Adultery Wife and Mechanic - by bdrew86

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This story is masterpiece written by


All credit goes to him. I am just copying his words.

Ah...Ahh... don't open your eyes Aditi." Arjun said as he guided me through the door of our house to the parking.

A few minutes ago, Arjun, my husband had sneaked into our house and closed his palms on my eyes from behind. Startled, I was about to scream when I recognized his voice. He said it that he had bought a surprise gift for me. I knew what the gift was. I had not been hinting him to buy it for me like a normal woman does; I had out rightly demanded it.

As we slowly walked into the parking, my heart beat faster, my mind was racing with all the thoughts of the gift that he had bought me. After a few steps, we stopped. He gently lifted his palms off my eyes and asked me to open them. I immediately opened them and my excitement died on the spot, as if run over by a speeding truck.

Stood in front of me was a 'Maruti Esteem'. A car that had been taken off the production lines years ago. It was the 'luxury sedan' of a bygone era, a time when India had just opened its economy to the world. The only other cars available were Fiat 1100 and Ambassador.

My hopes for a brand new contemporary luxury sedan were dashed the moment I saw this. The anticipation and excitement that my husband built by walking me over to this abomination blindfolded drowned the moment I opened my eyes.

I looked at my husband, he was looking at the car as if he had himself had designed and built it. I could see the pride on his face. As soon as he turned to see me, the smile of his face was wiped clean. What he saw was an angry wife, pissed off at the fact that in spite of her demands for a new car he had dared to get a used one, that too a car which in a few years would be a collector's item.

"What?" he asked with genuine surprise.

"You know what Arjun. This is not what I asked for." I said.

"Why?? What is wrong with this car? It is a good car. Good power, decent mileage and I got it for a bargain. I always wanted to buy this when I was in college." He said as he smiled at me.

"Then why don't you use it and I will use your car? You know I had set my eyes on the Fiat Linea." I said.

"I know that Aditi, but it has just been six months since you started taking driving lessons and a couple of weeks since you have started driving alone. And in these six months I have seen how you drive. You have bumped my car a couple of times." Arjun spelled out his argument in clear terms.

That statement just kind of ended the argument. Since I had started driving, I had stalled the car on very busy traffic junctions a couple of times, cracked the rear bumper while trying to reverse, left behind a long scratch which was easily visible on a pearl white car while trying to squeeze past a concrete pillar and I had also almost run over a guy trying to cross the street.

"At all times I was there to help you out of the mess that you made by driving my car but now you will have to drive around on your own. I am not going to risk you driving a brand new, million rupee car into a wall or a street lamp." he said as he made the last sprint towards the finish line of the argument race and won it.

I just stood there with a grumpy face, listening to his valid arguments. He was right, I still was getting a hand of driving and it would certainly be a heart ache to see an expensive card destroyed so soon.

"I bought this car as a practice car for you sweetheart. You drive it around for a year or more and once you drive perfectly I will buy you a car which is way beyond your choice." He said as he pulled me into an embrace.

"You know I am a man of my word. Ek baar jo maine commitment kar di...uske baad to mein apne aap ki bhi nahi sunta." He said using a tacky movie dialogue to cheer me up. I giggled at that remark. Arjun's silly humor always worked on me even after so many years of being together.

Arjun and I have been married for 5 years. We were in the same college campus but not in the same stream. He was into finance and I was into designing. We met thorough a common friend of ours and slowly became friends. After a year of just being friends, Arjun asked me out and I said yes and we started dating.

We continued our relationship even after passing out of college. Even though we were from completely different fields, contrasting work cultures and timings, we managed to keep our bond strong. Arjun became a banker and I started working in an interior designing firm.

After a courtship of three years, Arjun proposed and I gladly accepted. After declaring this to our respective families who had no problems about us getting married, we were married. Our first years were as they are for any newly married couple with a lot of dreams, ambitions and love. Even though we had been dating for years, being officially married kind of ignited a spark in our life. It was as if we had just started dating. We had re-discovered our love for each other and were living our married life as love struck bunnies.

I being a Sagittarian and Arjun being an Arian, our match was made in heaven. Even though we loved and respected each other deeply; there always existed this healthy competition between us. This competition helped us build a successful life. Arjun had rapidly climbed the corporate ladder and had been recently been promoted to the Assistant General Manager in his bank and I after mastering the craft of interior designing had started my own practice a couple of years ago.

We were now financially well off and so we purchased a row house in an upcoming neighborhood of our city and settled down. My business was going pretty well and I now had several contracts all over the city. I used to travel to work on a scooter that I had purchased a couple of years ago but it was really tiring to ride all over the city in the traffic and the pollution and my dust allergies just didn't help.

So almost a year ago, Arjun suggested that I learn to drive and then we would buy a new car. And so here we were, my 'new car' was standing right in front of me.

"C'mon dear, check out your car" Arjun said as he held my hand and walked towards the car. He handed the keys over to me and asked to get into the drivers seat.

As I stood close to the car, I noticed that the color and shine had not faded a lot as it would have for a used car. Once we got into the car, I noticed the interiors were nicely made up with leather seat covers, a decent stereo and through the rear view mirror, I noticed a white soft toy teddy bear at the back of the car.

"Did that come with the car?" I asked Arjun.

"What do you think?" he replied with a smile. I bent over to kiss him.

After the tender kiss, I started the car and we drove over to a nearby coffee house where we spent an hour before we started driving back. On the way back, I switched on the air conditioner and it worked well for a few minutes, before I noticed the temperature of the engine was rising and the AC wasn't working properly. We made it back to our house and Arjun said that he will call a mechanic tomorrow.

The rest of the evening went normally and after dinner we resigned to our bedroom. I changed into a T shirt and a pair of shorts and got into our bed and snuggled up to him. It was my signal to let him know that I was in the mood. Arjun read it correctly and soon we were making out.

Soon we were out of our clothes and I was down and sucking his cock. He gently ran his fingers through my hair as I licked his shaft downwards before suckling on his balls. After a few minutes of sucking his cock, I went up to him and straddled him. I gently held his cock and inserted into my pussy and started rocking back and forth.

What followed were several pleasure filled minutes before Arjun and I climaxed. We soon drifted to sleep in each others arms. Sex with my husband was never a problem. During the early days of our marriage, we were humping like bunnies but with time the frequency had reduced but the passion hadn't. Now we were having sex 3 times a week but it was still as passionate as it was 5 years ago.

The next morning, we got up late as it was a Saturday. While we were having breakfast, I reminded Arjun of the AC problem with the car. He said that he was going to call a mechanic he knew who had a garage near by. After breakfast he took his cell phone and dialed a number. He talked to the mechanic and it was agreed that he would come around noon to check out the car.

After doing our morning chores, Arjun was watching TV and I got busy with my work. Around noon, the doorbell rang. Arjun was lazing on the couch and was in no mood to walk over to the door and open it so I had to get up open it.

As I opened the door, I saw a tall, muscular man in a worn out jumpsuit and a tool case standing in front of me. I was a little surprised looking at him as I had forgotten about the mechanic.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Madam...I am Gurnam...the mechanic...Arjun saab called me in the morning to see the car." He said calmly.

"Aah...Gurnam...come in come in." Arjun said as he came to the door.

Gurnam entered the living room and I offered him a glass of water. From his name I though he was Punjabi and from his appearance he surely looked from that part of the country. He was taller than Arjun who himself stands at a handsome 6 feet so Gurnam must have been atleast 6 feet 3 inches tall. He had a square face with high cheek bones. He had a thick patch of jet black hair on his hair and thick stubble on his face.

He was wearing a sky blue colored jumpsuit which had been used for several years. It had oil and grease stains on it. Gurnam skin was tanned and genetically being a Punjabi, he had a muscular frame and his profession helped him maintain his physique.

After a few minutes of talking, both men stood up and started walking out of the house towards the parking and I followed them. My husband went back into the house to fetch the car keys while I and Gurnam stood in silence. I was looking at the car when I noticed Gurnam was staring at me or rather my thighs. I was wearing a denim short and T shirt which I hadn't bothered to change in spite of the fact that a stranger was in my house and was blatantly staring at my legs.

I looked at him sternly but that did not deter Gurnam as he continued checking me out. I felt awkward and preferred to look the other way. Seconds later Arjun returned with the keys and handed them over to Gurnam who had by then started behaving as if nothing had happened. Gurnam opened the bonnet of the car and checked something and after a minute stood up.

Then he and my husband started talking all engine stuff, half of which I did not understand. The only thing I understood that the AC compressor was not working properly and also the gas had also run out.

"Why don't you take the car over to your garage and get all the problems worked out?" Arjun asked.

"I cannot saab. I have already closed my garage for the day as I have to attend a function and also, I have to get the gas and spare parts required for the repair which won't be available till Monday. Why don't you drop the car at my garage on Monday and I will fix it up. Till then don't switch on the AC." Gurnam replied.

My husband agreed without asking me and it was settled. Gurnam walked out of the gate and I and Arjun walked back into the house.

"I won't be able to drop the car at his garage on Monday. I have a quarterly review coming this week and I will be leaving early. You will have to take the car there." Arjun said as he went back to watching TV.

I wasn't very enthusiastic about the going to the garage of a man who was a few minutes ago staring at my legs as if he had never seen a woman before. I wanted to tell this to Arjun but I let it go and thought that Gurnam was a half educated brute for whom such behavior was normal. I left it at that and went back to work.

The weekend passed by quickly and on Monday morning Arjun joined me at the dinning table for breakfast. After a hurried breakfast he wore his suite and was about to leave before he reminded me to take the car to the garage. I just nodded and he gave me a kiss and left.

The memories of the other day were still fresh and I wanted to avoid going to the garage but with summer approaching, driving a car without an AC was something I wasn't looking forward to. So I had not choice but to go there.

I finished my chores and sorted out the day's schedule. I wore a faded jeans and a yellow colored top. I took my hand bag and the keys to the car and the house and headed out to the parking. It was almost noon and the car had become really hot after being in the sun. I broke a sweat the moment I got into the car and it was just clear to me. I had to get this AC fixed!

Arjun had told me where Gurnam's garage was. It was three kilometers to the east of my neighborhood. As I approached the area, I slowed down and started looking around for his garage. Along the way I realized that this part of the town was still undeveloped. There were a couple of buildings which were complete and a few under construction building scattered around.

As I turned towards the last lane of the neighborhood, I saw the board of his garage. I slowly drove towards it and as I approached I could read the hoarding clearly. It said 'Gurnam Da Garage'. The name just confirmed that he was a Punjabi.

The garage was pretty big and stood over a large plot of land. It was not a concrete structure, it was just brick walls with worn out white plaster with tin roofs over them. I took a right turn into the garage and saw a large rust gathering gate which lead into the garage. I slowly drove in and I saw a few cars parked around.

I stopped my car and got out of it and started walking towards the interior of the garage. As I walked inside I saw several broken down, mangled cars or at least what was left of them. There were a couple of men who were working on them and they were oblivious to the fact that a beautiful young woman was walking towards them.

I saw a teenage boy sitting on a tiny stool, cleaning the engine parts with what looked like petrol. He must have been no more than twenty years old. The garage was filled with sounds of hammering and sheet cutters and all the clanky noises that one hears in every garage.

"Where is Gurnam?" I asked the boy as I walked over to him.

The boy looked up at me and for a few seconds just started at me. He just sat still staring at me as if we were playing the game of statue. I again asked him where is Gurnam. Without uttering a word, he pointed in a direction.

I walked in the direction that the boy had pointed and I soon was in a big shed which had a few more cars in it but the cars here were very different. These were the cars which were being dented and were waiting for the paint job. There were several car doors and bonnets sheets resting on the wall of the shed. This place was like a garage within a garage within a garage.

I was looking for someone who could tell me where Gurnam was or perhaps better, take me to him. As I looked around, I saw a man standing in one corner of the shed. His back was facing me and it seemed that he was working on something. As I neared him I saw that he had a gas cutter in his hand and he was wearing the protective mask and was working on some metal sheets. I slowly walked towards him and stood a few feet away from him.

"Can you please tell me where Gurnam is?" I asked as I sounded clearly agitated.

The man stopped working, switched off the gas cutter, put it down and turned around to face me. With his protective mask on, the man looked somewhat like a 60's era movie robot. The man was wearing a wife beater which stuck to his body from all the sweat and below he was wearing faded blue jeans. The sweaty wife beater and his tanned skin left nothing for imagination and I could clearly see a muscular, chiseled body underneath. The man was tall and with the mask on he was looking scary.

He just kept staring at me through the mask, his chest heaving and sweat sliding down his large hairy chest. After a few seconds the man took off the mask and kept it on the table. It was Gurnam.

I was a little relieved seeing him considering

that I was walking around this maze like garage looking for him for the past several minutes, not that I was very enthusiastic about meeting him but he was the only familiar face in this unfamiliar place with unfamiliar faces. He smiled looking at me and I also responded with a smile which looked more like a formality.

"Namaste Aditi madam." Gurnam said as he stepped towards me.

"Namaste Gurnam. You had told my husband to drop the car here the other day. He couldn't come because he was busy at work so I brought the car." I said. The moment I said that my husband wasn't here, Gurnam stepped really close to me.

"Well...that is wonderful...I mean it's wonderful that your brought car needs a lot of repairs." He said, staring down at me from just a foot away.

His comment surprised and confused me. Gurnam continued staring at me for a few seconds. His glare made me uncomfortable and I stepped away from him. That brought Gurnam back to his senses and he walked passed me. He picked a piece of cloth and started wiping his hands.

"Come with me...let's check out your car." He said as he started walking out of the shed.

I just followed him and in half a minute we were standing next to my car. He took the keys from me and we sat in the car. He started the car and drove it through a tiny lane which went around the garage to the other side of the plot. He parked the car and we got out of the car. He opened the bonnet of the car and peeped inside.

"At your place the other day, I had shown Arjun sir all the problems with his car. Arjun sir told me that he bought this car for you but you didn't see what was wrong with your car...let me show you." He said as he stood up for a while.

I nodded and walked over to the bonnet and peeped inside. He pointed me toward something inside and started talking about it. I wasn't sure which part he was talking about and tried really hard to figure out what he was talking about. After a few seconds, I realized that Gurnam had stopped talking. I looked at him and I saw that he was looking at my cleavage which was clearly showing as I was slightly bent over as I tried to look at the part that he was pointed at. The yellow top that I was wearing had a loose round neck and even if I bent slightly, one could clearly see my ample cleavage.

I stand 5 feet 6 inches tall which was almost a feet shorter to Gurnam and as he was standing close to me, his height advantage provided him a clear view of my cleavage. I think he might have also seen the white colored bra what I was wearing underneath the top.

As soon as he realized that I had caught him staring at me, Gurnam composed himself and got back to talking about the car. For the next few minutes he went on talking about the AC and its compressor, half of which I could barely process and the other half I just didn't care about.

"Madam...this car is pretty old and I can tell you for sure that AC isn't the only broken thing in this car. I will have to thoroughly go through this car before I take it to the workshop." He said.

"Hmm...alright." Was all I could say. He asked me to get into the car and start it. As I sat into the driver' seat and the ignition switch, Gurnam bent over the bonnet and started inspecting the engine. After a minute, Gurnam stood up and through the tiny space between the hood and the car, I saw something that made me gasp.

It was a massive bulge in his pants. His crotch was huge and I could clearly see the outline of his cock through his jeans. From its appearance from the outside, it looked really big and scary. His muscular thighs around the bulge made it look bigger.

I just stared at it and was lost in my own thoughts when I saw Gurnam. He had bent over and was looking at me through the gap and calling me. I came back to my sense and saw Gurnam walking over to me.
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Aditi madam...what happened...did you see anything?" he asked with a smile which wasn't quite innocent.

'Well...I saw a lot of what you weren't talking about.' Was the first thought that came to my mind. He then asked me to start the headlights and asked me toggle the high and low beam a few times. After a few minutes of checking around the car, Gurnam finally asked to switch off the engine. I got out of the car and he led me to a room at the corner of the plot. The walls of the room were made from aluminum sheets which one can see in many offices across the country.

As I entered the room I realized that this was his 'office'. It had a large desk whose top was covered with a thick glass. There was a large office chair behind the table where Gurnam the 'boss' would sit and a couple of chairs at the opposite end of the table.

There was also a worn out couch in one corner of the room. There was a really old computer on the table which I could guarantee Gurnam never used. It was more a piece of furniture to make this make shift room look like an office.

The walls of the room were covered with posters of Cars, and copies of the permits that were to be mandatorily hung in the office. Against a wall of the office, stood a large steel book shelf which contained manuals to repairing different cars.

There was an old rusty table fan near the table which Gurnam turned on as we both sat at the opposite end of the table. Gurnam then scribbled something on a piece of paper before handing it over to me. As I glanced through it I realized that it was the quotation.

"Madam...the car needs a lot of repairs and it will take a couple of days to get it fixed. Please forgive me for this trouble but if you want a maintenance free car then let me have a couple days to work on it." he said.

"That is alright Gurnam but make sure that it is completely fixed and the bill is not too high." I said as I got up and Gurnam followed me outside.

We walked over to the entrance of the garage and Gurnam ordered on of his employees to get a car. The car was in front of us in a minute and soon Gurnam was driving me to my house.

A few minutes later Gurnam stopped the car right in front of my house. I forwarded my hand for a handshake as it is required in good etiquette.

Gurnam extended his hand and held my hand and shook it for a while. His grip over my hand was tight and I didn't mind till a few shakes before it got a little uncomfortable. I looked at him and saw him staring at me. The way he was looking at me wasn't normal. It wasn't gentleman like, it was animalistic.

"Gurnam...enough!" I said but he ignored me.

I tried to pull away a couple of times but he did not relent. Finally I pulled my hand away with force and only then did Gurnam let got of my hand. I immediately got out of the car without speaking a word and walked straight into my house. Gurnam left after he saw me open the latch of the main door and shut it behind me as I entered.

I walked straight into my bedroom and sat on the bed thinking what the hell had happened in the past one hour. It wasn't surprising catching Gurnam checking me out, it was kind of expected but what was with the hand holding? And most surprising of all, why the hell was I staring at his crotch back there!!

I got up and went to the bathroom to freshen up. I got busy making a hot cup of tea for myself, trying to block out all the thoughts of the incident back at the garage. I sat down at the dinning table with the tea and switched on my laptop. I thought that perhaps working on my new project would keep me in peace.

It did work for a while before the thoughts creped back into my head. I was again thinking of Gurnam and trying to decipher what really happened back there. I had just met Gurnam for the second time and he had the balls to so blatantly hold my hand?

I remembered the lecherous look in his eyes as he tried to peep into my top. He had also stared at my legs when he came home the other day. I was sure that his intentions weren't good.

'Should I tell Arjun?' I thought, contemplating the consequences. The consequences would not be pleasant. Arjun was a hot head and I knew that once he came to know he would go over to Gurnam and fight with him. What good would it do? It wasn't as if Gurnam had tried to molest me?

Besides the hand grabbing thing, Gurnam had done what almost all men do; stare at a woman's cleavage whenever there is a chance.

'Gurnam isn't the only one to be blamed. I was also staring at his crotch.' I thought.

I had also chanced upon the scene when Gurnam was inspecting the engine and instead of averting my eyes, I shamelessly started at his crotch. The shame and guilt soon wore off when I remembered the long stare at his crotch.

'Was he really that big or had he become hard looking at me? If he was hard then man...he must have a hog underneath or was it normal and if he wasn't hard, then what would it be like when he was hard?' I thought as I just stared at the laptop screen.

My chain of thoughts was broken and I again tried to focus on my work. I tried really hard for a few minutes before I shut down my laptop and started walked into my bedroom. As I walked over to my bed, I passed by the large mirror on the closet. I stopped and took a few steps back to stand right in the front of the mirror.

" wonder he was staring at you Aditi" I murmured and walked right over to the bed. The afternoon had been pretty hard on me and the thoughts were troubling me so I just decided to take a nap and let things cool off.


I hadn't heard from Gurnam for a last couple of days. He had said that he would call me or Arjun once he was ready with the car. As he mentioned, the car really needed a lot of work, so he was taking his time to fix it. I didn't bother to call him and neither did Arjun.

The Gurnam incident was a past and I didn't bother Arjun at this time of the year. It was the last quarter of the year and Arjun, being a banker was super busy. He would leave for work early in the morning and would usually return late in the evenings and at times around midnight. I was aware of his heavy workload during this time of the year so I didn't bother him.

One late Sunday morning while we were having breakfast, Arjun asked me, "Sweetheart...have you heard back from Gurnam. It's been almost a week since you left the car at his garage?"

" fact, I too was wondering why he was taking so long to fix the AC and a few minor parts of the car. I think you should call him and ask him." I replied as I munched on the cereal.

"Yeah...I'll call him right's almost 10.30am, he must have opened up." He said. I just nodded and continued eating the cereal. Arjun picked up his cell and dialed Gurnam's number. After a few seconds, Arjun started talking with him.

"Hello...Gurnam...this is Arjun Sharma. Yeah...I am are you? Is the car ready? It's been almost a week since you have it." Arjun asked Gurnam. For the next minute, Arjun just kept the phone to his ear and listened to Gurnam, occasionally nodding his head and saying yes a couple of times. A few seconds later, Arjun gave me thumbs up. I smiled, thinking that the car was ready and I would finally get to drive it around the city.

"Yeah...alright...we'll come around 3pm to pick it up...okay bye." Arjun said as he disconnected the call.

" it ready?" I asked.

"Yeah...we'll go there after lunch and pick it up. Happy?" Arjun replied with a smile.

"Very much!" I smiled back at him.

Being a Sunday, I wasn't really interested in doing the chores, so I joined Arjun in the living room to watch TV. We watched a hindi movie playing on a channel for an hour before Arjun's cell rang. Arjun picked it up and raced towards the bedroom as soon as he so the name of the caller. I knew it was from work so didn't bother. After 15 minutes, Arjun returned and sat beside me.

"Adu...I have to attend this urgent meeting right now. A major client that we have been chasing for over a year has finally agreed for a meeting." He said. I just looked at him surprised and a little angry.

"Arjun...we have hardly spent time together in a month and now you are leaving again. You've been working overtime; at least relax for a day. And who is going to pick up the car?" I said.

"I am so sorry honey...but it's urgent...the West Zone Head has flown in personally to meet this client. I have to be there...and why don't you go and take the car. Gurnam said he will keep it ready by 3 pm. All you have to do is go there, pay the bill and bring it back." Arjun said trying to calm me down.

"Pcch...Okay...alright...go to your meeting if it's so important for you...but you better make it up for it." I said.

"Ohh...don't worry about the making up part...consider it done." Arjun replied.

Saying that, he got up and walked to the bedroom. I continued watching TV and half an hour later, Arjun was ready to leave. I walked with him to the door and kissed him before he drove away. I knew the meeting was going to last the whole day and with no one in the house, I had no intention of getting bored to death here.

I called up a friend of mine and we decided to meet in the afternoon. I did my chores, had a shower and cooked a small meal for myself before getting ready. I was going to pick up my car from the garage and drive it over to meet my friend. I wore a white top and a pair of blue jeans, wore a nice perfume, took my hand bag and walked out of the house.

From the corner of the street, I took a cab and told the driver where I wanted to go. In 15 minutes I was at the garage. As the cab stopped in front of the gate and I stepped out after paying the fare. The garage gate was slightly open, just enough for a person to walk in. I wondered whether the garage was closed but Gurnam had told Arjun to come.

I looked at my watch, it was 2.30pm. I had come a little before time but it wasn't a big deal. Gurnam said the car was ready and it wasn't going to take more than 20 minutes to take the delivery of the car. I slowly walked past the gate and into the front yard of the garage. I couldn't see anyone around. There was no sound of anyone talking or any tools being used.

I slowly walked in to the garage and looked around for any sign of movement. There was none. I then remembered that Gurnam's office was in the backyard of the garage and so, I walked through the narrow lane around the garage to the backyard.

As I walked into the back yard, I saw my car standing. It did look ready. It had been washed and polished and did look much better than when I saw it for the first time. I smiled looking at the car but still looked around for Gurnam or at least someone who could settle the bill and give me my car back.

I saw Gurnam's office at the far end of the backyard and slowly started walking towards it. As I got closer to the office, I saw that the door of the office was closed. Perhaps Gurnam had left and forgot to remind us or perhaps he did call Arjun but Arjun forgot to inform me.

I took out my cell phone and soon I realized that I had never bothered to save Gurnam's number in it. 'Heck! 'I thought to myself. With no one around, I couldn't just take the car away and I knew that keys to all the cars in the garage must be in Gurnam's office, including mine.

As I was about to turn back and leave, I heard a faint noise coming from the office. I turned back and tried to listen hard. I heard it again but couldn't clearly make out whom or what was making that noise. I slowly walked over to the office and placed my ear on the door of the office. Now the voice was a little clearer and it sounded like someone was moaning or perhaps crying.

I wanted to investigate further, so I walked around the office quietly to find a window and soon found one. I hid below the window and slowly raised my head, just enough to peep inside the office. The sight that I saw almost made me scream but I somehow managed to control myself and duck down. 'Was it really happening?' I thought. I again raised my head to peep and this time I continued watching.

Gurnam was standing in the middle of the room, buck naked and a woman was on her knees sucking his cock. Gurnam was holding her head and driving his cock into her mouth, where as the woman was just holding on to his thighs and taking his oral onslaught. I hadn't seen the woman the last time I was here and looking at her delicate frame, she definitely didn't work here.

The woman was dark skinned and slim. She had long black hair which ran down to her waist. She was wearing a couple of bangles on her left hand which made a clinging noise every time she moved. She was wearing an anklet on her left leg and her right leg was hidden from me. I saw Gurnam's jumpsuit, his wife beater and his briefs lying at his side whereas the woman's sari and her undergarments were lying in one corner of the room.

My eyes were soon focused on the woman's mouth as I watched in awe as Gurnam's cock went in and out of her mouth. Gurman was fucking her mouth roughly and I couldn't see his cock properly but I could definitely say it was huge! He held on to her head as he drove his cock in and out of her mouth really fast and the woman would gag after every couple of strokes.

Gurnam had closed his eyes and had thrown his head back and was panting as the woman sucked his cock. The woman also had her eyes closed and was clearly enjoying being treated so roughly by Gurnam. The scene in front of me was just too much to handle and I gently put my hand inside my pants and started flicking my clit.

Gurnam kept hammering the woman's mouth and the balls made a slapping sound as they slapped against her chin. The woman then took her right hand over to her pussy and started fingering herself. She was soon furiously fingering her pussy and sucking Gurnam's cock and her shivering body made it very clear that she was going to cum.

As her body shook violently, Gurnam let her go and she just collapsed on the ground, screaming in pleasure, still fingering her self. She just had an orgasm and that too a massive one. I just kept staring in shock as the woman kept arching her back and moaning, as if she was being electrocuted rather than cumming.

She shook and shivered like that for close to a minute before calming down. She took the fingers out of her pussy and put them into her mouth. As she lay still, my attention went back to Gurnam. He was standing a couple of feet away from the woman, stroking his cock and enjoying the view. Now I could see his cock properly for the first time. I was right! He was massive! Easily nine inches and it was thick. It was like he had a tree between his legs!

The cock head itself was large enough to tear apart a pussy and the shaft got thicker till the base. It stood absolutely straight like an arrow and his massive balls hung below it.

Gurnam was a perfect example of manhood. He was tall, dark and ruggedly handsome. His naked body was something that any woman would desire and any man would be envious of. He had a large muscular chest with thick chest hair over it, he had broad shoulder and his shoulder muscles went all the way to his neck. His arms were large and tight and his cuts would show with every move.

His forearm was large, as large as my calf and it looked even more impressive with the 'kadha' around his wrist which connected to a pair of freakishly large hands. His butt was tight and legs were thick and calves which would embarrass a professional athlete.

Now that I had seen him in his naked glory; I too deep inside desired Gurnam. He was definitely not the man I would even look at on the street but after watching the spectacle in front of me, it definitely left a tingle in my pussy.

Once the woman was done with her orgasm, she tried to get back on her feet but the sheer magnitude of the orgasm prevented her from standing up. Gurnam grabbed her arm and pulled her back on her feet and into his arms. He squeezed her boobs really hard, making her squeal. He lowered his head on to her right breast and started biting the nipple.

The woman closed her eyes and ran her hand through his hair and moaned loudly as she enjoyed being manhandled by this beast.

After a couple of minutes, Gurnam pushed the woman away and started walking over to the table. He opened a drawer and took out a condom.

In the meanwhile, the woman sat on the couch and spread her legs wide, waiting eagerly for her lover. Gurnam walked over to her and stood by the couch. He tore open the condom pack and quickly wore the condom over his cock. He kneeled down at the edge of the couch and pulled her closer to the edge. His cock was now touching her pussy and he rubbed it a couple of times on the pussy before shoving it in one stroke.

The woman screamed as Gurnam's cock was buried to the hilt inside her. Gurnam didn't wait for her pussy to get adjusted to his cock and straight away started pounding her pussy. The woman's screams soon turned into moans of pleasure as Gurnam kept pummeling her pussy. He held on to her waist and kept fucking her hard.

He kept fucking her for several minutes, occasionally squeezing her breasts and bending over to suck and bite them. After a while he stood up and placed his left knee on the couch and shoved his cock back into her pussy and resumed fucking her.

In the mean time I had an orgasm and another one was fast approaching. My fingers were driving in and out of my pussy really fast. I closed my eyes and bit my lip hard, trying to prevent myself from screaming. A few seconds later, the orgasm hit me. My legs went numb and I just collapsed on the floor.

I opened my eyes after the orgasm was over and again raised my head over the window. By now the woman was sitting up on the couch and was back to sucking Gurnam's cock. After a few seconds Gurnam moaned loudly and started spraying his seed all over the woman' face. Within seconds her face was covered with cum and a few strands landed on her hair.

Once he was done cumming, Gurnam just sat on the couch catching his breath while the woman had almost passed out. Gurnam's cock was rapidly loosing erection but it still was pretty large. It was shining from all the saliva and cum and it looked magnificent.

A few minutes later Gurnam got up and walked over the table. He threw a towel lying on the table towards the woman the then opened the drawer. He grabbed his wallet and took out a couple of 500 rupee notes and threw them at the woman.

The woman collected the money and then walked over to collect her clothes. Gurnam by then started dressing up and I realized that it was time to scoot from here. I tip toed around the office and then gathered pace as I walked away from the office. As I was about to turn around the corner, my hand hit something and it fell to the floor making a loud noise. The empty and open garage amplified the sound and startled me.

I stopped and looked down and saw that a large spanner and fallen on the floor. I looked up and I saw Gurnam standing at the door of his office, only in his trousers. Our eyes locked for a few seconds and Gurnam smiled at me wickedly. His smile clearly told me that he knew I had seen him action back there.

I immediately turned back and started running. Within seconds I was out of the compound and on to the street. I managed to stop a cab outside the garage and got in quick. As the cab started moving, I saw Gurnam standing at the gate, staring at me!

As soon as the cab stopped in front of my house, I threw some cash at the driver and almost jumped out of the cab and ran towards the door.

" forgot the change." The driver shouted at me but I was beyond caring.

I hurriedly got into the house and closed the door. I just stood still against the door trying to normalize my breathing. I closed my eyes and the whole scene flashed before me. I opened my eyes and ran towards the bathroom. I washed my face with cold water for several minutes before I calmed down a little and walked back into the bedroom.
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I was nervous, scared and turned on, all at the same time. Apart from porn movies, I had never seen other people having sex. Not that what I saw was any different from a porn movie. Gurnam, with his huge boner fucked the living day lights out of that woman. Gurnam with his long shlong looked just like a porn star.

I picked up my cell phone and called up my friend and cancelled our plan to meet. After going through such an incident, I wasn't in the condition to focus on anything. I decided to change my clothes and get into something comfortable. My panties were still wet from the orgasms I had in the garage, it had left a small wet spot on my jeans too.

I took off my jeans and top and threw them in the laundry basket. I opened my cupboard and took out a T shirt and pair of shorts and kept them on the bed. I went over to the dressing table to comb my hair. As I was combing my hair, I started thinking about Gurnam again. I just couldn't get him out of my head.

I threw the comb away and fell on the bed. I closed my eyes, trying to remove all such thoughts from my head but it was like the whole scene was embossed in my memory. As I thought more and more about Gurnam, I started visualizing myself in that woman's place.

How would it be to be fucked so rough? How would it feel to have a cock that big shoved into my mouth? Arjun and I did roughen things up in the bedroom once in a while, but Gurnam's style was inhuman compared to Arjun's.

All these thoughts made me really horny and I started fingering myself again. I hadn't masturbated so much ever in my life but I just couldn't control my self. I visualized Gurnam fingering me with his thick, rough fingers. In no time I was moaning to a massive orgasm.

As the orgasm ended, I just laid still with my eyes closed shut. A few minutes later, I heard a car pull up in to the drive way. I knew it was Arjun. I had to have him. I needed a cock in me right now! I walked into the living room and I heard the latch of the door turning around.

"Aditi...I am home honeyyy...What the!" Arjun said as he looked at his half naked wife standing in the hallway.

"What's happening?" Arjun asked with his eyes wide open in shock. I just didn't say anything and ran towards him and jumped on him.

"Whaoo!" Arjun yelled before falling on the floor with me on top of him. I just didn't let him talk anymore as I had my mouth on his. Arjun was too shocked to respond for a few seconds but the man inside him bounced back and he started kissing me back.

We were lying on the floor, in the living room, right next to the door and were hungrily devouring each other. I got off Arjun and pulled him up. I grabbed his tie and started walking towards the bedroom. Arjun dropped his brief case on the floor and dumbly followed me.

"Adu...what's this?" Arjun asked. He wasn't used to such behavior from me.

"Shut up and follow me." was the only thing I said as pulled him inside the bedroom and pushed him on the bed. I stood in front of him and took of my bra and my panties before kneeling down in front of him. I pulled the shoes off his feet and threw them away. I then untied the belt of his trousers and started taking off his pants. As soon as the pants were off, I grabbed his penis and put it into my mouth.

"Aahh..." Arjun moaned I sucked on his cock hard.

"Fuck my mouth!" I said to him.

"What?" Arjun asked.

"I said...fuck my mouth with your cock." I almost screamed at him.

Startled, Arjun stood up and started fucking my mouth. Arjun was fucking my mouth but was only shoving half of it in to my mouth. I had never been mouth fucked, so this was thrilling enough for me.

Arjun fucked my mouth for a couple of more minutes before I pushed him back on to the bed.

Arjun was lying on the bed still wearing his suit, shirt and his tie. I climbed on top of him. I held his cock with my left hand and placed it at my pussy. I slowly sat on his cock and sighed as finally, I had my pussy stuffed. The relief and the pleasure I felt was amazing.

I got into a squatting position and started jumping on his cock. The whole bed shook and creaked violently as I jumped harder and faster on Arjun's cock. I squeezed my breasts and moaned loudly as Arjun cock drove deeper into my pussy.

I was so turned on, even after cumming so many times, that I orgasmed within a couple of minutes.

My screams pushed Arjun off the edge too and he came deep inside me. I collapsed on him and he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight.

We just lay there, not speaking a word to each other, trying hard to catch our breaths. I rolled over him to his side and rested my head on his arm. Finally after a few minutes, I opened my mouth to speak.

"So...what's new?" I asked Arjun.

" tell me...what the hell was that Aditi?" Arjun asked.

"You didn't like it?" I asked back.

"Did you hear me complain?" Arjun replied.

I giggled at him and hugged him tight. We soon stopped talking and my eyes started closing as I drifted into sleep. The day had been too heavy on my senses and I needed to rest.
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After a long night of passionate love making, I woke up to see my husband packing his clothes in a bag. I was naked under the sheets. I covered my breasts as I sat up and looked at the clock on the side table.

"Good morning baby..." Arjun said, smiling at me.

"Good morning Arjun. I am sorry; I couldn't get up on time." I said, still a little sleepy and tired from last nights romp.

"Don't worry dear; after last night, even I had a difficulty getting up and after all, you did all the hard work last night...he he..." Arjun giggled as he continued stuffing clothes in his suitcase.

Last night was really wild. In all our married years I had never been so wild with my husband. I was an initiative taker and unlike several women, liked being in charge once in a while but last night, last night I was possessed.

Last night came to me in flashes. Arjun was lying on the bed and I was sucking his cock, I rode him again to another massive orgasm. In the middle of the night he woke me up and took me from behind. It was the most sex we had in a single night since our honeymoon.

"Why are you packing your bags?" I asked Arjun as I came back from thoughts.

"I didn't tell you last night...or you didn't let me tell you. I am going to Delhi this after noon for the Pan India Zonal Manager's conference." Arjun said as he closed the zip of his bag.

"Ohhh...when will you return?" I asked.

"Around Friday...and I am sorry know how my work schedule is in the year end. Let March end and I promise I will take you on that Kerala trip that I promised you in December." He said as he sat close to me.

I rested my head on his shoulder and Arjun kissed me on the head. We sat like that for a while before I pulled of the sheet off my body and got off the bed.

"Let me make up a hot cup of tea." I said as I started walking towards the kitchen, buck naked.

Arjun left that after noon and I was at home, alone, wondering about what happened yesterday. I had the most amazing night of my life with my husband, after seeing a mechanic and a woman having sex. I had fingered my self to several orgasms, something that I rarely did. The first couple of orgasms were in a smelly garage, seeing a man and a woman having sex, something that I had never fantasized or even thought off.

Was this because of Gurnam? How could this be? I am a well educated, self employed and successful woman with a good life and how could a man who I had met not more than a couple of times have such an effect on me. Seeing him have sex was the limit but he had my cheeks flush red even before that.

What was it about him that scared me and turned me on even more? I had been around clean shaven, suave guys all my life, perhaps Gurnam was the change I was looking for? Or was it the brazenness in his lecherous stare that provoked the animalistic instincts inside me.

Why was I so attracted to Gurnam? Arjun was a good lover, a caring husband and my best friend, so my life in all was great but why, even after trying to avoid myself from falling in a pit, was I dragging myself into it?

I was openly fantasizing about a man besides my husband. Was this cheating; was I pushing my self towards something like that or perhaps something too far? I had read somewhere that the inflammable fumes of infidelity lay amongst us all; just one needs to ignite it.

I spent the whole after noon thinking and wondering about the events of the last few days. I tried to distract myself and went over to my friend's house in the evening and came back home late at night and went to bed.

The next morning I was sitting at the dinning table, with a warm cup of coffee and a laptop in front of me. I was busy working on my project and had to meet my deadlines. I had kept Gurnam's thoughts at bay and tried focusing on my work.

I worked till around noon before I made myself a small meal and got back to work. Almost half an hour later the door bell rang. I wasn't expecting anyone and was surprised who it could be. I walked over to the door and opened and I almost yelled after seeing Gurnam at my door.

He was wearing a black T shirt and blue jeans. He smiled at me as I opened the door. I instinctively took a step back, staring at him the whole time.

"Mam...I am here with your car." He said as he dangled the car keys in front of me.

"Is Arjun sir there?" he asked.

"No...he is out of town." I replied. As soon as I said that, I saw a faint smile on his face.

"Ohhh...never mind. You take the delivery of the car. After all, it is your car." He said as he walked inside.

I had no choice but to step back and let him in. He was little too large and imposing for me and it would be rude to keep him at the door when he hadn't misbehaved at all.

"I have fixed up all the issues with the car.

Let's go and check it." he said.

"No...No...Arjun will check it once he comes back." I said, trying to avoid spending more time with him.

"Madam...Madam...It is your have to know it. You should be responsible for your car. It is your first car and you don't want to ignore it like you?" he said.

"No...that's not what I's just that I don't understand a lot about cars you see." I said, trying to reason with him.

"Then that's what I am here for. Let me teach you a few things about your car. We will take it around for a spin and you can see for yourself that your old car is now as good as a new one." He said.

"No need actually...I know that you are a good mechanic and must have done a great job with the car." I said.

"Thanks but I insist that all my clients must take a test drive before taking the delivery. It's a principle of sorts." He said. He was insisting that I go for a drive with him. I thought that I would go for a mile long spin and would come back within a few minutes and ask him to leave, albeit politely.

"Okay...alright...why don't you go outside and I will change and come back." I said.

He nodded with a smile and walked out and I went into the bedroom to change. I wore a round neck blue colored T shirt and a pair of ash grey jeans. I made sure that the shirt was not too deep necked and I was properly covered even if I was bending over to look at the engine, just like I did the last time and caught Gurnam peeking at my cleavage.

After I was done changing, I walked outside the house and over to the car where Gurnam was standing. He got into the driver's seat and asked me to sit next to him. I obliged and soon, Gurnam and I hit the road.

"The AC unit is new so it will take a while to cool. We need to drive long enough to experience the cooling." He said as he drove away from my neighborhood. His point was valid and didn't leave me much scope to argue.

After clearing several blocks, Gurnam took the highway. He said that he needed to show me the performance of the car. As he sped on the highway, I sat, still and quite, my hand on my knees staring down the road.

"Along with the AC unit, I have also done a detailed servicing of the engine. Oil change, piston assembly cleaning, gear box cleaning and smoothening." He said as he smiled.

Gurnam was looking more at me and less at the road and I pointed it out to him.

"Well...Aditi Madam, I must tell you that you are very beautiful, just can't take my eyes off you." He said with a naughty smile. I chose not to respond and even if I did, what was I supposed to say?

Now we were well outside the city and were on the intercity highway. After staying quite for a while, Gurnam spoke, but this time, it was not about the car.

"Her name is Shanti." He said as he looked at me.

"Who are you talking about?" I asked.

"The woman you saw me with the other day. Her name is Shanti." He said.

"I have no clue what you are talking about." I said, feigning innocence.

"Don't lie madam, the look on your face, then and now just tells me that you saw much more than you expected." He replied.

"She is a widow and works as a maid in the neighboring buildings. I hired her couple of months ago and I just couldn't bear to see a lonely, helpless young woman. So I decided to look after her." He said with a smile that wasn't very genuine.

" that's how you take care of women, by fucking them mercilessly?" I blurted out. As soon as I heard my self, I immediately shut my mouth with my hand and looked away from him.

" the cat is finally out of the bag...I knew you saw me that day." He said and laughed loudly.

I cringed in embarrassment. Fucking loudmouth, I said to myself as Gurnam kept laughing.

"You must have seen that she didn't mind me taking care of her in my own special way." He said and started laughing again.

"Yeah...I know...I saw..." I said. Now that I had been stupid enough to confess my audience to their love making, there was no use hiding it anymore.

"Well...madam...everyone has their own style...what you saw that day was my style" he said as he gently caressed my thighs. I shivered as he ran his large palm over my thighs. My cheeks turned red with his slight touch. Gurnam saw me in that state and immediately pulled the car off the highway over to a road away from the highway.

I knew this road, it was an old state highway project which was stalled due to protests and was left incomplete after a court stay order. As we drove over the road, the number of buildings reduced to a point where there was nothing around.

After years of neglect, the road had worn out and there was thick vegetation around.

Gurnam stopped the car after a while and said, "Madam...let me check the headlights of the car. There were some issues with the lamps but I have fixed them."

He got out of the car and stood in front of the bonnet. He opened the bonnet and started checking something. I was sitting in the car with the bonnet right in front of the windscreen and I again had a clear view of Gurnam's crotch from the gap between the car and the bonnet.

"Madam...why don't you come outside?" Gurnam interrupted. I got out of the car and walked over to the front and stood next to him.

"The wiring had a major fault. I replaced the entire wiring to the lights." He said, pointing towards the head light assembly.

"Hmm...okay." Was all I could reply. Gurnam closed the hood and I walked back over to the door of the car and Gurnam followed me.

" that I have checked the head lights of the car, I have another pair of headlights that I have to check." Gurnam said as he turned to face me.

"What do you mean? What other headlights?" I asked.

"I meant your head lights." Gurnam said pointing his fingers at my breasts. I looked at his fingers and then looked up at him. He had a wicked smile on his face and stepped closer to me. I stepped back a little until my back was against the door of the car.

"What are you doing Gurnam, stay away from me." I said nervously.

"I have wanted to do this for a long time now and now that I have the chance, I am going to check you out properly. There is no one around to disturb us; what say Aditi, should I check your headlights?" He said as he caught my hand and rubbed my palms gently.

I was too stunned to reply and just starred at him, my eyes were full of fear and his were full of lust. I zoned out for a couple of seconds and in the meanwhile, Gurnam had brought his hands over to my breasts and was caressing them slowly but firmly.

Coming back to my senses, I realized what Gurnam was doing and slapped him. The slap didn't stop him, instead it encouraged him further. The slap unlocked the animal inside Gurnam. He grabbed my hair with his left hand and my arm with his right.

"Slaps and punches aren't going to help you today Aditi." He said as he lowered his head and kissed me hard. He bit my lip and I moaned in his mouth. As he broke the kiss and withdrew, I saw blood on his lips but it wasn't his, it was mine! My lips were bleeding; such was the ferocity of the kiss.

"Get your hands off me. This was all a part of your plan? To bring me here and force yourself on me?" I said, trying to put up a fight.

"You got that right!" Gurnam said and caught my wrists with his left hand and pulled the collar of my shirt with his right hand. He peeped inside for a few seconds and the said, "Hmm...nice."

He then grabbed my left hand and placed it over his crotch. I gasped as I touched it. Instead of taking my hand off his crotch, I started caressing it. I unknowingly ran my hands over his bulge and gauged his size and squeezed it lightly.

By then, Gurnam had his hand inside my top and was fondling my bra clasped breasts. He was very rough and I would moan occasionally. I ran my hand down to his balls and grabbed them and squeezed them.

Gurnam then grabbed my top and began lifting it.

I complied and raised my hands to allow him to pull it over my head and throw it over the roof of the car. He then got back to fondling my breasts. I didn't have the courage to look him in the eye so I looked down but saw his raging erection under his pants.

I reluctantly grabbed his crotch again and began caressing it. By now both of us had realized that I had submitted and Gurnam let go off my left hand and brought his left hand over to my breasts and started squeezing them. I, on the other hand, moved my hand behind him and grabbed his butt. I pulled him a closer till his crotch was rubbing against my mound.

Gurnam lifted my face to face him and bent down to kiss me. This time, the kiss wasn't rough, it was passionate. As Gurnam munched my lips, my breathing got heavier and I kissed him back. I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him closer.

Gurnam abruptly broke the kiss, turned me around and pushed me against the car door. He removed my hair clip and let my hair loose. He then kissed my shoulder and neck before pushing my hair over my right shoulder. He unhooked my bra and removed the straps off my shoulder. The white bra was caught between my breasts and the car window and refused to fall to the ground.

Gurnam then turned me around to face him and soon as he did that, the bra fell to the ground. I instinctively covered my breasts with my hands and looked away from him. Gurnam wasn't interested in my show of modesty and immediately removed my hands from my breasts and pinned them against the car door. He again kissed me hard, holding my hands tight against the car door leaving me no scope to cover myself.

After a few minutes of passionate kissing Gurnam let me go. The intensity of the kiss broke down any feeling of resistance I had. I stood silently as Gurnam started at my heaving breasts. He then cupped them and fondled them for a while before lowering his mouth over my left breast.

"Aaah...ssss." I moaned and sighed as Gurnam clamped his mouth on my nipple and began sucking it. I held on to his waist and pulled him closer as Gurnam continued sucking my tit. He began squeezing my right breast with his right hand, intensifying the pleasure.

A couple of minutes later, he moved his mouth over to my right breast and began sucking it. His left hand replaced his mouth at my left breast. He continued sucking and fondling my breasts for several minutes before squeezing them hard one last time.

He then kneeled in front of me and began unhooking my jeans. I caught his hands, trying to avoid being naked on the road. This was the last ditch attempt by my moral self to save me from adultery. But the attempt miserably failed when Gurnam pushed aside my hands and I just let him continue without further resistance.

It was as if time slowed down and every thing moved in slow motion. I could hear the button click as it was opened and could here the zipper as it was slowly dragged down. Gurnam grabbed the jeans at my waist and started dragging them down. The white thong came into view as he dragged the jeans all the way down to my feet.

I gently stepped out of the jeans and stood there, right in the middle of nowhere, almost completely naked in front of Gurnam. I was embarrassed and extremely turned on at the same time. I didn't know what to do. Try to hide myself or to show myself to Gurnam. Gurnam ended the confusion by dragging down my thong as well.

"Hmmm...just like in the porn movies." Gurnam said as he inspected my clean shaven, naked pussy. It was the first time that I was naked outside the confines of a room and Gurnam was only the second man to see my pussy.

Gurnam stood up and pulled me away from the car. I was now standing a few feet away from the car and Gurnam was walking around me checking my naked body which was on display in broad day light. He was passing all sorts of dirty comments which, far from offending me, were turning me on.

"Your body is made to be fucked and fucked hard Aditi." Gurnam said as he kept walking around me.

"Ohhh...look at that ass...simply perfect. Not too big...not too small...just perfect." He said and slapped my ass cheek hard.

"Aahh..." I moaned as Gurnam landed another slap on my ass.

"You like it don't you bitch?" he said as he slapped my ass again, this time harder then the previous ones.

"Ummm..." I moaned at being treated like a cheap slut.

Gurnam stood behind me and grabbed my right breast with his right hand and caressed my pussy with his left hand. My pussy was leaking from all the hot taboo action that had happed in the last several minutes and Gurnam was quick to comment on it.

"Look at that wet pussy. You high society bitches, pretend to be very pious when the fact is that you are as slutty and kinky as any whore. Don't worry...I will take care of that pussy soon." He said as he flicked my clit a couple of times.

Gurnam continued playing with my clit and my nipples for a few minutes, before I heard a car approaching. I looked down the road and saw a black sedan speeding towards us. I hurriedly broke away from Gurnam and ran towards the car. I opened the door and was about to enter the car when Gurnam grabbed me from behind and started fondling my boobs.

"Please let me go...can't you see the car coming towards us? Please let me go Gurnam." I pleaded miserably but Gurnam didn't listen. The car was now just a few hundred meters away from us when it started slowing down. I was shit scared and feared that the car would stop.

The car slowed down and I could see its tinted glass rolled up. The driver of the car honked a couple of times and drove away from us.

"Whew...that was close. Are you fucking crazy?" I yelled at Gurnam.

" enjoyed it didn't you?" Gurnam said.

"No I didn't..." I replied in anger.

"Ohh did...or else, why is this pussy leaking even more?" Gurnam said as he pushed his finger inside my pussy.

"Aaah..." I moaned as Gurnam fingered me. It was exciting to be caught in this state on the road but I just couldn't say it.

"Now let's get into the car." Gurnam said and opened the back door of the car. He pushed me inside and I got in on my fours. Gurnam also got inside and was kneeling on the back seat behind me.

He fondled and slapped my ass for a minute before he bent over and started kissing and licking my ass cheeks. I turned my head to look at him and pulled his head closer. Gurnam started licking my asshole and inserted his thick middle finger inside my pussy and started fingering me.

"You like that huh like my fingers inside your pussy?" Gurnam said as he continued fingering me.

"Yeah....yess....don't stop." I said with great effort. Gurnam started squeezing my boobs with his left hand as his right hand was busy fingering me and his tongue was busy on my asshole.

"Ohhh..yeah...ohhh" I moaned as Gurnam fingered me faster and harder. The rimming was just adding to the effect and my orgasm was drawing close. My moans turned to screams as the orgasm, the biggest one of my life grew inside my pussy.

"Aahh...Aaah....Aaaaahhh.." I screamed as I orgasmed. I screamed so loudly that I thought the nearby villagers would come running to us. We were inside the car and the windows had been rolled up so I screamed without fear.
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Once the orgasm ended, I was still on my fours on the back seat of my car. I heard a zipper being opened. I looked back at Gurnam and he was pulling down his pants. He was ready to fuck me right inside my car but I couldn't risk continuing this.

The black sedan was a close call and someone could show up or worse, call the police. I didn't want to get caught in such a situation. I couldn't let Gurnam fuck me here.

"No...Gurnam...don't fuck me here...anywhere but here...I don't want to do this in the open." I pleaded.

" mean you are ready to get fucked by me." Gurnam chuckled.

I turned around and pulled him close and whispered into his ears, "yes...fuck me!" before sucking on his ear lobe. Gurnam moaned and kissed me. As our tongues dueled furiously, Gurnam inserted a couple of his thick fingers inside my pussy and wiggled them a few times before bringing them over my lips. He smeared my own juices over my lips and then sucked his fingers.

I licked my lips, tasting the salty, tangy juices of my own body. I pulled his hand and inserted his slick fingers inside my mouth and began sucking them. I sucked his fingers like sucking a cock, bobbing my head forwards and backwards, signaling my intent.

"That's enough for here..." I said as I removed his fingers from my mouth.

"Where now?" Gurnam said as he buttoned his jeans.

"That is for you to decide." I winked at him.

"I have just the right place for us." he winked

back before getting out of the car. He grabbed my clothes, some of which were on the roof of the car and some were lying in the dirt next to it. He threw my clothes at me before removing a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and lighting one.

I didn't bother to wear my bra and threw it aside before wearing my shirt. Gurnam was staring at me, puffing plumes of cigarette smoke as I wore my clothes. I grabbed my panties and found them to be very wet. There was no use wearing them, I thought before tossing them aside as well.

As I was about to wear my pants, Gurnam stopped me and said, " are not going to wear them now."

" expect me to drive around bottomless?" I said in shock.

"Well...yes...I want some entertainment as we drive back." He replied.

"What nonsense." I almost shouted back at him.

"Don't waste time arguing Aditi, just sit in the front." He said as he pulled jeans out of my hands and walked over to the driver's seat and got inside the car. I sighed and sat next to him. Gurnam started the car and turned it around and soon we were on the highway. Earlier, Gurnam was driving leisurely; taking his own time but now he was driving as if we were in a race.

My discomfort at sitting half naked inside my own car was gone once I realized that I was in relatively safe position. The car had dark tinted windows on the side glasses which prevented anyone from seeing inside and anyone seeing me through the windscreen wouldn't be able see my naked lower half, thanks to the high rising dashboard.

The only way of seeing me in that state was that if the car stopped and someone deliberately peeped through the tinted windows but that was almost impossible considering that it was a hot march afternoon in the sparsely populated suburbs.

As the car hit the highway in top gear, Gurnam resumed his antics. He caressed my thigh with his left hand for a while before going for the honey pot. I shivered and sighed as Gurnam flicked my clit with his thick, raspy fingers. I reclined my seat and spread my legs and let Gurnam finger me.

"Were you aware that I was watching you fuck that woman the other day?" I asked him as caressed his bulge with my right hand.

" fact I wasn't expecting you guys to be on time, let alone before time and I surely didn't expect you to come alone." He replied as his fingering got faster.

" liked what you saw that day? Are you ready to experience it first hand?" he asked.

"Ummm..." I moaned as I closed my eyes, waiting another orgasm to hit me. The images of that day flashed in front of my eyes again but this time, I pictured my self in that woman's place. Just the thought that the fantasy would be true in a few minutes was enough to push me over the edge. I moaned loudly and came.

A few minutes later we were in the city and were now nearing Gurnam's garage. Gurnam turned the car into the lane and then drove it into the garage. As we drove over to the back side of the garage, I realized that no one was around.

"There is no one around right?" I asked just to make sure.

"It's just you and me here right now." He replied before stopping the car. He got out of the car and closed the door before walking over to my side and opened the door. I was still cautious and looked around, just to be sure that we were alone in the garage.

"Don't worry Aditi...we are alone crew is away for the afternoon and no one will be disturbing us." he said as he held my hand and gently pulled me out of the car. I stepped out of the car holding Gurnam's hand and we slowly walked over to his office cabin.

We reached the cabin door and Gurnam opened it with his key. I entered inside before Gurnam and walked over to the table. Two weeks ago I was in this very cabin, negotiating the cost of repairs and now I was here about to pay the ultimate price!

I turned around when I heard the door close. Gurnam closed the door and began walking towards me. As he walked slowly, he pulled his T shirt over his head and threw it on the couch near him. He was now standing just a couple of feet away from me, in a white vest and a blue denim where as I was in a blue top with nothing underneath.

I stepped closer to him and ran my hands over his chest. I wanted to feel his tight chest and the vest was proving to be a hindrance. I pulled his vest over his head and threw it on the couch. I shivered as I gently ran my hand over his hairy chest. I flicked and lightly pinched his nipples to which Gurnam moaned a little. I ran my hands over his tight stomach and his waist before again going up his arms over to his shoulders.

I rubbed his shoulders for a few moments before locking my hands behind his neck and pulling him over for a kiss. Gurnam bent down and brought his lips over to meet mine. As soon as I opened my mouth, Gurnam's tongue sneaked in and met my tongue. Gurnam wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me closer to him. As I went into his arms, our kiss intensified and our breathing got heavier.

Gurnam broke the kiss and stared at me for a second before I pulled him back. Gurnam was an excellent kisser and his first kiss itself made me weak in the knees so this one wasn't different either. The sudden rush of excitement triggered by the kiss made me dizzy. We broke the kiss for just a second as I pulled my shirt over my head and threw it on the floor before kissing him back.

I was standing on my toes kissing Gurnam, when he suddenly grabbed my ass with his large hands. Without breaking the kiss he lifted me off the ground and I was now at his eye level. I wrapped my legs around his waist and continued kissing him. I could feel his denim covered penis rubbing against my pussy, making me moan lightly. Gurnam was squeezing my ass roughly, making me moan in his mouth.

Gurnam broke the kiss and lowered his head over my breasts and started biting my nipples. I threw my head back and pushed my chest forward to allow him more access to my soft but sensitive boobs.

"Aahahhh....ohhh...Gurnaammm..." I moaned as I closed my eyes, enjoying the insensitive treatment meted out to my extra sensitive nipples.

"Ummmm...Aditi...your tits are the best I have ever had. I just want to keep biting them all day long...ummm" Gurnam said before going back to sucking my boobs.

I was hanging in mid air; my legs wrapped around his waist, getting my breasts mauled by Gurnam. The feeling was like I never felt before and it made my pussy leak like a faucet. I started grinding my pussy against his bulge and soon Gurnam reciprocated. As I was being dry humped mid air, Gurnam moved over from my breasts, kissing all the way from the top of the breast over the collar bond before settling on my neck.

Gurnam kissed and licked my nape before I grabbed his hair and pulled him for a kiss. As we kissed, Gurnam walked behind the table and placed me on his large, black office chair. I spread my legs and placed them on the arms of the chair and my pussy was exposed.

Gurnam kneeled in front of me and placed light kisses on my thighs. He started kissing and licking my thighs, slowly moving over to my pussy. I felt his warm breath on my pussy as his face hovered over it. He gently flicked my clit with his tongue, sending jolts of raw pleasure all over my body. He flicked my clit for couple of more times before he clamped his mouth over it and began sucking it.

"Ohhh...yessss..." I moaned as Gurnam sucked hard on my clit.

"He he it?" Gurnam said.


"Hmmmm..." I moaned as Gurnam got busy with my pussy.

He spread my nether lips with his fingers before licking all over the length of the pussy. He repeated it for a few times before inserting in thick middle finger inside my pussy and began fingering me. At the same time, he also sucked on my clit. I arched my back and screamed in pleasure as Gurnam played with my pussy.

Gurnam drove his raspy tongue inside my pussy hole intensifying the pleasure. I grabbed his thick hair and pulled him more into me. I bucked and moaned as Gurnam continued devouring my pussy and as my orgasm got closer, I moaned and screamed feverishly. He brought his hands over to my boobs and began squeezing them. He pinched and flicked my nipples roughly as he continued his oral assault on my pussy.

Gurnam then shoved his left index finger inside my mouth and I began sucking it. I could taste my own juices on his fingers and it felt amazing. I sucked his fingers, all the while thinking of his cock. I wanted to touch it, jerk it, and suck it!

"Aaahhh....Ohhhh...Don't stop...don't stop!!!" I bucked and shivered wildly when the orgasm hit me. It was perhaps the biggest one I had till now. I had never screamed like this before in my life.

In just a couple of minutes, Gurnam had made me cum so wildly. Gurnam had impressed me with his oral skills so I had to reciprocate and show him that I was also a master at this game.

I kept shivering from the after shocks of the orgasm for a couple of minutes and Gurnam by then had backed off and was standing near me. As I gathered myself after the orgasm, I looked at his crotch. Gurnam noticed that and stood in front of me.

He pulled the chair closer to him so that I was barely a half feet away from him. Gurnam rested his butt on the edge of the table and I got busy loosening his belt. Once the belt came off, I popped the button open and pulled the zipper down.

"You've seen me is fair that I see you too." I said and giggled before digging my fingers inside his jeans and pulling it down along with his underwear to his knees. As soon as the jeans came down, his cock sprung out. The magnificent specimen of manhood was now right in front of my eyes, barely and inch away from my lips.

The cock that I had seen in action from a few feet away was now right in front of me. It was long and unusually thick. I had guessed it right; it must have been easily 9 inches in length. Thick blue veins ran along the length of the cock. It had a thick but neatly trimmed bush of pubic hair around its base. The dark foreskin had retracted a little, displaying the large mushroom like cockhead underneath.

The pink cock head shinned with a layer of precum oozing from its slit. The thick shaft led to a pair of massive balls which hung majestically under the cock. I was awestruck and a little scared looking at it. The scarier part was that his intentions were to shove it inside me and my intentions were to let him do it.

I gently cupped the balls with my right hand and wrapped my left hand around the shaft. I ran my hands over the cock, gauging its firmness and weighing the balls. I bent down and kissed the cock head before licking it. I licked the precum off it and tasted it. I then took the cock head inside my mouth and swirled my tongue around it. I could feel the firmness of his cock inside my mouth.

Gurnam had closed his eyes and was moaning lightly. The look on his face was enough to turn me on further and suck his cock feverishly.

I lashed out my tongue on the slit a few times before licking the entire shaft and sucking on the cock head again. I bent a little lower and gobbled up his balls. The feeling of his heavy balls in my mouth was amazing. I sucked on his balls one by one before focusing back on the cockhead. I bobbed my head slowly as I tried to take more of him inside my mouth. The musty, pungent scent of his cock was arousing me further.

After a couple of minutes of sucking his cock, I took it out of my mouth and looked at Gurnam.

"Fuck my mouth. Fuck it just like you did that day." I said as I looked him in the eyes.

" you want it rough...Alright!" he said, smiling wickedly as he stepped out of his pants getting naked completely.

"Yeahhhh..." I replied as gave his cock one final suck before getting off the chair. We were standing behind the table which did not give us enough space to do what we intended to. So, we walked away from the table towards the open space near the couch. I grabbed a pen lying on the table and tied my hair in a bun.

I took a cushion from the couch and threw it on the floor before kneeling on it. Gurnam stood in front of me with his cock right in front of me. He grabbed my head with both his hands before pushing his cock towards my mouth. I opened my mouth wide to accept his giant hog and soon it was inside.

He shoved his entire cock inside my mouth in the very first stroke. I gagged and withdrew immediately but I wasn't done. I again took him inside me and this time, I relaxed my throat and let his cock slide down my throat.

Gurnam realized that I was new to this and started off with slow but long strokes. At first he shoved only half his cock inside. The cock head would slowly disappear into my mouth, passing the jaw, sliding on my tongue and touching the back of my throat before sliding all the way out. Gurnam would pull out entirely before pushing it back into my wide open mouth.

The slow stroking allowed me to relax my throat completely and allow his cock deeper penetration of my mouth. Gurnam pressed my cheeks with his hands, making my mouth feel tighter around his cock.

"Aaah...your mouth is so good Aditi...Aahh..?" Gurnam moaned as his cock slid in deeper and deeper with each stroke.

I wrapped my hands around his butt and tried taking him deeper. Gurnam by now had started fucking my mouth deeper and harder. He grabbed my head and started shoving his cock harder into my mouth. We soon settled into a rhythm similar to the one I witnessed the other day. His massive balls struck against my chin with his each powerful shove.

"Mmmppff...mmmpff....mmmpff" I moaned as Gurnam's cock moved in and out of my mouth. Gurnam shoved his cock all the way inside my mouth, holding me back with his strong hands. His pubic hair was touching my nose and the huge cock head was almost choking me. He released me after a few seconds and resumed fucking my mouth.

I was a slave in the hands of this man, taking his cock in my mouth like a wanton whore and loving it. My deepest carnal desires were now playing out. I grabbed his ball sack in my right hand and squeezed it hard making him moan loudly and fuck my mouth faster.

My pussy was dripping wet and I didn't need to touch my self to cum. The hot and heavy oral action was enough to make me cum. As I came for the fifth, perhaps the sixth time in the afternoon, Gurnam let go off me and stepped back.

I just collapsed to the ground, gasping for air. My eyes were watery from all the gagging and shoving and my jaw hurt like hell. But it was all worth it! I had just gotten what I had been fantasizing. Once I normalized, I crawled back at him and grabbed his cock and started stroking it. I gobbled it up once again, this time using my own blowjob technique.

"If the mouth is so good...then I can't wait to feel your pussy." Gurnam moaned as he groped my supple breasts with his strong hands.

"Then we shouldn't wait...should we?" I said as I took his cock out of my mouth and stood up.

I walked over to the couch and got on it. I was on my fours, my hands resting at the top of the back rest, my knees on the couch and my feet hanging in the air. My ass was in the air and as I spread my legs, my wet shiny pussy came into view.

Gurnam walked over behind me and positioned his cock at my pussy entrance. He rubbed it along my pussy for a while before slowly inserting it inside.

"Aaaahhh....." I sighed as Gurnam's thick shaft stretched my pussy. Gurnam slowly pushed his cock all the way inside my pussy and stopped. As my pussy got used to the girth of his cock, my pussy walls gripped his cock and began squeezing it. For the first time in my life, I felt that my pussy was fully stuffed and it felt good!

Even though I didn't want to but instant comparison was made. Arjun was longer than average and had an average girth but when compared to Gurnam, his cock looked and felt like a leprechaun's pinkie. Gurnam kept his cock buried to the hilt inside my pussy for a minute, before he slowly began withdrawing.

"Ohhhh...that's tight!" Gurnam moaned as he slowly withdrew his cock all the way to the edge before shoving it roughly back inside.

"Aaaah..." I gasped as I felt the full force of his cock. Gurnam went all the way in again and began pulling it slowly after a few seconds. As he pulled back to the edge of my pussy, Gurnam grabbed my waist and then shoved it all the way back, making me gasp louder than before. Gurnam carried on his slow, long but forceful shoves into my pussy for a few times before he started fucking me with a steady pace of shorter strokes.

I closed my eyes and sighed as I felt jolts of raw pleasure surge through my body, savoring each and every stroke. Gurnam dug his fingers into my waist and continued fucking me.

"Look at you...getting fucked like really are a bitch Aditi..." Gurnam moaned as he slapped my ass really hard.

Moan loudly was all I could do as Gurnam kept drilling my pussy. I really felt like a bitch and being fucked in this position just justified his words. I had never imagined myself to be in this situation. I had intended to get rid of Gurnam as quickly as possible but now, almost an hour and a half later; I was in his office, naked on his couch, getting fucked in bitch fucked. Wow! That escalated quickly and dramatically.

Gurnam moved his right hand over to my right breast and began squeezing and pinching it. He brought his left hand over to my mouth and shoved a couple of his fingers inside. I sucked on his fingers as Gurnam continued fucking me and mauling my breasts.

Gurnam stopped his stroking, compelling me to open my eyes and look back. I saw Gurnam placing his left feet on the couch and I realized that he was going for the kill. In this position, Gurnam was poised to fuck me harder, faster and deeper.

Gurnam shoved his cock back inside my pussy and started fucking me again, but this time he was unstoppable.

He was like a piston of a high power sports car, pistoning my well oiled engine. My moans turned to screams as I gripped the couch tighter. My body shook violently as I endured the assault Gurnam had mounted on my pussy and on my senses.

My mind had blocked all that was around me and was focused only on the hard and fast drilling that I was receiving. All I could hear was the rapid but rhythmic 'splat splat splat' noise that his gigantic balls made as they slapped against my wet, swollen pussy.
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Aaahhh...Ohhhh....shiitttt!!! I screamed as my orgasm hit me in just a matter of seconds. Gurnam immediately slowed down his stroking but kept fucking my spasming pussy in slow and longer strokes which prolonged my orgasm.

My mind was numb from such an intense orgasm and for a few seconds I had no clue of what was going on but a hard slap on my ass brought me back.

"Ha ha ha ....looks like you enjoyed my style of taking care of women but I not done yet, in fact, I am far from done." He said as he withdrew his cock from my pussy.

"Who said that I am done either?" I replied as I got off the couch. Gurnam gave me a wicked smile and grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the table. He pushed me against the table such that now my torso was lying flat on the table and my ass was pointed towards Gurnam who was standing right behind me.

My boobs were now pressed against the glass top of the table and the cold glass made my already hard nipples harder. Gurnam then placed his cock at my pussy entrance and shoved it back inside again. He grabbed my ass and resumed fucking me with the same fury that he did just a minute ago.

"Ohhhh....Aditi...your pussy is so fine...I just don't want to cum...I just want to keep fucking you..." Gurnam moaned.

"Aawwww yeahhh...keep fucking me...Don't stop...Don't stoopp...aaahhh..." I yelled back at him.

" are going to get it....just wait for it...aaahh" He replied as he increased his speed.

Gurnam then grabbed my wrists and as my back arched, my chest rose in the air. My nipples were pointing straight towards the wall.

Gurnam kept hammering my pussy hard and fast and in this position his cock penetrated deeper. I was moaning and panting as my pussy got a beating of its life. Beads of sweat dripped from my forehead on to the glass table.

After fucking me in that position for a few minutes, Gurnam paused. He grabbed my left feet, folded it at the knee and placed on the table. He inserted his cock back inside my pussy and began stroking me steadily. The variation in speed was a welcome move as the rapid thrusting had almost knocked me out.

"Uuhh...Uhhh..Aahh" I moaned as Gurnam changed his gear to a higher pace. His steady stroking now got pacier before again slowing down. Gurnam varied the speed for several minutes before he pulled out the pen that was holding my hair together. As my hair flowed down, he grabbed and bunched them in his left hand, placed his right hand on my right shoulder and began fucking me violently.

"Aaaah...fuck fuck fuck...faster...faster...faster..." I screamed as another orgasm hit me seconds later. Gurnam immediately let me go and moved back. I just collapsed on the table, panting and moaning. I was in a state I had never been before. This marathon fucking session had worked my body out more than it had in weeks of gyming.

I somehow managed to stand up but fell to the floor immediately and immediately assumed the fetal position. I was still breathing heavily and was completely dazed. I had lost touch of time and the number of orgasms I had.

As I lay on the floor, trying really hard to keep my eyes open, I saw Gurnam kneeling near me. He bent down and came closer to my face and said, "Want to continue?"

My mind was screaming 'No No No' but my body just pushed it aside when I said, "Yessss..."

Gurnam smiled and then pushed me on my back. He picked up the couch cushion lying on the floor and lifted my body to place it under my ass. I spread my legs as he got between them. He bent down and spat on my pussy before spitting a large glob of saliva on his cock and placed it at my pussy hole.

I was jolted back to reality from my delirious state when Gurnam shoved his cock into my pussy. Gurnam was back to where he had left, fucking me mercilessly; the only thing that changed was the position. I was lying on the floor, my legs locked around his waist, taking it like a whore.

After a while, Gurnam placed my legs on his shoulder and bend forwards. My ass rose from the floor and his cock went deeper. He grabbed my tits for support and started fucking me in the same beastly manner that he had been all this while.

As we stared into each other's eyes, Gurnam bent lower and kissed me. My legs were now almost touching my shoulder and it hurt like hell. I had never done it before and I never thought I was capable of contorting body to such an extent. But the kiss was a huge relief from the madness that Gurnam had subjected me to and it was starkly contrasting to his fanatical fucking.

Gurnam broke the kiss and looked up and closed his eyes. His strokes got erratic and he started sweating more than before. I knew what was coming next; my pussy could feel his cock twitching. I braced my self to what was to follow and prayed that he didn't cum inside.

"Aaahhh...Take that...take my cum bitch!!!!" he screamed as he sat up, pulled out his cock and sprayed his spunk all over my body. The first jet of his thick, hot cum hit my face followed by a couple more before his cock ejected semen all over my torso. Gurnam continued spewing cum by vigorously stroking his cock, forcing more and more cum out of it.

Once he was done cumming, Gurnam collapsed on the floor right next to me. He was panting and moaning, still recovering from that eruption. I managed to open my eyes which were covered by globs of his cum to look down at my body. There was a little cum on my breast, a little on my upper abdomen and there was a pool of semen which went all the way from my navel right up to my pussy.

I could barely inspect myself for a few seconds before I collapsed back to the floor. I don't know how long I was lying on the floor when I felt a pat on my shoulder. I opened my eyes to see Gurnam wearing his jeans.

I tried to get up but just couldn't muster the strength to stand up. Gurnam helped me stand up and took me to a small enclosure behind his cabin. It was a dark, dirty make shift shower. I stood under it as Gurnam turned on the shower and left. I shivered as the cold water fell on my head and shoulders before trickling down my exhausted, aching body.

I washed the dried cum stains of f my body and cleaned my still convulsing pussy. After several minutes under the cold refreshing shower, I came out naked and walked back into his office where Gurnam was standing with a dry towel. I took it from him and started wiping my body. I saw my clothes on the table and started wearing them one by one.

Gurnam by now was also fully dressed. Without speaking a word, we walked over to the car. I was in no condition to drive so Gurnam helped me into the car and he himself got into the drivers seat. Moments later we were driving back towards my house. The test drive had finally ended!

A few minutes later, Gurnam turned the car into the drive way of my house before stopping. We both got out and walked to the front porch.

"Here are the keys to you car. It is all fixed up and ready to drive." Gurnam said as he handed me the keys.

"I hope you liked my service madam." Gurnam said as he broke out into a wicked grin.

"Hmmmm...What about the bill?" I asked as I took the car keys from him.

"Don't worry about that madam. This one is on the house." He replied.

I said nothing to that, turned around and walked to the door. I inserted the keys into the latch and turned it around once before stopping. I stood still for a few moments before turning around to see Gurnam still standing there.

"Why don't you come inside...I mean inside the house." I said as I broke into a shit eating grin, realizing the fumble.

"Ha ha ha ha ....It will be my pleasure and I wouldn't mind doing both." He said as he followed me inside before closing the door.

The door behind us was closed and soon the windows were closed too and the curtains were drawn but I was sure that anyone outside could hear my screams of pleasure as Gurnam fucked me on my bridal bed.

Later that night....

"Hey honey...wassup?" Arjun spoke to me from the other end of the phone.

"Nothing say..." I replied as I was lying on my bed naked. Gurnam had left just a few minutes ago.

"How was your day?" Arjun asked.

I shivered and the whole day just flashed in front of my eyes and my pussy twitched but I replied, "As usual. I brought the car back."

"Ohh it fixed up?" Arjun asked.

"I think so..." I replied.

"What about the bill? You paid it?" Arjun asked.

"Yeah...I paid the bill alright..." I replied.

"Why do you say so?" Arjun asked, little concerned.

"'s just that the price was huge but Gurnam repaired the car very well. In fact I am so impressed that I am going to take the car to him every time for servicing." I replied, trying hard to sound genuine.

"Ohhh...alright honey...hey...I will call you back later...I have to attend the corporate dinner...bye love..." Arjun said.

"Bye...." I said before disconnecting the call.

I was sad about cheating on my husband but what had happened had happened. I didn't think about my husband when Gurnam was groping, licking and fucking me and I was more than a willing partner in the show; so why be a victim.

Thinking so, I decided to move on with my life with my loving husband and my new car and got up to take a shower, resolving to wash away all that had happened today.

A month later....

"Gurnam here..." I heard Gurnam at the other end of the line.

"Gurnam, this is Aditi here..." I replied.

"Ohhh...Hello Aditi madam...nice to hear from you after such a long time. How is the car doing? Giving any problems?"

"'s been acting up in past few days and the car is making weird noises. I didn't want to bother you but had to as my husband is out of town." I replied.

"Ohhh...Don't worry madam. Gurnam is always at your service. Why don't you bring the car over; perhaps the valves need to be cleaned and oiled well. I will take a test drive before jumping to conclusions." He said.

"Well...alright...I'll be there in sometime." I said before disconnecting the call.

Almost a couple of hours later I was in almost the same spot where it all began; at the isolated end of the old highway, the difference was that we had taken a detour into the wooded area around the highway.

The car engine rumbled quietly and the continuous cold blast of air from the AC vents had fogged up the already tinted windows. Gurnam's trousers were lying on the driver's seat and my bra was lying on the adjacent seat along with Gurnam's jockeys. My soaked panties were lying on the floor of the car.

My tank top was pulled up to my neck and my mid thigh length skirt pulled up over my waist.

We were in the back seat and I was bouncing on Gurnam's cock, moaning and sighing as he wrapped his hands around me in a bear hug and nibbled on my nipples.

"You said the engine valves needed cleaning and oiling, then what are you doing?" I said as I started bouncing faster.

"Yeahh...but I am going to clean and oil your valves first before I get to the car." Gurnam replied as he squeezed my ass hard.

" you do this with all your lady clients?" I asked.

"Not all my female clients are as sexy as you are...and I can assure you that no woman has every taken my cock like you do." he said with a wide grin on his sweaty face.

"The AC is working well..." Gurnam said.

"And the shock absorbers too!" I replied listening to the loud rumbling and the creaking of the car.

Gurnam and I laughed out loudly to that comment. And those were the last words spoken between us for the rest of the afternoon. The only things that came out of our mouths were screams, guttural moans and saliva. The car was filled with sounds of rustling of the leather seats, sweat soaked skin rubbing against each other and his balls slapping against my pussy as we went at each other like deranged nymphomaniacs.
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This is so embarrassing... Gurnam... stop!!" I pleaded.

"What is embarrassing... Aditi Madam?" Gurnam asked.

"They are watching us... stop it... let me go!!" I moaned, trying to wriggle my way out of Gurnam's vice like grip.

"Who is watching us... and watching us doing what??" Gurnam said, feigning innocence.

"What kind of a sick freak are you? Your employees are watching us doing this!!" I yelled at Gurnam.

"Ohhhh... don't worry about that... they have watched me before." Gurnam replied calmly as he continued stroking my pussy with his cock.

I was bent over, holding a metallic shelf for support. Gurnam was right behind me, fucking me; starting with slow leisurely strokes but picking up pace gradually. We were in 'Gurnam Da Garage', in the shack that Gurnam called his 'office'. The very same place where almost a year ago, Gurnam and I indulged in something that continued to this very day.

It was a bright spring afternoon of a very busy weekday when I drove my car over for its scheduled servicing. The garage was full of mechanics working on their assigned cars. Gurnam personally attended to me.

I was a bit awkward, watching the mechanics smiling at me. Their smiles were not like what a service provider gives to a client. It was a knowing smile, a smile that they even exchanged with one another. This had not been the first time they were smiling at me like this; in fact they had started smiling at me soon after my sexual affair with Gurnam started. Damn! Office gossip exists here too, in such unorganized and lowly places.

Gurnam took a cursory look at the car like he usually did and a couple of minutes later we entered his 'office'. As soon as I entered, an embarrassing but very kinky realization hit me. I had been fucked in every corner of this room. The glass top table, the chairs on the either ends of the table on which usually we sat, dressed at first but undressed soon enough.

The couch!! The filthy, dust covered, torn couch which looked like it would collapse even if a fly sat on it but actually had been strong enough to take not just my body weight as Gurnam fucked me in the most animalistic ways but also the weights of both our bodies when I enthusiastically jumped on his cock as I rode him.

As I kept looking around the room, recalling our nasty fuck fests, I realized that the metallic shelf was the only place where our naked bodies had not been. Oh well... there I was a few minutes later holding the shelf for my dear life as Gurnam started fucking me in his usual ruthless manner.

I opened my eyes and looked to the left and then to the right to see faces with wide eyes and naughty grin at the windows of the office. My private sex affair had now become a public spectacle. All I could see were their faces but I was sure that under those windows, all those men were busy jacking off watching their boss and his client/mistress fucking like rabbits. I was pretty sure that one by one, all those men would paint the outer side of the wall white.

Gurnam withdrew his cock from my pussy, grabbed my arm and turned me around. As soon as I turned around to face him, he pushed me against the shelf. He raised my left leg on his forearm and shoved his cock back inside my pussy.

"Aahh... " I gasped loudly, which I followed with a long moan as Gurnam first stuffed his cock inside me and then began fucking me.

I heard a loud whistle which I instantly knew came from one of his employees watching us from outside. The whistle was followed by laughter from our audience. I, by now had stopped pleading to

Gurnam to let me go and get out of this mess. But slowly the embarrassment had given way to arousal. I was reluctantly enjoying being watched. What a slut I am!!

Gurnam let go off my leg as I locked it above his ass and grabbed my waist as he continued pummeling my pussy. I held on to the shelf with my right hand and grabbed Gurnam at the back of his neck as he continued fucking me.

As Gurnam fucked me, he grabbed the hem of my black T-shirt and pulled it up to my neck and swiftly pulled up the matching bra too. As soon as my breasts were freed, he slowed down the fucking and cupped my boobs. I could feel the firmness in his grip increase as he the cupping turned to squeezing. He squeezed my breasts a few times more and then flicked my nipples with his thumbs.

Oh my god the lust in his eyes! His fascination with my boobs had grown into an obsession. He would maul my breasts, in fact his hands or mouth would be on my breasts in which ever position we were and right now, he was doing the same.

His cock was now moving very slowly inside my pussy and it gradually stopped as Gurnam slowly lowered his head to my boobs. I too, instinctively raised my chest and pulled his head down to my boobs. A second later, Gurnam's mouth was latched on to one my nipples.

The first couple of seconds I felt his tongue swirling around my nipple before I felt my nipple being pulled into his mouth as he began sucking it. A few moments later, he moved over to the other nipple and then alternated between then there on.

As Gurnam munched on my soft breasts, he slowly dragged his hands down to my butt and gave it a gently squeeze. His hands roamed on my full, luscious buns before squeezing them hard. His hand then travelled down to my thigh and pushed up on it.

He raised my right leg just like he raised my left leg. As my legs reached his waist, I locked them behind his back. I just instinctively raised my left hand from his neck and grabbed one end of the shelf above me.

My torso was now suspended on the air with the support offered by my slender arms grabbing the shelf and Gurnam's large hands on which my butt rested. He pulled his cock out of my pussy right up to the tip before spitting a large glob of saliva on it.

"Wah Ustaad... kya baat hai!! (Wow Boss... You are great!)". The remark was loud enough to be heard inside a completely closed room. It was obvious that the remark was made by one of the perverts watching us but we chose not to look in the direction.

Instead we looked at each other before Gurnam's cock slowly pierced my pussy. I was now impaled on Gurnam's cock and Gurnam soon enough started ploughing my pussy. Gurnam and I were soon fucking hard in the position which I had never tried; in fact I had not done anything like this with my husband.

'Oh! Gurnam... bettering my sexual CV with each occasion.' I thought in such aroused and delirious state.

The room resonated with my loud screams, his grunts and the haunting sound of his balls slapping against my ass. But in a few moments, we heard loud thumps, crackling, followed by a couple of thuds.

We looked around to see a few heavy manuals, a glass framed shop license and even a tool box lying on the floor. Such forceful was Gurnam's stroking that things started falling off the shelf. Thank God, Nothing fell on our heads!

Several minutes passed as Gurnam and I fucked in this kinky but awkward position, awkward not for him but me because I was lifting almost my entire body weight with my hands. My slender little hands, which I never knew could be subjected to such physical strain.

The adrenaline rush had kept the pain at bay till now but after the couple of orgasms I had in that position, my hands were giving way.

I knew I couldn't hold on for long but I just couldn't tell Gurnam because I was enjoying this so much! Just as I thought I would fall, Gurnam groaned loudly and squeezed my ass. He swiftly slid his cock out of my pussy and placed it just above my pussy.

"Aaarrgghh... " Gurnam screamed as he came on my stomach in thick strands of pearly white cum. As our breathing normalized, I slowly let go of the shelf and locked my hands behind his head. Gurnam hugged me tight as I was still suspended in the air, in his arms.

Gurnam started walking holding me in his arms. I was too exhausted to notice where he was going. I heard the door latch open and felt the warm breeze against my back.

I immediately realized what was happening. I wanted to scream out but before I could Gurnam stepped out of the office. I immediately hid my face on his shoulder. The embarrassment got worse with each passing moment. As I closed my eyes, trying to hide my face, I realized that it was useless. Everyone could still see my naked back!

"What the fuck are you bastards gawking at huh? Get back to work you shits!" I heard Gurnam's thunderous voice, ordering his men back to work.

'He is saying this now? What was he thinking and why didn't he say this much earlier?' I thought.

I heard a lot of foot steps walking away from us. Gurnam again started walking and a few steps later, I again heard a door creek open. I opened my eyes to see my self being taken inside the dark, dirty bathroom. We entered the bathroom and stood under the shower.

I swiftly pulled my clothes off my body and threw them in one remote corner of the bathroom. Gurnam turned on the shower and the cold water started flowing down are bodies.

Gurnam latched his lips on to mine and soon we were indulging in a sloppy deep kiss under the shower. He squeezed my ass hard a few times as we exchanged saliva under the shower. Gurnam let go off me and I slowly let my feet touch the wet floor. We got busy washing each other, exchanging a kiss here and there.

Gurnam stepped out of the shower and dried himself with one of the towels. He tied the towel around his waist and walked out of the bathroom. I continued under the shower for a while before Gurnam walked back inside with my clothes. He handed them to me and walked out.

Soon, I stepped out of the bathroom, on to the garage floor and as soon as I did that, all the men there stopped their work and stared at me. Gurnam was no where in sight and I was caught in an embarrassing situation. I couldn't walk back to the office because one of the employees was standing near the door.

Suddenly all the employees started clapping and laughing. Some were even hi-fying each other. What the fuck was this! Shit, this is so... so embarrassing. I stood there with my head lowered and my eyes closed, trying to shut them all out.

Suddenly the noise stopped and I looked up. Gurnam was standing at the office door, dressed in a black T shirt and Jeans which accentuated his muscular body. Everyone else stood still and silent, watching him. He pushed the guy near the door; the strong shove almost made that greasy shit ball fall to the ground.

Gurnam walked to me and grabbed my hand and we walked to a car. We both sat inside it and soon we drove out of the garage. Sometime later, I was on my knees in my own living room sucking Gurnam's cock.

"I will personally deliver your car to you once it is done." Gurnam said as he pulled up his jeans and started buttoning it.

"I know; you always do." I said as I picked up the remnants of his cum on my cheek with my finger and licked it. I also picked up some drops of cum from my breasts; my jugs which had been scooped out of my bra and sucked on sometime ago.

"Hehehe... I offer the best customer service you can think of." Gurnam said and started laughing. I couldn't help but smile at his comment.

This was actually what was happening since I first had sex with Gurnam. After he fucked me in his garage that day, I tried to control myself from going back to him for almost a month. I failed miserably! Gurnam and I had sex in my car on that old high way and since then there was no turning back. Gurnam had me addicted to the sex!

All my life I had been around men who were sophisticated and charming. Arjun was no loser in the cock department but he was after all a city bred, college graduate, civilized guy. Gurnam on the other hand was the tough brute; Intimidating and uncouth. His huge muscular body, his baritone voice and the raw masculinity he projected doing even the simplest of things drove me to him.

His brash talk, unsophisticated mannerisms and absolute disregard for any gentlemanly etiquette added to his bad boy allure. Another thing that drove me to him was his cock! Its length, its girth and its sheer stamina was wondrous! That beautiful cock, the ultimate specimen of manhood was so beautifully complemented by his Adonis like body. I got goose bumps just thinking about it!

Gurnam too, in a way was addicted to me. I was sure that he never had sex with a woman like me. Someone who was not just above him in financial and social standing but was outright sexy! He would always admire my beauty, my sexy body either verbally or physically whenever he got a chance. My large supple boobs, my taut round ass, my flawless fair skin and my pink unshaved pussy would have him panting like a dog! We were both in love... ; But only with each other's bodies.

In a bid to be more responsible for the car, I started taking it to the garage every time. Arjun, my husband, who had absolutely no clue about what had been going on all this while, was happy to see me take such good care of the car. After all, I hated the car when he first bought it!

I used to call Gurnam to take an appointment for the car and he would always give me an appointment at a time when the garage was closed for the afternoon or when it was closed for the day. I would drive the car to his empty garage where Gurnam would check me out first and service me nice and proper before getting to the car!

He would take me on a test drive under the pretext of checking the car and fuck me in some isolated corner of the city. The sex in the car was amazing! The thrill of having sex in the open, in broad daylight with a man who was not my husband did give me a kick but after a couple of times, I thought it just wasn't worth the risk. So I told Gurnam that he can take the test drives by himself. He obliged and since then our outdoor rendezvous were strictly restricted to the indoors.

Gurnam's modus operandi was simple. He would have me bring the car to his garage and then fuck me there. He would then drive me back to my house and fuck me again in my own house. Couple of days later, he would deliver my car to my house and fuck me again!

My husband was away in his office during day time and I being a freelance interior designer worked mostly from home which made my affair pretty easy to hide and manage. In fact Gurnam had by hearted my and Arjun's schedule and his deliveries would be timed at times when Arjun wasn't around.

My trips to his garage were more frequent than I thought they should have been. In fact I was taking the car there almost every fortnight. I suspected Gurnam wasn't looking after the car properly even though he left no stone unturned in servicing me. And I voiced my concern one afternoon when he delivered my car like he always.

"Gurnam... aahh... are you maintaining the car properly?" I asked Gurnam who was busy between my legs, licking my pussy. I had taken him to the bedroom after he handed me the car keys.

"Why do say that?" Gurnam said as he raised his head from between my thighs and looked at me.

"I say so because the car is spending too much time at your garage. I bring it to you for some job or the other every now and then. I don't even take my scooter to the garage so often." I said as I raised my head off the pillow and looked at him.

"Aditi Madam... your car is old. The parts are giving up often. The technology of the car is obsolete. You have no idea how much trouble I have to go through to find spare parts for that car." Gurnam said as he sat up on his knees.

"I understand it is an old car but why can't you just repair that car in one go." I said as I instinctively spread my legs to accommodate his hips as Gurnam moved over me.

"If you are not happy with my work then you are free to take your car somewhere else. I am sure that you will see the difference soon enough." Gurnam said as he placed his hands on either side of my breasts and placed his cock at my pussy.

"Anyways I don't charge you for the extra service that I provide." Gurnam said and winked.

"Oh ho ho ho... as if you are doing me a favor aren't you?" I said as my hands roamed on his muscular shoulders and his hairy chest. I pulled him down to my breasts and Gurnam sucked on my nipple.

After a short suck, Gurnam raised his head and looked me in the eyes; he dragged his cock head against my pussy and clit a few times and inserted the tip in my pussy and said, "Madam... do you want me to continue or should I leave?"

"Aaaahh... continue... " I whispered in pleasure.

"Excellent... " Gurnam said with a devilish smile on his face and slowly inserted his entire cock in my pussy.

"Ohhhh... Gurnammmm!! You are the best!!... Aaaahhh." I screamed a minute later as Gurnam drove me to a massive orgasm.

The entire conversation was futile. Even if Gurnam deliberately kept something or the other wrong with my car to compel me to come to him; I actually didn't require any compelling. I had been driving to his garage very enthusiastically, so, even if the car had been absolutely problem free, I would have still found a reason to go to him.

A few times, the car wasn't reason enough for us to meet. When I craved his cock, I would simply call him and he would either come over to my place or I would go to his garage and we would spend hours having sex.

I too had kept myself informed of Gurnam Da Garage's work timings. I, on one occasion, before I was fucked in front of his mechanics went over to his place to surprise Gurnam. It was a cold winter afternoon. I had worn a pink tank top and a denim skirt.

The skirt was so short that, till date, I had used it only for my bedroom activities with my husband. I hadn't dared to wear it in public even though I had thought how it would be to do so; my outdoor nude carnal adventures with Gurnam had made me bold enough to actually try it.

The tank top was tight enough to accentuate my boobs to enticing proportions and the short denim skirt not just exposed my fair thighs but left very little to imagination. The cold breeze would brush against my legs, making me shiver resulting in not just goose bumps on my hairless, slender arms but also leaving me with rock hard nipples that even a blind man could make out of my tight top.

I walked into the garage, knowing fully that no one would be disturbing me and my lover for the afternoon and that we could fuck our brains out with leisure. I tip toed to the office, trying not to make a lot of noise because the sound resonated in the empty garage.

As I neared the office cabin, I started walking faster as my sexual urges started pouring out. I swiftly opened the cabin door and stepped in. I thought I would surprise Gurnam but he ended surprising me! What I saw was completely unexpected!

Gurnam was with another woman. The moment I opened the door and stepped in, they both stopped and looked at me. Both were taken aback at this sudden disturbance but Gurnam relaxed a little when he saw me. The woman on the other hand continued staring at me in absolute shock.

I had seen that woman before. She was the woman who I saw Gurnam have sex a few days before he fucked me. What was her name? Uhh... yeah Shanti! Both of them were naked and Shanti was lying on her back on the couch. Gurnam was on top of her with her legs on his shoulders. His cock was inside her pussy and her boobs were in his hands.

"Ohhh... fuck... sorry... sorry... " I yelped as I closed my eyes and turned around.

I too was shocked at what I saw and immediately turned back. I walked a couple of steps towards the cabin door intending to step out and walk away but I don't know what made me stop. I slowly turned around and just stood there like a statue facing Gurnam and Shanti.
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I had never seen anyone having sex. I had rarely seen a porno in my life and seeing live action was something I ever thought I would or even consider it. It was perhaps this perverse curiosity that made me stop in my tracks and turn around.

Gurnam flashed a wicked smile but Shanti looked confused. She had no clue who I was, what I was doing there and why did I turn back to watch them. Gurnam winked at me but I chose not to respond. His grip on her boobs tightened as his cock slowly made its way back into her pussy.

Shanti winced as Gurnam's cock stuffed her pussy but continued staring at me. Gurnam slowly started fucking her, gaining speed with each stroke. Shanti gasped and winced in pleasure as she lay under him. I was sure that if given a chance she would have jumped up and ran but Gurnam's vice like grip had kept her in her place and she could do nothing more than what she was doing at the moment.

Gurnam too started staring at me as he continued fucking Shanti. As opposed to Shanti, his expression was that of total wickedness. He seemed to be pleasantly surprised of my presence and carried on fucking Shanti in short rapid strokes.

Gurnam raised his hands and signaled me to come

to him with his index finger. I nodded in negative and stood right where I was. Even though the scene was absolutely arousing, I just couldn't bring myself to join them, even though the temptation was fast taking over.

Gurnam stopped fucking Shanti momentarily and withdrew from her pussy. He simply patted her butt and she silently turned around to get on her fours. As soon as she positioned herself, Gurnam grabbed her ass and shoved his cock into her pussy.

"Aaarrgghh... " Shanti cried in pain. No wonder it was painful to her. She was a petit little woman.

Dark in complexion with sharp features, she had a very village beauty look. Her small tits and a cute little butt complemented her petit frame. She was wearing green bangles on her wrists which clinkered with each of Gurnam's forceful strokes and she had a black thread which hugged her slim waist.

Gurnam and I continued staring at each other and the scene unfolding in front of me was very arousing. I just wanted to dig my fingers into my panties and play with my pussy, watching them fuck. But I just couldn't muster the strength to do so.

"Uhhh... Uhhh... Uhhh... " Shanti's moans turned into screams as Gurnam fucked her to an orgasm.

"Aarrgghg... aaaaiiiii... " Shanti screamed as she came but Gurnam continued fucking her, making her writhe and scream even more.

Soon Shanti was spent and lay there like a dead fish. Gurnam slowed down his stroking and looked at me.

"Come here... " he beckoned me to which I again nodded 'no' lightly and shyly.

Gurnam stopped and withdrew from her pussy. He pushed her and she fell on the couch. Gurnam slowly walked towards me naked, his cock erect and shiny from their copulation juices. I was alarmed at what was happening, fully aware of what was about to happen. I wanted to run away, to save myself from an embarrassment of being fucked in presence of someone else but I just couldn't or just didn't want to run away.

Gurnam came near me and grabbed my hand and took me to the table. He pushed me down on one of the chairs. Gurnam stood in front of me, his cock just a couple of inches from my face. He placed his right foot on the arm rest of the chair and shoved his cock at my mouth. I looked up at him, intimidated by his sudden assault and awkward of the fact that there was another woman around us.

"C'mon... suck my cock." Gurnam ordered. I nodded my head in no. Gurnam grabbed the back my head with his right hand and pushed it towards his cock. He shook his cock in my face with his left hand, brushing it against my lips and nose. As it touched my lips, I looked up at Gurnam, pleading with my eyes to stop this. The stern look in his eyes and the firmness of his hands conveyed to me that he wasn't going to stop.

With no choice but to obey, I opened my mouth a little and gave his cock head a slow, short suck. I looked up Gurnam to see him smile but his firm grip on my head still hadn't loosened. I opened my mouth a little wider to let him slide in.

Their pungent smell and the bitter taste of their juices were evident the moment his cock touched my tongue. How perverse could I get? I was sucking on a cock which had been inside another pussy just a minute ago.

But all that sense of shame and perverseness was lost a couple of minutes later when I enthusiastically bobbed my head to and fro against his cock. As I sucked on his cock, I looked to my right and saw Shanti, lying in a fetal position on the couch, watching us with heavy, tired eyes.

I just kept staring at her; I was sure that she hadn't herself experienced something like this ever in her life. Her disbelief and arousal was evident even from those tired eyes. I kept looking at her, not noticing that I had stopped moving and Gurnam was fucking my mouth.

A hard squeeze of my boobs caught my attention. Gurnam's left hand was now alternating between my tits, squeezing them one after another. I looked up at Gurnam and immediately stopped sucking him. I pulled off my tank top and snapped open my bra and threw them on the floor.

Gurnam pulled me up on my feet and immediately cupped my boobs. He lowered his head on my puffed up left nipple and started sucking it. As he sucked on my boobs, Gurnam tried to yank my tight skirt down my legs but failed with each attempt.

Those forceful yanks displayed his desperation to see my pussy. I quietly unbuttoned the skirt and let him do the rest. In a second the skirt was pulled down and my cute little white panties were in full view.

"Hmmmm... " I moaned when Gurnam slid his palm inside my panties and cupped my pussy. The panties were an obstacle between Gurnam and my pussy and were immediately removed. As stepped out of them, Gurnam picked me up and placed me on the glass table. I shivered as the cold glass touched my naked bottom.

He stepped forward as I spread my legs and was about to enter when he stopped. He looked to his left at Shanti who was now sitting upright on the couch watching us. Gurnam looked back at me and smiled. I knew that smile, it was a sign that his devilishly kinky mind was up to something.

He pulled me off the table and brought me near the couch. He pulled me in front of him so that the couch was right behind me. With one strong shove, Gurnam pushed me on the couch. I fell on the couch with a loud thud which shocked Shanti so much that she yelped.

"Aaah... " I cried from the pain of the fall.

"Hahahaha... " Gurnam laughed looking at our reactions.

Gurnam again stepped forward as I spread my legs wide. He lowered himself to place his cock at my pussy. I licked my right palm and grabbed his cock with it and gave it a few jerks. I jacked his cock for a few more times, moving the foreskin back and forth, forcing more pre-cum to ooze out and lubricate his organ.

I placed the tip of his cock at my pussy and Gurnam did the rest by shoving it inside my pussy in one strong jerk.

"Aaahhh... " I cried in pain and pleasure as Gurnam immediately started fucking me in full speed. My body jerked violently from Gurnam's thrusting and within seconds got a massive orgasm.

"Ohhh... Aaaah... fuck... yeaaahhh." I screamed as my long awaited orgasm swept over me. Gurnam didn't slow down for my orgasm and I had been with him enough times to recover and recharge from my orgasm with him still fucking me.

Gurnam continued banging me hard, not stopping or even varying the pace of his strokes. I didn't get enough time recover from my first orgasm when I sensed another one coming in fast.

"Aaahhh... yeahh... fuck fuck... shitttt... " I hollered loud enough for anyone near by to hear me clearly. The orgasm was big and the couch was shaking from

Gurnam's violent thrusting, its steel legs making a loud creeky noise which added to my screaming.

The passion reached its height as my orgasm approached and in the melee, I grabbed Shanti's hand. Shanti was now watching us with wide eyes and I was sure she was very aroused.

I looked over at Shanti and our eyes locked. The woman I had just seen twice before and I had not even talked to was sitting next to me naked, seeing me and our lover fucking me like a mad bull.

"Aaaahh... Naaaaaa... Aaaaahh... " I screamed as the orgasm hit me. I shivered madly as I was completely engulfed by the power of my orgasm. I had sensed Gurnam too was on the edge when my orgasm approached but he had somehow managed to hold himself as I came.

As my orgasm eased a little, Gurnam again started fucking me but didn't last long. Just a few strokes later, he pulled his cock out of my pussy and started jerking it. He grabbed Shanti's hair and pulled her over my stomach and shoved his cock into her mouth.

"Aaaaaahhhh... " he moaned as he came. Shanti's mouth was flooded with his cum so much so that some of it dripped out of her mouth and fell on my stomach. He pulled out of her mouth and Shanti straightened up. I kept looking at her amusingly wondering whether she would spit or swallow. And she swallowed! The demure village damsel was a pro!

"Clean it up." Gurnam ordered and she immediately got busy sucking his cock. She sucked off all the cum on his cock and even the few drops that oozed out of his cock.

"Hey... clean her up as well." Gurnam ordered.

Shanti was a pro indeed but was completely in Gurnam's control. Shanti immediately lowered her head on my stomach and started licking off the drops of the cum that had fallen off her mouth.

I gasped as she gingerly lapped up the cum drops off my stomach. I had never been touched sexually by a woman and in a matter of minutes I had seen a woman have sex, have sex myself in front of her and was now her tongue was licking my stomach.

"Don't worry Aditi Madam, there is plenty more from where it came. Your turn will come soon." Gurnam said referring to the magnificent cum shot Shanti had received.

Shanti sat up after being done licking the cum off my stomach and Gurnam sat between us. We three just sat there quietly trying to catch our breaths after such a vigorous bout of sex. As we all came down from our orgasmic highs, Gurnam caught staring me at his cock. It was still intimidating and large for a flaccid cock. Even though I had seen it so many times, it still amazed me.

"You can go now Shanti, Madam and I need some time alone." Gurnam said. Shanti immediately got up and walked out of the cabin naked. She went over to the bathroom outside for a post sex shower.

As soon as Shanti left the room, Gurnam looked at me and said, "Aditi madam lets work on quenching your thirst now." He pulled me down to his cock and I lay down on my side, gobbling up Gurnam's cock as willingly as I always did.

After a few minutes, Shanti walked back into the cabin. By now, Gurnam and I had moved on and now I was on my fours on the couch as Gurnam held on to my fleshy butt and fucked me. Shanti just quietly walked, glancing at us just once.

The shocked, scandalized look on her face was gone and it was replaced by calm, don't care expression. She went to one corner of the room and started dressing up.

I watched her as she quietly wore her petticoat, her blouse and calmly draped the saree around her body. She barely looked at us, apart from the time when I gasped or yelped as Gurnam's stroking got intense.

"The money is in the drawer. Take it and go!" Gurnam told her even as he continued fucking me.

Shanti quietly walked over to the table, opened the drawer and picked out a couple of five hundred rupee notes. Gurnam slowed down his tempo as he watched Shanti take the money and walk her way out of the cabin. Shanti slowly walked towards the cabin door, keeping her head down the whole time. As she was about to pass in front us, she stopped, glanced at me.

I was watching her the whole time and as soon as she looked at me, our eyes met. She gave me a light smile. I too reciprocated with an awkward smile to which Shanti giggled lightly and started walking.

As Shanti stepped out of the cabin, Gurnam grabbed my ass tight and started fucking me hard. I was sure that Shanti could here my screams of pleasure as she walked away from the cabin and would hear them till she left the garage compound.

All this had happened in a matter of a few months. I, from being a loyal, loving wife had turned into a cum hungry slut of a mechanic. The thoughts of regret did bounce of mind a few times but the sex was too strong a force to keep them at bay.

Just when I had thought that I had seen it all, experienced it all; the frenzy, the chaos, the pleasure and the perverseness; just when I thought I couldn't go any lower, an incident occurred...
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Shit, I am late... " I said to myself as I drove down the highway.

I had gone to one of my work sites and after working all day, supervising the construction, I was making my way back to my home. The work site was in a township that was around 30 kilometers from my house.

It was a big ticket contract and one of the first big ticket projects I received after starting my practice. I had worked hard in these years to earn a large number of small clients and the hard work had paid when I received this contract.

I had to make this perfect because I knew this was my chance to push myself into the market in big way. I knew this contract would get me many such contracts. The work had almost finished and I was waiting for the clients to visit the site and review the work.

So with that zeal, I left early in the morning, drove all the way to the site and checked on every tiny detail of the project. I was pretty much done inspecting and checking all the work, nervously waiting for my clients to arrive. I waited and waited and finally they showed up at 3pm!

The waiting paid off when the clients said they were very impressed and extremely pleased with my work. They also promised me that they would give me another project of theirs in a few months. They asked me for my views on their new projects and the discussion took a couple of more hours and finally when I left for the day, the sun was setting. It was the middle of the winter and the day ended faster.

I wanted to get off this highway quick because I had read in the newspaper of some robberies, muggings and even a few murders on this particular stretch of the road. Even though I had been driving for more than a year now, I was still not a good driver. I had my amateur moments and they came pretty often.

My mind was completely occupied from the satisfaction of successfully completing the huge project and at the same time worried about driving down a supposedly dangerous road. With all these thoughts jumbling in my brain, I drove faster and faster. My thoughts were broken when my cell phone started ringing.

'Damn it' I thought when I realized that my cell phone was in the handbag and the handbag was zipped closed. I didn't want to stop or slow down, so with my left hand, I tried unzipping the bag. Every few second I would look at the bag, desperately trying to open it, even so hurriedly to answer the call. I tried to juggle the driving and the endeavor to open my bag at the earliest.

It is said that women are good at multi-tasking. I am not one of those women. I was so pre-occupied in opening the bag that I completely stopped looking at the road. When I finally got the cell phone out of the bag, I looked down the road. The moment I looked down the road, I saw a huge speed bump, appearing out of nowhere. My immediate reaction, scream!

"Aaaiiii... Ohhhh... Shittttt... " I screamed as I saw the bump coming closer and closer.

Within a second I heard a loud bang and a screech. The car first hit the bump which caused the bang and then the bottom of my car scrapped against the top of the bump causing the deafening screech.

The car was in the air the next second and a second later hit the ground with a huge thud. My hands were glued to the steering the whole time and steering turned to the left, the moment the car landed on the ground. The next thing I know, the car was heading towards a huge banyan tree on the side of the road.

Finally my grey cells worked and I turned the steering to the right and pressed the brake to the hilt. I heard the loud rustling of the wheels on the dirt as they grinded to a halt but the sheer momentum of the car kept propelling it forward.

"No... No... Nooooo... " I screamed and closed my eyes as my car was about to hit the banyan tree. But the timely turn of the steering wheel prevented the head on collision and the left part of my car hit the tree.

I was wise enough to wear the seat belt because that collision would have definitely hurled me out of the car and into the tree. The car had stopped but the shock had prevented me from realizing it. It must have been a good minute before I finally opened my eyes and looked around. I realized that I was still alive but I was too shocked to even cry.

My body shivered violently as I tried opening the door. After a few attempts I managed to grab the handle and open it. I stepped out the car, still shivering like a Chihuahua and walked over to the front.

Fuck! This was bad! The left head light was completely destroyed along with the bumper. The left side of the windscreen was cracked and the bonnet was severely damaged. Thank God that I had the smarts of steering the car away or I would definitely be going towards the light. The car didn't have an airbag, in fact, for Indian cars of its time; airbags were a concept of a distant future.

I quickly touched my crotch and then my ass fearing the worst. Had I shit myself? I was relieved when I realized I hadn't.

'This is bad... this is really bad.' I thought as I rested on the bumper. Tears welled up in my eyes as I cried out of fear of being stuck here and the relief that I was alive.

'Arjun is going to kill me.' I thought. Fuck! He is going to be so mad. He had just talked to me about buying me a new car a few days ago and after this, let alone buying a car, he would never even let me sit in a car.

I knew how he would react. First he would worry and fuss, then be relieved that I was okay and when he was finally done with me, he would worry about the car. And this story would end up as 'I Told You So!' story for the rest of my life.

I kept thinking of all the possible future scenarios for a few seconds when my grey cells acted up and I realized that all that would happen when I get me and my car back home. I immediately took out my cell phone from my car and decided to make a call.

But who do I call? Arjun was out of town on a 4 day conference. I thought about calling my best friend Rhea but quickly changed the decision realizing she would be of no help. I didn't want us to be stuck here.

"Who should I call...? Who should I call?" I kept asking myself.

"Gurnam... yess... I can call him. He will definitely be a lot of help." I thought as the eureka moment hit me.

I quickly dialed his number from the cell phone address book. Gurnam answered immediately and I pleaded him to help me. I managed to tell him my whereabouts and Gurnam said he would be there as quickly as he could.

Relieved a little at the fact that help was on the way, I sat in the car waiting for its arrival. As I was sitting quietly, watching cars pass by, I realized one thing. Not even one person stopped to help me after the accident. Not one passing by car, bike, cycle, pedestrian offered help.

A few slowed down to watch the wreck but drove away after watching the show. The world is full of bastards. Is decency and chivalry dead?

I sat in the car and waited for Gurnam. The sun was setting fast, leaving the night to envelope the sky. It was a good hour before I saw a car stop near me. I gave a huge sigh of relief as I saw Gurnam step out of it.

"Are you alright madam? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Gurnam threw a volley of questions as he quickly walked over to me.

"Yeah... I am fine." I replied.

"Thank God." Gurnam said as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Let's take a look at the carrr... ohhh shit!" Gurnam yelled as he saw how I had almost totaled the car.

"It used to be a car... it's not anymore! How the fuck did this happen?" Gurnam said as he looked at me in horror.

'Are all men like this? The car is wrecked, that's a big deal but I could have died, that is not a big deal?' I thought as I looked at Gurnam angrily. I told him the entire story and relived the horror. Gurnam walked around the car a few times to inspect it.

"You said you went over that speed bump?" Gurnam asked.

"Yeah... " I replied.

"Hmmmm... " Gurnam said as he got down on his knees to check the bottom of the car. He looked around for a few minutes before getting up and started shaking his head.

"The damage is pretty bad. The axle is damaged and I think the wheel is too. Along with that, the bottom floor is damaged from the crash. Not to mention the broken headlamp and the fender and bonnet." Gurnam spelled out a laundry list of damages.

"What are we going to do?" I asked as I started sobbing again.

"Let me think." Gurnam replied.

"Can we drive it back?" I asked him.

"In this condition, let's not take that chance." Gurnam replied as he walked over to the driver's seat. He sat inside the car and tried to start it. The car started in the first try and I was a little relieved.

"At least it runs... " Gurnam said to himself.

"Madam... we can't drive this car. We will have to tow it." Gurnam said as he turned to me.

"How are we supposed to do that?" I asked.

"At this time of the day, we can't even tow it all the way back to my garage. I have a friend near by who owns a towing truck and also has a garage. Let me call him and see if he can help us." Gurnam said and took out his cell phone. Gurnam dialed a number and waited for a few seconds.

"Oye Pappu... How are you? Gurnam here... " Gurnam said as walked away little to talk. He talked for over a minute and came back when he was done with the call.

"Madam... help is on the way. My friend Pappu is coming here with his tow truck. He will tow your car back to his garage and we will follow him in my car. We will try and fix your car there so much so that we can drive back. I will work on the car once we get back home."

That sounded like the best option available at the moment and I instantly agreed. We sat in the car waiting for Gurnam's friend, occasionally making small talk. In a while my heightened emotions were in control. The fear and worry was somewhat gone knowing that there was a way out of this.

'Arjun!!... Shit' I yelped as I remembered my husband.

In all this chaos, I had forgotten to inform my husband. I was stuck on the highway, with a totaled car and I hadn't yet told my husband. I knew that Arjun would be mad and it was inevitable. I had to tell him anyway.

I got out of the car and walked a few yards away. I dialed Arjun's number and nervously waited him to respond. His cell phone kept ringing but he did not answer. I tried to call him again but to no avail. Perhaps Arjun was still busy in the meetings.

Right now I had nowhere to go but where Gurnam had suggested us to go. I went back to the car. Gurnam and I talked for a while before he got out and lit a cigarette. It was now completely dark and I was getting a little impatient waiting for this Pappu.

'What kind of a name is Pappu? Sounds to me like a kid's name.' I thought. I smiled at myself when I thought that we were going to be rescued by a kid.

As I was busy visualizing a scrawny kid, Gurnam called to me, "He is here... "

I saw a truck pulling over to the side of the road and then slowly towards us. As it got closer, the big, bright lights of the truck almost blinded me. I covered my eyes with my arm trying to block out light. The truck stopped but the lights were still on. I saw a man get down from the truck and walk towards us.

"Hey man." Gurnam said as he took a few steps towards the man.

"Hi man... long time huh... " The man said and embraced Gurnam in a very manly hug. After they were done with their bear hug, Gurnam and the man walked towards me.

"Aditi Madam... this is Pappu." Gurnam introduced us to each other. The man smiled and nodded. I too smiled and nodded.

Pappu was nothing like I had imagined. He was a full grown man. He was just a couple of inches taller than me, in fact Gurnam towered in height compared to both of us. He was definitely older than both of us, perhaps in his mid thirties. He had a rather large belly but I wouldn't call him fat. I would say he had a desi wrestler body, fat but with muscles around. I could only make out that much of him against the bright lights of the truck.

"Is that the car?" Pappu asked Gurnam.

"Yes." Gurnam replied.

Pappu got back to his truck and turned it around and reversed it near to bring it near my car. Gurnam immediately pulled out the towing cable and connected it to my car. He whistled to Pappu and Pappu towed the car back onto the road.

"Madam... let's get into my car. I will follow him to his garage." Gurnam told me. We walked over to his car and soon we hit the road, following my towed up car.

"How far is his garage?" I asked Gurnam.

"About 5 kilometers from here. We will get there soon." Gurnam replied with his eyes watching the road.

Soon we got off the highway and started driving on a bumpy village road. The winter cold had started setting in so I just rolled up the tinted windows. We passed a few houses along the way, perhaps one of those tiny hamlets on the road.

After a good twenty minutes, Gurnam slowed down the car and took a right turn onto a smaller road. A few meters down the road, we turned again into a driveway.

Our car stopped behind Pappu's truck. We got down from our respective vehicles and Pappu switched on the lights. The place was a garage, very similar to Gurnam's but was much smaller. The garage roof was slanting, like it is in villages and there were just a couple of cars in the garage.

Pappu went inside a shack and brought us chairs. I sat on one of them but Gurnam and Pappu preferred to stand. They both released the car from the tow cable and brought it down.

"Sorry Madam... I cannot offer you any refreshments right now. All the shops are closed for the day." Pappu said as he sat on the chair opposite mine. Gurnam too sat on the chair next to me.

Gurnam told Pappu about all the damages the car had suffered. They talked about how to go around fixing it, most of which zoomed above head.

"Does it start?" Pappu asked as he walked to my car.

"Yes it does." Gurnam answered as he followed Pappu.

"Okay. Let's take it to the platform then." Pappu said as he sat inside the car and started it.

Pappu drove the car over to the platform and Gurnam directed it precisely over the platform.

Pappu immediately out of the car and got under the platform to check the car. Gurnam too peeked under the car and the men then spent of few minutes there. I was too tired to get up and walk over and quietly watched them. Pappu got out from underneath the car and they both walked over to me.

"The car is pretty badly damaged; needs a lot of work." Pappu said as he stood a few feet away from me.

"How long will it take?" I asked, worried about being in a strange place with two men.

"The axle shaft is cracked and so is the floor. I think even the wheel is damaged. The wheel will hold on if the axle shaft does so we must first work on welding it." Pappu said.

"Do you have welding equipment here?" Gurnam asked Pappu.

"No... but there is a fabrication shop near by and they have one. But they must be closed now and they live far from here so we can't get their help." Pappu said.

"Gurnam... lets keep the car here and take your car. We will come here tomorrow." I said to Gurnam to which he nodded.

"I don't think it is a good idea madam. The roads here are bandit infested and incidences of mugging, looting and even murder happen often. In fact, just 2 days ago, two men were looted and beaten up so bad that one of them died on the spot and the other is battling for his life in the hospital. " Pappu said.

"So you mean I have to spend the night here. What rubbish." I said dismissing Pappu.

"Madam, how many cars did you see on the road while driving here? A very few isn't it? That is because of the bandit problem. I don't think it is worth taking risk here Gurnam especially in the company of a woman." Pappu said with concern.

"You are right. I have read and heard about these incidences." Gurnam said as he sat on the chair and lit a cigarette.

"Is there any hotel or lodge nearby where I can spend the night?" I asked Pappu.

"Haha... Madam... look around you, there are hardly a few houses here and the nearest hotel is in the city where you come from." Pappu replied.

"Then what am I supposed to do?" I yelled at Pappu.

"Madam, please don't worry. My room is just behind the garage where you can sleep. I and Gurnam will work on the car and then sleep in the tool shed over there."Pappu said as he provided me an option.

I thought over it for a few minutes. 'What choice do I have but to listen to him? At least Gurnam is there so I don't have to worry about being with a total stranger. I will wake up early in the morning and take Gurnam's car and head home even if he doesn't come with me.'

"Well Okay. Show me your room." I said as I stood up. Pappu and Gurnam stood up as well and we started walking. In a minute we were at his room.

Pappu first walked in and switched on the lights after which I and Gurnam walked in to the room.

The room was small but tidy. It had white, distempered walls, with a few posters of cars on one wall and a few posters of actresses on the other wall. There was a desk and a chair next to which there was a single bed. I kept my hand bag on the desk and pulled the chair to sit on it.

"Please make yourself comfortable madam." Pappu said.

"You stay here madam and take rest. We will go and work on your car." Gurnam said and they both walked out of the room.

I sat on the chair wondering what to do when I realized that Arjun still hadn't called back. I quickly took out the cell phone from the bag and called him.

"Damn it Arjun, pick up the phone." I almost yelled as I waited for him to answer the call.

I tried a couple of times more but he did not answer. I looked at my watch, it was quarter passed nine. The meetings must have been over by now then why hasn't he called back? I knew that such conferences were followed by parties at night and Arjun was a party boy. He must be busy hogging on the booze and the food.

I kept the cell phone on the desk and stood up. I walked around the room to check it out. There was a steel cupboard in front of the bed. The cupboard had a large mirror on it in front of which I stood.

I saw myself in the mirror. My skin had tanned a bit from being at the construction site all day and then being at the side of the road all evening. My face looked pretty tired and remnants of sweat were clearly visible on my forehead.

I was wearing a white salwar kameez and a matching dupatta. I had a black bindi on my forehead and tiny diamond earrings on my cute little ears. Like any decent woman would, I was wearing a white bra under my kameez but a black panty under the salwaar.

It was now pretty cold and the clean air of the village and the large open fields in the surrounding made it even colder. I had not taken a sweater along with me in the morning because I never thought I would end up here at this point. I thought I would be home with a couple of my friends celebrating the success of the project.

I walked around the room and at times sat on the bed or the chair, restless and nervous about being in a stranger's house. It was almost 10pm when I decided to sleep. I had to get up early and leave. That's what I thought I would do.

It was extremely cold and a couple of thick blankets on the bed were my only refuge. I pulled it on me and tried to sleep. As soon as I closed my eyes, the whole evening flashed in front of me. I went through the whole accident all over again to the point that I was about to hit the tree.

I opened my eyes when I couldn't take it anymore. I continued staring at the ceiling. There was an old, dusty fan just above me. I could hear both men talking and working. There were occasional sounds of hammering.
Active member
Perhaps this didn't end as bad as it could. Perhaps I still would have been at the side of that road, with no help. Worse, the bandits caught me, now that was bad.

This was not the perfect situation but at least it was a consolation. I had two men, one who I knew and his friend repairing my car. I had a roof over my head, blanket over my body. I knew my car would be fixed up and I would be home in the morning. The whole day had been exhausting and in some time I drifted to sleep.

The howling dogs in the distance woke me up. The cold air, the swift wind and the howling dogs woke me up with a start. Another thing that woke me was hunger. I hadn't eaten anything since afternoon and I was now pretty hungry.

The worry, the nervousness had kept my mind off my hunger but now that things had settled down, it acted up again.

I looked at my watch my watch, it was 11.05 pm. I couldn't here all the hammering going on a while ago and the whole place was very quite. 'Where were they?' I thought as I got off the bed and slowly walked to the door of the room. I stepped out slowly and started walking to the garage.

I gripped my arms tightly and shivered as a blast of cold air hit me. Steam came out from my nose and mouth as I exhaled in the biting cold.

I walked to the garage and saw that both men weren't there. My car, Gurnam's car and Pappu's truck were still there but there was no sign of the men.

"Gurnam... Pappu... where are you?" I called out. I heard some noise coming from the tool shed and looked at it.

"We are here... in the tool shed." Gurnam called back. I walked over to the tool shed. The door was closed but not locked. I gently pushed the door and saw Gurnam and Pappu sitting on the floor.

They had laid out some newspapers and were sitting on their edges. In the middle of the sheets were two bottles of liquor and a bowl of snacks. Both men had cigarettes in their hands and they gently flicked the ash into the ash tray near them.

"Ohhh... sorry... uhhh... " I said as I tried to walk away from the room.

"Aditi Madam... what happened?" Gurnam asked me as he puffed in the cigarette.

"Uhh... nothing... I just wanted to see what you guys were doing so I came here." I replied, feeling absolutely awkward at that moment.

"We have done all that we could to fix your car. Now we have to wait for the fabricators to show up in the morning and get the welding done." Pappu spoke and sipped his drink.

"Uhh... okay... I will go back... uhh... " I said as I turned around to walk back to the room.

"Aditi Madam... relax... please have a seat. I insist." Gurnam said.

"No... it is alright. I will go back... you guys carry on." I replied trying get out of that awkward situation.

"Madam... Please don't hesitate. Just relax and sit with us. If you can't sleep then it's no point in staying in that room all alone. At least you have someone to talk to and pass time here." Pappu said.

Pappu was right. I would be bored to death in that room all alone and both these men had been complete gentlemen all this while. I knew Gurnam for quite sometime and his friend Pappu seemed like a nice guy.

Besides, if they wanted to do something, they could have done it long back, in fact they could do something to me even if I go back to the room. Thinking so, I stepped inside the room and walked over to them. I sat on the small 2 seat couch near Gurnam.

"You couldn't sleep?" Gurnam asked as he turned around to face me.

"No... I did go to sleep but I woke up because I was hungry." I replied.

"Ohhh... I completely forgot. Sorry madam, usually I cook a meal for myself but because I had to come to pick you guys and with all the work to be done, I just forgot to offer you some food." Pappu said.

"No problem... " I replied with faint smile.

"You can have these snacks, it will help a little." Gurnam said as he offered me a bowl of chips. I took the bowl and started eating the chips one by one.

I had left the shed door open and a cold gust of the winter wind flew inside. I shivered and winced as it hit me.

"Ohhh... one second madam, I will get a shawl or a blanket for cover." Pappu said as he got up and walked out of the room, closing the door.

"Aditi Madam... do you want to have a drink? It will help you stay warm?" Gurnam asked me.

"Noo... it is okay, Pappu is getting a blanket. I will be fine." I replied.

"Aditi Madam... you don't have to be so formal around me. I am your friend. So just relax." Gurnam said.

"Hmm... okay... what drink is it?" I asked.

"It is rum. Man's most loyal and faithful companion after a dog, Old Monk XXX rum." Gurnam said as he raised a half filled bottle of the rum and waived it in front of me.

"Hehee... what was that all about?" I asked Gurnam, amused at the phrase he used.

"Madam... The Old Monk is a fantastic thing. It is inexpensive, very effective and can take you places you can only imagine. In fact I feel that it is best thing that man has invented after language." Gurnam said with a big smile on his face.

"Ohh... very articulate and philosophical... hehehe... " I replied with a giggle after hearing Gurnam.

"See... it is the effect of Old Monk, the wise monk imparts his wisdom with each gulp." Gurnam said as he gulped down some rum from his glass.

"I have never had rum in my life." I said to Gurnam.

"You don't drink?" Gurnam asked me.

"I do... occasionally and I prefer my specific brands." I replied.

"Madam... look around. Do you think we are going to find your brands of booze around here?" Gurnam asked me mockingly.

"Should I pour you one?" Gurnam asked me holding the rum bottle in one hand and en empty glass in another.

"Ok... but make me a small one." I replied. Gurnam poured a small peg into the glass and then filled it with cold water. He offered me the drink and I took the glass from his hands.

"Here is a blanket for you madam." Pappu said just about entering the shed at the same time.

"Thank you Pappu." I said as I took the blanket from him and passed him the glass as I draped the blanket around my body.

"Ohh... so you joined the party as well? Welcome to the club." Pappu said as he gave me back the glass.

"Hehe... thank you." I said to Pappu. Pappu went and sat in his original place and started drinking.I raised the glass up to my lips and sipped on it.

"Yaaakkkk... It is strong... very strong... " I said as I tasted the rum. Both men laughed loudly watching my reaction.

"It is strong but don't worry, it will taste okay after a few more sips." Gurnam said.

The bitter taste of the rum was too bad enough but the after taste was worse. I munched on a couple of salted chips to neutralize that taste. Gurnam was right, the rum became bearable after a few sips and I was almost done with my peg in a few minutes.

"It has been such a long time since I and Pappu sat for a few round of drinks." Gurnam said as he lit a cigarette.

"Yeah... long time my friend." Pappu said as he took the cigarette from Gurnam and smoked it.

"You guys have known each other for a long time." I said as I finished my drink and held the cold, empty glass in my hand.

"Yeah... we are childhood friends. I am older to Gurnam but he is still my best buddy. In fact he got into this profession after he followed me into working in a garage." Pappu said as he gave back the cigarette to Gurnam.

"So you live here alone? No family?" I asked Pappu.

"My family lives in my native village. I visit them once a year. I have a couple boys working for me but they go home at day end." Pappu replied.

"Ohh look... your drink is finished. Want another?" Gurnam asked me.

"No... no... its fine. I have had enough." I replied. I didn't want to get drunk here and not right now.

"C'mon madam... I told you not to be so formal around us. We are friends." Gurnam said as he took the glass from my hand and started pouring another drink. This time it was larger than the previous one. He passed it to me and I just took it from him. It tasted good now and with the chips it tasted even better.

"Is your real name Pappu?" I asked Pappu. Gurnam erupted in laughter as he heard the question.

"What... did I say something wrong?" I asked Gurnam.

"No... No... his name is Joginder but we boys used to call him Pappu back in the day. He was older than most of us but was a geeky kid, kind of a village idiot when he was younger. So the name Pappu stuck, which also means a fool." Gurnam replied.

"Ohhh... sorry... I will call you Joginder now." I said to Pappu.

"Hehe... don't worry madam, you can call me Pappu. I am very used to it now. In fact I at times don't reply if someone calls me Joginder." Pappu said.

"Hahaha... okay Pappu." I replied.

I spent time listening to Gurnam and Pappu recount their stories and adventure from their das in the village. I was enjoying myself in a company of men who had a great sense of humor. Their childish antics were very amusing.

In a matter of minutes I finished my second and then the third drink. I now started feeling the buzz. But I wanted to continue listening to these guys. They were great conversationalist and I just got hooked on to their talks.

"Aah... the floor hurts my butt. I need to get off it right now." Gurnam said as he stood up and sat on the couch next to me.

"You know madam; Gurnam was a very naughty boy back in the day. He used to sneak up to the river and hide behind a rock or a bush and watch the village girls bathe." Pappu said.

"Hahahaha... I laughed at Gurnam listening to this.

"Yeah... and when you tried that; the girls caught you and beat you black and blue." Gurnam replied trying to give it back to Pappu. I laughed out louder as I heard that story.

I was finished with my fourth drink and Gurnam immediately filled me another. I just didn't care and started drinking it. I was now clearly high from the liquor. The alcohol and their smooth talk and lowered my guard. My inhibitions had lowered and that's when Gurnam made a move.

I was so engrossed in the talking and the drinking that I just didn't realize when Gurnam brought his hand over to my shoulder and started slowly rubbing it. I had taken off my blanket since I wasn't feeling the cold after so many drinks. I noticed his gentle caresses and looked at him and then at Pappu. Pappu faintly smiled at me.

"How long have you've known Gurnam?" Pappu asked me.

"For a year now, he services my car." I replied.

"Aditi is my best client. I look after all her needs... I mean her car's needs." Gurnam said as he continued caressing my shoulder and neck. Gurnam had never directly addressed me with my name.

He always added 'madam' to my name, even when we slept together before. I was surprised and looked at Gurnam to which he smiled back at me. I looked at Pappu who flashed a naughty smile and I smiled back meekly.

"Is she one of your specials clients Gurnam?" Pappu asked.

"Ohh yess... in fact she is the most special client." Gurnam replied.

"One of your specials clients? Are there more?" I mockingly asked Gurnam. What the fuck was I doing? I was drunk, being caressed in front of a stranger in a completely strange place and that statement didn't help.

"Nooo... Aditi... You are the only one, the most special." Gurnam replied with a smile.

"I have seen some of his special clients before Aditi Madam and you are the most beautiful of them all. No wonder you are his most special client." Pappu said.

I felt Gurnam's hand on my left breast. He had stealthily moved his hand from my shoulder, sneaked it under my left arm and cupped my breast. I gasped as Gurnam gave it a gentle squeeze.

I instantly looked at Pappu who flashed me a wicked smile. He gulped down the entire drink in one shot and got up. I watched him as he walked past us and out of the shed. As soon as he did, Gurnam turned my face towards him and kissed me.

"Hmmm... Gurnam... not here... not now!" I said as I broke the kiss and pushed Gurnam back.

"Why not Aditi?" Gurnam asked me as he yanked the dupatta off my body and threw it on the floor. He slid his hand down my chest into my kameez and squeezed my bra encased boobs. I moaned and closed my eyes as I felt Gurnam's cold hand play with my breasts.

"But Pappu... " I moaned trying to stop Gurnam.

"You don't worry about him Aditi. Just enjoy the moment... " Gurnam whispered in my ear before sucking my ear. He slowly kissed his way to my neck and gave it a gentle lick.

I moaned as I kept falling for his moves. I was completely lost in the erotic black hole and the way things were moving I didn't see a chance of getting out of it. Gurnam's gentle and sensual kisses broke down any resistance which was left behind after the rum guzzling.

"Aaaahhhh... " I moaned as Gurnam's hand slid inside my bra and flicked my nipple. The cold air had made them hard but the arousal made them rock hard.

Gurnam and I were busy kissing each other when I heard the shed door open. I opened my eyes and saw Pappu standing at the door. He smiled at me but I chose not to respond and closed my eyes and kissed Gurnam back.

A few moments later, Gurnam started kissing his way down my neck and settled on my cleavage. As Gurnam got busy licking and nuzzling my cleavage I opened my eyes again and this time I saw Pappu sitting close to us on the floor.

I could see the lust in his eyes; the blood shot eyes whose piercing gaze sent shivers down my spine.

Gurnam pushed me against the back rest of the couch and continued licking my cleavage. I saw Pappu slowly crawl towards me. He was slow and careful expecting me to kick him away but I didn't. My legs stayed in their place as Pappu finally reached me and placed his hands on my thighs.

I did not resist him. I don't know why but I simply did not resist him. Perhaps it was the cold, the alcohol and the erotically charged atmosphere that compelled me not to resist.

Perhaps it was the fear that if I resisted, the men would mercilessly rape me which I knew Gurnam was capable of if he wanted to. Or perhaps it was simply the deep underlying desire not to resist; letting things take their course.

Pappu caressed my thighs a few times and slowly slid his hands up to my pussy. He first cupped my pussy with his right palm before dragging his thumb along the length of my pussy. He did it again, this time applying more pressure and dragging his thumb over my pussy. I moaned as he did that.

"Gurnam... she is ready." Pappu said and as soon as he said, Gurnam stood up.

"Madam... this room is too small for us, let us go somewhere we have more space." Gurnam said as he held my hand and raised me from the couch. I quietly followed Gurnam as he held my hand and walked. Pappu was right behind me, carrying rum bottles and ogling my ass. We stepped out of the shed and started walking towards Pappu's room.

At that moment I felt like I was a death row convict being taken away for his executions. The emotions were mixed; fear, arousal, anxiety played havoc inside my inebriated mind. I was walking with two men to a room where I knew they would ravage me to their hearts content.

How did I get here? How did I let Gurnam manipulate me again? How could I fall for Gurnam's manipulation every time whether it was having sex in front of his employees or in the presence of his whore.

As these thoughts bounced around in my mind, we entered Pappu's room. We walked up to the bed and stopped right next to it. Gurnam grabbed me and started kissing me and Pappu got busy caressing my body over my clothes. He ran his hands down my waist and grabbed my ass before slapping it.

Pappu kneeled down as I and Gurnam continued kissing above. Pappu caressed my thighs before cupping my pussy with his palm. Gurnam moved his hands down to my breasts and started playing with them.

As I was busy kissing Gurnam and getting my boobs squeezed, I felt a tug at my waist. Pappu was busy untying my salwaar and was successful. He untied it and it slipped down in a jiffy. Gurnam wasn't left behind as lifted my kameez up over my raised arms and took them off.

My white bra came off with a click as Gurnam unhooked it with a flick of his right hand. Pappu was a little patient as he went around kissing and licking my thighs but soon enough got his hands inside my panties. In one swift downward pull, Pappu got them down to my feet. I gingerly stepped out of them and stood still.

Pappu took a step back as he admired my naked body whereas Gurnam stood right where he was. Gurnam wasn't a stranger to my naked glory having tasted it many times before. But Pappu's eyes appeared to be popping out of their sockets. Just the look confirmed that he hadn't seen a woman as beautiful and sexy as me.

The dirty look in his eyes made me awkward and I covered my breasts with my right arm and covered my pussy with my left palm. Gurnam swiftly pulled my hands away and let his friend enjoy the sight.

Once done with the sight seeing, Pappu stepped forward and grabbed my right breast. Gurnam followed suit and grabbed my left breast and both of them settled with one breast each. Both men simultaneously lowered their heads onto my breasts.

"Aaaahhh... haaaa... " I sighed as I felt my nipples being sucked. My boobs were my best asset and I was no stranger to them being sucked whether by Arjun or later by Gurnam. But this was the firs time; the very first time that both my boobs were being sucked on at the same time by two men one of whom I had never met before.

Even though both men were doing the same thing, their way of doing things were completely at odds. Pappu, the desperate guy was hungrily biting and sucking on my right tit, even making a futile attempt to take my entire tit into his mouth. He slobbered, licked and bit, leaving behind a wet boob with teeth marks over it.

Gurnam on the other hand knew exactly what he was doing, sucking my breast the way it should have been. He went about calmly licking my areola, gently squeezing my tit before sucking on my puffed up nipple. He knew his way around my body and knew how each caress, each kiss, each lick and each suck would evoke a different reaction from me. He knew every curve and contour of my body, having seen, touched and tasted it so many times before.

I gently placed my hand behind Gurnam's head, silently encouraging him. Pappu raised my right arm and moved his mouth to my underarm. I heard him take a deep breath, inhaling my scent and exhaling loudly in satisfaction. He dragged his tongue up along the length of my underarm and then all the way down.

I shivered and giggled a little at being tickled. Pappu again settled on my breast and resumed sucking it as hungrily as before.

Gurnam cupped my pussy and rubbed my clit sending a jolt up my spine. Pappu's hand too found my butt and caressed, squeezed and slapped it a few times. Two large pairs of hands were roaming freely on my body. I felt violated and aroused at the same time.

Violated, because two filthy low class men were playing with my body; one whom I had taken as a lover and the other, just a random guy who came out of nowhere just a few hours ago and was now enjoying the pleasures of my luscious naked body. I was aroused from these very facts and also that, two mouths and two pairs of hands were leaving no part of my body untouched.

Gurnam gently pushed me back and I fell on the bed. The two men stood right in front of me and started undressing. Here too, the things were different. Gurnam calmly shed his clothes and

Pappu dressed down as if his clothes were on fire. But however were their methods, they stood naked in front of me in a matter of seconds.

My eyes locked onto both their cocks as they dangled in front of me, erect and ready for action. I looked up at Pappu, checking out his naked body.

Pappu was a large guy but I wouldn't call him fat. He was a hefty, well built guy unlike Gurnam who had a chiseled, pumped up body. Pappu's large arms and forearms must have lifted a lot of weight in their time and their strength was evident. The only thing wrong about Pappu was his stomach; large and round from years of drinking and bad eating habits. A very hairy body made him look like a bear.
