Erotica Office Fun

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"Oooohhhhhh ... fuckkkkkkk."

Bob laughed from behind me. I glanced over my shoulder as another tremor ran through my body. "What's so ... funny?"

With a chuckle, "You, my dear. I remember the first time when you said you had never used that word."

"Well, I hadn't. Oh, Bob ... you have the nicest cock."

"Thank you. I'm quite fond of your pussy ... and ass ... and mouth, too." He got a chuckle out of me that time.

I was leaned over the desk in his office. The president's desk. The company owner's desk. I was stripped down to my sheer black thigh-high stocking and heels. My long black hair was clipped away from my face to cascade over my shoulders when I stood. Now, strands of hair fell everywhere and swayed like my breasts as he thrust his cock into my pussy from behind. I could feel the juices from my pussy on the insides of my thighs. He wasn't the first to fuck me today, but, as I often felt, he was probably the best. His cock was long and thick and he used it with the same confidence and ease he used in running the company.

I was close to an orgasm. Lately, it wasn't unusual for me to have several before he climaxed. The first time that wasn't the case. We had both been without our spouses for a number of years. But, he quickly rediscovered the staying power he said his wife had honed into him and now I was the lucky recipient.

Just as I thought I was going to crash into my orgasm, "Mike!" I turned to look behind to see the door to his office was partially open. Mike, the newest and youngest whiz-kid who filled in as both product designer and website designer came into view. Bob made it a point to know everyone in the company by name and some personal facts. "Mike, are you rushing off to something important right now?"

Mike stuck his head fully into the office he might never have entered before. "Ahhhh ... no sir ... I was just going to see Miss Mason about some supplies." He chuckled, "I see she's busy, though. I'll just come back ... um, when she's not."

Bob never missed a stroke, his long cock pulling out and sliding back inside me until the head bumped deep inside. I had the feeling he was personally deepening my pussy as his cock didn't impact me inside nearly as often.

"Mike ... Miss Mason is Patty. I'm Bob, not sir. Remember?" He must have given some physical response because Bob continued. "If you aren't rushing off somewhere, you can help here. She's going to orgasm soon and it might be a big one. You know how she likes to make sounds, right?" There was nothing verbal, so his response must have been a nod. I looked back over my shoulder and saw the nervous but intense look in the young man's expression. "Why don't you come over here and stick your cock in her mouth. That should muffle her a little, don't you think?"

I heard Mike chuckle, "Yes, sir! I mean, yes, Bob."

I wasn't positioned well for a cock at both ends, so I dutifully pushed back against Bob and turned to the corner of the desk. In less than a moment, Mike appeared with his jeans opened and dropping to his feet. He had a nice average sized cock. I used one hand for support over the desk and the other to hold the new cock. I mouthed and licked it to lubricate it, then engulfed it into my mouth. The young man gasped and moaned as his cock head came to the entrance to my throat.

I could count on Bob doing something like this to heighten the experience, some unexpected addition to what was happening. When his fingers wound underneath me and trapped my clit, my reaction was exactly as he predicted. I orgasmed wildly. My body shook and both hands were required to stabilize myself, Mike's cock still deep in my mouth, my nostrils flaring with each breath. As predicted, I cried out with moans and gasps and groans liberally mixed in. Even 'muffled', as Bob called it, I was sure many outside the office would have heard my response.

Of course, that sound wasn't anything new for any of them.

* * * * *

It had started innocently enough. I was busy at my workstation at the end of a busy Wednesday. The office was quiet, already an hour past closing time, and it was now just the president and me remaining in the office.

My workstation was a custom designed and fabricated cell especially for me. It was like a donut in the middle of the five offices lining the two walls with an opening into the donut on each side. I had a phone, printer, computer and two monitors, and personal filing for each of the managers spread around my circular work area with a copier on the back side. I could easily turn in any direction to face and respond to any of the managers when they stepped to their door to say or request something. There was a coffee room/conference room that balanced the office arrangement. At the front of the office were the four development and design guys. Their open office layout separated the front door from the executive offices. At the back was a door that exited our small office building to the larger fabrication building across a parking and truck access paved lot.

I worked for a small manufacturing company specializing in custom office furniture and workspace equipment. It was mostly desks, cabinets, credenzas, work tables, etc. It involved wood, particle-board, and metal fabrication. The front office had the president, Bob Hansen who was the son of the founder (I only knew him as Mr. Hansen); Stan Jacobs who was the head of sales and marketing; Jim Williams and Dan Booth who were sales dealing mostly with showrooms around the region; and, Marty Adams who was head of product development, design, and the website.

This was the kind of company operation that had no walk-in business. Everything came in through website or showroom orders. We had the occasional vendor sales people coming in but most of them dealt directly with our production manager, Bill Clancy who had his own office in the fabrication building and all those visitors were limited to Wednesday so he could manage the interruptions in his day.

I handled all the letters and official correspondence for the company, data input into the computer for new orders from either the website or showrooms, which directed the appropriate group to take action. Some orders were standard designs already in the system and went directly to fabrication and some required a modification, or even a new design completely, which needed to be handled by the development group and possibly design approval by the customer. It was mostly shuffling electronic data with some filing, copying, and correspondence. The managers all handled a lot of their own correspondence and were equally adept at moving orders and data through the system, if needed.

I heard Bob shut down his computer, gather his things, and turn off the lights in his office. Then, I realized there was no sound and found him standing just outside my workstation. I glanced up at him, keyed a few more lines into the data sheet and closed the program and computer. I pushed back in my chair and sighed.

"Long day, huh?" He was one of the nicest guys I had ever known. To be honest, though, everyone in the company seemed to emulate this man's attitude to the company, the work, and each other, which influenced how others responded.

I smiled, some of the tiredness finally allowed to take hold of me after separating myself from the work. "Getting into that showroom in Denver appears to be paying off." He nodded with a smile. He had to be talked into that venture, which he thought was outside our circle of influence, but he was pleased to have been proven wrong. Inwardly, he was also pleased that this secretary was so aware of what had caused the sudden influx of orders and interest. He loved it when a hire proved so beneficial.

He was just standing there awkwardly and it made me nervous. There was something on his mind but I didn't know what so I didn't know how I could ease his issue. I turned in my chair to face him and waited. He was in his early 40's while I was 36-years-old. He had been widowed for seven years to my divorced five years. Two very awkward people in dealing with idle chit-chat socially. He was very real as a person and insisted from day one that I call him Bob, just like everyone else did.

"Patty, the world is a very difficult place with the current attitudes regarding sexual harassment, especially in the workplace. Don't get me wrong, I fully agree that men need to be more considerate of the women they work with and ..."

I smiled at him, "Bob, relax, what's on your mind? I promise I won't scream harassment, you're too nice of a guy to mean anything negative so just spit it out."

His shoulders sagged as he took a deep breath and let it out. "I'm really out of practice with this stuff." He gave me an awkward smile, then seemed to gather some strength of purpose and pushed on. "We're both single due to no choice of our own and we go back to empty homes ... I was wondering ... would you care to join me for a casual dinner tonight, maybe a drink or two?" I wasn't looking for a new relationship. I was wanting to explore who I was without the girls around. This was completely new to me. I told him exactly that. He nervously pushed on carefully, "No, I understand and I didn't mean to sound like I was asking you for a date, though ... Anyway, maybe just friends passing some time together? No commitments or entanglements. Just office friends."

I smiled, "Office friends. You're my boss, Bob." I watched him and he had a look about him that looked real with the disappointment. Maybe sometimes it really sucks owning the company. "Not a romance." He shook his head, encouraged that I was now carrying the idea. "Okay, thank you, Bob, I think I would enjoy that."

We agreed on a place and I told him I would meet him there shortly and to order me a red wine, maybe a Merlot. He left looking much more spritely than the way I had seen him standing outside my workspace.

* * * * *

We laughed and drank. The thick steak and potatoes he talked me into certainly helped balance the wine I drank and for the first time in a very, very long time I was having a great time interacting with a man. For a long time during the evening, I reminded myself that he was my boss, the owner, in fact. As easy and laid-back he seemed, it still seemed like a potentially dangerous situation for an employee who had been with the company for only about six months. But, the more we interacted, the less that potential seemed to be real. He shared details of his wife's illness and death. They had been unable to have kids and it was something they both regretted, but managed to not let that regret come between them. I felt happy for him. Not for her death, obviously, but for the life they shared together.

I found myself sharing my own story, though I was reluctant because it might seem like a downer in comparison, he gently prodded it out of me.

Raised in a proper, conservative home, Patricia Mason (me) was taught morality, propriety and the role of the woman in the household and marriage. With old-fashioned ideas of the woman taking care of the house and the man providing for the family, it all seemed to clash with the world-view I encountered in society around me, my high school experience, and the media. My rebellion after high school resulted in first becoming pregnant, then getting married to the father. I was only 18-years-old. I followed the obvious leanings of my family in finding a role in raising the twin girls, keeping the house, and supporting my husband. My exposure to the business world was non-existent but also unnecessary. As it turned out, my husband advanced in his career quickly and often. He ended up traveling for work and was gone for days at a time and frequently for days each week. I settled into my own life with the girls and developed a functional and loving environment for them, whether their father was home or not.

When he gave me the divorce papers five years ago, I was stunned and unprepared. I thought our lives were nearly ideal but that was only my narrow perspective from the home. That was also reflective of the fantasy I had created for myself and the girls with the increasing absence of my husband. He had found another woman, a younger woman who was more exciting, sexual, and adventurous. Of course, the other woman didn't have twin girls to raise and wasn't stuck in the house all day with no job or contacts with the world. The divorce was contentious. I didn't share more about it than that, but my lawyer was a pit bull who seemed to have a personal vendetta against men who discarded caring wives and their own families. It turned out in the legal discovery that he had not only done well in his career but very well. I ended up with a supportive alimony, child support, college fund for the girls, and the older car with the house.

I mused to myself, lost for a few moments in the red liquid in my stemmed glass. After the girls left for college, I sold the house and downsized to a townhome. Four months before the girls left for college, I finally ventured out of the home to find a job in preparation for the rest of my life. I discovered many things, not the least of which was I was completely awkward and bewildered with men in dating and social situations. But, that wasn't all bad, either. I was not in a hurry to venture anywhere near another serious relationship, but I became increasingly aware of other needs, needs that my husband had satisfied with another woman or women other than me. And, that seemed, somehow, to make my needs more intense and demanding. But the internal quandary of wanting to experience the sexual excitement I had been denied all those years, but avoiding the trap of another relationship, made the process of discovery more difficult than I imagined.

His hand reached across the table and touched mine lightly. "As much as I am sorry you experienced all that, I am honored that you shared it with me. You were an anomaly to me when you showed up for the interview. There were certainly other women who were more experienced ... hell, experienced at all ..." We both laughed, we both knew I came to him with almost no experience to show for myself. "There was something about you, though. I am pretty good about my feelings about people and I felt there was a lot more to you than what could be put down on a resume." He looked a little embarrassed and I knew I was by the way the conversation had gone, the depth, the sharing, and the emotion. "I'm glad I took that chance, Patty."

He seemed to realize how late it had become and we were soon making our way through mostly empty tables to the door. We stood awkwardly just outside. I saw his car to the left and mine was on the right. Neither of us seemed to know what to do next. Do we say 'goodnight' and how?

Finally, I surprised myself. I turned to him and stepped very close to him, "Bob ... are we still just friends? Friends who maybe understand each other a little better?" He nodded. He might have been holding his breath. "Would you ... would you like to come to my house for another drink? I don't know what I have there, but ..."

He put his index finger to my lips. It felt so intimate. It was only a finger. "I'd love to. I don't care what you have there as long as you are." He looked at me intensely and I shivered. "Still just friends." I told him to follow me, but I wasn't sure my legs were going to carry me to my car. I felt like a school girl instead of a mature woman who just sent her twin girls away to college.

It didn't matter what I might have had in the house to drink. I never gave us the chance to look for it. I opened the front door and held it for him. When he was in and I closed the door, I turned him around and wrapped my arms around his neck. I kissed him with all the passion that I regretted not having for the past five years. He returned the kiss with his own passion and we melded into two lonely, love-lost people suddenly finding themselves thrown into the only welcome comfort and understand either had known in too long a time.

When I broke the kiss while gasping for air and my heart beating as if I had run a race, I gazed into his eyes with yearning and fear. I spoke the only words I felt were safe at the moment, "Still just friends?" He nodded numbly, his own breath as ragged and desperate as mine, a cautious smile spreading over his mouth, his eyes not leaving mine.

I took his hand in mine, brought the palm up to my lips and kissed it. "I want to do this, Bob. Tonight, we're just friends. No commitments. No entanglements. We both need this maybe, but I know I really do." He pulled me in and kissed me. My hands went to the buttons on my blouse and the buttons started opening as I continued to look at him. He shed his jacket, his tie, and began working on the buttons of his shirt. I dropped my blouse in the entry, kicked off my low heels, and started walking backwards toward the stairs to the upstairs. His shirt was off, too. He was pulling his undershirt over his head as he followed me. I stopped as my heel struck the bottom step. "I want you to just fuck me, Bob. God ... I've never said that before."

I turned to go up the stairs, my fingers working the clasp and zipper of my knee-length skirt. Halfway up I paused just long enough for the skirt to fall to my feet. I felt his hands untangle the skirt from my feet. I looked back at him as he discarded the skirt behind him, his belt loose and working his zipper down. I turned and continued up with my fingers working the clasp of my bra, then discarding that at the top of the stairs. I turned around to walk backwards into my bedroom. He had shed his slacks, stopped to remove his socks. Somewhere he had kicked off his shoes, too. He was standing three feet away in his boxers. I looked at him. I really looked at him. He was probably 5' 11" tall and 180 pounds, relatively toned and athletic looking. He was indeed attractive or maybe it was because he was about to fuck me. His brown hair was cut short and didn't show any hint of gray. As I was looking at him, he was also looking at me. I stood before him in my pantyhose and panties. I was 5' 6" and 125 pounds with a trim, if maturing body. My hair is long, wavy and dark extending past my shoulders. I know my breasts aren't as perky as they once were, but a jiggle in the breast is sexy, right. That's how I make myself feel better, anyway.

I closed the gap, kissed him, and took his hands in mine. I led him into my bedroom walking backward while looking him in the eyes with confidence I didn't know existed in me. Next, to the bed, I kissed down his chest, my fingers working his boxers over his hips as I finally knelt in front of him. His cock was already at half-mast in anticipation. I glanced up at him as I grasped his cock and held it to my mouth. I kissed the circumcised head, licked the first drop of precum, then slowly pressed my mouth over it, sucking, pulling back and pressing back over it. He stepped out of his boxers at his feet and lifted me up, pulling me into him, his hardening cock pressing into my abdomen. God! What a feeling ... a hard cock pressed into my flesh.

He guided me back to the bed and with a gentle push, I fell onto my back. He reached for my pantyhose and panties, stripping them from my hips, legs, and feet. I turned, reached for the top of the covers and pulled them and the top sheet down to the foot of the bed. I settle into the center and held my arms out to him. He ignored them. He moved between my legs and I gasped. His hands slid up the inside of my thighs and the higher they went, the more my sighs turned to gasps. His lips took the place of his hands as my legs seemed to open at the touch of his hands. His lips and tongue touched each thigh and moved higher each time he moved back and forth. I could feel his breath on my pussy, which is sparsely covered in hair. His breath sent a shiver through my body, but the first touch of his lips on my pussy lips sent a shock wave through me.
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I put my hands on the top of his head and raised my hips to press into his mouth. "Oooohhhhhh ... Bobbbbb ... no ... nobody ... has ever done this ... before to me." With that, I felt his tongue stiffen and press at and into my hole. I cried out and nearly orgasmed then. I raised my head and applied gentle pressure to pull his head up. He looked up at me and I looked back at him through my heaving breasts. "I need you, Bob. Please ... I'm sorry ... it is lovely ... but ... I need you inside me ... please."
He crawled up over my body and kissed me, his hard cock poking against my groin, bumping my clit and pussy lips. He moved his lips to my breasts, sucking my nipples, and I moaned, again. I felt his cock moving over my slit and looked down between our bodies. His hand was rubbing his hard cock along my slit, the head of his cock was slick with my juices and I moaned, again. My head dropped back and my pussy was penetrated in the next instant. I cried out, my legs wrapping around his hips, my arms around his neck as he completed his first deep thrust into me. God, I felt I had gone to heaven. Instead, I orgasmed. I orgasmed at the first penetration. My arms shook and my breath stopped in my throat.
As my senses returned, he was slowly, gently stroking into me. His cock was large. Having experienced one man in my entire life, I somehow felt all cocks were the same. They aren't! Bob was huge in comparison. It was longer, thicker, and it filled me deliciously. I felt each stroke in and out, his cock sliding into my pussy, the walls clenching and gripping with marvelous feeling.
"You're amazing, Patty." He stroked harder and more intensely and a new orgasm was building inside me. I felt him thrust hard into me and hold, then pull back and thrust hard. He was getting close and I used my legs to pull us together, mashing our bodies together. "Ooooooooooo ... I'm ... I'm going to cum ..." He paused, "Do you want me to pull out?"
"God no! Cum in me, Bob! Give me your seed. I want to feel you cum in me." And he did. This time we climaxed together.
* * * * *
I went downstairs to investigate what I did have to drink. I returned with two glasses of a white wine. As I re-entered the bedroom, he said, "You're a beautiful woman, Patty."
I held the glasses out to the side and did a little turn showing my naked body. I laughed, "Thank you, but I think that might be a function of having just being fucked."
He laughed, too. "Perhaps part of it, but the other half is that it is true."
I gave him a glass and I settled in next to him against the headboard. We talked about nothing, then I looked at him, "You've done that before. It was amazing."
He smiled, then, "Can I be honest about something?" I nodded, of course. "My wife loved sex. She couldn't get enough sometimes. And when she orgasmed hard, her face had this ... like a look of ecstasy. It was amazing." He turned my face and kissed me. "I never thought I would ever see that look, again. You, Patty, had that look. It's the most beautiful thing in the world to see."
He was quiet for a few moments and I waited. There was something else, something he was weighing saying or not. He shifted so he could look at me directly. "Thin ice here ... can I be honest about something else?" I told him he might as well since he's already fucked me. We laughed. "I said she loved sex. It was something more than that. When we had sex, she sometimes got a look or attitude that shined out of her like her soul was on sexual fire. Then, I knew we'd be fucking and sucking and fingering for a long time." He looked at me intently. I furrowed my eyebrows asking him what, then ... my eyebrows rose.
"You're saying ..." He didn't say or do anything. I looked down at our feet and played the feeling back in my head. "Can I be honest with you? Very personally honest?" He nodded his encouragement. "I'm scared by the feeling I just experienced." I glanced at him. "It was so intense. I never felt anything like that before. I told myself I would release myself to experience and find myself. My girls are away and safe. I have a job ... thank you ... and a comfortable house. It's time for me to be just me for the first time in life. And I feel this ... this amazing feeling, toe-curling crazy, amazing. So, I'm scared." He asked about what. "How can I feel anything like this again without a relationship? How can a person be this intimate and not form entanglements, commitments, complications? I did that, it didn't work. I know ... that doesn't mean the next one won't be better. But what if it isn't? Isn't better?" I was on a roll and couldn't seem to stop. Poor Bob. He got fucked but now he has to listen to this crazy woman. I went on and on until he stopped me with a kiss.
He pulled my head to his chest and stroked my hair with one hand and my bare back with the other. He whispered over and over, "You'll figure it out. Let yourself be. You'll figure it out."
* * * * *
I must have fallen asleep on him. I woke up with the covers pulled up to my shoulders and the light off. It was 2:11. I glanced next to me. I was alone. The house outside the bedroom door looked dark. I pulled the covers tighter and slipped easily back to sleep.
* * * * *
The next day at work, Bob and I had a normal amount of interaction. He asked me three times if I was all right. I assured him I was and thanked him for the evening and his understanding. I couldn't get out of my head, though, everything we had talked about. I also couldn't get out of my head the feelings I felt that night, the amazing, exciting, shattering feelings of the experience. Sex had never been like that before. I remembered the things he said about his wife. And, I remembered the things I told him in response. I was in turmoil and confused and conflicted. I left work on the dot to avoid another situation of talking and sharing.
* * * * *
Friday morning, I felt better, more like myself. He told me to relax, to let myself be, that I would figure it out. I had to trust that. That night was 'just friends'. It wasn't about work or a commitment. I arrive to work with my usual energy and drive to conquer my little part of the company world.
Late afternoon Bob poked his head out from his office, "Patty, can I see you for a minute?" I was feeling good. The day had been good. My drive and energy were unbelievable. I was done with everything I had and even assisted the two sales guys in setting up travel reservations.
I turned and smiled at him, "Of course." As I walked into his office, he was holding the door for me and closed it after me. Then made his way behind his desk. I sat on one of the visitor chairs in front. "What's up. What can I help you with?"
He smiled, "You had a good day today." It wasn't a question. I just nodded my agreement. "I can tell with you. Some people try to appear how they think I might want them to appear about how things are going. Not you." He laughed. "I appreciate it, too. You're open and honest, Patty. I value and trust that." What was up? What was he leading up to?
"Bob? What's up? You never close the door. Is something wrong? You're not firing me, are you? Did Wednesday night complicate things?"
"No ... Patty, wait ... no." He was almost wringing his hands. "This is another sexual harassment situation."
I smiled, more relaxed, "You going to ask me to dinner, again? That wasn't harassment." He chuckled with me but nervously.
"No ... well, if you want ... forget it, one thing at a time." He got up and took the other visitor chair next to me. "Remember the discussion we had after ..."
I smiled, "Yes, I remember after we fucked. Bob, I've had trouble not thinking about it."
"I figured, me too. Remember what I said about my wife and what you said after that about yourself?" I nodded. He was serious about something. "Do you still feel that way?"
"About being scared because I think I'm going to want more sexual experiences like we shared but I don't want entanglements right now? Yes. I've been doing what you told me. You told me to relax, to let myself be, that I would figure it out." I chuckled, "I haven't figured it out so far."
He looked at me intently. "Just how strongly do you still feel about those things? Was it the flush of just having sex or is it still with you?"
I stared into his eyes. I could pretend and be frustrated by trying to deal with it on my own or I can be honest with him again and hear what is churning in his brain. That wasn't even a choice. I had already opened myself up to him, I had confessed my despairs and followed that with my desires that society might say are supposed to be private.
"The feelings aren't just strong. The more I try to figure it out the more desperate the feelings seem. You know what I thought about doing? God, why do I share these things with you? This is my workplace. You're my boss. I must be crazy but you are so ... patient, understanding, considerate." I gasped and put my face in my hands. "I'm a mess. I'm sorry."
"No, you're not. Talk. Finish your thought."
I looked at him. I sucked in a deep breath, blew it out slowly, and went with it. "What I thought about doing ... seriously thought about doing ..." I looked at him, "I thought about going to bars to pick up guys. Random guys."
He stated the obvious, "That's not very safe. Don't do that, okay?"
I gave him an exasperated gesture.
"I have an idea." I looked at him. "Don't yell sexual harassment, okay?" I smiled at him remembering the last time he said that. That ended pretty well. "Rather than bars, do it here."
Do what here? What was he talking about? Then, "In ... the office? With you?"
He laughed. "I know you said I managed pretty well the other night, but no, not just me. I'm not sure I can really do everything you might need." I shifted in the chair. I knew my skirt rode up my thighs and I shift again and it slid up further. I was getting hot and excited even if I still wasn't comprehending. He had a sexual solution and, frankly, that was all I need to begin getting wet in anticipation.
He continued, "What if ... just a what if ... you were to fuck all the guys, suck them off, dress sexy and tease them."
"You mean like a company slut or whore?"
He shook his head. "I don't like those names. But sort of."
I squinted at him, "How would that work? Wouldn't it be chaos around here?" What was I saying? I was concerned about the function of the office? I wasn't objecting to being a plaything? Plaything. "You mean like an office toy?"
He smiled. He saw it too. I was working on it. I wasn't shocked, my response wasn't an immediate, no. "I like that. You're certainly not a slut or whore, at least not the way they sound." His eyes were twinkling. "You know what's interesting?"
"I haven't objected." He nodded.
"Think about it over the weekend. It might be an answer to your desires and quandry. If not, no problem. If you are still curious, come to me Monday. I will not ask you." I nodded.
Could that even work? How would it work? Could I do that? Is that what I think I need now? Talk about exciting!
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He told me to think about it over the weekend. Think about it? It was like he thought I might not after suggesting such a thing to me late Friday. And, just what else was I going to think about? Nothing else. As Sunday evening came, I wondered if I had thought about anything all weekend except for his suggestion, his proposal. The words rang in my head all weekend, "What if ... just a what if ... you were to fuck all the guys, suck them off, dress sexy and tease them."

My mind spun around on the same questions: Could that even work? How would it work? Could I do that? Is that what I think I need now?

All the while I knew it was the most exciting idea I had ever heard. The girls were out of the house, I had a new job with a bunch of great guys in a small company, and I was wanting to discover a life I had always been denied. My sexual response to fucking Bob had been the confirming exclamation point, if I ever needed one.

When I walked into the office Monday morning, I didn't know if I had consciously made a definitive decision in my mind. I dressed for work like I almost always did: conservative blouse, knee-length skirt, pantyhose, bra and panties (not necessarily matched), and low-heeled shoes. I greeted those who were already in the office as I always did. Nothing outwardly could have seemed different that morning. Inwardly, though, it was as if I was moving on some kind of cruise control. I don't know that I could have even verified that I saw all the traffic lights or stop signs along my route from home.

It was the same as I entered my workstation, dropped my purse and lunch, turned the computer on, took my phone off automatic messaging, leaned over the back edge and started the copier and printer. Then, without a thought I was in the doorway of Bob's office, softly rapping on the open door.

"Bob, can we talk?"

He smiled, "Of course. Should the door be closed, or ... won't that be necessary?"

I turned without response and closed his door. We might be informal in the office, but if a door is closed it is treated as private. I stood for a moment with my hand on the doorknob, then turned and took the same chair I had used Friday. Neither of us said anything for a few moments. It could have been very awkward but he was very patient.

"Bob ... I thought of nothing else all weekend. You know ..." He nodded. Yes, he knew and he had probably been holding his breath all weekend. On the one hand, he was probably wondering what I might decide, and on the other hand, hoping he didn't drive me away from the company.

I peeked at him and he saw it. He beat me, apparently not able to be that patient in silence. "Patty, I shouldn't have said what I did. I don't want to lose you. I don't want you to leave because I made a stupid suggestion that rose from you confiding in me your deepest desires. I was out-of-line."

He thought my quiet was because I was upset; that I was disappointed in him? "Bob, no, no ... my response is YES, but there are things I ... we ... have to understand."

He looked back in amazement. He had prepared himself for anger and retribution. I said, yes, though. He was still wrapping his head around the answer. He looked at me carefully as if he was trying to verify what his ears told him. I nodded and smiled.

He recovered admirably. "What understandings? You think you can do this?"

I smiled, diverting my eyes as I blushed intensely. "Do I think I can do this? I don't honestly know. What I do know is that I WANT to do this. You know my story now, Bob. Yes, I confided in you my deepest desires that night. I liked that night, Bob. Not just the fuck, though it truly was amazing, but that I chose to do it. I realized I needed to do it. It had been a long time and the experience I had was limited, but you also know I am hungry for more experiences." I smiled shyly, "As you said, better here than strangers from bars."

His smile was broad and the confident, controlled president was back. I just knew he would support me in everything. I also had confidence that once we really began he would challenge and push me to experience more and more. It was what I confided in him, which drew all this out into his proposal last Friday. We discussed the questions of how in an office this idea could work. Who would be involved, how is it would be controlled? The office is so small, it isn't as if something like this could be hidden for long. There were five managers in the office, four guys up front, Bill Clancy as a manager in the shop, and the 20 guys working in the shop. What were we even talking about? The idea is exciting, but how could it be practical, manageable? There were a lot of questions.

Bob was a problem-solver, though, it was how a small company like us competed in a larger market. He saw opportunities and how someone like us with flexibility and speed could take advantage of those opportunities when a larger company was still trying to see the opportunity. He was sitting in his classic 'Bob thinking' pose, as we called it. Turned slightly to the side, his fingers steepled to his lips, his eyes focused on something far off through the window.

He turned to me, "We start small and work it out as we go. At some point, you're right, it will be too much to control and we have to manage it with rules and understandings. If you're willing, let's start out just between us as a teaser for what will come. Before we extend it. I will have to have private, confidential conversations. I suppose there is still the risk of harassment claims even with the guys." I nodded. I was putting myself in his hands. I suddenly saw this as a great risk for him like for me. I could go somewhere else for a job and he would protect me even if the company was slapped with a harassment claim. Or, he could settle it and I would still be here. But, the company was his and the risk was to the company in any claim.

"Whatever you think, Bob."

"Oh, my dear, be careful. You might not believe how I might think." I laughed with him. It was interesting. In that moment, I knew I was past the self-doubts. Whatever his thoughts might come to, I wanted to experience things.

"I'm trusting you, Bob. How's that for a downer? I'm putting my trust in the guy who loved his wife the way you did." He smiled. I could see it in his eyes, touché. I called his bluff and he knew it.

"Are you ready?"


"Why wait? Maybe you want to lock that door now." He watched me intently, studying my eyes, facial reaction, body reaction. I stood and moved to the door. I stopped at the door with my fingers at the knob. Seconds ticked by as I stood there. My fingers turned the lock and I returned to the chair. His hand came up to stop me from sitting. "What did you call it last Friday?" An office toy, I responded. "Yes, I like that. Let's see what we have here, then."

I put my arms out and turned slowly in a circle where I stood. He smiled. "Yes, very nice, but I meant really see. Remove your blouse, Patty."

I sucked in air with a gasp. He really was starting. My hands were shaking and it felt like my knees might collapse, but my heart was racing with excitement and instantly I felt wetness between my thighs in my pussy lips. My shaking fingers moved to the top button and they worked down the front of my blouse until I had to pulled the blouse from my skirt to finish unbuttoning it. My blouse was fully open and my hands moved to pull it off my shoulders and down my arms. I dropped it onto the adjacent chair. On my own, I turned around, again, for his appraisal.

"Yes, very nice, Patty. Remember, though, I've seen you naked, already."

"Yes ... but not in your office. You can't believe the difference it feels for me."

He smiled reassuringly. "Now, your skirt."

My fingers were shaking again as they worked the clasp and zipper at the side. I glanced at him, saw him watching intently, and pushed the garment over my hips and let it drop to the floor. I stepped out of it and dropped it on the chair. Again, I turned around for him. I was standing in my bra, pantyhose, and panties. I had kicked my shoes off with my skirt.

"Pantyhose. You had pantyhose on last Wednesday, too." I nodded. It was all I wore. "That won't do, Patty. Pantyhose isn't sexy. Take them off." He opened his desk drawer and came out with scissors. "Cut them up as a ritualistic commitment to never again wear them."

I even smiled as I did as he said. I pushed the pantyhose down, having to sit to remove them from my feet. As I lifted one foot, then the other, I was sure he could see the wetness on the gusset of my panties. I stood and cut the pantyhose into small pieces, dropping them into his wastebasket in the process. I stood in my bra and panties. The panties were cotton briefs and the bra was a basic soft cup. I knew what he was going to say before he did.

He was shaking his head, "Not sexy, Patty. You are, don't get me wrong, but we can't be having you running around her in bra and panties and not having them be sexy." Running around in my bra and panties? "Is that what you own?" I nodded. I've been divorced and being a mom for five years. "We're going to take care of that today. I know some shops at the mall my wife loved and frequented. If they are still there. I'll check."

"Bob, I can't ... I mean, I can't afford to change out my whole wardrobe."

"I wouldn't ask you to. I will buy you some new things, then if you decide to continue, I'll give you a credit card to use for more and other expenses resulting from what the guys might suggest. I have a feeling they will have suggestions." I blushed at the thought of him dressing me and the others having ideas of how I might dress for them. He saw my blush but didn't give me time to get too nervous.

"Now, off with the bra and panties. We'll definitely find you much sexier items than that to tease everyone with."

I wasn't sure what was going through my mind, if anything, but my hands reached behind me and unclasped my bra. I shrugged it off my shoulders and down my arms. I then pushed my panties over my hips and down my legs. I was about to crouch down to pick them up when he stopped me, again.

"Patty, turn your back to me, part your feet about a foot, and bend over to pick them up without bending your knees." God, I'd heard about this move. I didn't think I could get any redder, but I think I did. I moved as he instructed, then, to truly give him what he wanted, I glanced back as I was fully bent over. He smiled widely.

I stood before him, again. I turned to him, again. He was enjoying this. I was wetter than I think I might ever have been without being touched. I stood before him in his office and was completely naked. Just outside his office were the sounds of people beginning to go about their work. I was watching his face as I stood before him and we both listened to the sounds outside the door. Someone asked someone else if they knew where I was and I shivered. He saw it and smiled.

"Exciting, isn't it?" I nodded. I was dripping wet. He stood, unbuckled his belt and loosened his slacks, pushing them to his knees before sitting again. He didn't say a word, just sat in his chair turned to the side. I looked at him as he watched me. It was obvious what he intended, his big cock even semi-hard exposed. I walked around his desk and knelt at his spread knees. I looked up at him. I had a smile, too. I was really going to do this in his office with the clatter and chatter of people outside this office.

I took his cock in my left hand and moved my head to it. I licked the underside and kissed the head. I wasn't an expert in sucking cock or any kind of sex, really. My husband had been intent on climaxing, not playing or experimenting. But, since he left us, I have watched my own preference of porn videos and stories.

His cock quickly grew in my hand and mouth. Like last week during our first time, I marveled at the size of it compared to the cock I had my only experience with. I pulled my head back and turned to his desk. I started opening a drawer and looking inside, then another.

"What are you looking for? Condoms?"

I stifled a laugh. "We didn't worry about that the last time. My tubes were tied after the girls were born." I continued to look, "A ruler ... or tape measure ..."

He shifted and opened a drawer on the other side. He handed me a tape measure. "Is this how your brain always works? In the middle of giving good head and your mind wanders to needing a tape measure for something?"

I glance at him as I reposition myself at his knees. "Don't be silly. This is all about your cock. You might say I have been sort of fixated on a thought since the first time." His cock had softened slightly and I sucked and stroked it more to achieve full stiffness, again. "I was curious ... don't worry, I'll get back to sucking you ... I'm naked here, right? After experiencing this wonderful thing, I did some checking. Amazing what you can find on the internet. I was right. The average American penis is about 5.6 inches erect. That fit with my thought of my ex." I extended the tape along the underside of his penis. "Mmmmmm ..." I looked up at him with a lusty smile. "I knew this felt good. You're over 50% bigger ... about 9 inches."

"Is that good? I mean for you?"

"Did you ever think maybe it was why your wife like sex so much?" I raised my eyebrows. He chuckled, but I was already devouring his cock, again. When he came, I made an elaborate show of swallowing and licking my lips. "A lot of cum, too." I stood up in front of him. My pussy was dripping with need, my nipples were tight, hard pebbles on the end of my breasts. Then, he did something I wasn't expecting.

He stood up and fastened his slacks. The frustration was evident in my body and facial response. He stepped up to me and kissed me on the lips, his hands roaming down my naked body, fondling my breasts, and slipping a finger into my very needy pussy. He brought the finger up to his lips and had me watch as he sucked it clean.

"I think you've been absent from out there long enough, don't you? Do you want them to start speculating, already?"

I shivered as his hands touched my body. My pantyhose was gone, but I dressed in the rest of my clothes. As I buttoned my blouse, he judged which one could be left open without blatantly showing my conservative bra. "We'll get you some bras that allow more cleavage exposure." He just smiled. When I opened his door, he called out to me, a little louder than necessary, "Patty ... we'll need to review that information more thoroughly this afternoon."

A couple guys in the area heard him and glanced my way. Now seen, I had two guys headed my way looking for help or supplies. I wondered if they would be able to smell anything different from my wet pussy. Whether the guys noticed or not, my fingers were a bit shaky as I opened the supply drawer.

* * * * *

Bob made it a point of interacting with me far more that morning than normal. And every time he did I wondered if he would want me in his office for more of the same, but it always had something to do with a project, a company account, or some more trivial thing. By lunchtime when he came to his door, I looked up quick only to find him smiling and indicating he was running out for a minute. I was flushed and I could feel it.

I sat with some of the guys in the lunch/conference room for lunch. I was spaced out, my mind sorting through the spider web of thoughts, ideas, and emotions. The guys would say something to me and wait, then repeat it. Sometimes, I heard it on the repeat, other times it took more.

"Are you okay, Patty? You seem really distracted today." I assured them I was fine, just a lot going on. It was a put-off and maybe they knew it but they let it go if they did.

I was bent over the table wiping it down as I routinely did after lunch in case the room would be needed for a group meeting. My back was to the door as I stretched over the table when I felt a pair of hands placed squarely on my ass cheeks. I jerked at the touch, then heard the voice, "You have a nice ass, even in that skirt." The words were almost a whisper and they were spoken next to my ear as he leaned over me. He took my hand and led me to the other end of the table away from the open door. He pressed the front of my thighs into the edge of the table and applied a little pressure on my back. I felt myself moving forward, my hands reaching out to support myself as I leaned over the table.

"I love what you are doing, Patty. It is so very hot. YOU are so very hot." His hand slid down over my butt, down the back of my thighs to the hem of my skirt, which I felt rising up my legs. I sucked in air and gulped it in a lump down my throat. Cruise control. What else made me do it? My skirt up at my waist. I opened my feet to shoulder width if they moved an inch. I was holding my breath now, waiting for the next touch, anticipating it, wanting it ... needing it.

His fingers brushed lightly up the back of my bare thighs then rotated inside as they neared my panties. I gasped as the finger of his right hand pressed into the gusset of my cotton panties, sliding along my pussy. His left hand moved across my ass and a finger slid inside the right leg hole and pulled the gusset to the left exposing my pussy directly to the touch and stroking of his right hand. When a finger slid easily into my soaked pussy, I gasped and moaned, moving one hand quickly to my mouth to muffle any further sounds.

His lips next to my ear, again, "I can't wait to feel your pussy around me, again." I groaned. "You want that, too." I nodded. "What do you want? Say it."

"Yes, I want it. YOU. I want YOU. I want you inside me, again."

"What are you becoming, Patty?" I groaned a little louder this time.

"A office plaything, a toy."

"What does that mean? What's an office plaything, a toy?"

"God ... fuck me, please!" It was whispered but so deeply it surprised even me that it came out with the desperation I felt.

His finger was jammed deep in my pussy. "What does it mean to be the office plaything?"

"You fuck me in the office. They fuck me. Everyone fucks me in the office. I'm here for all of you to use."

He turned me around and held his finger up to my face. I took his hand and put the finger in my mouth. He had me feeling so wanton and he knew it and he was enjoying my frustration. I pulled his finger out and let go of it. I looked him in the eyes and shocked myself if not him, "I wish I was sucking my juices off your cock." I turned to the door, smoothing my skirt as I went.

I almost bumped into Bill Clancy. "Bob, can I see you for a minute?"

I had stepped back when Bill turned into the doorway. Bob winked at me as he led Bill out, "Of course, Bill, something wrong in the shop?"

* * * * *

The afternoon was torture. I went to the women's room three times in vain attempts to dry my leaking pussy. If I was reacting this way now, what was it going to be like when/if the whole office was involved? Would I just get used to it?

"Patty?" I looked back at Bob's office door. "Could you bring that account file in so we can finish the review we started this morning?" He didn't even wink. I turned bright red. He said it in a normal conversational tone that almost anyone could hear. Of course, it wasn't unusual for me to take a file into one of the offices for review. Nobody was going to think anything of it. Not unless they saw me blushing severely ....

I grabbed a file from the drawer. I didn't even look to see what file I grabbed. I tried to compose myself as I stood and walked to his office. He was leaning against the front of his desk, his hands resting on the desktop as I entered. I actually started to hand him the file but his hands never left the desktop. I flushed at my silly action. The file meant nothing, simply a ruse to have me come to his office.
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I tried another attempt to compose myself. My fingers floated to the top closed button on my blouse and undid it.
"I think you REALLY want to close the door ... and lock it." His voice startled me. I looked up at him, then quickly behind me at the wide-open door. I flushed, again. Beads of perspiration were already forming from the blushed state I seemed to be constantly in.
I returned to stand about five feet in front of him. "I'm a wreck ..." I looked up from my fingers on my blouse to his face, "I had no idea I would react so strongly to this." My fingers continued to work on the buttons. I was down to the waistband of my skirt and I pulled the blouse out. "I considered that I might chicken out sometime in this first day." I slipped the blouse off and dropped it on the chair. I reached behind my back to remove my bra. I was going to be naked, it didn't matter what order I took my clothes off. Not only that, but I wanted to be completely naked in his office, again. The feeling this morning was amazing. I didn't just want to lift my skirt to be fucked. I wanted to be naked and fully exposed to him. "But ... I never expected this feeling of desperate, all-consuming need and lust."
I loosened my skirt and let it drop to the floor. I pushed my panties down and picked them both up. I stood before him naked and needy. He stepped up to me, his hands on my upper arms, sliding them up and down my arms as he looked into my eyes. My eyes. I was naked and he fixed my eyes with his.
"We'll take it in steps, Patty." He kissed me on the lips, his hands now wandering my back and ass. "You're an amazing woman. I have a theory that plays into all of this. I just never thought I would have the chance to actually test it out."
He was fondling my breast and kissing my neck like I needed any foreplay. I moaned out, "What theory?"
"Later." He put a slight amount of pressure on my shoulders and I sank to my knees. I freed his lovely nine-inch cock (I measure it) and began sucking it. I felt him prying off his shoes and wiggling his feet out of his pants. He turned his tie to the back and opened his shirt, leaving it on, though.
His moans and the flexing of his hips told me I was doing well, not to mention the hardness of his cock in my mouth. The head of his cock hit the spot in my throat when the gag reflex took over. I committed right there to investigate deep-throating. He had a lot of cock to use it on.
His hands pulled me up. "You've taken my cum into your stomach once today. This time I want your pussy." I smiled. Finally! I moved past him and leaned against the desk. I looked over my shoulder and he chuckled. "Yes, that will do just fine this time." I smiled back at him. This time. There will be many more times.
He moved his cock head along my wet pussy, found the hole, and pressed the head firmly at the opening. He reached around and took a breast in his hand as he held my hip with the other. When he pressed forward, I gasped and let a long, deep groan flow out of my throat. He pulled back and pressed more inside, back and more inside. God! I love his cock! He only had about half inside me but his thickness was already giving me the feeling of being full as it opened my passage further with each advancement of his cock. When I felt his hips against my ass, his cock was touching me deep inside.
He started a smooth, easy rhythm of stroking in and out, his hand continuing to fondle my breast, the fingers occasionally adding pinching and tweaking to the nipple. I was so needy when I walked into his office, it didn't take me long to feel an orgasm rising quickly. I pressed back hard against his thrust, finally finding his rhythm and magnifying his thrusts with my own. My arms collapsed to my elbows and my head hung to the desktop. My orgasm broke over me and I muffled my cries with biting my lip then covering my mouth with a hand as my body shook. My head lifted and dropped, my back arched, my toes curled into the carpeting. My legs shivered and my pussy spasmed around his cock. He stopped moving inside me. Instead, he leaned over me, both hands fondling my breasts as he held his cock in place, his lips kissing my shoulders and back.
As my breath returned in gasps, I pressed my body back up and he resumed his stroking into my sopping pussy. I was so wet from my previous need and now my orgasm that his plunging cock squished as it moved inside me.
His lips were near my ear, again. "I'm getting close, Patty. You feel so good around me. I can feel your walls squeezing me and relaxing as if milking me."
"Cum for me, Bob. Give me your cum. Fill my pussy." And he did. He seemed to cum and cum, huge spurts of cum one after the other.
He was leaning over my back. He was still stroking his cock in my pussy. He whispered, "Do you want to cum, again?"
I chuckled, "I'm afraid to. It's weird to hear the others out there when we do this. As you know, I can be vocal." He chuckled and pulled slowly out. I turned around quickly, his cum and my juice leaking from my pussy to my thighs. I took his cock and guided it into my mouth. "Let me, please." I sucked and licked all our mixed juices from his cock. I then stood and stepped into his open arms. We kissed, then, "Thank you, kind sir. You brought a suffering damsel much-needed relief."
He laughed, then reached for a box of tissues for me. "You might need these."
I smiled and looked between my spread thighs. "No 'might' about it." A long, thin string of cum hung from my lips. We both laughed.
* * * * *
It wasn't long after I finally got fucked that he took me shopping before the workday was even over. I left my car at the plant and he drove. He went straight to the mall and our first stop was a shoe store. He wanted me to select three pairs of heels and one of them had a neutral sandal-type strap shoes. He asked if I thought I could walk in 4-inch heels and I told him I would learn if that was what he wanted me to wear.
I got excited all over again as we walked into the store and a young man in his early twenties came to help us. While in the car in the parking lot, Bob had me remove my panties. I was understanding that exhibitionism played largely in his sexual play. So, when the young man directed us to chairs and removed my shoes, then measured each foot, then discussed the type, style, and color of shoe I was interested in, my skirt had slid up my thighs with each movement. When he left to retrieve the shoes for me to try on, Bob leaned his head next to mine.
"Exaggerate your leg movements when he returns. Let's see what he does as you skirt rises higher." I shivered and looked down at my skirt to find it was already at mid-thigh. Then, Bob must have decided not to trust nature and moved my skirt further up himself. He smiled at me as the young man returned.
I ended up with three new pairs of shoes and the young man got quite a view if the wide-eyed look was to indicate anything. Bob said exaggerate, so I raised my knee much higher than necessary each time he slipped a shoe on. I was sure he had several glimpses of my glistening pussy.
The next store was similar to Victoria Secret but smaller. He said it provided more customer service and I wondered what that meant given the intimate nature of the garments they sold.
A woman, older than me and perhaps Bob's age, came out from behind a counter next to the door. A younger woman moved to greet us and the older woman waved her off.
"Mr. Hansen?" We turned to the voice. "It is you. I was so distressed to hear of your wife's passing." She gave him a heartfelt hug and kiss on the cheek. I stood stunned next to him. This was where his wife had purchased much of her intimate apparel. She remembered Bob from over seven years ago? She released him and turned to me. As she did, I saw her appraise me from head to shoes. "And, who is this lovely woman?"
"Mary Worley, this is Patty Mason. She is ... my ..."
Wow, he was at a loss for words. I never thought that could be possible. I put my hand out, "Nice to meet you, Bob has said lovely things about your shop. He insisted on bringing me here." I looked at him and back to her. "I work for him ... kind of girl for any job kind of thing around the office, I guess. But ... well ..." I looked back at him wondering how much to say about the reason for him bringing his employee to her shop of intimate apparel. He gave a nod. "Bob and I have reached an agreement and I desperately need your help with my clothes ... everything."
She looked at both of us with a face of intense curiosity and I could see she wasn't letting it go. "Agreement?" She gave me a lusty smile. "And what kind of agreement does a president of a company and his employee come to that leads them to my shop of intimate apparel?"
I didn't look at him this time, he just boldly moved ahead. "We don't want to demean her with a nasty title, but generally we agreed in principle she will act as an office plaything aside from her other duties."
Her mouth dropped open and her hand rose to cover it. Then, she burst into gushing, taking me in her arms and pulling Bob alongside. "That's the most outrageous ... and completely erotic thing I have heard." She looked at me carefully and seemed satisfied since I was acting on my own. "I'd ask how such a thing came to be, but it isn't my business and I can see this is your free-will." She stepped back and walked around me. When she stopped, she was still appraising me, but spoke to Bob, "You dog, you. I can tell you, though, she would approve of your selection. She is lovely, we need to peel back outside covering to let her true beauty and sexuality come out." She looked at him as though something just occurred to her, "I assume you have already confirmed ..."
He laughed, "Oh, yes! I think she surprised herself how sexual she really is." I blushed, again. I was blushing a lot.
"And she blushes. Wonderful! Sexual but still innocent enough to blush." She took my hand and Bob fell back behind us. She turned to him, "What are you thinking?"
"A week's worth of everything for now. Short dresses, short skirts, sheer blouses, semi-sheer blouses, thigh-highs, panties, bras, throw in a black baby-doll, and white sheer floor-length, both sheer, of course."
I was shocked. I thought this was going to be a few things. She held my arm tightly and gazed over the store, then called over the younger girl. She gave her instructions on what to collect in sizes, colors, and styles. She turned to me, "Oh, dear, this is going to be so much fun."
Bob interrupted her enthusiasm, "Mary, you can relax just a bit. I will be getting her an account here for anything else she might need or desire."
She squeezed my arm, "He just knows how a woman likes to feel sexy and desired." She held up dresses and skirts to me, then shook her head. She called out to the younger woman and told her they were closing the shop early. The young woman smiled and ran off to lock the door and put the closed sign up.
"Okay, now we can do this right. Strip out of those clothes." I looked at her in shock and appealed to Bob who just shrugged his shoulders. "Come, come ... it will be so much easier."
Cruise control. What was happening to me? My fingers were unbuttoning my blouse like they did in Bob's office. Soon I stood naked in the middle of the shop. I glanced at the front of the store and could see some people walking by along the interior hallway. It wasn't completely private, but she wasn't giving the time to react. Bob handed me a pair of the 4-inch heels and I slipped into them so the height would be correct, though I doubted anything would be that long to reach the floor, much less my knees.
Standing in the middle of the shop she had me put on stockings of various types and sizes until Bob was satisfied with the height of my legs and the way they hugged my leg shape. Panties and bras were the same. Various types of bras for cleavage, just for display, sheer meant for visual appeal and not for support. Panties were the same: lace, bikini, thong, sheer. The dresses and skirts didn't even reach my mid-thigh. I was led to a chair in front of a mirror and told to sit. I looked at everyone. I was bare breasted sitting in the skirt without panties underneath. I looked at them and they only looked at me, then Bob indicated with his head to the mirror. I gasped. I could see my pussy lips. I tried harder to pull the skirt down and it just covered me. With these skirts, I would have to keep my legs crossed. The blouses were sheer or semi-sheer. My nipples showed both in color and the nub pressing at the material. With a bra underneath, the bra was evident. The negligees were stunning, too. The black baby-doll was open from the breasts down with a pair of matching sheer panties. The white floor-length was fastened just below the breasts. When I walked, the gown gaped open and flowed around me. When I stopped, it gathered around me, again. It was very sheer and my body was evident underneath regardless.
By the time we left the store, I had spent two hours naked or nearly so in the shop. I had no idea how many people might have glanced through the window and stopped at seeing a naked woman using the middle of the store as her own fitting room.
Bob took me to dinner and I took him home, again. We stopped at the plant for me to get my car and he followed me, his car nearly overflowing with my new clothes. At least a week's worth, anyway.
* * * * *
"So ... tell me what this theory of yours is that you never thought you'd have a chance to test out, but then here I came into your circle."
We had just fucked like very horny rabbits for the past 45 minutes. He moved me through more positions than I had ever experienced before. Almost all of them I wanted to focus on more. We ended up with me on top in the cowgirl position facing him. I thought his cock went deep into me before, but with me on top, it seemed to go even deeper still. It felt like my cervix was bruised ... deliciously, though.
I was lying on his chest, my hands supporting my face about six inches from his. We were kissing a lot. I had thanked him for the millionth time for the clothes and he told me for the millionth time that it was required if I was going to be able to properly carry out my other responsibilities. Those responsibilities were still largely undefined, but the general context was clear. How we got to that point and managed it ultimately was the undefined element.
He reached forward for another kiss, then, "It would be easier for me to concentrate on presenting the theory if you weren't so distracting with your pussy muscles."
I giggled. He was still inside me and I was trying very diligently to use the Kegel muscles I trained for with the birth of the girls. I always thought they would come in handy, though my ex never seemed interesting in prolonging sex. Bob on the other hand ...
"Are you complaining about my pussy?"
He stammered a moment before he saw my teasing. He wrapped his arms around me and that kiss was truly something. I then sat up so we could look at each other better. I continued to tease him with muscle flexes and gentle rotations of my hips. He was becoming hard, again.
His hands came up to my breasts and I smiled. If I tried really hard, I might find something I didn't like about this man ... maybe.
He started laying out the theory. Turned out it wasn't his at all, but a study he read somewhere, probably a men's magazine at some point, he confessed. He expounded for a while but finally summed it up:
"They believed that there was a special synergy when men and women work together and that synergy is stronger the closer they relate to each other. Each gender fully compliments the other, and in the end, the group benefits as a whole. That can effectively be realized by rewarding the departments with opportunities to enjoy themselves and get to know their fellow employees in a most intimate way. That builds a strong foundation and unity within the group."
He looked at me to gauge my response, then continued, "This isn't something made up. This was tested and researched. And the reported results were astounding. There was less bickering. Less gossiping. And, less jealousy." He paused, "In truth, the study models were not quite what we have here. They involved more widespread sexual interaction in larger organizations."
I smiled tolerantly, "How would anyone get away with that in a larger organization with more widespread sexual interaction?"
"I know. But, I've thought about what we are trying to do here for you ... and for us. Think about it without just the sexual release. We've been concerned with how do we manage the sexual interaction. As you said, wouldn't it just fall into chaos? Maybe the key is to not have it be thought of as a free-for-all. What if it was presented as an incentive, reward, bonus, job-well-done? It could be our own model. Everyone feels included and everyone feels very satisfied." He smiled and pinched my nipple. "Most importantly, everyone gets laid."
"I like that part."
"I know you do. But, seriously, there have been numerous other studies, not like these, that shows a correlation between employees who receive great sex regularly and being highly productive and happy in their work setting. It's practically common sense, isn't it?"
I tried to put on a look of sincerity while sitting on his cock in my bedroom. "I know exactly what you're talking about and I agree wholeheartedly with your philosophy."
I ended up laughing and he grabbed my arms and rolled us over so I was on my back and him between my legs, his cock still, somehow, well inside me and I realized how hard it had become. I put my arms around his neck and kissed him long and passionately.
"In all seriousness, it does kind of make sense. That might be the tact to take with this. A rotational reward, incentive to encourage productivity and performance. It would be interesting to see the results."
He looked seriously at me, "Are you teasing me?"
I giggled, "No, not all. I'm sincere. Of course, maybe its just that your cock is in my pussy ..."
"Well then, we have to talk about it again tomorrow when I am not fucking you."
I kissed him, again. "Whatever you say, boss. Now ... can you just fuck me, again?"
Active member

Bob and I did talk about the office fun concept and how it might effectively be implemented with control. His idea and rational, in all honesty, was growing on me. The idea that using readily available sexual encounters inside the workplace could improve the workplace setting and dynamics among those in the office had a certain appeal. Sex, me, could become the common bond between everyone, management, and workers, striving for improvement and productivity gains by putting my availability to those measurements. The initial thought was a measurement system by individuals, but I reject that. My 'rejection' caught Bob by surprise but I was really getting into the whole idea and the flaw of that measurement I saw was it would create jealousy and bickering and conflict between individuals. By measuring the larger groups, individuals could compensate for each other with their specific, unique talents and strengths. That was where the true improvement of the enterprise would come into play.

We were sitting in his office discussing what we thought might come down to the final policy, which was very much along my idea of group measurements. I was already naked except for stocking and heels. Over the week, my work attire had slowly changed to include some of the clothes he had purchased Monday night. At first, it was my regular blouse and skirts, but with an extra button or two opened. Then, I added the sexy underwear and allowed the bra to show when the blouse gaped open. I added a semi-sheer blouse and finally a short skirt. By that time, I was attracting a lot of attention and interest from everyone in the office, which was, of course, the whole idea.

On the following Monday, Bob called a meeting with his top managers: Stan Jacobs, Marty Adams, and Bill Clancy. They were meeting in Bob's office and I knew the topic of the meeting was his idea of implementing Bob's idea for bringing the company together like never before. But, before that could move to the next step, he needed to know what his managers thought and get their input on how it would be received. Most importantly, he needed to understand any negatives that could become insurmountable.

* * * * *

"Are you serious, Bob?" Stan Jacobs, Marketing. "Aren't you walking right into a sexual harassment suit? How can you even think you can propose something like this to a woman like Patty?"

"Let me get to Patty in a minute. For now, just react to the idea. Take away any sexual harassment issues for the moment, just think about the idea of motivation and bringing the entire office into a common reason for striving to the same goal. We do a great job right now for such a small, quick moving group. But, think, just for a moment... if sales and operations and development and design were all dropping their age-old biases and conflicts to achieve goal after goal. And what is the motivation to totally change those inborn behaviors? Sex. They get laid. They get sucked. They get it however they want it."

He looked over the three men that managed the people and functions of the company. He waited for reactions, objections, approval, anything. They remained quiet. He knew it wasn't that they were afraid to express dissension, they didn't work that way.

"The studies are there. The problem with the studies for modern companies in our liberated society is... so what? If employees who receive great sex regularly are more highly productive and happy in their work, how is a company supposed to influence that? Hire hookers to pay their employee's visits at night? What about the female employees? Companies can't go around spending money on sex for their employees. What would that make them, pimps?"

"Okay... listen, Bob, it's not that I disagree with you." Marty, Development and Design. "I've read the same things. It has something to do with stress and allowing them to focus, to free their minds to more creative approaches." He shook his head. "Okay, let me ask this... if we all agreed and could figure out how to present it and manage it... Patty? You're going to approach Patty with this? She's too sweet."

Bob smiled and they saw something coming. "What have you noticed about Patty this week?"

"Yeah... something is happening, for sure." Bill Clancy, Plant Manager. "I'm not in the office as much as you guys, but it seems every time I am, she's gotten hotter looking."

Stan, "So, what aren't you telling us, Bob?"

"Are you guys in wholeheartedly to make this work?" They all nodded. "Your concern is Patty?" They all nodded. He smiled and walked to the door. "Patty, we need you in here to help settle an issue."

I turned to Bob's voice as he stood in the doorway of his office. I knew who was in there. I knew what they had been talking about. For a week, my mind had spun with the thoughts of what they were talking about. For a week, Bob and I had been meeting and... coming together. Repeatedly. This was what it was coming down to.

"Yes, sir." I stood and moved purposefully to his office door he was holding for me. I smiled at him and he winked at me. This was the first day I was wearing the full outfit and it had caused quite a stir in the office.

I followed Bob into the office and stood at the side of his desk as he took his seat behind his desk opposite the three managers who were watching me intently. My outfit, if not me, had their attention and made them wonder what was happening.

"Patty, I have been discussing with the managers the idea we have been working on. They seem to have some concerns."

I smiled at him, then turned my attention to the managers. "What seems to be the concern, gentlemen?"

"Wait a minute." It was as if they all were speaking as one. "The idea you both have been working on?"

I moved to stand alongside our boss, his hand moving familiarly around my waist and sliding up and down my hip. I smiled at them. "Yes. I am as much involved in this as he is. It was my expression of need that caused him to consider such a bold idea. We talked about how it should be handled. I think we worked it out. What do you guys think?"

They were quiet. Bob stepped into the quiet. "Patty, will you show them?"

"Of course. That's what this is all about, right?" He smiled knowingly. He didn't know it would come down to this, but he wasn't surprised, after all we had put into it together that I would step up.

Standing alongside Bob, the men watched with disbelief as my finger rose to the button between my breasts and slipped it through the hole and my blouse gaped open a little more. The guys were now understanding even if they were still not quite comprehending how or why.

I slipped my semi-sheer blouse off my arms and held it out to Bob, "Will you hold this for me, boss?" I was playing him in the process of this and he loved the confidence I was displaying. He smiled up at me.

Quickly, I unzipped the skirt and shimmied it down over my hips and legs, dropping it into his lap, too. I was standing in my semi-sheer bra, panties, and thigh-high stockings and heels. I came out from behind the desk and around the back of the guys, my fingers sliding across the shoulders of each. I stopped at one and turned my back to him and pulled my hair up. He turned around to watch me.

"Would you undo my bra, please, Stan?" His fingers were shaking as he worked the hooks on the little bra. I slid it off and dropped it into the lap of Bill. I returned to my place next to Bob, my hands cupping my bare breasts, my lower lip sucked into my mouth. Bob turned in his chair and I turned away from him. His hands went to my sides and he inched my panties down and until they dropped to my feet. I moved them with my feet away from the desk, turned my back to the men and bent over with straight legs and feet parted to pick them up. I heard their gasps as my now clean-shaven pussy and asshole came into view.

"We're not complaining, Patty, but... how... why..."

"God... you're even more beautiful than I imagined."

"You two really think this can be managed? Because right now you sure have our attention."

I smiled at Bob, then at them. "We're glad to hear that. As to 'how', 'why'... well, the boss was attentive enough to recognize a desire of mine and together we saw a way to take advantage of it. That might still be mysterious, but a girl deserves some mystery, right?" They nodded. I had the sense they would nod no matter what I said at this point.

There was a little more discussion and this time the other men were far more active in the positive effort of working out managing the boss's idea. All the while, I stood next to Bob's chair and his hand was caressing my nearly naked body. When I felt his hand slip to the inside of my legs and up my thigh to my wet pussy, I watched as all three men froze, all conversation stopping, and their eyes flashing from the fingers playing on my pussy to my eyes looking for any negative reaction. When they only found me reacting as a willing recipient and my legs opened further, they all relaxed and smiled.

Bob, unabashedly, slid a finger into my pussy, then added another, sawing his fingers in and out. Each downward motion exposed the juices coating his fingers. The men gasped and sighed at the site and the obvious enjoyment I took while they watched, though I blushed deeply.

"Gentlemen, does this resolve any concerns you had about her willingness?" They all nodded. "Good." He looked up at me, his fingers still inside me. I couldn't believe how I felt at the moment being obscenely handled in front of the other men, but he had talked to me about this part of it. I had imagined, unrealistically, if/when I sexually interacted with someone in the office that I would be in a closed office or the conference room. He insisted that wouldn't be the case. Part of the sharing and bonding of experience would be the openness of experience. If an office or conference room was used, it would be with an open door, but that it would also occur in the open, at my workstation or in the open-office area of the designers.

I was brought out of my musing by Bob's fingers jamming up into my pussy, his thumb thrust against my clit. I moaned and my hazy eyes returned to Bob. I knew what the look referred to and I nodded.

He smiled at me, then turned to them, "I don't think it would be fair to end the meeting for now without some relief for them, do you, Patty?"

"I certainly don't. Gentlemen, if you'll push your chairs back a bit..."

I moved around the desk, Bob's fingers slipping out as I turned. I moved to Marty, the first in line, my fingers working his belt as I knelt in front of him. He gasped as I lowered his zipper, reached inside, and exposed his already hard cock. I peripherally noticed the other men loosening their pants and lowering them, stroking their cocks in anticipation.

As I moved down the line, sucking their cocks and taking their seed into my mouth and swallowing, the men came to accept the reality more and more until their hands were all over my body while I sucked the last man, Stan, into my throat. Hands and fingers were on my breasts, back, stomach, hips, and on and in my pussy. I was moaning with a muffled effect as the last cock erupted in my mouth.

As the men gathered themselves to leave the office, I returned to Bob's side but I was far from relaxed or content. My body was now on fire. I was flushed with sexual energy and need. I stood with my thighs squeezed tightly together to feel pressure on my oozing pussy and clit.

Bob's voice pulled me out of my trance, "Bill, could you hold back for a moment?" I realized the men were about to exit. I moved quickly to the door and kissed Stan and Marty deeply before they did, thanking each for the gift of their cum. They both looked at me with smiles.

I moved up behind Bill, my arm around his shoulders as he stood in front of our boss. "Bill, we have a different situation with your people." He glanced at Bob, then at me and his eyes couldn't be stopped from dropping to my bare breasts pressing into his arm. "The office provides a more casual encounter situation to act this effort out. The plant is... well... not that at all. You have 20 guys out there and it is not somewhere Patty just hangs out."

Bill was nodding his head, "I still can't get my head around this happening; yes, we have to worry about safety, too. You're right, this isn't going to happen out on the floor." Then, he looked up at us as if the implication of the comments sunk in and looked into my eyes, "You mean you're going to include them in all this?" I think he was surprised.

I responded before Bob could. "We can't not, Bill. Even if any of us thought we didn't need to, which none of us do, it wouldn't be right. They have as much to do with the company's success or struggle as anyone in the office. They need to feel as much a part of the same team as anyone else. What applies to the office has to apply to the shop." I saw him looking at my breasts and I hadn't realized the talk had caused me to start fondling my own breasts. I pulled my hands away, a little embarrassed. "Sorry, this is just so damn exciting."

Bob chuckled but picked up on what I was saying. "The point is, Bill, we've got nine guys in the office and they will probably be staggered. We have to keep in mind that Patty really does have a real job here." He had joined us and was stroking my bare back and ass. "Meeting and exceeding our goals will take everyone's complete effort and that also includes the work she does around here." In front of Bill, he pinched an already erect nipple. "Even if she was of the mind to just fuck all of us all day, we need her doing her job, too." I gave them a pouty face at that and they both laughed. Bob left it with Bill that he should think about how the shop personnel might be managed. He agreed and slipped out the door so it wouldn't expose me.

I turned to Bob and there was lust in my eyes. My nipples were erect nubs standing out on the tips of my breasts and I could feel the wetness between my thighs. Bob took both of my nipples between his fingers and pinched them, then pulled them away from my breasts as he leaned in to kiss me. I gasped and moaned into his mouth.

"Is our plaything feeling like she desperately needs to cum?"

"Please! Please, just fuck me... right here, right now."

He chuckled and squeezed my nipples more. "No... not now. And, I don't want you getting yourself off, either. Don't touch yourself the rest of the day, okay?"

"Why? That's cruel. I sucked them. I need something now."

"I'm going to notify them that we are having an after-hours meeting in the office tonight."

"Tonight... the five of us?"

He nodded. "After everyone is gone we'll give you your relief out in the office, throughout the office." It hit me what he was saying. This wouldn't be in one of the offices or the conference room. This would be out in the open. That's how he wanted this done, out in the open, not hidden. He wanted everyone to know it was happening, seeing each other as they shared in the rewards as they shared in the effort to succeed. I shivered.

* * * * *

The rest of the day couldn't have gone any slower. I went about my work squirming in my chair with wet panties plastered to my pussy. Several times I went to the ladies' room to pull my panties from between my lips. I used paper towels and tissues in vain attempts to dry myself.

I was busy sorting through a file when I heard an increasing commotion in the office. I glanced at the computer monitor to see it was the end of the day. The one sales guy who was in the office passed by and said goodnight. Several of the guys from the front area came back to say they were leaving.

That was all it took for me to feel my nerves were taking over, again.

"Is everyone gone?"

I nearly jumped out of my chair at Bob's voice behind me. He apologized for startling me and I said I would walk through the office to make sure. I hadn't understood how much this was going to affect me. I needed the opportunity to walk through the office to divert and calm myself. Everyone was gone and I made sure the front door was locked. As I walked back to my workstation, it sunk into me... I was about to be fucked by the four managers of the company and not in a private room. It was going to happen here, in the open office. Bob was initiating me as much as the managers. Four of them... wasn't that a gang bang?

I jumped again when there was a sharp knocking on the outside door. I turned around to find Marty carrying three bags in his arms. I walked quickly to the door, fully aware that the flimsy bras Bob had me wearing now provided much less restraint. I unlocked and opened the door, taking one of the bags from him, then relocking the door.

He waited for me, "I'm still getting used to this whole thing, Patty. I hope you don't think we're being rude when we stare, but it has been a shock to our systems to see your transformation in dress and now to learn about the plan."

"Don't be silly. I have a feeling Bob has intended all along that exhibitionism was going to play a major role in this for me. I'm still getting used to the reality of it. It's one thing to intellectualize it and an entirely different thing to internalize it."

We found the other three in the lunch/conference room. The bags were carry-out from a nearby Thai restaurant and three bottles of wine. The food was spread out on the conference table, two bottles were opened and place within easy reach of anyone. The food served the purpose and we talked mostly about the company, at first, then it shifted to lighter topics. None of the topics was office sex.

When we were finished with the food, it and the mess was cleared away and the wine was brought out to my workstation. It was the central point of the office. Bob took me in his arms from behind and looked at his senior managers.

"This is a truly unique opportunity for us, gentlemen." His hands moved off my shoulders, down my arms, and around my waist. "You've had a little example earlier of what this opportunity could provide for all us in the company." His hands moved up my front to cup my covered breasts. "After that example, do any of you question how including everyone can bring the entire company closer together?" His fingers began unbuttoning my blouse. The men were watching his hands, my body, and my reaction. I maintained a look of temptation fueled by my own arousal.

"We got together and talked among ourselves, Bob. We also feel exactly what you were talking about." They nodded together as Stan relayed their agreed upon thoughts. "And, we agree wholehearted with your philosophy." My blouse was now pulled out from my skirt and being removed from my arms. They watched intently as Bob's fingers remained busy at my back and my semi-transparent, lace bra sagged as the hooks were opened. He slid the straps off my arms and I was naked from the waist up. Bob returned his hands to cup my bare breasts, his fingers taking my nipples and teasing them. "The level of intimacy that will be shared with the entire group will be a bond that will cut through petty differences and tribal bias. As outrageous as this idea is, it stands a very good chance of achieving your goals."

Bob's fingers were working at the zipper to my skirt and it soon was pushed off my hips and pooled at my feet. I stood before them in semi-transparent, lace bikini panties, sheer black thigh-high stockings, and my 4-inch heels.

My facial expression didn't change. I never flinched during my disrobing by our boss. I corrected them matter-of-factly, "This outrageous idea, gentlemen, will only achieve the goals if the goals cease being Bob's and become ours, all of ours. If we haven't all bought into this, all we're likely to achieve is all of us getting laid."

The look on their faces was incredible. At the moment I said 'getting laid', my panties joined my skirt at my feet. My shaved but juicy pussy was on display to them. Bob's left hand left my left breast and nipple and slid down between my legs. I spread my feet invitingly to his touch and felt his finger slide through my lips.
Active member
Bob moved to a position alongside his managers. "An incredible woman, gentlemen. She is willing to give everything she can to make this a much better and more successful company. That is exactly the commitment we will need from everyone."
I moved to refill everyone's glass with the last of the wine. Each of them now touched me as I moved among them. "If it doesn't happen that way, gentlemen, I'm off the table... so to speak."
They all understood and the commitment was obvious and assured. Bob shifted his full attention to me. "In that case, may I present our plaything, our toy for office fun." I smiled and gave them a little, naked curtsy. "You, my dear, are about to become very busy around here." I smiled lustily. I've been waiting all day.
The men converged on me with far less uncertainty than they had shown me before. Though Bob remained just on the periphery of the small group, the other men had me encircled, their hands touching my bare skin everywhere. I turned to Marty and leaned my head toward him, hardly able to move my body with all the hands stroking me. He saw my intention to deliver a kiss and accepted eagerly. The kiss became passionate while hands fondled my breasts, stomach, butt, and thighs. When a hand wound its way between my thighs, I spread my feet wide to encourage the contact.
Marty broke the kiss and Stan moved in, then Bill. My pussy was drooling with pent-up need and anticipation. My hands were on shoulders, which had the added effect of further making my body available to them. I hadn't noticed anyone taking their clothes off, but I had a hand lowered and a cock placed into it. My hand automatically started stroking the cock, which was already partially hard. I broke from the encompassing hands and sank to knees in front of Stan's cock. I smiled up at him. He had removed his shoes, pants, and shorts. He had removed his tie and was in the process of unbuttoning his white shirt as I finished licking the length of his cock and took it into my mouth. I sucked on the head, licking the first drops of precum.
My peripheral view noticed that the other men were now also undressing around me, shoes being kicked to the side, with slacks and shorts being dropped onto my workstation. With Stan's cock in my mouth growing by the moment, my hands were moved from Stan's to cocks on either side of me. I glanced up at each side and found Bill and Marty also unbuttoning shirts. Soon they were as naked as I was. I pulled my mouth from Stan's cock to move to the side to Marty's. After moments more, I moved past Stan to take Bill's cock into my mouth. While sucking the men, hands found their way back to my breasts and another between my thighs, two fingers sliding effortlessly in and out of my dripping pussy. I knew the fingers belonged to Bob since I had the others in my mouth or hands.
The fingers left my pussy and I was being encouraged to stand. I was moved to the edge of my workstation from the outside of it and pressed forward until I was bent over the ledge with my hands pressed onto the work surface. I looked over my shoulder to find Bob smiling at me as Stan moved up behind me, one of his hands on my hip as the other one moved his hard cock over my open and wet pussy lips.
I moaned loudly at the touch of his cock at my pussy as it slid up and down along my open lips. Bob had encouraged me to wait, to deny my need until later and this was the later. Finally, I was going to get the relief I had desired since the morning session with these same managers. At that time, I gave them relief with my mouth. Now, we'll all get relief.
I found myself holding my breath as I felt his cock slide over my hole and pause there. It seemed an eternity but was only a fraction of a moment before my pussy was opened further by the cock pressing in. I sighed long and deep as it slowly entered me, stopped, pulled back slightly, and pressed in further. Several times with the cycle it was repeated until his hips pressed against my butt.
Since my husband left those years before, Bob was the only other man until now. And, there are two more who would be using me this night. Then... much more after that. I was ready to climax just from the thought of it all finally happening. After all our talk, after all the speculation, after all the intellectualizing of this, it was becoming physical. Finally.
His cock was fully in my pussy. He pulled it out and thrust it back in. This was a fucking and I anticipated and wanted nothing else. I was hotter, more aroused, and stimulated than I could ever remember being. I found his rhythm and pressed back firmly as he thrust into me. I suddenly found a cock in my face. Bill had climbed onto the work surface and had his cock at my mouth. I opened wide and it was pressed inside. Soon, even this became a fucking. Both ends were being fucked but their strokes and thrusts were erratic. Sometimes they thrust in at the same time; other times, Stan thrust into me as Bill was pulling back and his next thrust crashed his pubic area into my face.
While they were ravaging my two ends, hands were fondling my swinging breasts and pinching the nipples. My orgasm was rising fast and when it hit I cried out with cries muffled by the cock in my mouth. My arms sagged under the twitching of muscles and my abdomen abruptly pressed into the ledge. I righted myself with shaky legs and arms. My pussy walls were spasming around Stan's cock that triggered him to climax, sending his seed into my pussy with loud groans and moans, his cock driven deep as his hips strained against me. Bill in my mouth moaned a moment later and I pulled my mouth back to suck on the cock head just as his seed sprayed into my mouth. I sucked him hard to drain the last of his cum as my pussy seemed to clench around Stan's cock almost on its own.
When the two cocks pulled from my opposite holes, I staggered after losing the pressure on my body that held me in place. I felt hands grab me under the arms and secure me tightly. I looked up and smiled at Bob.
"God, that was good!" I looked at Bob and Marty with a lusty gaze not diminished in the least by the two cock that ravaged me or by my orgasm. "Okay, you two..."
Bob looked up at Marty and returned his gaze back to me with a determined smile. "Let's give our toy a DP and see if that sates her."
Marty seemed unsure how that was going to happen and waited for Bob to direct it, though his eagerness to participate was clear. Bob entered my workspace and pulled out my secretarial style chair without arms. Bob rolled it out into open area in front of the area of offices, looked at me and smiled. I looked at the windows in the front wall and our parking lot and entrance beyond it. But, if it gave me pause, it seemed to affect Marty even more. It was dark outside and the entrance to the plant area did not have much night-time traffic, despite the possibility. I reached for Marty's hand and walked us both to where Bob was already sitting in the chair, gently rotating it back and forth.
I knelt down for him and sucked his cock hard. I motioned for Marty to come alongside, then alternated between the two cocks until they were again hard, the delay and indecision now forgotten. I stood in front of Bob and made my evaluation of the chair being able to support the weight of Bob and me, but that was lost as soon as his hands came up to my breasts and took the nipples in his fingers, pulling me until I was forced to spread my legs to straddle his lap. I shrugged, but more an expression to myself than intended for him. He held his rigid cock vertically and I supported myself with one hand on his shoulder and the other resting on his chest. I lowered my bottom and he directed his cock's placement accordingly. My pussy felt his cock head and I made a minor adjustment to feel it at my opening.
I smiled down at him, bent my face down and took his mouth with mine. As I kissed him, I lowered my cum-filling pussy over his larger cock. I fucked him with several strokes until I had him seated deep inside me. Bob looked around me to find Marty.
"There's a small plastic bag on my desk from the drug store." Without further explanation, Marty walked quickly to retrieve the item in the bag. He was already removing the cap and squeezing a generous amount of lubrication onto his cock head and smearing it down its length. He then applied a dollop to my asshole and worked it in with his fingers. I watched Bob's eyes as this was happening and he nodded to me. He had taken my ass earlier, but it was the first time and this was going to be different. Even though Marty's cock was smaller than Bob's, having Bob in my pussy at the same time was going to make this very tight. But, I bravely smiled back.
The touch of Marty's hand on my waist gave me a start. His hand shifted to my butt cheek and spread me, his cock head moving in to touch my puckered hole. Bob's hands shifted to my hips and held me steady as Marty pressed harder at my other hole. My mouth fell open, my breath was held in my lungs, and my eyes closed as the cock head pressed against my resisting opening.
Bob pulled me into his body and whispered into my ear, "Relax, Patty. You are going to feel fuller than you ever have and it is going to be wonderful."
I grunted back, "Did you... before... with..."
He nodded and I felt it. "Yes, and she loved it. We did some swinging..." I nodded as if it mattered.
I breathed out slowly and as I did I pressed back with my muscles inside to open my tight hole. I gasped and groaned as the head spread my sphincter until the cock head was inside. I put my hand back to pause Marty. My head sank into Bob's shoulder, my body shuddered and I pulled on Marty's leg to continue. He pressed and stopped, pressed and stopped. Then he pulled back and pressed further. I groaned throughout the entire process.
Once both were seated deep in my holes, they began smooth motions in each. Soon, they found a rhythm that worked for both of them, their cocks moving in and out alongside each other separated only by a thin membrane.
Bob's voice came to me as I continued to gasp and moan at the incredible feeling of stimulation and fullness.
"You're doing so good. The key to any gang bang is relaxation. You're doing great."
Something inside me swelled with pride and accomplishment. He had brought me to so many new experiences and released new and ever-increasing stimulation within me and this was another. He had been correct. I could never have imagined the feeling of being so full of cock and the more I let myself go with it, the more the stimulation shot my arousal to a height I also hadn't imagined. I was going to explode soon and it was going to be hard.
"Oh my god..." I gasped while they fucked me harder, sensing my approaching orgasm. Then, the hands of the other men were touching, groping, and teasing me wherever they could find the skin or breasts or nipples.
Bob's voice encouraged my arousal and ultimate release. "That's it. Let it all out, our sexy toy, our office toy, our fuck toy... There's no need to hold it in. Release it."
And, I did. It was shattering when it hit me. My moans turned into cries and I screamed out my release. My arms were tight around Bob's neck and my face buried in his shoulder when my body went rigid, then seemed to sag like a rag doll with loose stuffing. Though my body collapsed as if without the strength to move, it shook and spasmed as if independently of me.
My face buried in the shoulder grimaced and my eyes flashed open and closed tightly as if they couldn't decide what they wanted to do. My pussy gushed my fluids over the cock inside it and probably onto Bob's thighs and the chair seat.
From around me, I heard the voices of the other men as the two stroking more urgently into my holes also reached climaxes. "Holy shit... that was amazing. Have you ever seen a woman orgasm like that...?"
A feeling of satisfaction and new expectation settled over me as Marty pulled out of my ass, but I was held securely in Bob's arms and his cock still inside my pussy like a secure anchor for my being. This was just one other experience. There was going to be so much more, too.
Active member

As I was printing and collating nine sets of forms, the office personnel filed along both sides of my workstation coming from their offices around me and the open work area in front. Bill Clancy came in the back entrance from his office in the plant. It was an early meeting I was asked to schedule on all their computer calendars as a mandatory meeting with Bob Hansen. I occasionally smiled as someone greeted me or commented on my outfit as they walked by. My focus though was on getting the forms ready and waiting for when they were needed in the meeting. It had probably seemed like a normal Monday to them.

This day I was wearing a tight, short, black skirt that molded to my mature curves and ended at mid-thigh. My blouse was semi-sheer white so the sheer white, lace-trimmed, bra underneath was visible underneath. Underneath my skirt was a matching sheer white, lace-trimmed thong. My thigh-high stockings were sheer black with lace at the elastic tops. My shoes were 4-inch, shiny black patent leather with stiletto heels. I had sparkly, silver necklace and earrings. Bob dictate my dress just for setting the mood in the morning before the meeting. I came in a little late when we knew everyone else would already be in the office. My arrival created the stir he intended. They were still getting used to the dramatic change in my appearance.

The door to the conference room was partially open. They were 20-some minutes into the meeting with Bob doing most of the talking but several of the other managers also adding some affirming comments. The topic of the meeting was the same as the one with managers. I was leaning against my workstation idly listening to the meeting progress. When it got to the part where the discussion went past the realm of theoretical and studies to the idea of implementation, the atmosphere in the room changed.

I heard one of the sales guys blurt out, "What's Patty going to say about this." I was sure the managers were probably having a difficult time keeping a straight-face.

Bob asked them not to worry about that for the moment. Did anyone have an issue with the idea? Nobody did. They would have to sign forms, everyone, protecting the company from harassment claims and complete confidentiality. Everybody agreed.

"But, Bob, what about Patty? Is she on board with this?" That everybody, managers, and others, had the same concerns about me pleased me tremendously and reinforced the feelings I had for them all.

Bob came to the door and I handed him the sorted forms, harassment claim protection, and confidentiality, and returned to the meeting. I knew he would have them passed around the room, each person, including the managers, would be instructed to review them and sign them. Bob told them that as an extra-legal precaution, he was going to have me witness the signature. "That should satisfy your appreciated concerns about Patty."

That was my cue. I began to get undressed. If the meeting hadn't gotten to that point of agreement, I would have stayed out of the meeting. The guys in the meeting still didn't know my participation, only that some form of sexual motivation would be involved.

When I was down to my stockings, jewelry, and heels, I lightly knocked on the door. From inside I heard, "Everyone signed the forms? Good." There was a pause. "Everyone, keep your forms and Patty will come in to ask for your understanding and witness each one. "Patty... we're ready for you."

When I entered, I swear all the air in the room was sucked out by the men gasping all at once. I stood next to Bob at the end of the table and made direct eye contact with each of the men in the room. Except for the managers who were already privy to what we were doing, everyone had looks of shock and disbelief on their faces.

Bob put his arm around my waist and I comfortably leaned into him. I stepped forward and in front of Bob so I had their attention like I wouldn't have if I was standing in the corner.

"Yes, me... I know you thought of me as a nice mom-type. I also know you have noticed a change from me recently and this is why. I want to assure everyone this is wholly the result of my desires getting expressed in a mutually advantageous manner." They were relaxing to the idea as I received a spattering of applause and cheers with good-natured laughter. "I can also say without question that hearing the concerns for me pleased me tremendously and reinforced my intention here."

I reached to my right stocking top and pulled a pen from it and held it up. They all laughed. I moved to the first man, Ted, one of the designers in Marty's group. I bent over the table next him, my breast hanging and swaying slightly in the process. It was an intentional move and he looked, but, "Ted, my eyes are up here." Everyone laughed, the expected nervous awkwardness slowly easing from the group. "You signed both documents, I see. Did you understand them?" He nodded his head. "Do you have any questions regarding them?"

He looked from my face to my breasts and down to my exposed pussy next to his shoulder. "Ummmm... only... well, Bob... Mr. Hansen... he seemed to indicate we were going... I mean, are we really going..."

I leaned into him with my hand on his neck as I kissed his cheek. The entire room was silent. The question was never finished, but the question was very obvious. "Yes, Ted. You are... as is everyone, if you want." I took his form to sign as the witness and said, "Ted, you can touch now." He was tentative, but he reached out and cupped a breast as I finished witnessing his two documents. I then moved behind him, my hand gliding over his shoulders to move to the next man and repeated the same thing around the table, then to each of the managers standing around the room. They were a little more familiar, as I was sure the others would soon become.

I finished up standing next to Bob, again. I made an elaborate show of replacing the pen in my stocking top. Bob shook his head and said to the group, "I don't know about you, but she could have had a knife there I wouldn't have noticed."

The conference room was emptying but there was a big question not yet asked or offered until the youngest guy in the design group stopped the flow. He waited for Bob and me to exit the room, "Okay, boss, so I'm just going to blurt out the question everyone else is wondering... how is this supposed to work?"

Bob moved me forward with a tap on my butt. I walked into him and kissed him on the lips, his hands finding my bare back and butt. I parted our faces, "We can go back in the conference room, your desk, or right here. Using offices or rooms will be without doors closed. Out in the open is just as good.

There is a cocky confidence in some young males and this one had it. I also recognized that he wasn't much older than my own girls. He took my hand and followed the other three designers into their open work area. Their area was an open space between the management offices and the front door where desks and tables had been arranged with computers, monitors, and reference material organized around them.

Once in the area, I lined the four of them up and went down the line kissing them. The next time, I opened their belts. When I got back to the first, again, he had his jeans open and down to his knees. This was really beginning. I knelt in front of him, pulled his underwear down and stroked his cock. It was soon growing in my hands and mouth so I moved to the next one who had his cock out and stroking it himself. The others followed suit. The line I had formed had morphed into a tight semi-circle so I merely turned to move from one to the next. When I returned to the first, again, he had removed his shoes, socks, and pants. He was in the process of pulling his shirt up over his head. His cock was hard and he encouraged me up to my feet.

I glanced at the four and to the side where the managers and two sales guys were gathered to watch. I smiled, this didn't appear to be the start of improved productivity. I put my arms around his neck as he pulled me in. We kissed, then he encouraged me onto the desk. I sat down and lay back on top of the papers already spread over the surface. He spread my legs and gazed at my wet, open pussy. He slipped his cock in without any further hesitation or consideration. I moaned as his cock moved smoothly into my wetness.

"God, you're wet and feel so good around me."

I smiled up at him. "You feel pretty good inside me."

He pulled back and thrust deeper. A hard cock appeared at the side and I turned my head, one hand taking it and pulling it down to my mouth. I opened and took it inside, concentrating on the head for a moment or two before taking it deeper. He seemed content to let me suck it and I assumed he was waiting for his turn to fuck a different hole.

The guy fucking my pussy moved my legs to his shoulders and he bent them back toward me as he leaned in. He fucked me with strength, determination, and youth. It was marvelous to feel a young cock and all that energy behind it and I knew he wasn't new to fucking. I slipped my free hand between our bodies and applied some added attention to my clit. When I felt his body tense and his cock pulse and jerk in my pussy, I pressed hard on my clit to time an orgasm with his. I moaned in satisfaction as he grunted and pounded rapidly, then held himself rigid and deep inside me. His spurts were powerful and mixed his cum with the juices flooding from my orgasm.

The man in my mouth pulled out and took his place next to the man still gasping with his cock in the last throes of climax. When the other one pulled out, the next one offered his hands and pulled me off the desk. He kissed me on the lips, then turned me around and bent me over the same desk surface. I went flat on the desk, my breasts flattening on the papers. He moved his cock to my dripping pussy, coating the head with the juices escaping, and pressed his cock in. I grunted as he penetrated me completely in the initial thrust. I looked over my shoulder and found the one who had just fucked me. I called out to him. Puzzled, he came to me and I grabbed his softening cock and squirmed to the edge of the desk to suck him.

Once I had him cleaned with my mouth and tongue, I looked at Bob standing a little way off, "Thank you for fucking me. I was told a good slut cleans the cock that satisfies her." Bob smiled. The young man looked shocked at first, then smiled lustily.

When the four youngest men of the office were finished with me, all using the same desk for support, I stood on shaky legs and kissed each of them, thanking them and saying I looked forward to their cocks many times in the future. They were pulling on clothes as I remained in only my stockings, after losing my shoes during the fucking. I could feel the cum of four climaxes oozing from my pussy making my inner thighs slick with the wetness of their cum and my juice.

Bob walked up to our group and clapped them on the shoulders, shaking their hands. "Well done." He turned to look at me but still talking to them, "Well, guys, what do you think of our experiment now?" They all talked at once, thanking me, thanking him, confirming the dedication and commitment they all felt to have this available going forward. Then, sweetly, they each came to me, thanked me, and kissed my cheeks.

I walked with Bob back to the offices as the designers straightened themselves up and resumed working, though glancing back at my retreating ass. There was a tap on my shoulder and I turned to find one of them.

"Patty, you dropped these." He was holding my heels. I kissed him, again.

Bob patted my ass, "I think this is going to work just fine. How are you doing?"

I allowed my hand to subtly stroke over the front of his pants and the hard cock underneath. "I'm doing wonderfully." I giggled, "I feel like my pussy is squishing. But, I am ready for next two." I turned to him, "Thank you, Bob." He only smiled and handed me to the sales guys who took me into one of their offices.

They unbuckled their pants and dropped them to their feet. I moved in front of Jim, quickly taking his semi-hard cock into my mouth while taking Dan's cock into my right hand. I slowly stroked Dan's cock as my mouth slowly stroked Jim's. After several minutes, I switched, taking Dan's cock in my mouth and using my left hand on Jim. I moved back and forth several times until each was grunting with their arousal.

I pulled back after sucking Dan, "You want to cum in my mouth or..."

They looked at each other as if it mattered what the other wanted. Dan said, "The... ah 'or'. Patty, do you do anal?"

I stood up and pulled them shoulder to shoulder and leaned my naked body into them. "Yes... as a matter of fact, I do." I looked from one to the other, "You each want my ass or would you like to double me?" I raised my eyebrow and stepped back, then walked out of the office, into my workstation, opened a drawer in my desk, and returned with a tube of lubrication. "You guys need to shed some clothes."

There seemed to be a bit of uncertainty about how they were going to go about the DP, though. There were several options when in a bed but in an office? Remembering what happened the night with the managers, I arbitrarily indicated for Jim to rest against the edge of the desk while I applied lubrication to his cock, then gave him the tube as I kissed Dan. He was very generous with the lubrication, a large amount spread over my asshole, then pressed inside with one, then two fingers. He pulled me back to him and the fingers were replaced by his cock head pressing at my tight, puckered opening. Once he managed to force the head of his cock past the restriction of my sphincter, I moaned loudly and he began sawing back and forth, each time pushing his cock a little further into my ass.

This still felt awkward and I began wondering if I had it properly figured out. Jim hefted me up and sat abruptly on the desk and I sank down completely on his cock, which released a gasp from him and a cry from me. I wondered how long it would take for everyone to get used to these new sounds emanating from various rooms and locations throughout the office during the day.

Jim was sitting on the desktop and I was planted on top of him, my legs on the outside of his. Dan approached us while stroking his cock, his gaze shifting from my face to my crotch. He momentarily released his cock and spread Jim's legs, which spread mine even further. Dan placed his cock head at my pussy still oozing the cum of the four designers and moved it over the length of my slit. I glanced down at the obscene display and shuddered involuntarily. With a cock up my ass, my legs spread wide, and my pussy pulled open and leaking the climaxes of the previous fucks. I watched as Dan placed his cock head at my pussy, moved it up and down to locate my hole, then pressed forward. The position made it awkward, forcing him to press upward as much as forward and the presence of Jim in my ass made the fit tighter. I gasped as he penetrated me and moaned deeply as he pressed his cock deep with several thrusts.

Jim's cock in my ass wasn't moving much given the position he was in, but that didn't seem to eliminate his arousal as Dan's cock pressed firmly along this cock through the thin membrane separating the two chambers. The way Dan was fucking into me caused me to move up and back into Jim, which did cause him to move in my ass despite his inability to cause much of the movement himself. Dan's fucking was also angled such that his pubic bone impacted my clit with stunning regularity.

I was gasping for breath as my orgasm rushed higher and higher. My own body's reaction to the fucking numbed me to what else was happening until I felt Dan thrust hard and deep into my pussy, then again and holding himself there, his body straining, his mouth releasing sharp grunts and gasps. The next thing I felt was his seed pumping into my pussy, the throbbing and jerking of his cock plainly felt in the tightness of the space. That sensation was all I needed to crest my own orgasm, my arms going around Dan's neck to hold on while Jim's arms snaked between our bodies to keep me against him.

I was still shivering through the end of my orgasm as Dan pulled his cock out. I collapsed back against Jim, but he was only beginning. Our position was still awkward and he was intent on some serious fucking. He pressed forward, both of us standing on the floor at the same moment, his cock still lodged inside my ass. I looked over my shoulder almost afraid to question what he might have in mind, but it was relatively tame. Keeping us joined, cock-to-ass, he turned us around so I was now facing the desk and I bent over, supporting my body with my arms as he now had the freedom to plow strongly and deeply into my ass. My head hung from my shoulders as he thrust into me. I glimpsed an obscene sight and struggled to focus for confirmation, then groaned loudly as I recognized globs of spent cum pumping out of my pussy with each of his deep and powerful thrusts into my ass.

When he climaxed, I joined him for another orgasm. I collapse onto the desk, papers and folders scattering across the desk and onto the floor as my body and arms flailed in the throes of orgasm.

* * * * *

I was refilling the second to the bottom paper drawer of the copier. I had decided to make the most of my new reputation in the office by refraining from bending my knees as much as possible when I needed to bend over. The effect wasn't lost on people. I felt fingers on the back of my thighs, which continued up and wound to the inside of my thighs to touch my pussy.

"No panties."

I turned around to the voice. "As one of the managers, do you disapprove, Bill?"

He laughed, "No, I don't, but even if I did, I would be outvoted. Could I have a word with you and Bob?"

I finished filling the copier drawer and followed him into Bob's office.

Bob smiled at my entrance, "I have to say, Patty, I do like this look you have." After initiating the office guys into the new office motivational policy that morning, I had elected to not get fully dressed. I put my blouse, skirt, and heels back on but left my bra and panties lying on the surface of my desk. I played coy and inquired what look he was referring to. "First off, you still have a well-fucked looked about you. But, also, your nearly unbuttoned blouse gives very nice views of your gorgeous breasts and your nipples are teasing through the fabric." He looked at Bill, "I also understand your pussy has on occasions peeked out as you bent over... how was it put... indiscreetly, but lovely."

I shrugged my shoulders. "I figured I had been fucked throughout the office while basically naked. Too late for modesty."

He laughed, "And modesty we are not encouraging, either." He then turned to Bill for him to lead in whatever it was he had.

What he had was wanting a discussion about the shop. We knew we couldn't be doing this in the office and not have those in the shop finding out and we had never been inclined to try to keep it a secret. As was stated before, they are as critical to improvements as anyone. We had been at a bit of a loss, however, considering there were 20 guys out there. He disclosed that he took into confidence the three supervisors in the shop. After their initial shock of what was proposed, they were equally shocked that it was going to include the shop personnel.

Bob, "Why? Why was that a shock? We've always striven to be fair... office and shop."

"There's a difference when cultural difference is so strongly ingrained. They know it, Bob, but it is just part of a shop guy's DNA to believe the office is thought of as more important."

I could tell it bothered Bob. He had worked so hard to cut through the stereotypes for the betterment of the company. I broke the quiet, "This is a positive for you, Bob." He looked up at me. "Think about it. We were already going to make this company wide. Everyone. What better way to reinforce the concept of inclusivity than what we can do with this." I looked at Bill for reinforcement. "Could this be the knock-out punch to the perception between office and shop?"
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Bill smiled, "Well, if not a knock-out, it will put it on the ropes."
That made Bob smile. He was a large, physical guy and he related to those analogies. The question, then, was how to implement it and that had always been the issue. The numbers were staggering.
Bill saw the hope in his boss's eyes and the sudden realization that we still didn't have the solution. He pressed forward, though, "My talk with the supers might have the solution, though. Like I said, after they got over the shock and we started talking, the ideas became very realistic. After all, this was Patty they were thinking about. You're like everyone's sister or cousin out there. Well, not for long maybe...", he laughed. "So, Patty, what do you think about using two days, morning at the beginning of the shift and afternoon toward the end of the shift. There are 20 guys, so a half on one day and a half on the second, then half of those in the morning or afternoon?"
I looked at Bob and smiled, "Five guys morning and afternoon. I did you four before and these six this morning. This will work!"
Bob looked at me, "You know, saying the numbers has me concerned. This is a lot. I understand the excitement, but... can you keep this up?"
I smiled at them both, "Do you really think anyone is going to complain if it does become too much and I have to taper it back? It isn't like it will stop completely. It might slow down, but... in the meantime... I'm not complaining." They laughed.
We very quickly came up with the schedule: since Wednesday had to be avoided, Tuesday and Thursday in the shop; Monday and Wednesday in the office.
"I suppose you're wondering about Friday?" They both nodded expectantly. "There might be some managers getting randy by then." I smiled and walked out.
* * * * *
At about the end of the day, Bob came up behind me and he had the designer group with him. He said they had an interesting idea going forward. I thought to myself, that didn't take them long.
They suggested since my body was going to be seen frequently, anyway, that I be given freedom to dress any way I wanted. I would need appropriate clothes to travel at least to and from work, but in the office, I could decide how I wanted to be dressed... or, as they emphasized, undressed. They suggested I could have a bra and pantie day, micro-mini-dress day, only stockings day, negligee day, etc. I could tell Bob like the idea, too. I could see another shopping trip in the near future. That new credit card was going to get a workout.
Bill was in Stan's office and popped his head out upon hearing the conversation.
"I couldn't help but overhear... we were talking about equal consideration, earlier... I usually come in to pick up the mail for the shop. Why don't you bring it out dressed however you are that day, but not on Wednesday." We all laughed. "After we initiate them into this, of course."
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I decided to take everyone at their word. The following day, Tuesday, I came into the office and greeted everyone as I normally did, though the greeting I received back was much more attentive and sweet. I dropped my purse and bag on my workstation surface and went about turning on all the machines, changing phone messages, etc. I stood in the center of my circular workstation and realized I had eyes from many directions on me. There was no reason for anyone but me to know that I might act so quickly to a suggestion made last night. But, they were anticipating... or hoping.

I looked around at everyone and just then Bob walked in the front door and stopped in his tracks at the sense he had walked into something. He spotted me standing, saw my fingers move to my blouse buttons, and smiled as he proceeded through the front area, past me and into his office. But, he only dropped his backpack there and leaned against the door jam to watch along with the others.

I opened my blouse, pulled it from the skirt, and slid it off my shoulders and down my arms. I carefully folded it and turned to check the reaction. I wore a black lacy bra to enhance the cleavage look. I smiled at seeing the attention I was receiving. I undid the clasp and zipper at the side of my skirt and dropped it to the floor, folding it, too. I stood in match lingerie of black lace, the pantie being a bikini style. My thigh-high stockings were sheer black with lace tops, my heels were black patent-leather with 4-inch stiletto heels.

I left my workstation and walked up to Bob and lift a finger to his chin to close his mouth. "I thought they had a good idea, today could be bra and pantie day."

A few minutes later, Bill Clancy came in through the back door and stopped in his tracks as he took in the view of me sitting at my monitor in bra and panties. "Now, that's what I am talking about." I turned and smiled at him as he knocked at Bob's door and went in. Bill reappeared in the doorway and caught my attention. I went into Bob's office and stood alongside Bill. There was no time like the present to introduce the rest of the company to our motivational plan and the quicker the better, actually. If we could beat the rumor out to the shop, it would further enhance our honest intention to present a non-biased approached.

We agreed to do it the exact same way we did it with the office guys, though Bill warned me that the shop guys would likely be more playful than the office guys were. I just smiled. I remembered that all this got started when I confessed a hunger for more after having had sex with Bob one night. He recognized that hunger in me as being real when he joked about picking guys up at bars. It felt like it took no time and here I was getting fucked multiple times a day by my co-workers. And, he was right, of course; it was much nicer in a controlled environment with guys who cared about me.

Assembling the documents for signing this time was much more than last time. After collating the 20 sets of documents, I waited for the text from Bob indicating that all the shop personnel were assembled in the employee lunchroom. Bob and Bill were going to present the same information to them in the same way and undoubtedly get the same skeptical, unbelieving reaction. But, Bill was sure they would ultimately play along in the same way the office guys did. All he needed was for the supervisors to positively react and the others would follow, and the supervisors were already in on the idea.

When I got the text, I gathered the documents, a pen tucked in my stocking top, and moved through the back door. I elected to walk from the small office building to the shop building across the paved surface separating the two while in my bra and panties, but NOT naked. I was still getting used to all of this. Bob was right that the exhibitionistic element was a huge turn-on, but naked outside walking across an open paved surface was more than I was ready for. As I made my way across the 30 feet of paved surface, though, I wondered if anyone's reaction to seeing a woman carrying a stack of papers while in bra and panties would really be much different than see her naked.

But, if I thought walking across the open space was weird, entering the quiet, empty shop was more so. The shop's layout had the delivery and shipping bays near the office building and the employee parking and entrance on the opposite side so the lunch room, lockers, and showers were on the far side of the building. Bill had taken me on a couple tours of the shop since being hired so I moved along the bays to make my way to the other side where the employee meeting was taking place, all the while expecting someone to catch me, which was weird because they would be seeing much more very shortly.

Once, again, I stopped alongside the partially open door to the lunch room and lightly rapped on the door indicating to Bob and Bill that I had arrived. The first thing I heard was, "Sorry, Mr. Hansen, but... you're shitting us, right?" There were nervous reactions from others to the bluntness of the challenge, but the laughing response from Bill and Bob eased their tension.

Bill's voice in response was easy and casual, "I know exactly what you are thinking because I had the exact same reaction myself when Bob presented the idea to his managers, though perhaps not in the same words." There was more light laughter. "But, he convinced us the same way he is going to convince you, but the forms have to be signed."

With that, he came to the door and took the forms from me with a wink and smile. He whispered, "And, I still have trouble believing it." I smiled and agreed with him.

I stood outside the door in my lingerie feeling aroused and very naughty.

It occurred to me as I listened from outside how well Bill handled the discussion and comments. Bob was there for reinforcement of the bizarre idea, but this was Bill's group and he was in control of it. I listened as he asked if everyone had finished reading and signing the documents, covered a few more skeptical questions, then made the final declaration that the forms required a witness and I would be doing that. They were still wondering who and how all this was going to happen with when I pushed the door open and stepped into the room.

I glanced at Bob whose face was an encouraging smile and nod. It was only after taking a deep breath after a couple steps into the room to take my position alongside Bill that I realized how deathly quick a room of 22 men could be when they are shocked into disbelief. From somewhere in the group came, "No way." "Patty?" And suddenly a lot of murmuring.

The room was made up of six round tables with four chairs around them. Right now, they were mostly filled with the workers. Along the wall to the shop was a line of three vending machines and a counter, sink, refrigerator, and two microwaves. On the opposite wall from me was another door that led to the locker room and beyond that a small shower room that I was told didn't get much use except for the occasional situation when someone had plans for right after work.

Bill went through the same explanation that was given to the office guys. I would move from one to the other to verify the documents were signed, that they understood them, and finally to witness each. As Bill made the last comments, Bob came up behind me and undid my bra. I slipped it off my arms onto the nearest table, then shimmied out of my lace bikini panties. Bill nodded to me and I took a breath. I was about to wade into 20 men while naked. I didn't need any verification, though, I was wet before I left the office.

After going around to each of the workers, checking documents, asking the same questions, and witnessing 20 times, I had been felt up, fondled, and probed enough that I almost came by the time I left the last man. My legs were shaking by the time I rejoined Bob and Bill at the front of the room.

Apparently, there had been a discussion or decision made about how the group would be divided. The meeting broke up and 15 of the men rose and filed out of the room giving me nods and smiles. The remaining men finally stood and moved forward from a variety of different tables as Bob and Bill also left the room.

One of them stood slightly ahead of the others, "We were asked to draw numbers." He looked around himself, "We got lucky to be first, though nobody really felt they lost. We all get our turn, right?" I nodded. Hesitantly, he asked, "This is for real? You're really wanting to do this with all of us?" I nodded and assured them I really was more than good about it. "All of us in the shop, the office, and managers, too?" I nodded.

"I assure you, I am. What Bob said, I believe. This is a win-win-win. You guys get laid; I REALLY get laid; and the company should show improvement if we all want this to continue. We all win."

They didn't need anything more than that. The next moment I had five pairs of hands on my body and soon the simple, safe touching moved to more intimate touching and probing of my body. My feet were spread wider as hands and finger moved between my thighs as I kissed one, then another, and another of the men.

I stroked the front of the pants of two men directly in front of me and found them already hard. "Somebody better get undressed now."

That resulted in a flurry of clothes coming off and tossed onto and off nearby tables and chairs. Seeing the cocks coming into view, hard and rigid, I saw no reason for spending time sucking on them. I wanted to be fucked and my sense was they were much of the same thought.

I stood before them, a dripping pussy and erect nipples displaying my own arousal. One man stepped forward and bumped me back into one of the tables. His hands around my waist assisted me to sit on the table, my legs being lifted into the air and spread as he moved between them, his cock aimed at my open pussy. He looked down at my pussy and then at my face. I smiled and assured him not to worry about foreplay, I needed to be fucked. He smiled widely at the directness of my instruction. I sighed at the touch of his cock head on my pussy as the others crowded around the table to watch closely and to touch my willing body. His cock moved up and down my spread pussy lips until it was placed at my hole. He glanced at me and I nodded my eagerness. He pressed forward and I gasped at the initial penetration of his cock past my opening, my pussy grasping the new cock.

My head and shoulders were curled up to watch him enter me, then fell back as he continued to press smoothly into my well-lubricated pussy, his cock expanding my pussy at the same time my pussy walls clamped around the invader. He paused, pulled back slightly, pressed forward and brought another gasp from my lips. When he was fully inside me, a soft sound like a purr rumbled from my throat.

Someone took my hands and pulled them above my head, clasping them in one of his, then lightly stroking with his fingers down my arms to my armpits and my sides. Two others covered my breasts and nipples with their mouths, tongues circling the nipples, lips kissing and sucking. Another set of fingers snaked down my body to capture my clit. It felt like every erogenous zone on my body was being stimulated at the same time. These men knew what they were doing. They mixed gentleness with rough, tentative touches with aggressive thrusts and fondling.

My back arched on the tabletop as my orgasm was already cresting. So much stimulation at once from so many locations, all the while a cock was fully and aggressively pounding into my pussy, stroking my walls and slamming deep inside me. I gasped and cried out as my orgasm neared peak. Then, as if orchestrated, the cock inside me came out and I felt an emptiness of absurd proportion, all fingers, hands, lips, and tongues pulled away from me. I was gasping for the orgasm that was just a moment away from realizing. My eyes flared open, searching, and pleading silently.

I heard a soft, "Shift clockwise."

Everybody shifted. The man on my left at my breast moved between my legs, placing my calves on his shoulders and slamming his cock into my gaping and drooling pussy. The fingers, mouths, lips, and tongues all shifted, likewise. My body rocketed back up in stimulation, quickly regaining the effects that had put it on pause for those moments. Soon, I was gasping with the same desperation and need. The stimulation of my nipples made them feel even to me to be little tight nerve ends on my breasts. My clit was throbbing from the attention and sending jolts of arousal throughout my body. The light touch on my arms, pits, and side was a combination tickling and sensory caress. The new cock in my pussy slammed at me with the same energy.

I was at my peak, again. Another moment and I would explode. I was half anticipating they would let me down, again. They all paused one after another and I groaned my frustration of anticipation of another stop when they suddenly all took me over the edge. The cock inside me erupted with a heavy spurt of cum, my clit was pinched, and each nipple twisted. I groaned, moaned, and cried out as I climaxed in extraordinary rapture.

My body shook for moments and when I focused on the men, again, they had again shifted. Nobody was in the same location and a new cock was in my pussy. He didn't stay there long, though. He fucked my pussy deep and rough, then pressed my legs towards me further to expose my ass. I felt his coated cock press at my asshole. He searched my face and I nodded my approval. He smiled and pushed the cockhead past my sphincter. In a moment, he was fucking my asshole with the same energy. The man in a position to stimulate my clit was also working my empty, but messy pussy. His fingers moving from my pussy to my clit provided welcome lubrication to my throbbing clit. The other men resumed the attack on my other parts.

They switched like this until each of them not only came in my pussy or asshole but successfully brought me to five amazing orgasms.

They assisted me into a chair, one getting me a bottle of water and another draping a shirt over my upper body. I was bleary-eyed and dazed. Sounds were coming from my mouth and I could hear sounds from them, but nothing was making any sense. I was securely supported in the chair by two of the men, one kissing my forehead, the other stroking my shoulder and arm.

As my eyes began taking in the scene around me, I found Bill standing in the doorway. He had a gentle smile on his face as he watched his guys attending to me, then begin dressing for the start of their workday. Bill came and sat with me at the table as the guys filed past, kissing the top of my head, and voicing their thanks.

I looked at Bill with fatigue showing across my body, "Wow! Those guys worked me like they were porn movie regulars."

Bill laughed, "Maybe just from watching too much porn."

One of the guys came back in and went to the lockers, returning with a towel he handed to me. He winked, "You might want to bring some towels... you know, for times like this." I smiled and thanked him.

* * * * *

I did use the shower room and felt weird the entire time. It was an open shower area with three shower heads on each side, completely open. I had the feeling that I was doing something nasty, like taking a shower in the boys' locker room, which I was, I guess. It also dawned on me that everyone in the company now had seen me naked, so being in their showers wasn't going to expose me any further.

I slipped on my heels and carried my stockings, bra, and panties as I exited the lunch room and walked through the shop to the other end so I could cross the paved lot to the office building. That walk through the shop was anything but discrete and quiet. What guys weren't working in the area I passed, moved from their workstation to form a line of appreciation with clapping and whistles. At the far end, I turned and gave them an elaborate curtsy.

* * * * *

I turned from my monitor at the sound of Bob's voice. "Bill reported you got quite a workout this morning. Are you okay? You need some rest time before..."

I smiled as I leaned back in my chair, my legs parting slightly in the casual pose. "Before the next round, you mean?" He blushed and nodded. "No... I'll sleep well tonight, though."

He sat on the edge of my station, "You know I am going to be asking you frequently just to be sure... are you still wanting to do this?"

I spread my legs wide and ran a finger through my pussy. He could see it start to glisten right before his eyes. "I appreciate your concern, Bob, both as a boss and a friend." My other hand rose to a nipple and I fondled it before realizing I was doing it. I blushed and looked at him shyly, but I didn't stop what I was doing. "To be honest, I didn't really understand what this was going to fully entail. Neither of us did. It was just very erotic and arousing. I said I want to change and have the cock I was denied and you had the idea to accomplish that." I pulled my finger from my pussy and lifted it to my mouth as our eyes locked on each other. I exaggerated the motion of sucking my finger. "It is a lot, I won't lie about that. Almost every day is multiple partners, but... and this will make me sound like a wanton slut... I love it. It's what I wanted... so thank you."

He laughed, "There are 26 others who are thanking you!"

He turned to go back to his office but turned around. "By the way, is this a new dress code for you?"

I laughed, "Well, I liked Ted's idea that I could choose my attire and switch it around to be interesting. I started the day in 'Bra and Panties Day' and switch by mid-morning to 'Naked Day'. Is anyone complaining?"

"Oh, Hell, no!"

* * * * *

I returned to the shop an hour and a half before quitting time. I was still dressed in my 'Naked Day' attire which meant I had my heels on. The guys in the office enjoyed the wanton-me very much. After being in the enclosed space of the office for hours, it felt very sensual just to be walking outside across the open space of the paved lot. I had already scoped it out and there were few lines-of-sight where I would be visible off the company property... but still.

My walk through the length of the shop created the same reaction as when I left in the morning. My hands weren't empty, though. My clothes were in the office but I was carrying the mail that was directed to the shop. That meant the mail was being delivered later than normal, but I was combining two activities. I was doing my bit for improving productivity, you might say.

I dropped the mail on Bill's desk and he shook his head. I asked what, "It's hard to believe it's that time of day already. I'm going to give it some more time before talking to Bob, but the singular focus I have seen in the shop today has been astounding. Even during breaks guys are talking about problems and solutions." I smiled. "I don't know, Patty, but this might really work." His eyes moved over my body. "I hope you are ready because these guys really want this to continue." I moved to his side, parted my legs, and indicated with my eyes. He tentatively moved a finger to my pussy, pulled it back and licked the juice off it.

"Yeah, I'm ready!" I smiled. "When I am standing in my bedroom thinking about what outrageous outfit to wear and I am already getting wet. I can't believe I talk this way to you guys." I left his office, giving my bare ass a little extra motion.

I was joined between Bill's office and the lunch room by who I assumed were the next five guys. I put my arms out and took two of them to a chorus of hoots and whistles from the other guys on the floor.

I was already naked so I watched and waited for them to join me and they didn't keep me waiting long. They formed a tight circle around me and I saw, again, how one or two guys seemed to take the lead, the others willing to follow. I sank to my knees and moved from one cock to the next with one in my mouth and two in my hands. I finally focused on two of them to get the party going.
Active member
It wasn't long before I was being assisted to my feet and bent forward over the nearest table. With my breasts pressed into the tabletop, I spread my feet wide to give the first one access and he took it. With one hand on my waist and the other guiding his cock up and down my pussy slit, he found my hole and press forward, his hand on my waist holding me to the table as he pressed in. Back and forth, pushing and pulling, his cock moving in, pulling out, and moving further in. I moaned softly as he worked his cock deeper into me and I heard him making similar sounds.
Once he was seated deep in me, I looked to the side and found another hard cock near the table. I motioned him to me and I wiggled my body across the table to take his cock in my mouth. After a while, the man in my pussy was thrusting hard and grunting. I thought he would cum first, but the man at my mouth suddenly pulled from my lips and I knew he almost lost it but wanted my pussy, too.
I felt thick fingers at my clit and flipped my head around to find a different man on his knees intent on raising my arousal. I pressed my hands into the tabletop as my orgasm rose and the man fingering me pressed hard against my clit as the cock inside me spurted into my pussy. That sent me over the edge and my orgasm joined his. I cried out as he moaned and groaned and grunted with each spurt of his cum.
The next man just replaced the previous one. He stepped up behind me and slipped into my drooling hole. The third man asked me to flip over, which I did with the help of the last two to stabilized the table as I turned. Each one came in me and I came again on the third fuck.
The last two were big, strong guys, maybe the biggest I had seen in the shop, and they took dramatic action. Whether they had done it before or had merely worked it out between them as the others fucked me, I wasn't sure.
One lifted me onto the table, his cock working its way into my pussy. The other guy moved me to the side so my head overhung the edge. I opened my mouth wide obediently and he slipped his cock into it. After fucking me at both ends for a while, the one in my pussy moved my legs up to his shoulders and grabbed me under the ass. The one in my mouth told me to grab his biceps as he held me under the shoulders. Then, everything went crazy. They lifted me this way and moved to the side so I was suspended in the air, held by these two men, their cocks in opposite ends of my body.
They developed a kind of one-two rhythm and I swung back and forth between them. My pussy was fucked and the one in my mouth moved back as my body and mouth followed him. The one fucking into my mouth and the guy on the opposite end duplicated the retreat and fuck motion over and over as my body went into a natural swing between them.
Then, they stopped. I wondered, unable to ask, what they were mumbling to each other about because my body and mind were truly fucked up by that time. For a few moments, I hung in the air with cocks stationary inside me, then they awkwardly began moving, again. This time it was together, both cocks thrusting into my opposing holes, then pulling back and thrusting back in. I orgasmed multiple times before I felt them both erupt, filling both holes. I had cum dripping from my pussy and from my mouth as they continued to fuck me for moments before stopping and easing me back onto the table. I lay gasping. My legs were draped over the edge of the table while spread wide and leaking the cum of four men.
Cum was pooled in my eye socket from what had escaped my mouth and I felt some running down the side of my face and into my hair. I was limp and exhausted as they lifted me to a chair. They steadied me as one of them gave me a bottle of water. I was still breathing heavily between gulps of water.
As I got some control of my breathing, I looked at the table and started giggling.
We were all sitting loosely around the table sipping water and enjoying the moment. My giggle surprised them. "What?"
"Sorry, it's not what we did or you." I indicated the tabletop with my head, "I wonder what the cleaning crew is going to think happened here?" We all laughed.
* * * * *
A month later and I am in the conference room with Bob and the managers. Today, I decided, was 'Negligee Day' and I wore a black, sheer baby doll that was closed only at a bow just below the breast. At some point during the day, I didn't bother putting the matching pantie back on. I was seated on one side with Bill Clancy. On the other side of the table was Stan Jacobs and Marty Adams. Bob was at the head of the table.
We had just reviewed the productivity and quality number for each group covering the past four-week period since the implementation of our experiment. The numbers were reviewed several times to be sure, but they appeared to be correct. Our experiment was working. The meeting was scheduled for after-hours to ensure privacy while discussing the numbers and an honest appraisal of what was happening. As it turned out, concern wasn't warranted. The feeling of pride and accomplishment of a four-week period of success was turned toward me.
"Patty, you can't know how good this makes me... us... feel. What you have given to this company is beyond words." Bob was being effusive and it didn't feel right.
I put up my hand to stop him. "I appreciate that, all of you. I assume there is a raise coming with those thanks." They laughed, checked with each other, and nodded. Not that I ever doubted it. Bob had long said that I would be included in a generous profit sharing. "But, you know it isn't just me. I think I am the carrot. Everyone in the company was motivated and that made the difference."
Marty laughed, "Yeah, they were motivated to be able to continue chasing that carrot. You're one hell of a carrot to be chasing, Patty."
I smiled demurely, curious given the situation and my next words, "Thank you, but all this talk about carrots is getting me hungry for something else long and hard."
We ended the meeting with another management gang bang.
* * * * *
After the meeting, I went home for a quick shower and to put on nice clothes. Bob was taking me to a nice restaurant... again. Our dinners and time spent together were becoming more frequent and natural.
I looked across the table at him and found him gazing at me, a gentle smile on his face. He had a way of sensing when there was something on my mind. I nodded.
"I heard from the girls last night."
He nodded, playing it careful, "How are they doing?"
"Good." I glanced up at him, lowered my eyes to the wine glass in my hands. "They are coming home for a long weekend soon."
He nodded, again. "That's wonderful. It's been quite a while, hasn't it?"
I nodded this time. I looked at him and blushed as I formed the words to put to him. We'd always told each other we were 'just friends'. It had become a part of us, a tease we shared.
I cleared my throat and took a sip of the wine, "They want to meet the man who has created such a change in me." I looked up at him. "I tried to push it off, to dispel it as something in the phone call communication, but they know me better than that." He was watching me closely, his eyes boring into mine as if he were trying to read the thoughts inside me in case the words didn't come out.
Then, he gave me a way out, "One man caused a change? Maybe it was twenty-six."
I bore my gaze back into his eyes and I saw it there. The corners of his mouth rose an instant and recovered, his eyes grew misty. I smiled with another blush. With all the things we had done in the past month, how does he get me to blush?
"No... it is one man."
He smiled back.
