But unlike Zoom, it does not impose a 40-minute time limit. Calls can go on for as long as 24 hours, and all meetings are encrypted and password-protected, the company said. While Zoom charges $15 per month charge for meetings of more than 40 minutes ($180 on annual basis), JioMeet is providing the same functionality and more free of cost, translating into Rs 13,500 savings for a host per year, company sources said. According to app features listed on Google Play Store, JioMeet offers easy sign up with either mobile number or e-mail ID and allows creation of instant meeting.
Each meeting is password protected and the host can enable 'Waiting Room' to ensure no participant joins without permission. It also allows creation of groups and starting calls/chats on a single click. Other features include 'Safe Driving Mode' while driving, multi-device login support for up to five devices, and seamless switching from one device to other while on call. The app, which has already seen more than five lakh downloads on the Google Play Store and iOS, comes amid the government imposing a ban on 59 popular Chinese apps, including TikTok, on grounds that they threatened national security and data privacy.