, nothing significant about them. I'm betting each one saved a copy on their laptop or phone."

Mr. Franklin turned to Mark, "Do you have enough to perform your wizardry?"

"Yes. Jake got their names, phone numbers, workplace, and home addresses. All I have to do is be nearby when they connect to a WIFI and have them connected long enough that I can..."

Mr. Franklin laughed and held up his hand, "I think it best that Grace and I don't know in case we are ever asked." The group laughed. Although the laugh might have been mirthful, the looks on the three faces were similar to what they might have been if they had just laid out plans for proceeding with the crucifixion idea.

* * * * *

"What's gotten into you two today?" I was lying on top of Jake whose cock was softening inside my pussy. They had removed my baby doll earlier and we were all naked. I lay on Jake who was spread on the couch in my office. Mark had just pulled out of my ass and was sitting cross-legged on the plush rug. They had just finished with a truly inspired double-penetration.

"What do you mean?" Jake asked the question with an innocence that belied his facial reaction. I sat upon his hips to look back and forth at the two of them. We no longer showed any concern for being fully exposed to the rest of the office through my glass-enclosed office and we comfortably lounged. Jake looked at Mark and he shrugged his shoulders, also with a show of innocence.

"That was like making love to me. Don't get me wrong, it felt REALLY good, but it lacked the hurried fuck we usually engage in here."

Jake continued to try to deflect my question, "A DP that felt like being made love to?"

I laughed and playfully swatted the flat slabs of black muscle on his chest. "Yes! It's always wonderful and I am hooked on this life with you all. But, yes, it was wonder... explosive..." I leaned down to kiss Jake, then to the side to kiss Mark. "But, yes, it was gentle and loving... even as a DP."

Jake and Mark exchanged glances and I was surprised it was Mark who ultimately responded. "Maybe we just realize how important you are to us."

I melted. I leaned further over to pull Mark into my arms and in the process Jake's softening cock slipped from the grasp of my pussy. I then hugged Jake. I was overwhelmed. What a crazy way to find a place where belonging was real.

* * * * *

Days later, I sat at the conference table with everyone else but I was fidgeting awkwardly while we waited for Mr. Franklin to end his phone call. It was his meeting. My fidgeting, though, was due to a very strange sense of discomfort... I was fully dressed in the office. Mr. Franklin had made a point of instructing me to put on all my clothes for this meeting. It seemed too strange as I retreated to the small isolated reception space to pull up my panties, clip my bra in place, and pull on my skirt and blouse, then not leave but return to the office. The others seemed to be just as taken by my appearance among them, too. Although we spent enough time away from the office when I was dressed, this was different.

He finally broke away from the phone and joined us, apologizing for the delay. He explained the reason for the meeting as the most effective way for the team to come to an understanding of a situation and to arrive at a mutually acceptable agreement. As I was completely in the dark, I assumed the others would be, too. But, looking around the table, Marjorie was the only one also looking around confused. She and I settled our gaze on each other and shrugged our shoulders.

Mr. Franklin then launched into a presentation he had clearly spent some effort preparing. He explained how Jake had come to him with a proposal that would be off the books: determining how what happened to me with the Bar had occurred. I straightened up and focused my gaze on Jake.

"It didn't make any sense to me, Grace. It just bothered the hell out of me. We all saw the video. There are heavy shadows, bad lighting, and grainy. How did someone make the connection to you? The only way any of us recognized you was because we already knew it was you."

Mr. Franklin explained what Jake and his associates had found. So that was the job they were helping Jake with. He detailed the events and actions that led to having sufficient information for Mark to assist in the investigation. I looked at Mark.

"You mean, hack? Did you hack into their computers and phones? That's not legal evidence." Mark looked nervous, not used to having me appear unhappy with him so I apologized and turned my attention to Mr. Franklin.

"We don't need to worry about the legality of it. For one thing, they didn't worry about it and, for another thing, I don't think it will be used in court." He described the video Mark found, then cued Mark and it appeared on the large flat-screen at the end of the table. "I don't suggest that we need to see this again, but there are some differences between this copy and what was leaked to the Bar."

He cued Mark and it fast-forwarded. Mark did it several times and each time he was stopping at a scene that was not in the other version and these scenes showed faces of men.

"I know those guys. We were at the same firm. Are you saying..."

Mr. Franklin, "We are. These three were at that last gangbang. Not only that, but they took this video. It's not surprising you didn't notice them at the event, either. What was learned is that when you marked on the agreement form that you didn't want your face shown, it was missed by the organizer. To use the video he took, he had to go through it and blur your face from each frame. It was weeks AFTER you were disbarred that the official video was released after correction. This grainy one was taken with a phone and those three passed the phone back and forth to capture it."

Mark jumped in, "You can see, Grace, how pleased they were with themselves at how they were screwing you literally and anticipating it figuratively later."

Mr. Franklin added, "Jealousy of a successful woman passing them by. They had all been in the firm well before you, right?" I nodded.

Marjorie softly added, "The wounded ego of hapless males. Obviously, present company excluded." Everybody smiled at that.

I looked around the table. "Thanks, guys, but after all this... what?"

"That's up to you, dear."

Mark jumped in, "Jake suggested three crucifixions on the courthouse grounds."

I laughed. It was a good tension breaker until I looked at Jake and saw that it was probably true. "Violence has its appeal. So does giving them a taste of their own medicine." I shook my head more. "I don't want to go to the Bar Association with this and have everyone know I was that petty."

Mr. Franklin said, "Good because I have a much better and satisfying idea." He laid his idea out for everyone. They all watched me because I would have a starring role in his game and it would have to be a good performance. The last time they screwed me in multiple ways; this time I could have my chance in multiple ways. I agreed.

Then, if I thought we were past the serious part, I was wrong. "I wanted Grace to be dressed in the office for this meeting for two reasons. One, I wanted her to possibly feel like the old Grace before all this happened to make her decision of how to proceed. I have to say, dear, I am proud of you. Then, two, I want to suggest something to her and you all. Because of what happened but what I knew of her as an attorney, I presented an absurd employment option to you, Grace. And, you have made the time here the most unique, professional, and satisfying as a result." He looked around the table. "Grace, you've done everything asked of you with professionalism in the legal work and complete charm and willingness in the other." There were smirks and chuckles around the table. But, I waited intently. "I am proposing that we rewrite your contract to delete the section on NAKED LEGAL." He asked for a show of hands of agreement and the others slowly raised their hands.

Jake's voice broke the ensuing quiet, "Wait a minute. That's fine. I always thought of it as consensual. But, boss, are you saying you WANT to make this change or it's up to Grace?"

He looked at me, "Up to Grace. You've been through plenty, dear, enough to send most attorneys into a long depression to lose what they strove for. I thought you might be tired of all this and maybe desire something more normal."

I looked everyone in the eyes. I could see they were all just projecting support and understanding. I stood up, my fingers beginning to work the buttons on my blouse. "Who among you has any interest in my arrangement in the firm to be changed?" Smiles formed on their faces, including Mr. Franklin. Nobody raised their hand. I slid the blouse off, dropping it on the table. I began unhooking my bra. "Who among you has no desire to see my body naked every day?" I held the loosened bra in place as I scanned the faces. Still nobody. I let the bra fall down my arms and dropped it on top of the blouse. I reached behind my waist and loosen and unzip my short skirt and began pushing it down over my hips. "Who among you doesn't want me to give you oral pleasure?" I didn't even scan the faces as my hands pushed my panties off my hips and I stepped out of them. "Anyone not interested in fucking me?"

I leaned over the table and Jake appeared at my butt with his pants loosened. I looked up at Mr. Franklin. He had his answer and I truly believed he was finally satisfied this was what I wanted. And, what I wanted was all four of them fucking me, which was possible since Marjorie bought a strap-on to be used at the office.

* * * * *

It was about two weeks later and a lot had transpired, not the least of which was that I was gangbanged, again, though, this time I was not as enthusiastic and excited about it. I was again told to be dressed in the office and I chose a business dress I often used for courtroom appearances. This was going to be the day. I waited in my office going over a current case, just as I had been requested. I was trying really hard not to peer around the office wondering what was happening.

* * * * *

"Everything ready?" Mr. Franklin was stressing over the minor details now as he sat with Mark and Jake in his office. They assured him all was functioning properly.

Marjorie came into the office from the reception room and went directly to his office. "They have all arrived. They are quite curious why they were each invited."

Mr. Franklin nodded to Mark and he cued up the video and audio feed from the small reception room. With Jake's knowledge of surveillance, the use of audio and video feeds had already come in handy. Mr. Franklin's monitor popped with a view of the room from the corner of the door frame. The three attorneys were occupying the only three chairs in the room lined up along the opposite wall.

"You guys received an invitation, too?" "He said he had a proposition to discuss that could possibly change my life." "So, he's still very active?" "From what I heard, he's got about six cases he has other attorneys chasing their tails over with motions and depositions." "He's only one guy, right? How can he do that?" "Maybe that's what this about, wanting to expand his office." "I heard he already hired someone, but he's the only one to submit motions or appear in court." "It doesn't make any sense, does it? Bringing us all here at the same time? Why would he hire three attorneys from the same firm?" "Because we're good. Don't overthink this."

Marjorie laughed, "Pieces of work, they are. Grace was right about them. Egos went amok."

Mr. Franklin took charge, "Okay, it's time. We don't want that discussion to wander too much into considering if there being here makes any sense at all. Marjorie, I want you to sit on Grace. You two have work to do on the Harrison case, right?" She nodded. "Keep her busy with that. Nothing says busy like being busy."

She giggled, "You come up with that all by yourself?"

He stared her down and she left.

Jake leaned forward and stared his boss in the eyes, "Take a deep breath, boss. You almost jumped all over Marjorie for crying out loud."

He looked embarrassed, "Okay, you're right. I'll apologize to her later. I'm just feeling really lousy about everything Grace went through and then this last stuff to get this nailed down."

"We all feel the same way. She's a saint... a really sexy saint." That broke the three of them into chuckles and they filed out to greet the sheep waiting their turn for the slaughter.

Jake brought the three into the room and introduced Mr. Franklin and Mark. The attorneys introduced themselves and the small talk began, a kind of business ritual before the real issues were engaged. As they milled around the conference table, one of them was caught looking back at the two women huddled in a glass office.

"I heard you hired someone, but..." He stopped and whispered to the others, "I think that's McBride." Their eyes nearly exploded. "Just be cool. Nobody knows anything."

"I'll have her come out later. Please excuse the accommodations, gentlemen, we are a small firm, but we are very agile and efficient." He looked closely at the three, "Excuse me, but... are you okay? You look like..."

"Oh, sorry, we were mugged recently." Their story was that they were attacked, kidnapped, roughed up in the back of a van, robbed, and dumped outside one of the seediest strip clubs known for prostitution and drugs. Before they could gain their feet, they were surrounded by customers who were calling the police to report it.

Mr. Franklin gave Jake a stern look but Jake mouthed, 'not me'. But a smile crept across his face.

"So, I suppose you are wondering why I asked you to come here?"

"You said something about a proposition that could possibly change our lives. Are you looking to expand your firm? I can tell you we are just..."

Mr. Franklin laughed, "Expand the firm with you three? Oh God, no. But, I do have something that could change your lives. Pay attention, gentlemen."

They all sat down around the table, the three on one side. Mark cued his laptop and a video appeared on the screen. The three attorneys were confused why this esteemed attorney was showing a porn video of a gangbang, until... it sunk in. They all looked at each other with a bit of panic, then they collectively gathered themselves.
Active member
"Do you recognize this video, gentlemen?" They claimed ignorance. He motioned to Mark, again. The video sped up and stopped. "As I said before, pay attention." When the video started up, again, there were their faces one after another as the video sped up and slowed to the appropriate times.
"Where did you..." Another interrupted, "The video isn't very good, shadowy, grainy."
* * * * *
Marjorie poked my arm as we went through the motion on the monitor. She indicated out into the open area. "It's time, dear. You okay?" I nodded and stood, following her out to the conference table.
"Gentlemen, I would like to introduce my newest associate, Grace McBride. She worked at your firm with you, I believe." They nodded with a bit more fear in their expressions. "Miss McBride, we were just looking at this video. Tell me, please, if you were presented this in court as a piece of evidence against your client, what would your response be?"
I stepped up the table, put my hands on the table, and leaned forward, gazing at the video for a solid couple of minutes. I was being banged fiercely by one of them and someone else had his cock in my mouth while other hands were grasping breast tissue and nipples. I looked down at them with my best courtroom blank face. I stood upright.
"I would object, first. Then, I would argue the video lack the clarity to be effective in identifying anyone."
"What about the woman involved?"
"The same." I turned to the three attorneys, "In fact, that was my argument, but the Bar Associate hearing members said they had been given a positive identification."
"Interesting. Now, how about this one?" He signaled Mark. The screen went black for a moment, then a new video started. I leaned forward, again. I hadn't yet seen this one. They all suggested it might be better if I didn't until the right time. This video was nearly professional quality. It picked up in mid-action. I was naked on my back, one of them was fucking me, another was in my mouth. I was wearing a blindfold that covered half my face but left my mouth available. Everyone was naked. I watched for a long time and I sensed fidgeting next to me, but I refrained from looking. Then, I saw what I remembered. I had been having a very hard time controlling my emotions knowing who it was fucking me but it was the only way to get them on video. I struggled when the cock in my mouth went deeper than I wanted it. I had deepthroated all the guys in the office, but I didn't want to give these guys that. When I resisted, I was slapped on the face and several times across the breasts.
Now I turned my head, "With this video, my client would be screwed." I smiled and stood up.
Jake stood and came up behind me. "You didn't recognize her, did you?" He put the same blindfold over my upper face. "How about now?" I couldn't see anything, but I unmistakably heard gasps coming from all three.
As the blindfold came off, Mr. Franklin continued. "We could have used only the complete original video and finished you. This other was insurance."
"Where did you get..."
"You edited the video before sending it to the Bar Association. That's tampering. But, you couldn't resist keeping the original. In fact, you each wanted your own copy."
"You hacked us?"
He laughed, "It is way too late to be talking ethical behavior. The second was clearly staged with Miss McBride's participation, though this time she can't be identified, but you certainly can. Even your kids could identify you in that one." That brought a look of horror to their faces. "Now you see what I meant by changing your life."
Mr. Franklin laid out several options for them. The videos could always go to the Bar Association and I might win leniency as a result; the videos could just be released online and the fallout could be more devastating to career, family, and friends; or, and the way they wisely chose, the videos would be kept under his control as long as they assisted with cases periodically. The cases would never be getting a guilty man freed but would assist in cases where the power of a large firm could otherwise overwhelm a smaller firm and the guilty party winning. The videos would be used as leverage.
After the men left, defeated and shell-shocked, I heard the story of the mugging. Jake had called his guys to quiz them. He apologized to Mr. Franklin for the violence coming into it.
To me, though, "Once Tim and Blake met you, they were so mad they were blind to the ramifications. To their credit, they protected their faces. They were the ones to notify someone inside the strip joint who called the cops before they could leave. Their wives are not happy they spend time at a strip joint and were wondering about prostitutes." He looked shyly at me and Mr. Franklin, "They said not to worry about the money. They left the credit cards and wallets to be found by the police. The cash found its way to the St. Francis Mission. They were very grateful for the large anonymous donation."
We all laughed and I made a commitment to myself to revisit those two soon. It would be a convenient excuse for another wonderful mini-gangbang.
* * * * *
"Everyone... I want to thank all of you with all my heart, my trust, my dedication, my love, and... my body." They all laughed and held up their wine glasses in salute. We were gathered at Mr. Franklin's home for a group dinner to celebrate the conclusion of putting down 'the three', as they had become known. We all came from work on a Friday night for the celebration, but I had brought with me something special to change into. I was wearing a floor-length, white sheer negligee made of four panels of material attached at the bodice level. Standing still, it looked like a single gown morer than hinting at my body underneath, any movement allowed the separate panels to move independently and exposed my body in tantalizing bare glimpses. Under it, I wore matching sheer stockings and white heels.
I stood at the table while they sat. "Truly, I cannot thank all of you enough. I am not just talking about what just happened, though, now that they are identified, I can confess how much the mystery had bothered me." I moved behind Mr. Franklin, bent, and kissed him on the cheek. "Mostly, I have to thank you, Sir. You gave me the chance at satisfying work nobody else would."
He chuckled, his eyes sparkling, "At a cost, my dear."
I laughed with the others at the obvious reference. "Yes, Sir. But, the cost turned out to be a fulfillment of another part of me I hadn't recognized until you showed it to me." I moved around the table, kissing each on the cheek as I went. "All of you... you so unselfishly assisted me in my journey to the discovery of that new fulfillment." They laughed. "I am serious, though... okay, not about the unselfish part... but you all accepted me, accepted my professional contribution, and... accepted the slut in your midst." With my hands back on Mr. Franklin's shoulders, "Mr. Franklin was right about knowing me. At the time, he probably knew me better than I knew myself or accepted myself. I think, in retrospect, all the stuff about NAKED LEGAL was to release me from my long-time efforts at maintaining my mask that hid the personality I was. I think it was his way of pushing me to consider, forcing me to accept, to experience giving up control of myself to experience the submissive nature he saw within me. It was an effort to show me a way to be happy. He was right and we've all been rewarded." They smiled at me. "Maybe for the first time, I truly feel happy, content, accepted, valued, included, and loved. Thank you."
I looked down at the top of Mr. Franklin's head and smiled. "If Mr. Franklin has no objections, I propose we move this party to the other room... if... anyone's interested." I released the tie and the gown sank in a puddle at my feet leaving me as I often am in the office... stockings, and heels. They quickly got to their feet and followed me out of the dining room with glasses and another bottle of wine.
In the room I considered the family room, I kicked off my heels and held my foot up to Mark who obediently rolled one stocking down my leg and off my foot. I held the other foot to Jake and I shivered when his fingers probed my wet pussy 'accidentally' as he began rolling that stocking down.
I undressed both of them article by article with kissing and fondling in-between. When they were both naked, I was on my knees in front of them and began a back and forth worship of their cocks. There was no rush to this evening. In the office, we are often subject to time considerations of case-loads, pending meetings, and conversations. After-hours became very different, whether together or one-on-one. The others would leave whenever it was appropriate. I was asked to spend the night and I fully expected it might be the weekend, though I brought no other clothing for the extra days.
Once the guys were hard, I devoted some time to deepthroating each while stroking the other. It was partially for them and partially for the viewing interest of Marjorie and Mr. Franklin who were sitting closely on the couch watching intently. Marjorie maybe lesbian with a partner, but she still had a close relationship with him born from their close association over the years.
I stood up between the men, pressing my body against theirs and kissing each. Jake was usually the aggressor in these situations and he, again, took charge. He moved the heavy coffee table from in front of the couch to keep all of us close. He assisted me to the floor and his mouth quickly covered my pussy as my legs wrapped around his head with the first rush of arousal as his tongue pressed into my primed hole. I felt fingertips on the side of my face and I blindly allowed them to turn my head, my mouth opening in anticipation. Mark's cock slipped between my lips and I moved my head back and forth to coat it with saliva for more comfortable fucking into my mouth.
Jake knew I was ready for fucking and didn't delay too long before kissing his way up my body and his wonderful cock bumping against my pussy. I smiled around Mark's cock as Jake bumped his cock against me. It was a thing he did. If it somehow slipped into my hole, fine. If it didn't, he waited for me to insert his cock into my pussy. It was a dominant play; if I wanted his cock, and I always did, I needed to do it. He wasn't being passive, just the opposite, it was a non-verbal equivalent to making me ask to be fucked, and that small action was tremendously arousing, as was the power and strength his body exuded against me but could be so gentle and caring.
Jake fucked me for minutes with strong and controlling strokes as I fucked Mark's cock with my mouth and taking him to the entrance of my throat. Then, in mid-mouth-stroke, my pussy was frustratingly empty. My body cried out in frustration and want before my mind could appease its need. Mark's cock slipped out of my mouth and Jake's filled it fuller and deeper. Mark's cock took its place at my pussy and drove deeply into me with a different feel and motion, one of far more caring and excitement. The stark difference between the men: one dominant in all ways; the other more used to appreciating what comes his way. The back and forth switching between the two was always exciting, like a fine lover who could deliberately and expertly change his approach and effort.
When they both came into my body, it was close to the same time as my own with one in my pussy and the other down my throat. I found it hard to be in the midst of an orgasm with a cock in my throat. Breathing was hard even when I could concentrate so I always pulled back a bit for the cum to fill my mouth but be quickly swallowed. For their part, there was never a concern about holding off to cum in one hole or another of my body. I was there for them to give and receive pleasure. The night would be as long as it would be with the four of them enjoying my efforts.
After they pulled out of my body, I collapse with a contented sigh to the rug, but quickly sat up and looked at Mr. Franklin. The rug was plush and surely expensive. He chuckled and pointed to a nearby chair where I saw a large, folded towel waiting. We'd fucked there before and he was very aware of how my pussy leaked. I crawled to the chair which I was sure they all enjoyed watching, took the towel, and spread it out on the rug before taking up my position again with legs spread and looking to the couch for my next lover.
Marjorie stood and to my surprise completely stripped, then stepped into the strap-on she had brought in anticipation. Though the men would never presume to touch her uninvited, she had not been comfortable in the past and kept her bra and panties on. To see her strip completely seemed to indicate she was also accepting the safety of the group, though it took this long to achieve.
I watched her approach with the dildo obscenely bobbing up and down in front of her soft and curvy body. I remained where I was but lifted my knees and splayed them out to open my body to her. She smiled down at me as she stood between my legs, my gaping pussy in clear view. She knelt and guided the end of the dildo to the entrance of my pussy and pressed forward. As she pressed it in, she leaned forward to bring our mouths together. As she kissed me, the dildo penetrated me further and I moaned into her mouth.
She pulled back and gazed into my eyes, "You are such a hot woman." Her hips were slowly fucking me. "I'm fucking you, but I don't really know what it feels like when your pussy squeezes around the cock driving into you."
I groaned at her words and pulled her face into mine. When I separated us, I whispered into her ear, "You and your partner fuck with dildos, but how long has it been since you felt a real one? A dildo might be a substitute but it lacks in all the real feelings, the feeling of warm flesh sliding inside you, the feeling of its tension when it swells and pulses, and the feeling of cum spurt after spurt going into you. Wouldn't you like to feel that?"
She pulled up and looked questioningly at me. "What are you... not them..."
"No... but Mr. Franklin... you trust him... you've trusted him for so long. You don't have to love the man, marry the man attached to the cock... just enjoy it."
She looked at me, a smile spreading across her face with recognition of the potential. She looked over her shoulder at him and he looked back puzzled. I called him over with one hand. She looked at me and the smile showed her decision. They quietly talked as her hips continued the slow-motion of fucking the rubber cock into my pussy. He quickly finished stripping and went behind her. I heard the murmur of Jake and Mark as they watched what was about to happen. She wanted him to fuck her as she fucked me. It was going to be crazy. It was going to be amazing.
* * * * *
"That was a hell of a closing argument you gave us after dinner tonight." I was curled into Mr. Franklin's side in his bed. The others had left at some ungodly hour. I was fucked several more times by Jake and Mark and I sucked Mr. Franklin and ate Marjorie's pussy before it was called an evening. I saw everyone out, standing outside the front door naked until they were gone. I was spending the night with Mr. Franklin, possibly more.
My head was resting on his left shoulder, my arm spread across his chest, my left leg wrapped around his, and my body pressed tightly against him. We had just finished making love. It was that, too. So much of this is fucking, but there are moments when isolated with one of them that it shifts from frantic, wild fucking and is allowed to be slow but still intense loving. This had been that.
"I hope you meant what you said because that little speech would be taken as an encouragement to continue with what has been."
I turned my head slightly to kiss his shoulder. "Closing Argument... hell." He lifted his head and looked at me. I chuckled, my body shaking into his. "That was my Opening Argument, Sir. I wasn't encouraging them and you to continue with what has been." I snuggled closer even though closer wasn't possible. "I was encouraging them, and you, to go forward, leap forward, boldly and with confidence and assuredness that what would come of the future can only be known if we reach out and grab onto it."
He wrapped me tightly in his arms. "You are a hell of a woman, Miss McBride." He kissed the top of my head. "No offense, my dear, but out of your misfortune has come our great providence."
"No offense taken, Sir. In my way of thinking, Sir, my misfortune was my own providence." I kissed his skin as I settle my face against his body. "Do you desire for me to be your naked servant this weekend, Sir?"
"I desire that very much if that is okay with you."
I giggled, "Sir if you desire it, it is all I need."
